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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I just have one question...Trump has so far been hell bent on not giving "handouts" to other countries. This even included NATO where he basically told those countries to pull their own weight instead of overly relying on US. He even suggested that Japan and South Korea should step up and take care of their own defense needs. So my question is how is Trump on board for this upgrade of F16s. I would only expect that he is fine with it as long as Pak is paying for all of this...which I don't think Pak can at the moment. If US is going to cover some of this under CSF or something like that...then I expect Trump would be against it. Could u shine some light on this? Or is it something that u can't reveal yet?

@Avicenna get over here bro...u would love this news(see OP)

How about u let US worry about that. It's their tech not urs.
Yes I read that post(still in the process of going through each page of this thread). I fully agree with that assessment...as in strategically and geopolitically it is sound.

My question is based on Trump's past behavior. Other US presidents be it Democrat or Republican...have always acted based on the interest of the deep state...Trump however kind of sort of does his own thing. Hence my question.
F16 is made by private companies like Lockheed Martin. U don't own any of this tech...nothing, zilch, nada. Take ur taxpayer BS elsewhere. All the relevant parties involved(State Department, Pentagon, LM, etc.) have sold US tech to Pak before and there were no problems with unauthorized sharing of tech and there wouldn't be in the future. U don't need to concern urself nor do ur concerns matter.
Actually after the prototype was developed and the US wanted to buy it many more technologies for it were developed. I own a majority of the tech used after block 1 because the R&D was paid for by Us gov.
Actually after the prototype was developed and the US wanted to buy it many more technologies for it were developed. I own a majority of the tech used after block 1 because the R&D was paid for by Us gov.
No u don't...US "awards" money to the company from which it selects the products for its defense needs. Companies like Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, etc. are ALL private companies...any research they do is their own. US buys their products just like u can go buy an iPhone. When u buy an iPhone u don't become the owner of Apple's R&D and patents they hold. The incentive for these companies to sink millions of dollars in R&D is that if their product gets selected it means billions of dollars worth of sales for US defense needs and other potential buyers(other countries). If their product isn't selected then that particular effort(and money spent on it) is a loss. It's just a simple "sale"...u or ur "taxpaying family members" don't own crap of these PRIVATE companies.

@Dubious @The Eagle @waz plz check this idiot. He is derailing the thread.
@mods take care of this troll

I worry that Pakistan will share AESA tech with China to improve AESA manufacturing capability. Relations with the US will be 100% cut if something like this is exposed.
Can't you just modify a 2000 lb dumb bomb and add a nuclear war

I know but Irbis-E is still useful tech regardless of it being a PESA. 400 km is better than the most AESAs today especially with Russias long history of radar tech.
We shall have to see so far only heard about the support from US nothing more !
So you don't think the US requests upgrades and pays for their development?

Oh shit that was supposed to say warhead*
That's about enough of sh*t pulled out of ur behind. How about u show me some proof this time. Go ahead and find me patents originally filed by Lockheed Martin or some other private company(defense contractor) that were then handed over(changed ownership) to US government after US selected that particular product and awarded them money. Until u can provide me this "proof" don't bother quoting me.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
Booo I thought it was something better.
The US has a list of some 10~20 companies that are critical to National Security, LM, Boeing Raytheon, Cisco etc. Sensitive data has been steadily flowing to India, China, Russia, Israel, courtesy of Indians. The deep state has realized its folly, AND no president will work against the deep state.

This is the most crucial point because here in Britain the amount of indians coming to work has dropped big time in various firms and I was told its quite serious that sensitive info is always leaking out. I was wondering when will there be any action against it because I at my home receive calls from india to scam me out of money.

Looks like you are here to sabotage the thread---. Maybe those flags are not your real flags---@Irfan Baloch

Unfortunately this child has some sort of a superiority complex. I've had the displeasure of reading some of his posts.

I said I fear the will, and they have in the past with the downed stealth blackhawk. Take care of yourself and don't stress over my opinions because they don't agree with you.

Here a Pakistani source...

I'm not going to say you're a false flagger or Indian, I trust your flags are correct. However you have some anti-Paksitan bias going by some of your posts. Do you think you understand more than the US military on Pakistan's information sharing with China? You are cherry picking what you choose to believe. Just use common sense and you will realize why Pakistan would never share US tech secrets with China or anyone else.
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