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Otokar to make armored vehicles in Kazakhstan

That looks a bit heavier on the tonnage to traverse some of the steeper slopes that our troops are operating in against the Taliban ! Are you sure ?

Turkish Land Vehicle industry can provide every kind of wheeled-tracked armoured vehicles in any tonnage and protection. It is about describing the requirements...

Check Kaya-2
Russia is loosing its Central Asia market against Turkey step by step so Russian members are so aggressive against Turkish members in forums.

In 2000's, I read a statement of a Russian minister which mentions the development of Turkish defence industry as a main threat to Russian central Asian markets so pointing out the importance of taken cautions against Turks.

Today, The year: 2012 and I am a witness of developments this Russian minister foreseens ten-twelve years before.

Take a look Kazakhistan( Number one ally of Russia which speaks Russian in streets). They delivered the (Despite the fact that Russian active propaganda/Governmental marking to sell advanced techologies to their number one ally) future of their all wheeled armoured vehicles, all avionic technologies, all communication device technologies, all thermal/electro-optc sight tehnologies to Turkish defence industry (Established a joint factory for those technologies). That's just beggining but Russian member came here and claims that Kazakhistan don't give a f@ck to Turkey. What a logic...

Thanks for laughs so much of self-dulusioning :lol:
The last paragraph is a gem, how could you put so much of sheer BS into one sentence :lol:
Kazakhstan bought a dozen of tinpot Cobras from you just because Russia doesnt produce currently anything like that. What future wheeled vehicles, what avionic tech stop smoking that **** :D
Kazakhstan will also probably buy from you few samples of something that Russia will be interested to reverse engineer and thats all.

Serious discussion of the mythical threat of your 3rd world defense industry in central asian markets is laughable. Kazakhstan buys 99% of weapons from Russia and will continue do it.
Thanks for laughs so much of self-dulusioning :lol:
The last paragraph is a gem, how could you put so much of sheer BS into one sentence :lol:
Kazakhstan bought a dozen of tinpot Cobras from you just because Russia doesnt produce currently anything like that. What future wheeled vehicles, what avionic tech stop smoking that **** :D
Kazakhstan will also probably buy from you few samples of something that Russia will be interested to reverse engineer and thats all.

Serious discussion of the mythical threat of your 3rd world defense industry in central asian markets is laughable. Kazakhstan buys 99% of weapons from Russia and will continue do it.

look clown , they buy things from you stuff we cant make , they cant buy a jet fighter because we dont make and they are slowly getting to know our quality nato standard products not russian junk products sold to third world african countries , and lack of quality . your products are cheap and junk thats why you rely on quantity all the time , even putin realised this and now modernisation for 800 billion and reduction in army and rubbish products to improve quality
Aselsan to produce avionics systems of helicopters in Kazakhstan
Turkey and Kazakhstan signed three agreements on defense, including one between Turkey's Otokar and Kazakhstan Engineering on the joint production of the "Kobra" armored vehicles

Turkish defense industry products on display at a defense fair in Kazakh capital of Astana received great interest. At the fair, Turkey and Kazakhstan signed three agreements, including one between Turkey's Otokar and Kazakhstan Engineering on the joint production of the "Kobra" armored vehicles.
Speaking to the Anadolu Agency (AA), the head of the International Cooperation Department at the Turkish Undersecretariat of Defense Industry (SSM) Lutfi Varoglu said that 16 Turkish companies attended the "KADEX 2012 International Defense Fair" in Astana.
Turkey and Russia were the two countries with the largest number of participation at the defense fair. The stands of Turkish defense companies received great interest, Varoglu indicated.

Otokar and Kazakhstan Engineering signed an agreement for the joint production of "Kobra" armored vehicles, Varoglu said.
Meanwhile, Aselsan, leading electronics and electronic systems company of Turkey, will produce avionics systems and integration of helicopters produced in Kazakhstan.
Aselsan stated on Monday that Kazakhstan Aselsan Engineering (KAE) and Eurocopter Kazakhstan Engineering signed a cooperation agreement on integration of avionics equipment and systems in EC-145 helicopters.

The agreement was signed within the scope of KADEX Fair on May 5, 2012. Aselsan declared 160.7 million Turkish Lira net profit in 2011. (one USD equals 1.768 TL)
4,050 personnel are working in the company which spent 447 million TL for research and development last year.
The company ranks on the 80th line among the most prestigious defense industry companies of the world.
Aselsan designs, develops and manufactures modern electronic systems for military and industrial customers in Turkey and abroad.

Aselsan to produce avionics systems of helicopters in Kazakhstan | General | World Bulletin

Turkish defence industry is really active in Malaysia, Indonesia as well. The biggest part of Malaysian Wheeled and Tracked Armoured vehicles are completely delivered to Turkish institutes. No need to mention Malaysian Fast attack boats being produced under the licence of Turkish shipyard.

At present, Turkish officials are fully concantrated on Turkmenistan and Kazakhistan. There are many government to government talks carrying out to finalize the future cooperations. To control those markets, Turkish institutes are pointing out to open all technologies and Joint establishments for those countries. With this way, It is expected to break Russian influence over those countries.

Turkey offers the best NATO standart technologies applied on NATO exercises and It is known that Once a country using the Soviet system, orders them, The following deals will come quickly.

You can offer nothing to Kazakhastan that would be worth to buy. Cobras are the only exception, similar 5t vehicles are not produced yet in Russia. Bigger armored vehicles that you designed indeed could have some advantage over old BTR-80 but Kazakhstan is not going to buy anything like that soon and new set of Russian vehicles are currently in last stage of development. And Kazakhstan can buy everything from Russia in local prices. So here your expansion on their market ends :D
Yeah Kazakstan will buy few LCDs from Turkey :D You can also post news how they bought some screws and bolts from you and claim that you took all of their defense market :D

i didnt know screws was avionics? since when are they? in russia probably they are .

we should start exporting more fnss pars instead of countries buying russian junk , like we exported to malaysia worth 800 million .


anddd here comes the super russian armoured vehiclee


i could see no country buying these other than because its probably dirt cheap
i didnt know screws was avionics? since when are they? in russia probably they are .

we should start exporting more fnss pars instead of countries buying russian junk , like we exported to malaysia worth 800 million .

Yeah good luck in that, try to achieve export numbers of BTR-80 in 100 years :D
We will see how it will compete in international market with new Russian Bumerang APC

Thanks for laughs so much of self-dulusioning :lol:
The last paragraph is a gem, how could you put so much of sheer BS into one sentence :lol:
Kazakhstan bought a dozen of tinpot Cobras from you just because Russia doesnt produce currently anything like that. What future wheeled vehicles, what avionic tech stop smoking that **** :D
Kazakhstan will also probably buy from you few samples of something that Russia will be interested to reverse engineer and thats all.

Serious discussion of the mythical threat of your 3rd world defense industry in central asian markets is laughable. Kazakhstan buys 99% of weapons from Russia and will continue do it.


You can offer nothing to Kazakhastan that would be worth to buy. Cobras are the only exception, similar 5t vehicles are not produced yet in Russia. Bigger armored vehicles that you designed indeed could have some advantage over old BTR-80 but Kazakhstan is not going to buy anything like that soon and new set of Russian vehicles are currently in last stage of development. And Kazakhstan can buy everything from Russia in local prices. So here your expansion on their market ends :D


Yeah Kazakstan will buy few LCDs from Turkey :D You can also post news how they bought some screws and bolts from you and claim that you took all of their defense market :D

What a desperation and BS. Such a comment clearly introduce your knowledge level and comprehension ability indeed. Actually, I didn't expected more.

Which part of my statements mentioned any of Russian abilities to produce an armoured vehicle which will be a rival of What Kazakhistan ordered/will order from Turkey ? I know You like bitching with nonsense statements around actual subject but If you want to be taken serious, Try to type something around an avarage human level...

"What future avionic systems" I mentioned is about joint establishment of Turk-Kazakh institutes to upgrade ALL obsolete Russian origin helicopters and All likely future helicopter orders from West that needs avionics to be operational. (New ordered EC-145 helicopters will carry Turk-Kazakh manufactured avinics and communications devices worth million $)

"What thermal sights and Fire Control Systems" I mentioned is about upgrading almost ALL obsolete Russian origin Tanks with latest generation FCS's Turk-Kazakh JV will produce.

Additions, First, You claim Turkey can't offer anything for Kazakhistan but then, supporting an idea like "Kazakhistan ordering all those huge systems from Turkey, is to transfer for helping Russian reverse engineering efforts ?" What a shame !!!

I know Kazakh selection to upgrade almost all Russian made land and helo forces with Turkish technology make you angy but At least, Try to be smart with your statements...

Putting a smile at every statements doesn't hide your ignorance my friend... I didn't smoke anything but I certainly sure that You either drank too much Votka or having serious menthal problems.
Yeah good luck in that, try to achieve export numbers of BTR-80 in 100 years :D
We will see how it will compete in international market with new Russian Bumerang APC

Unfortunately because ours is quality its more expensive thus you could sell to African countries for cheap as they dnt even care about quality
Yeah good luck in that, try to achieve export numbers of BTR-80 in 100 years :D
We will see how it will compete in international market with new Russian Bumerang APC

I think You should hope the LUCK for Russian Land Vehicle industry instead of Turkish one.

Russian Armed Forces selected IVECO 4x4 instead of Russian designed one.
Russian Armed Forces testing German Boxer and Italian 8x8's for ordering 2000 of them instead of ordering own designs breaking export records..

Actually, It would be great to see Turkish 8x8 monsters (One of Arma or PARS exported to Malaysia) in Russian Armed Forces but Russia didn't open a tender but selected two supplier to choose one of them. :) Russian corruption is its best...


Such a comment clearly introduce your knowledge level and comprehension ability indeed. Actually, I didn't expected more.

Which part of my statements mentioned any of Russian abilities to produce an armoured vehicle which will be a rival of What Kazakhistan ordered/will order from Turkey ? I know You like bitching with nonsense statements around actual subject but If you want to be taken serious, Try to type something around an avarage human level...

"What future avionic systems" I mentioned is about joint establishment of Turk-Kazakh institutes to upgrade ALL obsolete Russian origin helicopters and All likely future helicopter orders from West that needs avionics to be operational. (New ordered EC-145 helicopters will carry Turk-Kazakh manufactured avinics and communications devices worth million $)

"What thermal sights and Fire Control Systems" I mentioned is about upgrading almost ALL obsolete Russian origin Tanks with latest generation FCS's Turk-Kazakh JV will produce.

Additions, First, You claim Turkey can't offer anything for Kazakhistan but support an idea like "Kazakhistan orders all those huge systems to transfer to Russia for reverse engineering ?"

I know Kazakh selection to upgrade almost all Russian made land and helo forces with Turkish technology make you angy but At least, Try to be smart with your statements...

Putting a smile at every statements doesn't hide your ignorance my friend... I didn't smoke anything but I certainly sure that You have some menthal problems...

When i said "what avionics", "what vehicles" i did not ask you to specify all kind of details of your deals. I just wanted to express my attitude to your ridiculous logic and conclusions. Yet again you make some grandiouse and delusional BS and use some irrelevant facts and events trying to prove it. Like selling a dozen of Cobras and a getting a few totally irrelevant and insignificant deals like LCDs for civilian helicopters you now claim how you took whole Kazakhstan defense market out of Russian hands. Lol, dude, this is laughable.
First of all Kazakhstan will not buy any wheeled vehicles from you except Cobra. Yeah how sad, but that is true. Second, upgrading FCS and thermal sights is very small portion of actual process of modernizing tank. No you will not upgrade all Russian tanks and even if you wanted you cant. Kazakhstan want some of the systems used in upgrade to be produced by them and its understandable.
All in all your deals with Kazakhtan was insignificant, is insignificant and will continue to do so. No, im not angry at all, and im happy that kazakhstan can make some deals with other countries if it benefits them. What makes me laugh is how you try to portrate it like some kind of threat to Russia-Kazakhstan strategic defense cooperation. Its just on another level altogether. Trust me.
I think You should hope the LUCK for Russian Land Vehicle industry instead of Turkish one.

Russian Armed Forces selected IVECO 4x4 instead of Russian designed one.
Russian Armed Forces testing German Boxer and Italian 8x8's for ordering 2000 of them instead of ordering own designs breaking export records..

Actually, It would be great to see Turkish 8x8 monsters (One of Arma or PARS exported to Malaysia) in Russian Armed Forces but Russia didn't open a tender but selected two supplier to choose one of them. :) Russian corruption is its best...

Yep it is new policy of buying and testing some samples of western equipment and learn its tech. Russia did not select IVECO, it had to buy it because Russian equivalent was not put into production yet and Russia needed them quick. After first batch no more of IVECO will be bought.
Dont dream about Turkish APC in Russian forces. Russian composite armor tech that is the result of decades of research is way superior to what Turkey got. No chance in competing with new generation of Russian armored vehicles.
When i said "what avionics", "what vehicles" i did not ask you to specify all kind of details of your deals. I just wanted to express my attitude to your ridiculous logic and conclusions. Yet again you make some grandiouse and delusional BS and use some irrelevant facts and events trying to prove it.

I didn't try to prove anything. All I typed is based on the sources and official announcements. What about your LCD like comments based on ? "What about Turkey can't offer anything worth" like comments? Your ignorance ?

Like selling a dozen of Cobras and a getting a few totally irrelevant and insignificant deals like LCDs for civilian helicopters you now claim how you took whole Kazakhstan defense market out of Russian hands. Lol, dude, this is laughable.

Let me tell you What is laughable. Talking avionic systems as LCD, classifying the official source as irrevelent to tell your dreams, limiting the related deals like Civilian helo "LCD" integration desptite I strongly emphasized the deal containing obsolete Russian transport helicopter upgradings, falling into lots of contradictions within minutes, don't have any idea What you are talking about, Despite the official sources are shared. If you want, I can share the signiture ceremony images as well. Don't worry...

BTW, What you calls as insignificant Turk-Kazakh JV will produce is the high-tech part worth million $ of an Helo.

First of all Kazakhstan will not buy any wheeled vehicles from you except Cobra. Yeah how sad, but that is true. Second, upgrading FCS and thermal sights is very small portion of actual process of modernizing tank. No you will not upgrade all Russian tanks and even if you wanted you cant. Kazakhstan want some of the systems used in upgrade to be produced by them and its understandable.

I think Kazakhistan doesn't describe its needs based on the wishes of a Russian member called zzzz from PDF. 4x4 deal have already made and If Kazakhistan opens a 8x8 tender, I underlined that Otokar's chance to get the winner will be strong cause of the joint institute opened in Kazakhistan. Rest is about your imagination...

About Upgrading the Kazakhistan tanks, Don't tell me your imagination. There is an agreement signed with Kazakhistan. According to deal, Turkish-Kazakh JV called KAE will upgrade all future upgrades for Kazakh obsolete tanks (Russian origin). Rest is about your imaginations and desperation, my friend. Don't tell me nonsense things to make you favour. All I am talking about based on official and reliable sources..

All in all your deals with Kazakhtan was insignificant, is insignificant and will continue to do so. No, im not angry at all, and im happy that kazakhstan can make some deals with other countries if it benefits them. What makes me laugh is how you try to portrate it like some kind of threat to Russia-Kazakhstan strategic defense cooperation. Its just on another level altogether. Trust me.

I listed all the agreements signed between Kazakh-Turk counterparts. The comments about deal is just your own thinking and You know It changes in accordance with point of view. I have already expected such easy claims from a person like you. Nothing is interesting in here.

Besides, I didn't state anything about importance of Russian-Kazakh strategic cooperation deal. What I am talking about is Russia loosing some markets in some defence industry fields at some countries which is classified as Russian markets. (Kazakh 4x4 land vehicle, upgrading, thermal sights....etc) That's for sure. Underestimating the deals with lots of BS's based on imaginations , While calling the official truths like nonsense doesn't change anything...
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