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Our Friends and our Enemies...

Doesn't matter, a Turk will remain Turk unless you have been completely assimilated.

We are saying the same thing. Integration and assimilation are different from each other. Even the 3rd generation Turks i have met who lives in abroad are Turks to the core.

That's what you assume and i dont mean they will go Bashar Assad on them but there are a thousand ways to wage wars against a people..''tabiri caizse karincayi siker belini incitmeden''

Syria is a extreme example as it's a war torn country. But even in Syria i don't see it possible. The world saw, how serious Turkey can became in case of attacks on Turkish minorities in Cyprus.
UK is our second best ally in West coming right after USA , i don't know why you decided to pass them.

-UK gives us political support when it comes EU membership and Armenian Genocide issue.
-UK is an important market for us.
-Most important thing majority of Brits don't hate Turk directly(unlike Germans and French) even though a big portion dislike Islam and muslims because of bearded sharia4uk types.Also as you know Turkish minority in UK got no problem with state or local population.
-Just like number of Russian women and Russo-Turko marriages increases in Turkey so are Brit woman and Brit-Turko marriages.Nowadays i am hanging around in a forum for foreigners living in Turkey first the thing i noticed was number of Brit woman living in coastal areas , there are some old retired ones whos simply living here for peaceful rural life(away from cities) but more than old ones there are many young Brit girls married to Turkish husband and living in Turkey.

Also like others said Russia will never be our ally no matter how much economic relationship goes up or how many Russo-Turko marriages happen.
That's what I like about the Turks :).. They are more open minded and progressive than the rest of the Middle-East. If this was an Wahabi Arab nation, they would probably gang rape them.

they will punish her probably for driving car or other things.. not gang rape... thats only deviant people do.
What about Albania who are changing their history books because our Sultans say so and also gave (do we still have it?) us a naval base at their tiny coastline?
they will punish her probably for driving car or other things.. not gang rape... thats only deviant people do.

Who are these deviant people? :azn:

I'll post the list upon my special analyst to answer the questions such as who's Turkey's allies/enemies. Based on Economy, Military, Defence Co-Op, friendship...etc. Here we go'

Turkey's Allies:
(Based on Military, Defence Co-op, Economics)

In terms of Economy:

1- RUSSIA, (no doubt the Rurskies take the first place. Just because of the economic relations they lifted the visa, there are very few countries that Russia had lift the visas)

2- GCC Countries, (Turkey's exports are mainly to Arabic nations firstly Iraq, KSA and Jordan)

3- Germany

In terms of Defence Industry/Co-op:

1- UNITED STATES (no doubt again, today we own the rights of producing F-16 and F-35 in the future, and as of 2013 Turkey had recieved the software codes of Fighting Falcon. Which we started to integrate our own software called ÖZGÜR which's firstly tested with Phantoms. Not to mention other cooperations at naval/land systems)

2- South Korea (T-155, Altay...etc. Are the results of their great openness)

3- the Netherlands, Italy, (when thinking of the T-129, Thales SMART-S, and Atılgan PMADS which we gave ToT to the Dutch)

4- Pakistan, (MLU upgrade for F-16s and GENESIS-I upgrade for PN's perrys. The sales of Turkish Howitzer and BORA heavy sniper rifle)

P.S I'd put Israel at the 2nd when thinking of Peace Eagle AWACS, Merkava Mk3 (cancelled), Heron (cancelled), Officer exchangement (cancelled), Sabra, Arrow-2's participation to T-LORADMIS (cancelled) and many more. But the current relations heavily hurt the relations.

In terms of Military:

1- NATO (Op. Enduring Freedom, Op. Ocean Shield, Op. Active Fencd...and if we enlarge it 1-US, 2-Italy/Spain, 3- UK/the Netherlands)

2- Azerbaijan (relations are very close as expected, not to mention the Joint Battalion at Baku)

3- Pakistan/Saudi Arabia (PAK: mil. relations were always warm with the brotherly nation, HVKK and PAF has an officer exchangement program. KSA: relations are newly formed, and very close co-op is expected in the near future)

Turkey's Enemies:

In terms of Politics/Military:

1-ARMENIA/GREECE/IRAN (as usual historical rivalry)

2- Syria: number one. even for TAF, they're officially declared as hostile. Thanks to AKP

3- Egypt, (just recently bought enemy. Thanks to AKP again)

Turkey's Friends/Brothers

I think it'd be disrespectful if I list our friends/brother with numbers so I'll post them randomly.

South Korea: since the great sacrifece and heroism of Turkish Brigade at the Korean War, Turkey had become a brother for SK. And SK is the only non-muslim majorty that we see as a brother

Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, i don't count them as friends or brothers. Because for me they're from the Republic of Turkey, they are us.

Pakistan, i don't that I should explain it to you. But being the only muslim nation to help us out in WW.1 and the great love between our nations

KSA, Jordan, Afghanistan are also brotherly nations for Turkey.

Other than that classification, Turkey hasn't much big relations to talk about with some nations such as South Africa, India, Japan, UK, Brazil. But it'd be our benefit to strengt the relations.

That's all, please share yours. This thread is open for discussions.

P.S Please don't come to me with such crap, "How can Zionist...bla" or "your anti-muslim/your anti-west" or "we don't have anyone".


All I know is whenever I go out for some Turkish the minute the restaurant owner finds out I am Pakistani I get some kind of discount. :D
actually dude you should replace Pakistan with India here since not only was Pakistan then part of India but also Father of Pakistan (Jinnah) and the organisation which created Pakistan (Muslim League) strongly opposed Khilafat Movement while Father of Present day India (Gandhi) along with his organisation ( Indian National Congress which is still biggest political party in India) actively participated in it.

Funny because even Mustafa Kemal Ataturk opposed the Khilafat movement. :lol:

It is not because of the khilafat movement that Turkey and Pakistan have had such great relations.
Russia isn't an enemy, Russia is a threat and Russia can be considered a rival in Causcaus but that's it

Right now our only enemy is PKK, we are bound to destroy it. Greece and Armenia are rather minor threats and Russia & Israel are rivals.

I find this whole thread emotional and immature @Neptune
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Russia is our SHORT-term enemy but LONG-term friend. Mind you without Russian permission we don't have access to Turkic world.

Russia only permitted us to gain connection with Turkic countries by showing Turkey doesn't have bad intend towards Russia.

I see Russia and Turkey coming closer. Russia will ditch Armenia and Karabag issue will be settled in couple of days after that. Just imagine Turkey and Russia putting their strength together. That is why Europe doesn't go hostile against Turkey.

Also not to mention. Russia is declining power. Their population is gonna shrink 20% in the coming 40 years. Experts say Russia and Turkey are going to be very close. Turkey will be able to fill in the power gap when Russia declines more. Turan will become reality.
Russia is our SHORT-term enemy but LONG-term friend. Mind you without Russian permission we don't have access to Turkic world.

Russia only permitted us to gain connection with Turkic countries by showing Turkey doesn't have bad intend towards Russia.

I see Russia and Turkey coming closer. Russia will ditch Armenia and Karabag issue will be settled in couple of days after that. Just imagine Turkey and Russia putting their strength together. That is why Europe doesn't go hostile against Turkey.

Also not to mention. Russia is declining power. Their population is gonna shrink 20% in the coming 40 years. Experts say Russia and Turkey are going to be very close. Turkey will be able to fill in the power gap when Russia declines more. Turan will become reality.

Turan????? You do know that Turan is something the Persian guy ferdowsi used to describe central Asian Iranic people right?
Did you smoke a bunch of meth before making that post?

"Although the identification of the Turanian tribe with the Turks is a late development, since the term Turanian originally applied to Eastern Iranian tribes of Central Asia, Turks cultivated the legends of Afrasiab as a Turkish hero after they had come into contact with the Iranians. Mahmud al-Kashgari quotes in his Dīwān loḡāt al-TUrk (5th/11th century) a number of elegiac verses lamenting the death of Alp Er Tunga."

To OP, there is no friends in this world. All those so called country's will backstabb you when the time is ripe. Even your own Turkish people (erdogan) is no helping Turkey, nevermind someone else.

Another fake with a fake name and "identity" who makes 20 posts in a single day. Obviously fake user of someone who has been here before.

Uz delimisni danaş körüm (I wrote a bit differently so that you don't use google translate or something else, if you speak the language you should be able to understand it).

Can you tell me what did I just wrote? Or just care to prove your knowledge of Azerbaijani Turkish, if you are one as you claim? Which I hightly doubt. Obvious troll is obvious.

Neptune and other mods, can you please do something about this fake? It should not be allowed to claim a fake identity.
I'll post the list upon my special analyst to answer the questions such as who's Turkey's allies/enemies. Based on Economy, Military, Defence Co-Op, friendship...etc. Here we go'

Turkey's Allies:
(Based on Military, Defence Co-op, Economics)

In terms of Economy:

1- RUSSIA, (no doubt the Rurskies take the first place. Just because of the economic relations they lifted the visa, there are very few countries that Russia had lift the visas)

2- GCC Countries, (Turkey's exports are mainly to Arabic nations firstly Iraq, KSA and Jordan)

3- Germany

In terms of Defence Industry/Co-op:

1- UNITED STATES (no doubt again, today we own the rights of producing F-16 and F-35 in the future, and as of 2013 Turkey had recieved the software codes of Fighting Falcon. Which we started to integrate our own software called ÖZGÜR which's firstly tested with Phantoms. Not to mention other cooperations at naval/land systems)

2- South Korea (T-155, Altay...etc. Are the results of their great openness)

3- the Netherlands, Italy, (when thinking of the T-129, Thales SMART-S, and Atılgan PMADS which we gave ToT to the Dutch)

4- Pakistan, (MLU upgrade for F-16s and GENESIS-I upgrade for PN's perrys. The sales of Turkish Howitzer and BORA heavy sniper rifle)

P.S I'd put Israel at the 2nd when thinking of Peace Eagle AWACS, Merkava Mk3 (cancelled), Heron (cancelled), Officer exchangement (cancelled), Sabra, Arrow-2's participation to T-LORADMIS (cancelled) and many more. But the current relations heavily hurt the relations.

In terms of Military:

1- NATO (Op. Enduring Freedom, Op. Ocean Shield, Op. Active Fencd...and if we enlarge it 1-US, 2-Italy/Spain, 3- UK/the Netherlands)

2- Azerbaijan (relations are very close as expected, not to mention the Joint Battalion at Baku)

3- Pakistan/Saudi Arabia (PAK: mil. relations were always warm with the brotherly nation, HVKK and PAF has an officer exchangement program. KSA: relations are newly formed, and very close co-op is expected in the near future)

Turkey's Enemies:

In terms of Politics/Military:

1-ARMENIA/GREECE/IRAN (as usual historical rivalry)

2- Syria: number one. even for TAF, they're officially declared as hostile. Thanks to AKP

3- Egypt, (just recently bought enemy. Thanks to AKP again)

Turkey's Friends/Brothers

I think it'd be disrespectful if I list our friends/brother with numbers so I'll post them randomly.

South Korea: since the great sacrifece and heroism of Turkish Brigade at the Korean War, Turkey had become a brother for SK. And SK is the only non-muslim majorty that we see as a brother

Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, i don't count them as friends or brothers. Because for me they're from the Republic of Turkey, they are us.

Pakistan, i don't that I should explain it to you. But being the only muslim nation to help us out in WW.1 and the great love between our nations

KSA, Jordan, Afghanistan are also brotherly nations for Turkey.

Other than that classification, Turkey hasn't much big relations to talk about with some nations such as South Africa, India, Japan, UK, Brazil. But it'd be our benefit to strengt the relations.

That's all, please share yours. This thread is open for discussions.

P.S Please don't come to me with such crap, "How can Zionist...bla" or "your anti-muslim/your anti-west" or "we don't have anyone".


Turkey does not really have any enemies , it is just some of its interests clashes with others which leads to some sort of enmity.

For instance a country like Iran , Turkey middle eastern main rival on one side but on the other-side Turkey exports goods worth billions of dollars to Iran thanks to the western imposed sanctions .

The existence of a rogue state like iran allows Turkey to get preferrencial trade agreements with Gulf GCC countries , I could go into detail , but i guess most turks here understand what i mean .
I'll post the list upon my special analyst to answer the questions such as who's Turkey's allies/enemies. Based on Economy, Military, Defence Co-Op, friendship...etc. Here we go'

Turkey's Allies:
(Based on Military, Defence Co-op, Economics)

In terms of Economy:

1- RUSSIA, (no doubt the Rurskies take the first place. Just because of the economic relations they lifted the visa, there are very few countries that Russia had lift the visas)

2- GCC Countries, (Turkey's exports are mainly to Arabic nations firstly Iraq, KSA and Jordan)

3- Germany

In terms of Defence Industry/Co-op:

1- UNITED STATES (no doubt again, today we own the rights of producing F-16 and F-35 in the future, and as of 2013 Turkey had recieved the software codes of Fighting Falcon. Which we started to integrate our own software called ÖZGÜR which's firstly tested with Phantoms. Not to mention other cooperations at naval/land systems)

2- South Korea (T-155, Altay...etc. Are the results of their great openness)

3- the Netherlands, Italy, (when thinking of the T-129, Thales SMART-S, and Atılgan PMADS which we gave ToT to the Dutch)

4- Pakistan, (MLU upgrade for F-16s and GENESIS-I upgrade for PN's perrys. The sales of Turkish Howitzer and BORA heavy sniper rifle)

P.S I'd put Israel at the 2nd when thinking of Peace Eagle AWACS, Merkava Mk3 (cancelled), Heron (cancelled), Officer exchangement (cancelled), Sabra, Arrow-2's participation to T-LORADMIS (cancelled) and many more. But the current relations heavily hurt the relations.

In terms of Military:

1- NATO (Op. Enduring Freedom, Op. Ocean Shield, Op. Active Fencd...and if we enlarge it 1-US, 2-Italy/Spain, 3- UK/the Netherlands)

2- Azerbaijan (relations are very close as expected, not to mention the Joint Battalion at Baku)

3- Pakistan/Saudi Arabia (PAK: mil. relations were always warm with the brotherly nation, HVKK and PAF has an officer exchangement program. KSA: relations are newly formed, and very close co-op is expected in the near future)

Turkey's Enemies:

In terms of Politics/Military:

1-ARMENIA/GREECE/IRAN (as usual historical rivalry)

2- Syria: number one. even for TAF, they're officially declared as hostile. Thanks to AKP

3- Egypt, (just recently bought enemy. Thanks to AKP again)

Turkey's Friends/Brothers

I think it'd be disrespectful if I list our friends/brother with numbers so I'll post them randomly.

South Korea: since the great sacrifece and heroism of Turkish Brigade at the Korean War, Turkey had become a brother for SK. And SK is the only non-muslim majorty that we see as a brother

Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, i don't count them as friends or brothers. Because for me they're from the Republic of Turkey, they are us.

Pakistan, i don't that I should explain it to you. But being the only muslim nation to help us out in WW.1 and the great love between our nations

KSA, Jordan, Afghanistan are also brotherly nations for Turkey.

Other than that classification, Turkey hasn't much big relations to talk about with some nations such as South Africa, India, Japan, UK, Brazil. But it'd be our benefit to strengt the relations.

That's all, please share yours. This thread is open for discussions.

P.S Please don't come to me with such crap, "How can Zionist...bla" or "your anti-muslim/your anti-west" or "we don't have anyone".


There are several problems with this analysis.
1. Germany and France and Russia are at least rivals;if not enemy.
2. I am amazed by the love story made up by the author about south Korea and turkey.
Turkey was used by NATO masters as soldiers in the Korean war. Turkey had no choice buy to be drafted to the war, as ordered.
3. How about Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo and hamas and Al Qaeda? They are bette friends compared to many others.
Turkey had to join NATO because of Soviet threat. If Turkey didn't join NATO, it would probably fallen under Soviet control.
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