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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I really wish that this sweet dream comes true. It would be really fun and beneficial for India then.

India has been taking it easy for last decade and has not made any significant capex in Defense Industry barring few stop gap measures in case of extreme emergency. Our defence spending on capex in real terms of GDP is a fraction of what our enemies spend.

This deal will wake up our idiot politicians and expect thorough revamp of our air force. few dozen new F-16s for Pakistan is a small price to pay for such a wake up call.

One should never fear enemy capabilities but our own complacency, rot and decadence.


Whether you like it or not ............

They should not have killed innocent Pakistanis including children in that decade. Everything remained Pakistan centric, how to harm Pakistan covertly, how not to play cricket with them, how to use Pakistan bashing for election campaigns, how to support terrorists in Pakistan, how to sabotage every possibility of talks between the two.

Now you talk of rot and decadence and blame that ........ at one point your country didn't even consider us worthy enough.

Please don't make it look like you didn't spend and do everything to make your enemy weak ....... its just that the method you opted didn't pay off.
I don't think that's an issue. China and US don't have to be "rivals" in terms of Afghanistan...in a twisted way they can do what European powers once did to Africa in Berlin conference...everyone got a piece of the pie. Like I said before it's not perfect nor fair to the ppl of Afghanistan but it is lesser of the two evils. If u trace back the history of current Afghan mess u will see that it leads back to the era of cold war. World powers vying for influence and a government bowing down to them. It included US, USSR, and by extension Pak(being in US camp and anti USSR) and Afghanistani ppl...nowadays China is also involved in the mix...and though USSR doesn't exist...still Russia has interests there. So instead of all this infighting...might as well install a government that is not hostile to anyone but is rather good for business. Installing puppet governments isn't something new both, US, Russia, and even China and Pak have some experience in this. This puppet government of sorts can throw US, China, Russia all kinds of contracts to develop infrastructure, power grid, Telecom services, etc. Afghanistan can be connected to projects like TAPI and CPEC and all can rejoice in this cruel twisted "peace" of sorts. IMO it's much better than the average Afghani man struggling to survive in a hostile environment.

When I mentioned China I wasn't referring to Afghanistan.

IMO as time goes on, you're gonna have a more assertive China, namely in the Pacific.

This is gonna set up global friction.

Pakistan is obviously gonna be affected by this (as are alot of other states)

This of course resembles more a Cold War type scenario with allied nations etc etc.

But I don't see this happening until China develops a TRUE Blue water navy and is regularly in the Eastern Pacific.

But I digress.

If this F-16 deal is true, I am really happy.
Give our Young ones Skilled Visa Categories and Investment in our Industry if you want to give Aid to us.
for God sake no more weapons on aid Please. :(
Buy and Develop Weapons that you can afford with your own Finance and limit your hostilities to that capability you can afford. Stop bankrupting our country with this trend.
Speaking of the crown prince... remember how Trump couldn't contain his excitement when MBS signed billions of dollars worth of deals? While he easily shrugged away long time NATO allies just bcuz they weren't pulling their own weight. Hence my question...Trump wouldn't mind at all and would welcome Pak if Pak was purchasing the block 70(new + upgrade). If however US is going to subsidize it in some manner(CSF or something else) then he wouldn't be too thrilled about it(as evident by his past actions). This is why I was curious as to how he would approve such a thing since he mostly likes to deal in cold hard cash and is very much against what he considers to be "handouts". He is not the type to give up monetary value for a strategic gain in the future. Since Pak isn't in the position to pay for all of this...chances are US is going to subsidize it if this happens. So my question is Uncle Trump ko kaise jaib mein le liya?

He may have done a cost benefit analysis, koi na koi guarantees aur assurances di ho gi Pakistan nay. For Pakistan unfortunately for many years we didn't have competent enough people who would know how to talk to Americans. And good thing about IK is he doesn't want any deals behind the doors.
When I mentioned China I wasn't referring to Afghanistan.

IMO as time goes on, you're gonna have a more assertive China, namely in the Pacific.

This is gonna set up global friction.

Pakistan is obviously gonna be affected by this (as are alot of other states)

This of course resembles more a Cold War type scenario with allied nations etc etc.

But I don't see this happening until China develops a TRUE Blue water navy and is regularly in the Eastern Pacific.

But I digress.

If this F-16 deal is true, I am really happy.
With that I agree. It would put Pak in a difficult spot when China is at that level. Pak would have to tread carefully there and try it's very best not to end up in a situation where it would have to pick one over the other.
Speaking of the crown prince... remember how Trump couldn't contain his excitement when MBS signed billions of dollars worth of deals? While he easily shrugged away long time NATO allies just bcuz they weren't pulling their own weight. Hence my question...Trump wouldn't mind at all and would welcome Pak if Pak was purchasing the block 70(new + upgrade). If however US is going to subsidize it in some manner(CSF or something else) then he wouldn't be too thrilled about it(as evident by his past actions). This is why I was curious as to how he would approve such a thing since he mostly likes to deal in cold hard cash and is very much against what he considers to be "handouts". He is not the type to give up monetary value for a strategic gain in the future. Since Pak isn't in the position to pay for all of this...chances are US is going to subsidize it if this happens. So my question is Uncle Trump ko kaise jaib mein le liya?

Scenario 1) US is subsidizing but Pakistan has to deliver in a BIG way. i.e. facilitate US exit from Afghanistan.

Scenario 2) SA/UAE paying up for Pakistani support regarding any Iran scenario or at least neutrality.

My money is on Scenario 1.

Also, I think Trump and IK get along well. That doesn't hurt either.

Plus Lindsey Graham seems to like IK as well.

They may think they have someone they can work with finally as IK seems to be a straight shooter.
Speaking of the crown prince... remember how Trump couldn't contain his excitement when MBS signed billions of dollars worth of deals? While he easily shrugged away long time NATO allies just bcuz they weren't pulling their own weight. Hence my question...Trump wouldn't mind at all and would welcome Pak if Pak was purchasing the block 70(new + upgrade). If however US is going to subsidize it in some manner(CSF or something else) then he wouldn't be too thrilled about it(as evident by his past actions). This is why I was curious as to how he would approve such a thing since he mostly likes to deal in cold hard cash and is very much against what he considers to be "handouts". He is not the type to give up monetary value for a strategic gain in the future. Since Pak isn't in the position to pay for all of this...chances are US is going to subsidize it if this happens. So my question is Uncle Trump ko kaise jaib mein le liya?
Maybe Pakistan will be paying for the new Vs and most upgrades will long time loans from KSA and the UAE, while the US will subsidize the rest.. there has to be hard cash for Trump to go along with the deal..
@Khafee any information on what sort of missiles be on offer? I mean will it be AIM-120(C-5 or C-7 or D)? Any news on AIM-9X be on offer?
I remember @MastanKhan saying this a long time ago....if the US realises that you already possess a piece of technology, they will not hesitate to sell it to you...case in point is AESA radar....we will be getting AESA techonology in the form of Block 3 therefore the willingness of the Americans to sell us APG 83 along with all the relevant tech....


Thank you for your post---and thank you for remembering---.

@Khafee mentioned in his post---the US just realized that pakistan has become another chinese state---basically an autonomous region and it happened right in front of their eyes when they had intentionally or un-intentionally turned on the snooze button---.

What was really shocking as to how could america let that happen---was it out of sheer negligence---incompetence or just that america did not care at all---or someone forgot to turn on the rewind button---but regardless it did happen.
Other than the Apache, Zulu has no competition.Sorry!

Then again the Zulus 80+% commonality with UH-1 / Bell 412, insures it remains embargo proof, to a very great extent.

Is Pakistan seeking to acquire UH-1Ys? Pakistan leased some a few years ago; is there an effort being made to acquire some permanently; especially to support the Western border security / Counter-Terrorism Mission?
Also this may be somewhat of a stick to India.

Whether its for the S-400 purchase or just general non acquiescence to US interests.

The US may have put its eggs in India's basket too early and has realized this.

But things can always change.

I still see the US viewing India as a hedge against China.

However, India has alot of work to do as evidenced by the events of Feb. 27th.

This F-16 sale may be a fire to light under their tail.

Whatever the motivation, never underestimate the minds working in Washington.
Scenario 1) US is subsidizing but Pakistan has to deliver in a BIG way. i.e. facilitate US exit from Afghanistan.

Scenario 2) SA/UAE paying up for Pakistani support regarding any Iran scenario or at least neutrality.

My money is on Scenario 1.

Also, I think Trump and IK get along well. That doesn't hurt either.

Plus Lindsey Graham seems to like IK as well.

They may think they have someone they can work with finally as IK seems to be a straight shooter.
I find Lindsey Graham and the likes of him to be sell outs. Put simply they r happy to advocate for whoever is giving them loads of money. India has been very successfully lobbying and buying up US congressmen. So their loyalties or lack thereof don't concern me since they r temporary and entirely based on where the money is coming from. For now the US policy towards Pak is entirely dependent on the US deepstate and Trump. Congress can at best create hurdles in executing that policy in the current political scenario.

As for Trump and IK getting along...yeah Trump is that kind of guy...if he likes u he is willing to bend some rules for u. So it's great that he got along well with IK. I also agree that it's most likely scenario 1 but just ensuring a safe exit from Afghanistan in return for all these block 70 F16s seems too little of a gain. I think there's more to it than that...only time will tell. Whatever the price maybe...in the face of IAF numbers and getting Rafales(with meteor and other goodies)...to counter it and keep India at bay, that price is worth it.
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