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Otokar to make armored vehicles in Kazakhstan

Yep it is new policy of buying and testing some samples of western equipment and learn its tech. Russia did not select IVECO, it had to buy it because Russian equivalent was not put into production yet and Russia needed them quick. After first batch no more of IVECO will be bought.
Dont dream about Turkish APC in Russian forces. Russian composite armor tech that is the result of decades of research is way superior to what Turkey got. No chance in competing with new generation of Russian armored vehicles.

Keep ordering military systems from West My friend. It just make me happy. Your new strategy (Ordering armoured vehicles from Italy/Germany, 4x4 from Italy, LPD from French, Civil Helo from Italy, UAV test from Israel...etc) will just be benefical for rivalary defence institutes in your own export markets....
I didn't try to prove anything. All I typed is based on the sources and official announcements. What about your LCD like comments based on ? "What about Turkey can't offer anything worth" like comments? Your ignorance ?

Let me tell you What is laughable. Talking avionic systems as LCD, classifying the official source as irrevelent to tell your dreams, limiting the related deals like Civilian helo "LCD" integration desptite I strongly emphasized the deal containing obsolete Russian transport helicopter upgradings, falling into lots of contradictions within minutes, don't have any idea What you are talking about, Despite the official sources are shared. If you want, I can share the signiture ceremony images as well. Don't worry...

I think Kazakhistan doesn't describe its needs based on the wishes of a Russian member called zzzz from PDF. 4x4 deal have already made and If Kazakhistan opens a 8x8 tender, I underlined that Otokar's chance to get the winner will be strong cause of the joint institute opened in Kazakhistan. Rest is about your imagination...

About Upgrading the Kazakhistan tanks, Don't tell me your imagination. There is an agreement signed with Kazakhistan. According to deal, Turkish-Kazakh JV called KAE will upgrade all future upgrades for Kazakh obsolete tanks (Russian origin). Rest is about your imaginations and desperation, my friend. Don't tell me nonsense things to make you favour. All I am talking about based on official and reliable sources..

I listed all the agreements signed between Kazakh-Turk counterparts. The comments about deal is just your own thinking and You know It changes in accordance with point of view. I have already expected such easy claims from a person like you. Nothing is interesting in here.

Besides, I didn't state anything about importance of Russian-Kazakh strategic cooperation deal. What I am talking about is Russia loosing some markets in some defence industry fields at own markets. That's for sure. Underestimating the deals with lots of BS's based on imaginations , While calling the official truths like nonsense doesn't change anything...

Again you posted some load of irrelevant claims that have nothing to do with the point i made. This your way of arguing. Why do you repeat all the time how i call official sources nonsense? I never said so. And i dont doubt your official sources. Stop repeating that.
What i said is deals like "avionic tech" of unknown value for civilian helis that could be just lcd screens is totally irrelevant and insignificant to compare them to Kazakh-Russian defense trade.

You dont have any deal with Kazakhstan that specify how many tanks that JV is going to upgrade. That is the fact. Kazakhstan is not going to upgrade just FCS and thermal sights. Upgrade of T-72 will be much deeper and there are no any desicion yet made how exactly it will be done, contrary to your delusions.

When i said you dont have anything to offer i mean you dont have any weapon system except Cobras that you can directly export to Kazakhstan (without JV). And that is again the fact. Call me when you will sell them 8x8 not in your dream :D

Your claim how Russia is "losing market" is like saying that US defense companies are losing market in USA because Russia sold few guns to US police :D Yep technically Russia is losing the market by 0,01% but that is not the point the thing that laughable is how you try to portrate that something more than just insignificant and irrelevant process.
I was eager to see cabatli's Russian ownage. We all saw how desperate Russians are. I mean, it is all around the internet. No one could imagine Turkey exporting vesicles to CARs in 1990s. It was like playing with fire. But now, we are already dominating the market in Azerbaijan, take some pieces from Kazakh and Kyrgyz pies, Turkmen energy sector is in Turkish hands. No one can deny Turkish growing influence over CARs.
It is like this, when we started to sell TV Sets to Europe, they all said that we are producing crap. Now, the market is in Turkish hands.
I think it's interesting that while Cabatli uses facts the russian zzzzz uses shallow words to fight back. The russians been dominating in that region for so long that zzzzz thinks they'll keep doing that. But I believe that Turkey aims to release our turkic speaking brothers free from the russian dependance.

But all of a sudden a gimp comes in and spews crap about kazakhs joining hands with armenians. Not going to happend.
Kazakhistan Engineering is the sole biggest institute which Kazakh government charged/to be charged officially to carry out almost all military industrial development/upgrding activities in Kazakhistan. Thanks to groving relations between brother states Kazakh-Turks, Lots of strategic cooperation agreements signed between Turkish institutes and Kazakh Engineering. At signiture ceremonies, Most of Kazakh governmental officials along with Turkey's PM and Undersecretariat for Turkish defence industry is also participated.

Most probably, The desperation level of you make you blind to realize the importance of Turk-Kazakh deals signed but Let me tell you the importance of them for Kazakh Armed forces and industrial efforts.

According to deal, Aselsan agreed on transfering lots of technologies to JV institute established in Astana. I am not talking about selling some toys with a simple deal for Kazakhistan. I mean Kazakhistan becomes more self reliance to develop/upgrade own fleets without asking foreign help/direct order deals. Kazakhistan engineering that is charged/to be charged to perform all current/future duties, will carry out all those activities based on own manufacturing lines. Aselsan and Otokar are establishing new production brends for KE and share many technologies for it.

Kazakhistan Engineering will not only manufacture the technologies for domestic needs, you called as "LCD" transfered by Turkish institutes, but also export them for Kazakhistan's friend countries as well. What are those technologies Kazakhistan engineering obtained from Turks ?

-Avionic and communication technologies: (Production have been commenced in Astana and first production will be made for new ordered Kazakhistan's EC-145 helicopters). After this deal, Kazakhistan will integrate/upgrade own military/civilian platforms with own manufactured avionic/communication systems for all military/civilian helicopters. KE will export those tech. for friend countries as well. While latest tec "intelligent and light weight" avionics are under production phase in Kazakhistan, You really suppose that Kazakhistan will beg Russia to order some equivalent systems for own platforms ? Pay attention: KE is the sole institute charged to perform all those activities and KE under the direction of Kazakh officials selected Turkish institutes...After this deal, Forget to sell any Avionic and comm. systems for Kazakhistan my friend...

-Termal sights, fire Control Systems: Aselsan is trasnfering all the technologies developed until now. Piton, Boa, Asir, Gozcu, Volkan-1,2,3 FCS technologies and Kazakhistan Engineering will manufacture all those in home, upgrade own platforms with own manufactured devices/systems and export them for Kazakh' friend countries as well. I am not talking about turkey which will upgrade Kazakhistan's russian origin tanks. Kazakhistan will fulfill all those activities thanks to own production brands. At this aspect, While latest tec thermal sights, fire control systems are under production phase in Astana, You really suppose that Kazakhistan will beg Russia to order some equivalent systems for own platforms ? You are in a deep failure my friend...

No need to mention many other systems KAE will manufacture for domestic and export markets...



Nursultan Nazarbayev in Turkey.

Kazakhstan Engineering and Russian Helicopters Expand Cooperation

Astana, Kazakhstan / 05 May 2012 – Today at the International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment Kadex-2012 Russian Helicopters, part of Russian state defense industry holding Oboronprom, and JSC Kazakhstan Engineering signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between the parties to expand the service and repair of Russian helicopters in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the companies became an important step in the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Kazakhstan in the aviation sector.

“We believe it is important to build an effective, modern support system for owners of Russian helicopters in Kazakhstan that meets the requirements of state and commercial operators of Russian helicopters,” said Deputy CEO of Russian Helicopters Igor Pshenichny. “We expect that the development of cooperation with Kazakhstan Engineering will help us to strengthen the position of Russian rotorcraft in Kazakhstan and the Central Asian market as a whole.”

Russian-made helicopters have traditionally been popular in the Kazakhstan market, where they are used by government agencies. Today, Russian-made rotorcraft are of great interest to commercial operators in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan Engineering and Russian Helicopters Expand Cooperation

Kazakhstan Eng. and Russia signed a MoU for maintaining of Russian made copters for in 2012 and Take a look How Russian officials are describing the importance of this signiture signed with Kazahstan engineering.

After read the comments of Russian officials for this cooperation, Take a look which areas Kazakhstan engineering and turkish institutes signed for strategic cooperations to realize the importance of them.


Aselsan and Kazakhstan eng.

KADEX 2010: Aselsan and Khazakistan agreed on establishing a joint facility called Kazakhistan-Aselsan engineering (KAE). %49 Aselsan, %51 Khazakistan Engineers. Acc to deal, Aselsan will transfer following technologies for KAE;

-Air Defence Systems
-Stabilized Guns
-Thermal targetting sights


KADEX 2012: KAE will carry out following item;
-Kazakhistan new ordered Eurocopter EC-145 helicopters will carry Aselsan Avionic+communication devices

2012 Kazak-Turk work forum: Aselsan and Kazakhistan engineering signed an agreement on following items;

KAE facility locating in Kazakhistan will carry out;
-Fire control system tech transfer
-Helicopter's avionic/communication system tech trasnfer


First deal Kazakhistan-Otokar: Ordering unknown number of Cobra vehicles as a rival of Russian armoured vehicles.

Second Deal with Kazakhistan: Otokar+Kazakhistan engineering opened a factory to manufacture more Cobra's + X platforms for Kazakhistan Armed Forces.

look clown , they buy things from you stuff we cant make , they cant buy a jet fighter because we dont make and they are slowly getting to know our quality nato standard products not russian junk products sold to third world african countries , and lack of quality . your products are cheap and junk thats why you rely on quantity all the time , even putin realised this and now modernisation for 800 billion and reduction in army and rubbish products to improve quality

Russians are selling their obsolete inventory to numerous countries for cheap, the quality has gone down after 1990s lets consider the case of Algerian Air Force Mig-29 they were sold from russian inventory with poor quality inferior quality which were returned promptly by Algerian Air Force.

zzzz, himself said russian doesn't produce anything like that itself proves that russians are getting out of business sooner or later countries will refuse to buy inferior obsolete 70's 80's vintage products in favor of better protected armored vehicles and other essential equipment of NATO standards.
omg another wall of text inserted, i see how desperate you are ) what next? you will post Cobra's manual here? :lol:
Listen, i already said that im happy that you managed to sell dozen of Cobras to Kazakhstan and will produce LCD screens together with them. Good job :) Sadly that microscopic deals put you in real delusion. Here i will show you something that will help you to get back to reality :)

Kazakhstan setting tank-repair facility. Military. Tengrinews.kz

Kazakhstan setting tank-repair facility
Monday, 24.09.2012, 14:59
Kazakhstan setting tank-repair facility

Russian state corporation Uralvagonzavod and Kazakhstan national company Kazakhstan Engineering have signed a memorandum on establishment of a joint company for repairing and modernization of armored vehicles at the territory of Kazakhstan, the companies’ websites write.

The document was signed at the 9th Forum of Inter-Regional Cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan held in Pavlodar on September 19. According to Kazakhstan Engineering’s website, the company will work on re-equipment of Kazakhstan's armored vehicles into Terminator and TOS-1A modern complexes.

The memorandum sets terms and includes a actions plan for implementation of the project. However, the exact date of establishment of the joint company is unknown yet.

Kazakhstan Engineering national company is part of Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund and is managed by Kazakhstan Defense Ministry. The company ensures common financial, production and technological policies at Kazakhstan’s major military companies.

Uralvagonzavod deals with designing and production of military vehicles (T-90 tank), road-construction vehicles (excavators, tractors, forklifts, etc.) and railroad wagons. The company’s headquarters are located in Nizhniy Tagil.

Here goes your delusion about upgrading of Russian tanks :D

Now i will show you something that you can compare with your microscopic activity in Kazakhstan.

Russia, Kazakhstan to Combine Air Defense | Defense | RIA Novosti

Russia, Kazakhstan to Combine Air Defense

CHOLPON-ATA, July 11 (RIA Novosti)

Russia hopes to complete talks soon with Kazakhstan on establishing a joint air defense network by 2013, Deputy Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Pavel Kurachenko said on Wednesday.

“We will discuss the relevant agreement with our Kazakh colleagues at a session of CIS Air Defense Coordinating Committee which opened in Cholpon-ata [on Wednesday],” Kurachenko said, adding he hoped the agreemen could be signed either by the end of 2012 or the beginning of 2013.

Russia has long been leading the efforts to build a joint air defense shield for the CIS, a loose association of former Soviet republics.

An integrated air defense network was set up by 10 CIS-member countries in 1995 and currently comprises some air defense units and elements from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

However, negotiations on a fully-fledged joint air defense network in Central Asia have been suspended due to serious disagreements with Uzbekistan, and Russia has opted to gradually set up joint air defense networks with individual CIS states.

So far, Russia has an agreement on the joint protection of common airspace and the creation of a joint regional air defense network with Belarus, which was signed in 2009.

An agreement with Kazakhstan would be followed by similar pacts with Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Kurachenko said.

Kazakhstan to get first S-400 air defense systems after 2015. Military. Tengrinews.kz

Kazakhstan to get first S-400 air defense systems after 2015

Russia will start supplying S-400 Triumph air defense systems to Belarus and Kazakhstan after 2015. By that time Russia will start serial production of S-400 and S-500 air defense systems for Aerospace Defense Army, RG.ru writes citing a source in the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia’s government.

“After starting serial production at the plants, we will need to re-arm up to 30 surface to air missile regiments to S-400 system and equip Aerospace Defense Army with 10 S-500 systems under the state armament program by 2020,” the source said. “Having met the needs of Aerospace Defense Army after 2015, we will be able to start supplying S-400 systems to Belarus and Kazakhstan.”

Belarus announced its intention to purchase S-400 systems last September. Later Russia and Kazakhstan started planning creation of a joint air defense system that helped Astana buy S-400 complexes from Moscow.

S-400 system is capable of destroying all types of flying targets: planes, drones and cruise missiles. Besides, it is able to destroy the objects in near space.
Russians are selling their obsolete inventory to numerous countries for cheap, the quality has gone down after 1990s lets consider the case of Algerian Air Force Mig-29 they were sold from russian inventory with poor quality inferior quality which were returned promptly by Algerian Air Force.

zzzz, himself said russian doesn't produce anything like that itself proves that russians are getting out of business sooner or later countries will refuse to buy inferior obsolete 70's 80's vintage products in favor of better protected armored vehicles and other essential equipment of NATO standards.

Currently doesnt produce. There are dozens of different projects for land vehicles in various stages of development. Here is some that could be in the same class as tinpot Cobra

Yep, so cheap, just $11 bln :D Unfortunately for you nobody in the world need Turkish junk even for free :)

Militaries that go for quality choose our products. Russia going down the list China even going to surpass you, we are increasing rapidly. Quality we export not quantity
Militaries that go for quality choose our products. Russia going down the list China even going to surpass you, we are increasing rapidly. Quality we export not quantity

Militaries that go for quality spend more not less. Your weapon exports for 2011 amounted to $6 mln to a single country - Azerbaijan down from $45mln in 2010 :lol:
Importer/Exporter TIV Tables

Potatoes - this is what you export :D
Currently doesnt produce. There are dozens of different projects for land vehicles in various stages of development. Here is some that could be in the same class as tinpot Cobra

How many Projects have russian started and had end up in failures and bankruptcy. At the time russians are in position to only upgrade, replace and develop limited numbers of equipment, vehicles for their Forces. The roll out and manufacturing of products for limited number of nations have been numerous times delayed and cancelled. Turkey is developing and many have been delivered ahead of schedule to certain nations.
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