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PAF can counter India’s new war doctrine, says air chief

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Some will come off the shelf network linked..
others need only be connected to.
for eg.. the f-16's are already link-16 capable..and will be tested with the Erieyes soon.
Next in line are the JF-17s.. they will be running a datalink better than link 16.. but will use the same architecture to allow for commonality.
The last aircraft to actually join the link network will be the ZDK-03s.. their integration and linking with the F-16 directly is the real puzzle these days.

It takes time specially non western origin air crafts. IAF cancelled one of the bigger exercise in the coming April coz of the same problem.
Very high standerd and factual discussion.All rookies are looking forward for more so we can learn more :tup:
Haven't seen such a good thread in a looong loooong time:)
Haven't seen such a good thread in a looong loooong time:)

After all who started it? ;)
After all who started it? ;)

You and every balanced and sane poster whether it's Indian or Pakistani has deserved kodos

By 2015 almost entire PAF would be BVR capable and linked to AWACs.

India will not have Rafale before 2015. Which means....PAF will have upper hand with respect to equipment across the board.

What will be the determining factor?

A side which can keep it's resources flowing for long, attack aggressively to counter the attacking nemesis.

Which means, PAF must keep the option of pre-emptive strikes, with both the aircraft and the standoff weapons...open.

been tried by PAF before. dint bode well in the long run

Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How? connecting all fighters to AWCS will take time and wont happen in 4-5 years for the entire inventory, specially for different set of air crafts.


The Erieyes are well into the integration stage and with 60 Jf-17s lined up, that's a plenty of jets to be in the process of integration.
2015 is 3 years away. Lots of time considering how much PAF has acquired and beefed up in the past 3 years.

But Pakistan really needs to pull a rabbit out of a hat here....meaning push 4% and 5% growth rates, increase tax revenue so we can acquire the J10s.

A PAF with JF-17s, F-7PGs, Mirage ROSE and F-16s all to blk 52 standards is an extremely potent and lethal force.

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

been tried by PAF before. dint bode well in the long run

Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept of Pre-emptive strikes would be to take out Indian forward bases as soon as they can. Meaning neutralising the IAF on the ground.....raining cruise missiles on them so that air-fields and radar stations are crippled. Then and only then, IAF will need to call in assets from the central and eastern command, meaning they would be fuel depleted by the time they reach Pakistan.

neutralising SU30s and Mirage 2000s on the ground is the fundamental goal here. If they get airborne, PAF has a pretty tough battle to survive, let alone fight.
Consider it is valentines and to go with the occasion I would love to give people some nice pink dresses if they keep posting off topic nonsense.

On the topic.

The question is(apart from this being a public morale statement).. what is "countering the IAF" in the PAF's view?
Does it mean holding air superiority over all airspace and destroying the IAF.
Or perhaps it simply is keeping the PAF alive, providing support to the PA long enough for a diplomatic(or nuclear) solution to present itself.

obviously the second one

The Erieyes are well into the integration stage and with 60 Jf-17s lined up, that's a plenty of jets to be in the process of integration.
2015 is 3 years away. Lots of time considering how much PAF has acquired and beefed up in the past 3 years.

But Pakistan really needs to pull a rabbit out of a hat here....meaning push 4% and 5% growth rates, increase tax revenue so we can acquire the J10s.

A PAF with JF-17s, F-7PGs, Mirage ROSE and F-16s all to blk 52 standards is an extremely potent and lethal force.

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 PM ----------

getting connected to every asset to Awacs is one thing........ then making doctrine according to it is another one.........and finally practicing it is the final one......love way to go for the same.

We got the Awacs years back, and practicing now, you can see lots of yudh abhyas these days mainly with IAF in co ordination with IA & IN
The concept of Pre-emptive strikes would be to take out Indian forward bases as soon as they can. Meaning neutralising the IAF on the ground.....raining cruise missiles on them so that air-fields and radar stations are crippled. Then and only then, IAF will need to call in assets from the central and eastern command, meaning they would be fuel depleted by the time they reach Pakistan.

neutralising SU30s and Mirage 2000s on the ground is the fundamental goal here. If they get airborne, PAF has a pretty tough battle to survive, let alone fight.

so basically pre-emption by Baburs? Does pakistan have that many of them to "rain" on IAF's dozen or so bases near the pak border? Also, dont forget that subsonic cruise missiles can be intercepted despite being terrain hugging. Also, i think we can expect IAF bases to be heavily gaurded against these kinds of attacks
so basically pre-emption by Baburs? Does pakistan have that many of them to "rain" on IAF's dozen or so bases near the pak border? Also, dont forget that subsonic cruise missiles can be intercepted despite being terrain hugging. Also, i think we can expect IAF bases to be heavily gaurded against these kinds of attacks

Pakistan has quitely build up a sizeable amout of stand off weapons including the H series glide bombs, Raad and Babur and further research is well underway on them.

Yes, they can be countered...but has India ever tested that before?

Lots of questions and lots of assumptions for this particular discussion.
I find it amusing how some Indian members jump in to derail many threads and trend has caught some pace in recent months. The point is, if you cannot discuss things in a positive manner than why bother?

Coming back to the topic, Both Air forces are seeing a revamp in terms of new inductions and what not so the Doctrines are being revised, tweaked whatever may be necessary. The PAF chief spoke in that context where we today have the technology and means to deliver the punch which we never had before whereas the IAF had them since 90s, such as a BVR capability, enhanced 4th gen aircraft along with refuelers for extended range missions and lastly, the inclusion of AWACS. This is not the PAF of the lost decade anymore and IAF will have to think many times to tackle this force because in terms of overall capability, both AFs are equal until the 5th Gen steps in.

for bolded part> i disagree

PAF doesn't have Heavy Fighters, IAF has

PAF doesn't have heavy AWACS, IAF has

PAF doesn't have Strategic Bombers, IAF has
Consider it is valentines and to go with the occasion I would love to give people some nice pink dresses if they keep posting off topic nonsense.

On the topic.

The question is(apart from this being a public morale statement).. what is "countering the IAF" in the PAF's view?
Does it mean holding air superiority over all airspace and destroying the IAF.
Or perhaps it simply is keeping the PAF alive, providing support to the PA long enough for a diplomatic(or nuclear) solution to present itself.

I wouldn't consider the last (diplomatic) option a real option.....as currently clowns are running the diplomatic process in the important places.....i.e. West.

Thanks to PPP.

I freaking hate clowns.


---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:57 PM ----------

for bolded part> i disagree

PAF doesn't have Heavy Fighters, IAF has

PAF doesn't have heavy AWACS, IAF has

PAF doesn't have Strategic Bombers, IAF has

What's your fetish with heavy?

When they will fall from sky, you or we would just have more scrap to clean....in India and Pakistan respectively.
been tried by PAF before. dint bode well in the long run

Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term pre-emptive strike here is a bit of misnomer, and one naturally assumes it in the same context of the Israeli pre-emptive raids which universally became known as the six day war. The PAF attacks on forward IAF bases on 3rd December followed air battles between the two airforces, which had already taken place in the Eastern sector during the last week of November, hence the war in earnest had already started before the PAF raids.
How do you guys see the role of Farkhor Air Base in Tajikistan under Indian control - it is said to have stationed a squadron of MIG 29s (12 to 24 stationed?)
Pakistan Northern Air Command counters that.
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