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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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China can still look at and copy certain tech in radar like T/R modules, hardware, etc.
Do you think China had source codes for some of their unlicensed aircraft?

@waz @The Eagle ---I have reported this poster---this guy is constantly implying that pakistan is giving tech info to china---. Please take care of him
I don't think you will be getting the T-129 either though. *hint hint* Just go Chinese already. Z-10 and Z-19 are just as capable as the AH-1Z and T-129

Other than the Apache, Zulu has no competition.Sorry!

Then again the Zulus 80+% commonality with UH-1 / Bell 412, insures it remains embargo proof, to a very great extent.
We've pretty much exhausted our options here on PDF.

1. We're never really able to get European (SAAB/EuroFighter) jets because they have American parts - well played. And that is when we're NOT in the US Camp.

2. When we're in the US Camp, they expect us to buy from them.

3. France is basically India now.

4. Russian jets... Well its a different argument altogether because if its not India, its that their jets are not up to PAF requirements.

5. China is all that we do have.
I was the one who always said we will get more F16s if offered by US. If we get blk 70 we don't need third type continue with two types and 5th Gen in future
Other than the Apache, Zulu has no competition.Sorry!

Then again the Zulus 80+% commonality with UH-1 / Bell 412, insures it remains embargo proof, to a very great extent.
How so? Mi-28 and Ka-50 are great helicopters. What gives Zulu a big advantage?
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

India's incompetence hasn't gone unnoticed, neither has them becoming an economic threat to the US. To contain them, and move Pak away from the Chinese camp, to whatever extent possible. These are the two goals.

The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

The trade balance being lopsided, doesn't help them either.

As far as people giving all the credit to Afgh for this revert, If any of you remember the Muree talks, it was decided THEN, that should the US exit, Pak will insure that its interests are looked after adequately.

Imran Khan, wants to make a change, a fundamental change in Pak, but decades old rot, bogs him down. He also has the support of the Army. All these things combined, has assured the US that Pakistan can be a useful ally after all.

Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:
Pakistan Zindabad!!!
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

India's incompetence hasn't gone unnoticed, neither has them becoming an economic threat to the US. To contain them, and move Pak away from the Chinese camp, to whatever extent possible. These are the two goals.

The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

The trade balance being lopsided, doesn't help them either.

As far as people giving all the credit to Afgh for this revert, If any of you remember the Muree talks, it was decided THEN, that should the US exit, Pak will insure that its interests are looked after adequately.

Imran Khan, wants to make a change, a fundamental change in Pak, but decades old rot, bogs him down. He also has the support of the Army. All these things combined, has assured the US that Pakistan can be a useful ally after all.

Last but not the least, Pakistan's oil reserves slightly more than the UK's at 21bn BBL (min) doesn't hurt either. By comparison Oman's Reserves are at 5.3bn BBL (approx).

Once all options are exploited, Pakistan will be exporting 1.2m bpd ~ 1.4m bpd. (this figure is after deducting domestic consumption).

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:

Oil? Are we done with the block 70 news here?

Where is oil in Pakistan? That off shore thing went down with a whimper. Where are you getting those news buddy?
There is no struggle to get Zulus ;)

Wait for it.

In fact Zulu were never been stopped, All America said that you pay you get your choppers we will not pay from CSF . This is one simple fact which a lot of Pakistani's miss , that America did not stop the sale of Zulu nor the 8 F-16 offered around 1-2 years ago, Pakistan just refused to pay from their own pockets, they wanted these weapons to be paid from the CSF which America Cut off . Now if America release those payments, they will just use the CSF to pay for these Zulu's and Possibly F-16's . Its almost same as that Israel get 3 Billion dollar Military Aid from America but its conditioned to be used to only Purchase American weapons .
And its better we get as much as we can while things are improving (Diplomatically) between IK & Trump. Who knows if Trump will get re-elected. The next President of the United States may not be so kind to our needs.

As the saying goes: Strike while the iron is hot.

Leave Afghanistan to the Diplomats & leave the F-16's in hands of the capable PAF Falcons.
u.s cannot be trusted for maintenance of f16 as they broke f35 contract with turkey and they can do the same with Pakistan.It all depends on afghanistan withdrawal. When they leave afghanistan they have only one option left to maintain presence in region and to contain china which is to fully support india and I think they will do this after they withdraw from afghanistan completely
Oil? Are we done with the block 70 news here?

Where is oil in Pakistan? That off shore thing went down with a whimper. Where are you getting those news buddy?
It was one well continue drilling wells in same blk will hit jackpot eventually. Norway first 32 wells went Dry patience needed in oil exploration
Isn't the JF-17 with KLJ-7A more than capable of taking care of Su-30? Even with a good ECM system a RCS of 10-15m2 should be easy to track and achieve lock.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Thanks for the share. I hope it becomes a reality.
I think we should have min. 3 squadrons from Blk70. Two new built and 18 upgraded from Blk52. Later MLUed airframes having enough hours left can be upgraded also.
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