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Our Friends and our Enemies...

I think Iran and Turkey are more rivals than enemy's.

To Germany:
1.no other country has more company's in turkey than.
2.In no other country live more Turks.
3.Most Mosque are build by German
4.Which no other than non-Turki you are married.
4.First railway was build by German
Our relationship are older and deeper as the most of us known. Those, who know this fact, have forgotten it and the problems between us have made this relationship partially broken.

As far as i know Germany and Turkey never been enemies in the history. (WW1,WW2)

I always had a deep respect for German Engineer's (as i'm a engineer myself).
As far as i know Germany and Turkey never been enemies in the history. (WW1,WW2)

I always had a deep respect for German Engineer's (as i'm a engineer myself).

Germany was your ally in WW1 and you guys sold them war material in WW2. The only thing is Germany wants to be the most powerful in Europe and if you join European Union you threaten that besides that they got no animosity with you guys.
Germany was your ally in WW1
I know

you guys sold them war material in WW2.
We never sold them as we were not a Belligerent of the war. Turkey made the most clever thing by not joining the war. As were still suffering from the WW1 as a poor country.

The only thing is Germany wants to be the most powerful in Europe and if you join European Union you threaten that besides that they got no animosity with you guys.

We know it all but whatever the reason, stance of Germany against Turkey in EU issue, strains the relationships.
I know

We never sold them as we were not a Belligerent of the war. Turkey made the most clever thing by not joining the war. As were still suffering from the WW1 as a poor country.

We know it all but whatever the reason, stance of Germany against Turkey in EU issue, strains the relationships.

No in WW2 you guys were exporting some type of metal to them that they needed but I forget where I read that from.
No in WW2 you guys were exporting some type of metal to them that they needed but I forget where I read that from.

During World War II, Turkey maintained diplomatic relations with Germany until August 1944. The non-aggression pact was signed on 18 June 1941. In October 1941, the "Clodius Agreement" (named after the German negotiator, Dr. Karl Clodius) was achieved, whereby Turkey would export up 45,000 tons of chromite ore to Germany in 1941-1942, and 90,000 tons of the mineral in each of 1943 and 1944, contingent on Germany's supplies of military equipment to Turkey. The Germans provided as many as 117 railway locomotives and 1,250 freight rail cars to transport the ore. In an attempt to prevent the supply of this strategic mineral to Germany, the United States and Britain went on a spree of what was termed "preclusive buying," buying out Turkish chromite even if they did not need so much of it. As a part of the "package deal," the Anglo-Americans bought Turkish dried fruit and tobacco as well.

In August 1944, the Soviet Army entered Bulgaria and cut overland contact between Turkey and the Axis powers. Turkey immediately severed its diplomatic and commercial relations with Germany, and on February 23, 1945, declared war on Germany.

There were pressure from both Axis and Allies but we played smart and never enter the war. That's due to Ataturk's predictions before his death.

Soviet was about to invade Turkey we had to do whatever it takes to join NATO.

Bosnia Albania and Kosovo okay but hamas and alq?

was that suppose to be funny or something?

Name one country that has better relations with hamas compared to turkey. Who takes photo with their leaders?

What is the shame for? Hamas is left with turkey.
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Right.. just because they lifted the visa doesn't make them our allies.

Our Major Export markets:
Germany (8.6%); Iraq (7.1%); Iran (6.5%); UK (5.7%); UAE (5.4%); Russia (4.4%) (2012)

And I will cross Germany from allies list as they are the major opposer to Turkeys membership in EU.

I don't think just the reason of good economic relations will put any country in our allies list.

Funny that four out of six of your export destinations are your rivals.
There is conditions for what can pass and what can't, we can close it in a conflict.

I do not think that will be a big war between NATO and Russia, and in smaller conflicts Strait will free passing.
Neither we nor you do not need a radioactive crater in place of Istanbul.
Funny that four out of six of your export destinations are your rivals.

Which four ?

I do not think that will be a big war between NATO and Russia, and in smaller conflicts Strait will free passing.
Neither we nor you do not need a radioactive crater in place of Istanbul.

Let's not get over our heads and venture into fantasy world should we ? :laughcry:
Let's not get over our heads and venture into fantasy world should we ? :laughcry:
Do you think the rockets will not take off? Be assured - if will be necessary, they hit all targets.
But it is better to live in peace. Moreover, that almost half of all tourists in Turkey - Russian.
Trade is more profitable than war, right?
We do not need to be neither friends nor enemies. Simply feed one another drop of respect.
Yeap but only incase of a war with Russia.

Lausanne Peace Treaty

(a) In Time of Peace.

Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under any flag and with any kind of cargo, without any formalities, or tax, or charge

(b)In Time of War, Turkey being Neutral.

Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under the same conditions as above.

(c )In Time of War, Turkey being a Belligerent

Turkey will have full power to take such measures as she may consider necessary to prevent enemy vessels from using the Straits.

II. Convention Relating to the Régime of the Straits / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Look at the montreux strait convention.
@vostok it seems you're quiet over your head, don't you?

İf nuclear powers can save Russia's a$$, it would have saved them during the Soviet era.
The big grizzly bear has turned into a little cub bear a long time ago. Apart from groupies like you, everyone knows that.
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