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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Yes...so dont buy stuff that will be be a waste...use the money to build the industry that is fruitful.
New F-16's bring new tech with them especially radar and pods along with range almost equal to Block 52+
sir g ap samjh gaye main kia keh raha tha:p:
yeah he understands code language of all sorts.

Oh dear. Good luck
Thanks - need that for someone who can play diplomatic cards on international level...someone on lines of James Donovan

Both points of yours = Chawwal / Bonggian
Thank you - no signs of SU35 here ? You could have made Zarvan proud of himself after all

I heard their are almost 1,000 Surplus US F16, we just need 40-50 Surplus crafts with
Block C/D upgrade

Many European countries also selling F16 A/B

F16 Block C/D has served us well so far why break the bank ?
10 Billion Coalition Support funds
  • 2 Billion to acquire 45 Block C/D surplus crafts from USA , Used crafts
  • 8 Billion Transferred to Army / Navy / Air-force
  • APC purchase , Corvette Purchase , Transport craft purchase, SAM batteries
10 Billion USD - make universities and start R&D funding in all domains on national level.
So from the topic of buying F-16s, someone decides to add buying SU-35s from Russia as well .... great!
No more "Khafee Leaks" for this forum. Anyone interested can google "Khafee Senior Moderator"
ufffff - class act hahahahaha :woot:

I am hoping for Aim-9x
Looks like a great strategic game being played out ....

Pakistan needs top of the line USA equipment but USA is hesitant so we are saying that’s fine we are going to Russia...

Russians want Indians to buy their planes so they are saying if you don’t buy our planes we will offer them to Pakistan instead.

My bet is on the Americans. Russians will not sell us their top of the line equipment and jeprodize their relationship with India who is the largest buyer of their equipment in the world . Everyone here is bluffing...
I think we should list incoming asset thread only if it is officially released
i.e Military announces it or information is released in news.

Releasing info a bit early (as rumor) , may allow counter lobbies to get activated
Breaking stuff ideally should come from Military Press release

Alot of confusion around what is coming

a) F16V
b) 35-35
c) Mirage Used asset from Egypt
d) Just Block III JF17
e) Just Block 2B
f) Qatri Mirage 2000
g) All of above
Imran Khan was not just at PAF to have some good past time. He went there to give approval of few projects including procurement of some Jets I don't know which ones. Pakistan is desperate. We need to answer Rafael. Also in my opinion the moment we order SU-35 if we do order those, we would get lot of pressure from USA to buy at least one squadron of BLOCK 60 or 72. Also what I am hearing is USA want Pakistan to release proof of shooting down of SU-30.

@Sinnerman108 @Bratva @Path-Finder @Khafee
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