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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I have written so much about this subject on this forum and I had wondered if I had lost it---but looking at what is happening---I realize that I still retain my sanity---.

The blame of this relationship is not only of the US---the major part falls on pakistan---. It is pakistan who did not know how to deal with the US---it is pakistan who did not know the military power of the US---.

It was some of the pakistani generals who wanted to make a vietnam of the US in AFG---. It was the pakistani members on this board who challenged the US to come and entangle pakistan military and they will show you how it is done---aka Blaine---.

Benzair came to power---she Zardari and her party saw the wealth that had come to pakistan---they went crazy---she sold Dr AQ and pak nuc program to the US and got entry back into pakistan politics---.

Nawaz did not want to be left behind---he sold out pakistan to India and thus got back in---. Nawaz and Hamid Mir became the main characters for the drama in mumbai created by the indian intel services---and today---Nawaz's daughter is creating unrest in the country---.

The OBL strike at Abbotabad was shocking in the sense that what did Obama wanted to do with pakistan---had he sold out Pakistan's interests to India---but the biggest shock was that why did the pak military generals did not strike back tactically at the accusations being hurled at pakistan and pakistan's image being decimated worldwide---.

Why did Kiyani---Pasha & Qamar Suleiman keep quiet about the issue---? If they had only uttered a public statement that pak military was associated in helping take out OBL---pakistan's image would not have been decimated all over the world---.

We go from one internal conspiracy to the other---from one internal sabotage to the other---and that was coming right from the top---.

The american state got carried away in the rhetoric created by the indian media that it would confront china---and pakistan is nothing---the indians don't even prepare to fight pakistan at all---that is how easy it would be---.

I don't know how the US admin believed in that---but I am pretty sure some would be scratching their heads at where the US loyalty and support was headed---.

Then to top it off---US lets its most loyal ally after the UK slip out of its hands---put it on a platter and gave it to china---. Actually the US dumped its most loyal and obedient ally pakistan for Indiana dgave it to china---.

Now that pakistan is firmly sitting in the chinese camp---and that the indian military is no match for china leave alone pakistan---maybe fresh questions were being asked in washington dc that how did we screw up so bad---.

The thing is that the US got greedy---it thought that india would be a great market for the US goods and if armed properly---india would take charge of china---. Amazing---how bad both these assessments were and yet no one in the US cared about it---.

Not just American thinking, the Feb 27th counter strike had the world sit up and notice Pakistan. Dont discount that action. It was like cracking the nuts of the bully. Who would have thought Pakistan could do it. There has been such a narrative built about India being a rising power. It all crashed there right with their MiG-21 and Su-30.
Thanks for the share. I hope it becomes a reality.
I think we should have min. 3 squadrons from Blk70. Two new built and 18 upgraded from Blk52. Later MLUed airframes having enough hours left can be upgraded also.
Sir, Pls read 2nd line of the 1st post, on this thread. All existing a/c's to be upgraded to "V" specs, as well as SLEP to 12k hrs.
Isn't the JF-17 with KLJ-7A more than capable of taking care of Su-30? Even with a good ECM system a RCS of 10-15m2 should be easy to track and achieve lock.
Hey you have constipation or verbal diarrhoea bcz you are constantly accusing pakistan for transfer of Americans technology to China with out any evidence.have some shame .you are at Pakistani forum.other wise I tell you how Israelis fcuk ur country.Mods look after this low life shit
Hey you have constipation or verbal diarrhoea bcz you are constantly accusing pakistan for transfer of Americans technology to China with out any evidence.have some shame .you are at Pakistani forum.other wise I tell you how Israelis fcuk ur country.Mods look after this low life shit
Did you even read what I wrote? Read the quote again pls.
Did you even read what I wrote? Read the quote again pls.
Am not talking about your this quote am saying about ur continuous verbal diarrhoea that Pakistan will access china to Americans radars systems with out any solid evidence. Speak in ur limits don’t bark with out any proof Israeli servent
Not just American thinking, the Feb 27th counter strike had the world sit up and notice Pakistan. Dont discount that action. It was like cracking the nuts of the bully. Who would have thought Pakistan could do it. There has been such a narrative built about India being a rising power. It all crashed there right with their MiG-21 and Su-30.
27 Feb Indian myth about supermacy shattered
Sir, Pls read 2nd line of the 1st post, on this thread. All existing a/c's to be upgraded to "V" specs, as well as SLEP to 12k hrs.
IIRC we still have about 15 MLU kits approved which were supposed to be used for upgrading Jordanian F16 to Blk52 standard.
So do u think that all new upgrades will be to Blk72 specs now?
I wish we get more new builds and use older (first batch of 80's) for training and OCU.
why not? new airframe with all new equipment fitted as original first time. nothing beats that

imagine the amount of AMRAAM dodgers badge they will have to make to hide their Jet losses in our next air war in future
If this is all true...and I personally hope it is...then block 70 standard vipers(upgrade plus new) and block III JF17s together are enough to keep the enemy at bay until NGF(under project Azm) is ready.
I 'm sorry I gave you that link. I apologize. Don't read it!

If this is all true...and I personally hope it is...then block 70 standard vipers(upgrade plus new) and block III JF17s together are enough to keep the enemy at bay until NGF(under project Azm) is ready.
When it be ready? 2025, 2030? Imho F-16V and Jf-17 block 3 can serve until 2050 before 5th gen aircraft are really common.
I said it may happen. I can say the earth may suddenly explode as well because there is a possibility of it happening regardless of the chances. Stop getting angry bub and go 2 sleep.
And I said your sister will run away aur ur mom will have another man .how about that
I remember Su-35 threads, was it same gentleman or someone other.
Interesting time ahead, so when can we expect official announcement.
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