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Orya Maqbool Jan strongly criticizes Imran Khan for mishandling Corona Virus Crisis

Well, IK hasn't taken right decision in a timely manner that's a fact.. But I have heard Orya is also extremely against digital currency.. he calls it Dajjali currency.. Another thread is running how cash is one the ways the virus is being transmitted from one person to another.

Orya type people should realize now how important digital currency is. People can help poor and needy directly without the intervention of a middle organization, and then they can buy the goods and pay online/ or by swiping the cards/ or through mobile phones transfers etc..

I want to help my five relative families.. they are very poor.. but I can't send them money because they don't have bank accounts.. or if they have.. I am sure they don't have debit cards or know how to do online transactions.
Well I fear hacking and enemies can do cyber attack easily
Well I fear hacking and enemies can do cyber attack easily
These can be tackled easily through technology.. online transactions and the hackers can be tracked with sufficient technology.

You probably know that even robbers are interested in cash rather than cards. Very few robberies have involved kidnapping a person to take him to ATM machines for cash.
Well, IK hasn't taken right decision in a timely manner that's a fact.. But I have heard Orya is also extremely against digital currency.. he calls it Dajjali currency.. Another thread is running how cash is one the ways the virus is being transmitted from one person to another.

Orya type people should realize now how important digital currency is. People can help poor and needy directly without the intervention of a middle organization, and then they can buy the goods and pay online/ or by swiping the cards/ or through mobile phones transfers etc..
People fail to understand , a country like Pakistan where religious groups are extremely strong and within no time pass death fatwa. Taming down and giving them sane advice is extremely tough job. Every leader at this time facing hard criticism for not adopting correct policy against COVID. But they are elected leaders who take decision on the basis of collected data and from the support of govt administration and public support.
We found million of TV show host , who act smart. But , they fail to understand the limitations of leaderships.
orya is doing more damage here then good. he is acting immaturely. he thinks himself as master of all trades and actually he is acting like a loser.blaming others the moment a tough moment approaches. sign of people with weak mental strengths. this is a test. we should face it like a muslim. all of us. do everything we can and then have faith in Allah. need to be patient rather then barking around at each other and finding fault with everything. i used to listen to him but now he needs to shut up. what he is doing is only creating an environment of distrust among the masses about the government by calling the government incompetent. the people will lose hope in the government and then they start taking things in their own hands. Godforbid if chaos starts in the society then media as* holes like him and many others will be greatly responsible.
i am not supporting government miscalculations but we know how things work in pakistan. we all are corrupt and we have no capacity to deal with a disaster like this. but the nation seems to be uniting for a common cause. the media should encourage them to unite rather then barking against one party or the government. i hate people like bilawal but if he does anything positive for the safety of the pakistanis in this crisis situation i will rate him as a hero. differences aside but we need to stop this finger pointing business. this is a war and a test. there will be loss of life and wealth but we are muslims and we must be patient and have faith. "bayshak Allah sabar karnay walon kay sath hay"

Pakistan doesn't need enemies. It already has enemies within and most are journos.
It’s just a matter of time when another video will pop-up exposing corruption of Orya Maqbool Jaan and demanding action against him. :rofl:
In this virus issue, IK has shown total lack of leadership.

You have no idea. I live here in a Western nation. One of the most advanced and high tech healthcare system in the world. Dutch healthcare system is renowned. They produce world class medicines and high tech equipment. Their management skills are unrivaled. Yet in the face of infections and deaths I have seen so much chaos and helplessness. Everyone is utterly clueless.

Pakistan in contrast has managed well. If we didn't have the Iranian pilgrims coming in, the number of infections and deaths would be even less. I have heard Imran Khan's speeches and he has convinced me more than the two pence worth journos who know nothing, but corruption and mismanagement.

There is only one proper way to tackle infections at the moment. That is to monitor on a day to day basis. Imran Khan has done exactly that and he continues to follow this approach. This is 100% right approach. If situation gets out of hand a curfew needs be to implemented. Until then there should be no socialising between people. That is the key.

More than the government the people are responsible. Do you expect the people in Pakistan to follow advice of the government? I don't and that is because Pakistani people are sheep. The people here in the West don't even pay heed to keeping a distance. Mind you, these are educated people. In developing nations we cannot expect much. The people are naive and don't care about rules. That is the bitter truth. Imran Khan is the only sane person surrounded by donkeys. I wonder at times how he keeps his cool and energy. It is not easy.
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IK has his share of incompetency, and mismanagement. But the fact the orya maqbool is dissing overseas Pakistanis is shameful, only if this guy knows that how much money we send each year back home via remittances and how does it help Pakistan's economy.
IK has his share of incompetency, and mismanagement. But the fact the orya maqbool is dissing overseas Pakistanis is shameful, only if this guy knows that how much money we send each year back home via remittances and how does it help Pakistan's economy.

I have a feeling that these corrupt journos who lost their unlawful income after the expulsion of Noora league are now trying to use every opportunity to extract revenge. Even if that means destabalising the state.

Every person understands that a full lockdown is firstly unachievable. Even if you somehow miraculously manage a lockdown, what is going to happen to the poor? A sizable portion of the Pakistani population is poor and that is a FACT! The few well off rich will manage, but how will the majority poor get along? Also, how long will the lockdown go on for? When can we say that the lockdown has been a success? What if after the lockdown the infections and deaths continue? What if during the lockdown the situation deteriorates? There are tons of questions that need answering before you even contemplate a full lockdown. Not to even mention what happens to the economy. The economy is already in a critical state. A lockdown won't do any favors.

Have these pathetic journos thought about these questions? When confronted with these vital questions they start barking like donkeys. This is because these journo donkeys are only in it for securing their haram income.
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I have a feeling that these corrupt journos who lost their unlawful income after the expulsion of Noora league are now trying to use every opportunity to extract revenge. Even if that means destabalising the state.

Every person understands that a full lockdown is firstly unachievable. Even if you somehow miraculously manage a lockdown, what is going to happen to the poor? A sizable portion of the Pakistani population is poor and that is a FACT! The few well off rich will manage, but how will the majority poor get along? Also, how long will the lockdown go on for? When can we say that the lockdown has been a success? What if after the lockdown the infections and deaths continue? What if during the lockdown the situation deteriorates? There are tons of questions that need answering before you even contemplate a full lockdown.

Have these pathetic journos thought about these questions? When confronted with these vital questions they start barking like donkeys. This is because these journo donkeys are only in it for haram income.

A hungry poor Pakistani would be better than a infected and sick poor guy reinfecting his whole family and neighbors. I know it's hard to achieve but can be done. And if there is a will you can always have mechanisms to prevent them from sleeping hungry. Majority of Pakistan lives in villages which are extremely small and have agricultural land. Cities can be a problem but as i said if there is a will, there is a way.
A hungry poor Pakistani would be better than a infected and sick poor guy reinfecting his whole family and neighbors. I know it's hard to achieve but can be done. And if there is a will you can always have mechanisms to prevent them from sleeping hungry. Majority of Pakistan lives in villages which are extremely small and have agricultural land. Cities can be a problem but as i said if there is a will, there is a way.

We all agree on that, but we won't achieve this necessarily by implementing a lockdown. Something donkey journos are yearning for. The journos want to see this government fail. These donkey journos want the good old days where they can be bought by bribes from government officials.

I have never seen journos living in bungalows in The Netherlands. In Pakistan I know that journos live in bungalows and have acres of land. This wealth didn't fall from the sky. This wealth was accumulated through unlawful means.

Such donkey journos have no right to point fingers at a PM who genuinely cares about the well-being of his people. Imran Khan doesn't run off to London when he catches a flu. These foolish journos suddenly care about vigorous questioning and democracy blah blah. Where was the vigorous questioning with previous governments? These journos used to sit next to Nawazoo and Zardari as their private advisors. Today they pretend to care about the common man.
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This wealth was accumulated through unlawful means.

Institutes are supposed to keep an eye on that, and justice system to persecute. The ones running those institutes are they clean? Nawaz, zardari etc were supposed to be in jail, with billions coming back to Pakistan. And it was Imran Khan making big claims, does that happen? These are lollipops given to this awam. The sooner we realize that the better. Is hamam main sab nanga hain.
Institutes are supposed to keep an eye on that, and justice system to persecute. The ones running those institutes are they clean? Nawaz, zardari etc were supposed to be in jail, with billions coming back to Pakistan. And it was Imran Khan making big claims, does that happen? These are lollipops given to this awam. The sooner we realize that the better. Is hamam main sab nanga hain.

It was indeed too good to be true, but it doesn't matter. Nawazoo won't come back. His life is over as we speak. Zardari is no different. Let them enjoy their final moments. They are dead whilst being alive. What good is such a worthless life?

Meanwhile, back to reality. What journo donkeys are begging for i.e. a lockdown is not possible. Journo scum are always going to be at war for the unforeseeable future from now on. Their pain and agony has just started. Bit by bit, every corrupt segment of the society is going to be put in a straitjacket. We saw a glimpse of irritation among journo bandits. They know that their time is up except for the good journos.
You have no idea. I live here in a Western nation. One of the most advanced and high tech healthcare system in the world. Dutch healthcare system is renowned. They produce world class medicines and high tech equipment. Their management skills are unrivaled. Yet in the face of infections and deaths I have seen so much chaos and helplessness. Everyone is utterly clueless.

Pakistan in contrast has managed well. If we didn't have the Iranian pilgrims coming in, the number of infections and deaths would be even less. I have heard Imran Khan's speeches and he has convinced me more than the two pence worth journos who know nothing, but corruption and mismanagement.

There is only one proper way to tackle infections at the moment. That is to monitor on a day to day basis. Imran Khan has done exactly that and he continues to follow this approach. This is 100% right approach. If situation gets out of hand a curfew needs be to implemented. Until then there should be no socialising between people. That is the key.

More than the government the people are responsible. Do you expect the people in Pakistan to follow advice of the government? I don't and that is because Pakistani people are sheep. The people here in the West don't even pay heed to keeping a distance. Mind you, these are educated people. In developing nations we cannot expect much. The people are naive and don't care about rules. That is the bitter truth. Imran Khan is the only sane person surrounded by donkeys. I wonder at times how he keeps his cool and energy. It is not easy.

Its not about healthcare system, its about leadership. As IK himself says leader takes tough decisions and IK failed. A timely closure of borders and airlines could have averted it. Apart from public knowledge, he knows confidential info too ans he should have known about spread in iran. The ppl returning should have been properly quarantined. He instead just went with the flow. Its not just Pakistan, Europe and US took wrong approach too and now are facing consequences. Even the current lockdown was strongly suggested by army. The Chinese conveyed their experience and IK didn't heed.
Its not about healthcare system, its about leadership. As IK himself says leader takes tough decisions and IK failed. A timely closure of borders and airlines could have averted it. Apart from public knowledge, he knows confidential info too ans he should have known about spread in iran. The ppl returning should have been properly quarantined. He instead just went with the flow. Its not just Pakistan, Europe and US took wrong approach too and now are facing consequences. Even the current lockdown was strongly suggested by army. The Chinese conveyed their experience and IK didn't heed.

So, you are basically accusing Imran Khan for knowingly infecting his own people? That is obviously an incorrect accusation.

What you can say is that Imran Khan along with all other previous regimes neglected the protection and movement at border areas. Surely the government is responsible for maintaining order and stability at border regions. This however doesn't mean that Imran Khan knowingly allowed infected pilgrims to come in from Iran and spread the virus among the populace.
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