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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

Guys remember it was S/L Hassan Sadiqui who became the Sukhoi Slayer.
He shot down the SU-30 after W/C Nouman killed the MiG-21. :pakistan:

The lose will haunt them for years to come.

Guys remember it was S/L Hassan Sadiqui who became the Sukhoi Slayer.
He shot down the SU-30 after W/C Nouman killed the MiG-21. :pakistan:

Is he a F-16 pilot?
where is wrekage debris of plane went believe it that's impossible to hide

Remember on the same day/time, an IAF SU-30 crashed and it was reported due to Technical Failure as usual. The crash which was supposed to be discussed more even for the Tech error, on pretexts of MKI being a top tier platform but went under IAF drama of F-16 claim & continuous denial of loss at all. Catch the drift.
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.

The source is from Alan Warnes. A European Western man. Not from a Pakistani. Also, it is a well known fact that indians and indian media = FAKE NEWS....:azn:
You look like bigger liars, than you are.

Sheikh ........... they haven't even actually fully shown themselves yet. Liar may be a very very very small word.

Pakistani future generation needs to be taught in schools about Feb 2019. We have seen a lot of history being manipulated and changed. In fact the whole internet needs to have multiple archives of the reality of Feb 2019 and not claims by some BS.
He spends way too much time in Pakistan.
If you check his twitter timeline he visited PAF bases 7 times in 5 years.
This shows he is John Fricker 2.0

As he is not an indian, he must be WAYYYY more likely to be telling the truth. Whatever an indian says, the opposite is highly likely to be the reality.
The source is from Alan Warnes. A European Western man. Not from a Pakistani. Also, it is a well known fact that indians and indian media = FAKE NEWS....:azn:

If such Arm Chair Generals, had any credibility; would have been reading carefully instead of attempting to throw fairy tales to cover their faces like this. There was no need to feed the one whose mere purpose is to divert and satisfy himself through the way of lies & concocted stories. Be it Alan Warnes or anyone; whosoever counters Indian claims & bluffs will eventually become Pakistani Agent or to say; non credible. ZeeMedia & Arnab types are only gospel tellers for the Indian Mindset.
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