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P-15A Kolkata-class DDG is here


Indian Navy's Kolkata-Class Destroyer Hits The Waters [Image Of The Day] - AA Me, IN
A bit cluttered and unrefined.
Not sure how effective will be the signature reductions,specially the radar signature.
show me the picture? all you just image that P15A could launch super large Brahmos.

Like this

A bit cluttered and unrefined.
Not sure how effective will be the signature reductions,specially the radar signature.

Yes it is, but it was designed before 2005.


P-15Bs superstructure will look much more cleaner, like this image of P-17A.
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show me the picture? all you just image that P15A could launch super large Brahmos.

tell you where your enemy gets, and its not the right time to boast yourself.

First get out from the combined strength of US & Japanese navy
Forget about reaching Indian Ocean
First get out from the combined strength of US & Japanese navy
Forget about reaching Indian Ocean
Look at the shitty face Abe Shinzo has on his face when Mr. Vice President Biden refuse his request to announce a Joint declaration to condemn China's ADIZ. Japan is chess to push around by USA, who do you think they are? still not even being a normal country yet .

To be honest, P15B Looks much sharper.

Look at the shitty face Abe Shinzo has on his face when Mr. Vice President Biden refuse his request to announce a Joint declaration to condemn China's ADIZ. Japan is chess to push around by USA, who do you think they are? still not even being a normal country yet .

To be honest, P15B Looks much sharper.

View attachment 11367

Did you even read the damn title it says
Kolkata class
Not Chinese type 052 or anything like that
So if like a mature human being you can post in topic stuff please do so
Each and every Indian new arm ship thread is turned into comparing with US N China by some jealous members, why are they obsessed with Indian navy if kolkatta can't launch big ballistic missiles or do not have Israeli radar as per Chinese so be it but do not derail this thread please
Wonder when we progress to 32 VLS for BrahMos/Nirbhay
32 VLS for Barak 8

Exactly my point, we Indians apply the same mentality everywhere. why not make it big at the first place. China has 28 VLS anyway in their DDGs!!
Nope, like the P-17A and IAC-1 the P-15Bs will come with the RAN-40L:


Not particularly. I don't know much about the 052D but what are the specs on the sensors/radars? They seem to be pretty lacking when compared to their contemporaries including the P-15A.

lol P-15 hasn't even been commissioned and it's already better than 052D.

P-15 was launched in 2006 and STILL hasn't been commissioned. That's 8 years.

And still we are not sure about its capabilities, it was delayed for many years due to many faults and I'm highly skeptical of its capability. All we know are a bunch of Indian boasting but that's as useful as North Korean propaganda.


Keep up. This was back in 2010.


That's PS.
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