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Our Friends and our Enemies...

Vostok you say you respect Turks then why do Ahiska still gets discrimminated in Russia?
And because of Soviet rule we were almost genocided so i can quite bet that many eastern european republics dont want to form an union with you.
I'll post the list upon my special analyst to answer the questions such as who's Turkey's allies/enemies. Based on Economy, Military, Defence Co-Op, friendship...etc. Here we go'

Turkey's Allies:
(Based on Military, Defence Co-op, Economics)

In terms of Economy:

1- RUSSIA, (no doubt the Rurskies take the first place. Just because of the economic relations they lifted the visa, there are very few countries that Russia had lift the visas)

2- GCC Countries, (Turkey's exports are mainly to Arabic nations firstly Iraq, KSA and Jordan)

3- Germany

In terms of Defence Industry/Co-op:

1- UNITED STATES (no doubt again, today we own the rights of producing F-16 and F-35 in the future, and as of 2013 Turkey had recieved the software codes of Fighting Falcon. Which we started to integrate our own software called ÖZGÜR which's firstly tested with Phantoms. Not to mention other cooperations at naval/land systems)

2- South Korea (T-155, Altay...etc. Are the results of their great openness)

3- the Netherlands, Italy, (when thinking of the T-129, Thales SMART-S, and Atılgan PMADS which we gave ToT to the Dutch)

4- Pakistan, (MLU upgrade for F-16s and GENESIS-I upgrade for PN's perrys. The sales of Turkish Howitzer and BORA heavy sniper rifle)

P.S I'd put Israel at the 2nd when thinking of Peace Eagle AWACS, Merkava Mk3 (cancelled), Heron (cancelled), Officer exchangement (cancelled), Sabra, Arrow-2's participation to T-LORADMIS (cancelled) and many more. But the current relations heavily hurt the relations.

In terms of Military:

1- NATO (Op. Enduring Freedom, Op. Ocean Shield, Op. Active Fencd...and if we enlarge it 1-US, 2-Italy/Spain, 3- UK/the Netherlands)

2- Azerbaijan (relations are very close as expected, not to mention the Joint Battalion at Baku)

3- Pakistan/Saudi Arabia (PAK: mil. relations were always warm with the brotherly nation, HVKK and PAF has an officer exchangement program. KSA: relations are newly formed, and very close co-op is expected in the near future)

Turkey's Enemies:

In terms of Politics/Military:

1-ARMENIA/GREECE/IRAN (as usual historical rivalry)

2- Syria: number one. even for TAF, they're officially declared as hostile. Thanks to AKP

3- Egypt, (just recently bought enemy. Thanks to AKP again)

Turkey's Friends/Brothers

I think it'd be disrespectful if I list our friends/brother with numbers so I'll post them randomly.

South Korea: since the great sacrifece and heroism of Turkish Brigade at the Korean War, Turkey had become a brother for SK. And SK is the only non-muslim majorty that we see as a brother

Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, i don't count them as friends or brothers. Because for me they're from the Republic of Turkey, they are us.

Pakistan, i don't that I should explain it to you. But being the only muslim nation to help us out in WW.1 and the great love between our nations

KSA, Jordan, Afghanistan are also brotherly nations for Turkey.

Other than that classification, Turkey hasn't much big relations to talk about with some nations such as South Africa, India, Japan, UK, Brazil. But it'd be our benefit to strengt the relations.

That's all, please share yours. This thread is open for discussions.

P.S Please don't come to me with such crap, "How can Zionist...bla" or "your anti-muslim/your anti-west" or "we don't have anyone".

There was no Pakistan in WW1
I'll post the list upon my special analyst to answer the questions such as who's Turkey's allies/enemies. Based on Economy, Military, Defence Co-Op, friendship...etc. Here we go'

Turkey's Allies:
(Based on Military, Defence Co-op, Economics)

In terms of Economy:

1- RUSSIA, (no doubt the Rurskies take the first place. Just because of the economic relations they lifted the visa, there are very few countries that Russia had lift the visas)

2- GCC Countries, (Turkey's exports are mainly to Arabic nations firstly Iraq, KSA and Jordan)

3- Germany

In terms of Defence Industry/Co-op:

1- UNITED STATES (no doubt again, today we own the rights of producing F-16 and F-35 in the future, and as of 2013 Turkey had recieved the software codes of Fighting Falcon. Which we started to integrate our own software called ÖZGÜR which's firstly tested with Phantoms. Not to mention other cooperations at naval/land systems)

2- South Korea (T-155, Altay...etc. Are the results of their great openness)

3- the Netherlands, Italy, (when thinking of the T-129, Thales SMART-S, and Atılgan PMADS which we gave ToT to the Dutch)

4- Pakistan, (MLU upgrade for F-16s and GENESIS-I upgrade for PN's perrys. The sales of Turkish Howitzer and BORA heavy sniper rifle)

P.S I'd put Israel at the 2nd when thinking of Peace Eagle AWACS, Merkava Mk3 (cancelled), Heron (cancelled), Officer exchangement (cancelled), Sabra, Arrow-2's participation to T-LORADMIS (cancelled) and many more. But the current relations heavily hurt the relations.

In terms of Military:

1- NATO (Op. Enduring Freedom, Op. Ocean Shield, Op. Active Fencd...and if we enlarge it 1-US, 2-Italy/Spain, 3- UK/the Netherlands)

2- Azerbaijan (relations are very close as expected, not to mention the Joint Battalion at Baku)

3- Pakistan/Saudi Arabia (PAK: mil. relations were always warm with the brotherly nation, HVKK and PAF has an officer exchangement program. KSA: relations are newly formed, and very close co-op is expected in the near future)

Turkey's Enemies:

In terms of Politics/Military:

1-ARMENIA/GREECE/IRAN (as usual historical rivalry)

2- Syria: number one. even for TAF, they're officially declared as hostile. Thanks to AKP

3- Egypt, (just recently bought enemy. Thanks to AKP again)

Turkey's Friends/Brothers

I think it'd be disrespectful if I list our friends/brother with numbers so I'll post them randomly.

South Korea: since the great sacrifece and heroism of Turkish Brigade at the Korean War, Turkey had become a brother for SK. And SK is the only non-muslim majorty that we see as a brother

Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan, i don't count them as friends or brothers. Because for me they're from the Republic of Turkey, they are us.

Pakistan, i don't that I should explain it to you. But being the only muslim nation to help us out in WW.1 and the great love between our nations

KSA, Jordan, Afghanistan are also brotherly nations for Turkey.

Other than that classification, Turkey hasn't much big relations to talk about with some nations such as South Africa, India, Japan, UK, Brazil. But it'd be our benefit to strengt the relations.

That's all, please share yours. This thread is open for discussions.

P.S Please don't come to me with such crap, "How can Zionist...bla" or "your anti-muslim/your anti-west" or "we don't have anyone".


There was no pakistan in WW I or II
There was no South Korea,GCC,Nato,Syria,India was a colony in WWI,so what does it all mean?
You now what he meant.
Btw,even Turkey didnt exist in WWI.

Same goes for India,British colony.
All true....so saying "Pakistan helped Turkey in WW1" is retarded on several levels. (As noted the areas that make up Pakistan and India were British, so kinda helped the Allies)
All true....so saying "Pakistan helped Turkey in WW1" is retarded on several levels. (As noted the areas that make up Pakistan and India were British, so kinda helped the Allies)

He meant the people who now make up Pakistan and the people who now make up Turkey. Poor choice of words but the reasoning behind it is simple, to this Turks and Pakistanis treat one another like brothers and it is because of the circumstances around WW1.
All true....so saying "Pakistan helped Turkey in WW1" is retarded on several levels. (As noted the areas that make up Pakistan and India were British, so kinda helped the Allies)
You know what he meant,many people of the british colony that later became India,Pakistan and Bangladesh helped us.
Instead of saying that you understood what he meant,you call it retarded.
Now,what does that tell us about you?
You know what he meant,many people of the british colony that later became India,Pakistan and Bangladesh helped us.
Instead of saying that you undersood what he meant,you call it retarded.
Now,what does that tell us about you?
That I can read and understand basic English? And wasn't asleep in history class? The area NOW known as Pakistan was a British colony....and HELPED the Allies (even if no Pakistani served in the front against the Ottomans, by serving elsewhere he freed up a Limey....)
That I can read and understand basic English? And wasn't asleep in history class? The area NOW known as Pakistan was a British colony....and HELPED the Allies (even if no Pakistani served in the front against the Ottomans, by serving elsewhere he freed up a Limey....)

After WW1 Muslims of the subcontinent aided the Turks during their independence struggle in whatever way they could. Many families sold all their jewelry and sent money to the Turks. The red crescent society of Indian Muslims was already assisting Ottomans as far back as the 1912 Balkan war.

http://arsiv.kizilay.org.tr/UserFil...he Ottoman State During the Balkan War in.pdf

The vast majority of these Muslims later migrated to Pakistan and that is why Turkey and Pakistan have always had the best of relations despite the changes in governments in both countries not to mention the coups as well.

After WW1 Muslims of the subcontinent aided the Turks during their independence struggle in whatever way they could. Many families sold all their jewelry and sent money to the Turks. The red crescent society of Indian Muslims was already assisting Ottomans as far back as the 1912 Balkan war.

http://arsiv.kizilay.org.tr/UserFil...he Ottoman State During the Balkan War in.pdf

The vast majority of these Muslims later migrated to Pakistan and that is why Turkey and Pakistan have always had the best of relations despite the changes in governments in both countries not to mention the coups as well.

Khilafat Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fully agree that both are brotherly, and have had some similar experience. AFTER WW1. It would be like me saying the US supported Britain in the 100 years war. Many Americans had ancestors that would have....but as a country we did not yet exist. If you peruse the forums....you will find quite a few threads on the Brits calling those from the Pak region "martial"....the gist of which is that people of those regions served in the UK Armed forces...who if memory serves fought the Ottomans, precursor to Turkey.
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