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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.
You look like bigger liars, than you are.
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More than SU30 kill I am still loving the fact that PAF forced IAF in shooting down its own MI17 and killing its own 6 personnel

That's where the difference lies between professionals and rogues.
PAF chief never claimed it but if the tables were turned, the IAF Chief would have tried to claim this as a kill as well.
Some one also tell B S Dhanoa & Co. that AMRAAMS are fired by the F-16s and it's not part of an F-16. :laugh:
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Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.
And you are sitting next to him warning him about his mistake :lol:
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The main purpose was to first kill the enemy and which in result would humiliate it

IAF did that for us :lol:
We do have complete record although body handed over to red cross, we have his SU-30 helmet, his uniform, a pistol and all the documents :lol: we will surprise you Indian by letting world knows slowly slowly :lol:

Maraan gey katt te gaseetaan gey boutaa...means we will hit you less but humiliate you more :enjoy:
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"We shall surprise you."

IAF can arrange as many as dramatic pressers & invent concocted stories but the fact will remain as it is. PAF scored 2 kills MIG-21 & SU-30. MI-17 is the kill which Indians been dancing to credit a lock & fire.

More embarrassment on way for IAF. The CAS says it and the source is the Alan Warnes that wouldn't risk to create a drama having his own credibility in professional circles. This is yet another surprise that instead of any random media house etc; PAF chose to discuss the same with Alan Warnes. All I can expect from Indian Side either the silence on this or Alan Warnes will be called a traitor & Pakistan Agent but the writing will remain on the wall.

MI-17V5 is the kill that IAF tried to brush it under by calling it not following SOP or SAM mistake but the matter is more of embarrassment as well as proving total lack of Situational Awareness of IAF. It is the evidence, few of us discussed that there was a hell situation among Indian Assets clearly audible on RT having no idea as what's going on. Understand the way Indians were blinded and had no idea about surrounding and then desperation and fear.
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.
So according to you the PAF air chief is wrong you are right. The more you defend your f16\su30 claim the more you will be embaresed if some proof comes out.
where is wrekage debris of plane went believe it that's impossible to hide
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