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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Why this topic is still open? I feel very pity for those who still believes that US will give us Block-70.
now again a sharp twist....Trump just concluded meeting with IK and said lots of discussion with Pakistan is under going ....Pakistan is not center of terrorism infact they have sacrificed a lot in fighting terrorism.....Iran is actually terrorism center....and praises for IK ...great athlete waghera waghera.....

"Lots of discussions ":coffee:

Trump is playing on both sides of the wicket....
now again a sharp twist....Trump just concluded meeting with IK and said lots of discussion with Pakistan is under going ....Pakistan is not center of terrorism infact they have sacrificed a lot in fighting terrorism.....Iran is actually terrorism center....and praises for IK ...great athlete waghera waghera.....

"Lots of discussions ":coffee:
The problem is we seriously f****d on our image front in the recent ten years including military. We had so many points to counter the allegations regarding terrorism but we didn't used them.
The problem is we seriously f****d on our image front in the recent ten years including military. We had so many points to counter the allegations regarding terrorism but we didn't used them.

the biggest was of course OBL discovery....
now again a sharp twist....Trump just concluded meeting with IK and said lots of discussion with Pakistan is under going ....Pakistan is not center of terrorism infact they have sacrificed a lot in fighting terrorism.....Iran is actually terrorism center....and praises for IK ...great athlete waghera waghera.....

"Lots of discussions ":coffee:

Trump is playing on both sides of the wicket....
Like Diesal playing both sides of the wicket he will sell everything to Pak trust me
After getting beaten up by Pakistan in 1965 India came well prepared in 1971 after just six years, so now we should also prepare ourselves for internal and external threat.
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.
That scenario doesn't look too good for PAF
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.
By that time we will also have B3 and other goodies.
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.

They can do that earlier too, if USA and their allies support India in war, Pakistan have to look available aircraft options, if KSA is willing to finance fighter jet deal then Pakistan should go for 48 EFTs with JFT Block-4 avionics+engine package from EFT, that is best solution till 5th gen arrive, if that is not possible then highly customized J-10P at least around 60 should be inducted those are last option to have if nothing good is available from west.

Also 2023 is not suitable for Naval ops for IN as PN will be at its best with all purchased assets will be with them including 12 AIP Chinese + 3 upgraded A-90Bs.
lol, 120 Rafale for IAF and 50+ for IN ?, do you know what the full cost would be ? and all that on top of upgrades of M2k and Su-30s, man you are so doom and gloom, might as well raise the white flag and call it a day.

It took IAF 10+ years to go for 36 Rafale, imagine how long it would take IN for 54. They will drag their feet like ever, Modi jee or no Modi Jee.
They can do that earlier too, if USA and their allies support India in war, Pakistan have to look available aircraft options, if KSA is willing to finance fighter jet deal then Pakistan should go for 48 EFTs with JFT Block-4 avionics+engine package from EFT, that is best solution till 5th gen arrive, if that is not possible then highly customized J-10P at least around 60 should be inducted those are last option to have if nothing good is available from west.

Also 2023 is not suitable for Naval ops for IN as PN will be at its best with all purchased assets will be with them including 12 AIP Chinese + 3 upgraded A-90Bs.
I doubt a naval op..seems like a decsive strong short air operation/bombing

As modi said this was a "testube"

They know now that a nuclear response or even a full scale response wont happen
My guess is they will get their airdefense, new awecs, and 120 + rafales(72)and mirages(50) line up by 2023 and will go for limited but decisive airbattle this time.
Goal will be to punish PAF so much in one go (with acceptable indian loses)that PAF doesnt respond

I think navy will also green light 54 rafales off the shelf

LCA suit is pretty impressive as well.
IMO 72 Rafales in 3-4 years is really tight, it'd be their 2030 vision. For 2023, they'll load the NW of India with the Rafale, M2K, MiG-29 and Tejas while loading the MKIs back further for offensive long-range ops. The Rafale and medium/light jets will focus on handling the PAF response. In the short run, the PAF should evolve its approach by finding longer ranged SOWs, like the 300 km Raptor III and SOM ALCM, and attack from further behind the LoC.
lol, 120 Rafale for IAF and 50+ for IN ?, do you know what the full cost would be ? and all that on top of upgrades of M2k and Su-30s, man you are so doom and gloom, might as well raise the white flag and call it a day.
Yes it will 6 billion for additional 36 for airforce and 8 billion for navy
14 billion is peanuts for a comitted govt..india GDP is 11 times more than us
Its like a billion dollars for us

Rafale will take precedence over all other procurements

Mirage 3b$;is already paid

I wont be surprise if french gives a credit line to them

IMO 72 Rafales in 3-4 years is really tight, it'd be their 2030 vision. For 2023, they'll load the NW of India with the Rafale, M2K, MiG-29 and Tejas while loading the MKIs back further for offensive long-range ops. The Rafale and medium/light jets will focus on handling the PAF response. In the short run, the PAF should evolve its approach by finding longer ranged SOWs, like the 300 km Raptor III and SOM ALCM, and attack from further behind the LoC.
Tight but doable if they order next January off the shelf as the news are coming in.

Because if u look at its like getting 36 jets ..previous 36 were ordered years ago..and its follow on order..if we think 1 sq a year than 2024 is possible
2025 end definitively

I think the rafales will lead the strike role as low observable jet with rest of fighters & s400 waiting for pakistani response

Its time PAF ISI and military command sit together to see what they can do ..will it be procurement of more long range SOWs and airdefense or new fighter
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