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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Why do you think China bought the SU-35 lol? It was for radar tech for use in J-20 and J-31.
Even if China has bought the MiG-35...

They own it. They can do as they please by reverse-engineering whatever they want & Russia knows that because they've done it in the past.

But China has not bought the F-16 so its a bit difficult to achieve that when all jets are in Pakistan.

The US has known of Pakistan's close friendship with China, which is why they have personal (contractors) from Lockheed Martin keeping a close eye.

(If) Pakistan would've ever pulled a stunt like that, all hell would break loose.

If China is capable of stealing tech from the US for the F-22 or F-35, they sure as hell don't need any from Pakistan.
Would like to see something concrete before I believe it. If I go by PDF hype then PAF is about to get two squadrons of SU-35s as well. Also 2 dozen countries have already placed order for JF-17. :partay:
At extreme ranges (max ranges) no ASEA/PESA could detect targets accurately @Philip the Arab :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Erbis can detect 0.01m2 targets at 90km which isn't bad for size. It has better performance than AESA in many cases.

No buddy, it was engine tech as in radar tech China is on par with Russia if not more advance ...
Where do you think they got their radar knowledge from, thin air? Most Chinese tech leads back to mother Russia or the USSR.
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

This is the main reason why IN choose to sleep out the hostilities.

2) India - I told someone from the west, a year ago, "building India up against China, is like making the village idiot your sheriff"

He laughed it off, but he quietly made a note, scribbled away, while looking at me straight in the eye.

InShaAllah great times ahead

Pakistan Zindabad:pakistan:


Some people think that I am a blind man shooting in a barrel---but they don't know how big the barrel is & how sensitive my sensors are---.

That proves my stand again---Paf chickened out on the 27th---. It should have smashed the enemy air power---as many air craft it had gotten a lock on and taken out the indian sub---and then had the missile ready for any strike---.

8-10 enemy aircraft taken out---a scorpene boat sunk in pakistani water---and 50 nuc tipped missiles aimed at enemy centers---would have shaken the confidence of the enemy right to the core---a la carte Israel---.

Pakistani generals knew the backing they had from the chinese---and for how long I had been writing---get heavy strike aircraft---get type 054's---get some subs---because you cannot buy them on the day of the fight---you also cannot have them parked at the enemy airports and shipyards---you have to have them at your own airfields---.

As china is going for the J15 / 16's---Paf should have asked for totally re-furbished Jh7A's and only paid for the upgrades---. China knows the importance of the gwadar port and it knows what it will have to pay to keep its assets alive---.

Pakistan's military needs to change their stance at time of contact---it needs to learn to smash the enemy at its knees---. This talk of broken nose and broken jaws is old talk and is worthless---.

Pummel the enemy down---break its will to fight---smash it when you get the opportunity---. India was in no position to fight a war on the 27th---all its plans were smashed to smithereen when the strike happened---it is only the cowardice of some that showed on the pakistani side---otherwise the enemy was ready to be had that day---.

Uh? How? I'm giving me opinion and not asking for bobs or vaganes.

Mister---you are an enemy on this board---if it was for me---I would get you banned from the forum---.
Seriously! May be its @Khafee sense of humour. We are struggling to get the Zulus.

Some people think that I am a blind man shooting in a barrel---but they don't know how big the barrel is & how sensitive my sensors are---.

That proves my stand again---Paf chickened out on the 27th---. It should have smashed the enemy air power---as many air craft it had gotten a lock on and taken out the indian sub---and then had the missile ready for any strike---.

8-10 enemy aircraft taken out---a scorpene boat sunk in pakistani water---and 50 nuc tipped missiles aimed at enemy centers---would have shaken the confidence of the enemy right to the core---a la carte Israel---.

Pakistani generals knew the backing they had from the chinese---and for how long I had been writing---get heavy strike aircraft---get type 054's---get some subs---because you cannot buy them on the day of the fight---you also cannot have them parked at the enemy airports and shipyards---you have to have them at your own airfields---.

As china is going for the J15 / 16's---Paf should have asked for totally re-furbished Jh7A's and only paid for the upgrades---. China knows the importance of the gwadar port and it knows what it will have to pay to keep its assets alive---.

Pakistan's military needs to change their stance at time of contact---it needs to learn to smash the enemy at its knees---. This talk of broken nose and broken jaws is old talk and is worthless---.

Pummel the enemy down---break its will to fight---smash it when you get the opportunity---. India was in no position to fight a war on the 27th---all its plans were smashed to smithereen when the strike happened---it is only the cowardice of some that showed on the pakistani side---otherwise the enemy was ready to be had that day---.

Mister---you are an enemy on this board---if it was for me---I would get you banned from the forum---.
So you can't take my opinion? Get a life bub and learn to live and let live. I have a right to express my views on here within reason.
Seriously! May be its @Khafee sense of humour. We are struggling to get the Zulus.
I don't think you will be getting the T-129 either though. *hint hint* Just go Chinese already. Z-10 and Z-19 are just as capable as the AH-1Z and T-129
You are at a point like India was back then... You can only rely on the Chinese, like India was the Russians. Do J10 if permitted.
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