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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I doubt a naval op..seems like a decsive strong short air operation/bombing

As modi said this was a "testube"

They know now that a nuclear response or even a full scale response wont happen

One thing you are forgetting is that PN will be able to hit targets which were not in our reach due to SLCMs and that can rain havoc if military targets in economic hubs are hit.
With PM IK in US talking with trump we should Push for F16 deal. Dangle the Afghan and Iran carrot at the same time. Trump seemed to be in a really good mood wrt Pakistan. Not that it matters in doing a deal but tells you the general mood.
With PM IK in US talking with trump we should Push for F16 deal. Dangle the Afghan and Iran carrot at the same time. Trump seemed to be in a really good mood wrt Pakistan. Not that it matters in doing a deal but tells you the general mood.
Let's wait and see
By that time we will also have B3 and other goodies.
Just 50 block 3
This against 120(50mirages+72 rafales) equipped with long range BVRs and excellent EW suit will be a big headache..the advantage if aim120 will errode

I am conifedent the french will be able to deliver 36 more rafales by 2024-25 if they sign next yr

Let's wait and see
Its absolutely essential to push hard the same way mushi did..he inisted upon it and was able to move all the defense deals through despite being initially refused
PAF should try to get waiver for used equipment
Just 50 block 3
This against 120(50mirages+72 rafales) equipped with long range BVRs and excellent EW suit will be a big headache..the advantage if aim120 will errode

I am conifedent the french will be able to deliver 36 more rafales by 2024-25 if they sign next yr

Its absolutely essential to push hard the same way mushi did..he inisted upin it and was able to move all the defense deals through despite being initially refused
I agree even if there is shot go off the shelf purchase
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Trump said last night" We, (Indian & USA) will together protect our borders from Radical Islamic Terrorism....and standing ovation from Indian PM and his team"...

doesn't enough hint of future events????? Still waiting for F16????
I one of the very few on this thread who said it is not going to happen! I was just checking from those who were all gung ho on the “Impending” sale of block 70’s!
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.
It does not seem correct that IAF would be going for 72 Rafales only. The reason is 10 years back when MMRCA was initially revealed the numbers where of 126 aircraft were for the Air Force alone. This was keeping in mind that Tejas would be replacing most of the Mig's. Today the situation is very different as Tejas is not up to the standard hence Rafales would be replacing not just the mig-21's but also other increase the numbers of squadrons to 22.

It seems after SU30MKI being short down there could be a new requirement which would make simultaneous inductions through local manufacturing as was as of the shelf aircraft.

They can do that earlier too, if USA and their allies support India in war, Pakistan have to look available aircraft options, if KSA is willing to finance fighter jet deal then Pakistan should go for 48 EFTs with JFT Block-4 avionics+engine package from EFT, that is best solution till 5th gen arrive, if that is not possible then highly customized J-10P at least around 60 should be inducted those are last option to have if nothing good is available from west.

Also 2023 is not suitable for Naval ops for IN as PN will be at its best with all purchased assets will be with them including 12 AIP Chinese + 3 upgraded A-90Bs.
The issue is PAF is time constrained hence the options are limited. If PAF goes for the EFT then they would require almost everything that they can get hold of with orders for the newer tranches as well off the shelf or produced in Turkey.

Though there is an other option but this is not 100% sanction proof.
PAF can purchase F-16 block 52/ V on priority basis with Saudi assistance and through their own funds procure olders blocks and stores.

Though if PAF wants to get something that can give them greater edge over the rafales and SU30's then F-35 of the Turkish Air Force can be procured. However Saudia and Turkey might not deal directly.
It does not seem correct that IAF would be going for 72 Rafales only. The reason is 10 years back when MMRCA was initially revealed the numbers where of 126 aircraft were for the Air Force alone. This was keeping in mind that Tejas would be replacing most of the Mig's. Today the situation is very different as Tejas is not up to the standard hence Rafales would be replacing not just the mig-21's but also other increase the numbers of squadrons to 22.

It seems after SU30MKI being short down there could be a new requirement which would make simultaneous inductions through local manufacturing as was as of the shelf aircraft.

The issue is PAF is time constrained hence the options are limited. If PAF goes for the EFT then they would require almost everything that they can get hold of with orders for the newer tranches as well off the shelf or produced in Turkey.

Though there is an other option but this is not 100% sanction proof.
PAF can purchase F-16 block 52/ V on priority basis with Saudi assistance and through their own funds procure olders blocks and stores.

Though if PAF wants to get something that can give them greater edge over the rafales and SU30's then F-35 of the Turkish Air Force can be procured. However Saudia and Turkey might not deal directly.
Even turkey is not getting f-35.
I think we must close this "Thread" now. Which has no credibility.
Even turkey is not getting f-35.
With Trump in power anything is possible. He wants two things only. Money and jobs for american people.
Turkey is not getting F-35 because they would have been the sole maintenance facility for Europe hence US firms were against this. Italy and Turkey both have rights to produce F-35's hence those aircraft manufactured there were going to Europe hence another job cut.
British RAF were delivered US made F-35 where as Italy delivered Belgium F-35. Italy was given
Heavy Air Frame Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade for the European Region in 2018.
Even turkey is not getting f-35.
According to the current situation, Turkey's responsibilities about JSF program (as a supplier ) will continue until 2020 first quarter.

Regarding the Turkey's return to the program, the sale of Patriot systems, discount offer in aluminum and steel customs duties has been forwarded to the Turkish side.

What is expected in return has not yet been announced. This issue will become clear in the coming days.

If otherwise, The content of the JSF agreement is blocking the path of the international arbitration court. But the all partners(not customers) will need to be sign joint written declaration for this. Turkey's compensation right about financial resources and the labor involved in the project , must be solve in agreement with other countries . If Turkey exit from program, the other eight partner countries will have to pay compensation to Turkey , because of Israel's regional ambitions and security paranoias.
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After this news:
India to order 36 more Rafales.
It is high time that the PAF wakes up and do something. 72 rafales and 272 MKIs are no joke.
We needed SAMs, latest EW capability and new jet fighters yesterday. F7s and mirages arent going to do anything for us when faced with rafales, mki, mirage 2000s and mig-29s.
For all of those things we only 70+ F-16s and ~100 jf-17s. that is not even the bare minimum. This is literally saying "aa baill mujhay maar!"
Thora sabr say kaam lo. Money for Pakistan is a major burden. However we do not sit idle while they are inducting Rafales and what nots. Pakistan will induct Block 3s that is another 50 planes with AESA. There maybe an interim fighter but cost of integration is something which is difficult for us to manage. Remember you will never win in the numbers game with India. Being a larger country with more resources they can always outbuy you. So you can at best hope to maintain deterrence at a level where war becomes too expensive for anyone to consider.
Pakistan will induct Block 3s that is another 50 planes with AESA.
Not another, the only 50 planes with AESA, that too with a much shorter range than the indian radars. and only 50.
72 Rafale are going to take long long time. Even procurement of 36 will take long as you see. Starting from Oct 2019, I think it will continue to 2022-23 if not late. Our real worries is lack of long range heavy strike platforms and we will be relying on more expansive ballistic missile options which can be very problematic due to their dual nature and enemy can consider it nuclear attack. PAF has max time till 2023. Before next election in India. Congress eliminated East Pakistan now RSS gang has to score even bigger. We have listened to Modi in US with Trump. Time for PAF to put production of Thunders in next gear and make a decision on J-10C / EF-2000 / Mig-35 as soon as possible. But if something happens this year or next ... we have already got with what we will be compelled to fight a ruthless high intensity war.
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