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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I even know what grade and dept. Last time I posted, some mod got offended and deleted my post. Zarvan is quite a social media celebrity.

PAF has been in negotiating, evaluating for quite some time, there is no denying that.
give us the favor in what department he is and is he is a civilian or Military officer (civilian departments of military) @khfee o_O
It is not even Mig 35... PAF did not want any thing close to what India has been operating for years.
if that sense i would like to say the only option left is J-10C forget EF-2000 (Extremely Expensive) Grippen Sweden is denying us, so what other option we have other then F-16 Block 72/V @ACE OF THE AIR

He is a good guy, has Pakistan's best interest at heart, shake hands, be polite, and move on.
you don't give my question's answer sir
No more Khafee Leaks. Google "Khafee senior moderator" IF interested.
Btw this year Russia has entered the SU-47 in Air Show...What are the possibilities that Russia may be restarting its production to market for export.
Hello Everyone. Have been following this discussion in a passive mode since quite sometime but after seeing a lot of frustration from some members here just want to put some rumours to rest and some clarity in the minds of members. Coming from a reliable source PAF is looking at 36+/- SU-35s as the F-16 V upgrade program is hitting snags due to Unrealistic US offer. SU-35s have been on offer since 2016 were evaluated in 2017 along with an offer on Mig-35s. Initial number to be procured is being looked at 8-18 Jets. And will be increased Incrementally. @Khafee
It'd be interesting to learn how the MiG-35 fared, and why it was cut.

There was potential engine commonality with the JF-17 (albeit if one day the JF-17 switches to the RD-33MK), lower cost, and more Russian openness towards customizing the jet with third-party systems (e.g., the original MiG-35 proposal relied on Italian EW/ECM and a French HMD/S).

I'm guessing the capability gap between the MiG-35 and the JF-17 Block-III wasn't far enough to justify the price difference, or the MiG-35 didn't have the range and payload the PAF was looking for in a dual-engine.

So from the topic of buying F-16s, someone decides to add buying SU-35s from Russia as well .... great!
To be fair, this takes me back in 2003-2004. On the old PDF we were hearing about M2K-5, used F-16s, J-10As, and Su-30s until, all of a sudden, Bush Jr. says the US will start selling F-16s to Pakistan again.

Money isn’t everything: Pakistan seeks more than US funds in meeting with Trump

By: Joe Gould and Usman Ansari   July 23
stronger ties on security and trade — and, according to Trump, that the aid might be restored.

“All of that money can come back, depending on what we work out,” Trump told reporters ahead of a meeting between the two leaders at the White House on Monday.

Pakistan may, in the coming days, help end the Taliban’s reluctance to deal directly with the Afghan government, Khan said. The prime minister said he never believed there would be a military solution and that a peace deal appeared closer than ever.

“Pakistan needs stability,” Khan said. “We have 15 years of fighting this war on terror, over 70,000 Pakistani casualties, over $150 billion lost to the economy. ... We desperately want peace, and I am happy President Trump has pushed this forward.”

Author, analyst and former Australian defense attache to Islamabad, Brian Cloughley, believes Pakistan would be interested in a resumption of military aid, though the government understands that Trump’s view of international relations is transactional.

Despite diversifying its supplier portfolio, Pakistan has important American-made equipment in service and, according to Pakistan analyst Kamal Alam, needs military-specific aid, notably AH-1Z helicopter gunships and special operations equipment to meet counterinsurgency needs.

Though it is fencing the Afghan-Pakistan border to stymie infiltration, the Pakistani military knows American equipment would make this effort more effective, and this may be the primary area of focus for resumed military aid.

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The military would also like to replace its P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, potentially with the Boeing-made P-8A Poseidon.

Pakistan is also seeking U.S. clearance for RIM-116 missile systems, which would serve as the primary air-defense system for the country’s Ada-class corvettes designed by Turkey. Pakistan “needs a good working relationship with the U.S., regardless of whether it is getting any aid,” Cloughley noted.

Of the rocky relationship between Washington and Islamabad, Trump said Pakistan’s previous leaders did not respect the U.S. or his predecessors in office — presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Trump assessed the relationship was on the upswing under himself and Khan, a former sports star who took office in August.

“Pakistan was not doing anything for us, they were really, I think, subversive. They were going against us,” Trump said.

The U.S. announced in January 2018 that it was suspending $900 million of security aid to Pakistan for failing to act against Taliban militants. That included $255 million for Pakistani purchases of American military equipment.

As of Monday morning, the decision remained in effect. But according to a U.S. State Department official, the Trump administration is constantly evaluating the policy, as the president said he might resume aid if warranted by Pakistan’s actions. Trump is also willing to approve specific exceptions to the suspension for programs determined to be in the United States’ national security interest.

Historically, these security assistance programs with Pakistan supported projects for the Pakistan Army, Air Force and Navy, as well as accountability monitoring of American equipment. Those projects were developed with the Pakistani military to support its counterterrorism, counterinsurgency and self-defense requirements, the official said.

Over the past 15 years, Pakistan received roughly $15 billion in Coalition Support Funds meant to reimburse support for U.S. operations; roughly $4 billion in Foreign Military Financing funds used to purchase American equipment; about $1.4 billion in the Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund to build Pakistan’s counterinsurgency capability; and approximately $52 million in International Military Education and Training funds.

Why just seeking RIM-116, Pakistan should also ask for latest ESSM which can take on supersonic missile.


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Why just seeking RIM-116, Pakistan should also ask for latest ESSM which can take on supersonic missile.
I assume you are asking on the ship side. Again same issue putting eggs into one basket. Why not go and get Umkonto.
I assume you are asking on the ship side. Again same issue putting eggs into one basket. Why not go and get Umkonto.

If Pakistan is ask for SAM for ships from US without VLS capacity then ESSM is good option then SA SAM but having said that SA SAM can fill role of RIM-116 if I m not wrong.
If Pakistan is ask for SAM for ships from US without VLS capacity then ESSM is good option then SA SAM but having said that SA SAM can fill role of RIM-116 if I m not wrong.
I thought VLS capability was being put in the turkish ships.
I thought VLS capability was being put in the turkish ships.

ESSM with MK-29 launcher can reduce cost for PN as Ada may not have VLS space, even if it have VLS space then Mk-29 can allow more missiles on board ship.
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