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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

A great news. It will be more great if the kill was by JF-17 :tup:

Indeed!.........IF the Sukhoi MK-30 was shot down by a JF-17 then it means Pakistan has joined the ranks of a select few nations who can indigenously produce high tech advanced weapons systems, comparable to the best in the world. If it was shot down by an F-16 then it means the americans don't give a damn about the indians and their relationship with them.
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Obviously they talked about evidence of the Sukhoi kill too.
Obviously bro, such professional do not speak without a clear evidence & put their reputation on line. What he has to gain from supporting PAF against IAF?
He is not even a Pakistani. He is from a neutral country where, acc. Indian bhakts, people would be more familiar with Indian movies & India than Pakistan.
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.
(1) Shooting down your own Mi-17 means IAF very little or no control of battle space that day.
(2) BTW why Mi-17 was flown if Su-30 wasn't downed?? To get Abhinandand? Lol
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.

Evidence is all there to see what's the facts are on the ground but if you are wearing tinted glasses of course you can't see a damn thing. Kings of fake news are just hell bend on not looking at the direction where the facts lie but instead looking at the direction where there ego lies. You know what you destroyed all of our F16's, actually they were in the same compound parked, primed and polished where madrassa students were with 350 plus terrorists you killed. It may help to grow your ego but not you dick. Topic closed done and dusted now put this news on your barking social media too. Actually the F16's which are flying in Pakistan these days are borrowed from Jordan for photo shots happy now??? Now look at your dick its still the 3 inch has not grown more now that's the fact is.
(1) Shooting down your own Mi-17 means IAF very little or no control of battle space that day.
(2) BTW why Mi-17 was flown if Su-30 wasn't downed?? To get Abhinandand? Lol

No. To say hello and bye bye to Abhinandan, across the LOC.
You killed SIX of your own on 27 February 2019

We lost ZERO

Take that :rofl: :lol:

Even if we go by just the events that BOTH sides do agree on (i.e. the other matters are denied by either side):
IAF lost:
1 helo
1 jet
1 captured

PAF lost:

(note: the F-16 and Su-30 downings are denied by their relevant sides, so they don't figure into my tally above.)
lets see whether RT publishes the news or not? most likely they wont. their front line relatively newer jet has been shot down in the first ever air combat involving 4th gen jets from both sides.
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