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Imran Khan wanted to rule for life, claims Pervez Khattak

Ab pervaiz Khattack be meray abu key Tarah hein

Imran was in bed with bajwa and faiz…. Together they locked up the entire opposition, mostly with bogus cases to satisfy low IQ pti followers. But when the tables got turned on him now it’s the end of times.
As you give, so shall you receive.
Exactly..assets beyond means is low IQ case

We need high profile case like murders etc like what Ik is under arrest
So. Khattak is now a traitor and Pervaiz Elahi, who Niazi sahab called biggest daku and who himself publicly announced that Bajwa was his and Imran Khan's mohsin is now a patriot and sadiq and ameen - according to PTI supporters ?
I have to say, its hilarious watching Indians on this forum twist themselves into knots trying to put what little is left of the Fauj’s testicles in their mouths and swish them around whilst droning on and on with the same old tired talking points of the Fauji sycophants in the Pakistani media.

Ya’ll are really clutching at straws if you think that somehow the majority of Pakistanis who support IK will believe the same old tired propaganda coming from Indians, despite it having failed when the Fauj and its Pakistani sycophants spewed it non-stop.

The question is, did he want to be a "dictator" and rule for "lifetime" by winning elections or by subverting the constitution?
There is absolutely zero evidence to support allegations that IK wanted to extend his rule via unconstitutional measures.

His entire campaign since being ousted has been for free and fair elections, and his attempts to negotiate with the Fauj were specifically to convince the Fauj to genuinely back out of politics instead of continuing to commit the treason it has been since the days of Ayub Khan.
I have to say, its hilarious watching Indians on this forum twist themselves into knots trying to put what little is left of the Fauj’s testicles in their mouths and swish them around whilst droning on and on with the same old tired talking points of the Fauji sycophants in the Pakistani media.

Ya’ll are really clutching at straws if you think that somehow the majority of Pakistanis who support IK will believe the same old tired propaganda coming from Indians, despite it having failed when the Fauj and its Pakistani sycophants spewed it non-stop.

Yeah this is something very interesting of late.

I wonder why? I wouldn't ever find myself in a Modi thread trying to comment on something I have no clue about.
Together they locked up the entire opposition, mostly with bogus cases to satisfy low IQ pti followers.

Imagine being this stupid.

If bagarati was a service Pakistan could sell, it'll be richer than Switzerland thanks to all the Patwaris.

But knowing you patwaris you'd still demand someone else come market it for you.
There are no term limits, courtesy the PDM chor parties. If Pakistani people keep electing him, it's well within the constitution.

So what's the issue here?
I have to say, its hilarious watching Indians on this forum twist themselves into knots trying to put what little is left of the Fauj’s testicles in their mouths and swish them around whilst droning on and on with the same old tired talking points of the Fauji sycophants in the Pakistani media.

Ya’ll are really clutching at straws if you think that somehow the majority of Pakistanis who support IK will believe the same old tired propaganda coming from Indians, despite it having failed when the Fauj and its Pakistani sycophants spewed it non-stop.
I am not sure why @waz and other admins/mods have not banned you for your abusive language yet. Maybe because you are "Advisors" - whatever that means.

I dont expect any Pakistani to believe Indian propaganda and, unlike you, I am not delusional enough to believe that more than a handful of Pakistanis will read my posts and the most likely number who will understand and be influenced by them is zero. So, I am just stating my unvarnished opinion, just as I do on India-focussed threads when Indian posters make over-zealous and ridiculous claims.

Do you dispute that the army establishment ( Bajwa) pushed the likes of Pervaiz Elahi, who Imran had called the biggest daku into PTI's camp in 2018 ? Do you deny that Imran gave Bajwa an extension and sacked Munir as ISI because he pointed out corruption being done by Buzdar and Bushra Bibi's family to replace him with his favorite Faiz? Do you deny that Imran appointed Pervaiz Elahi as PTI President after he had proclaimed Gen Bajwa as both his and Imran's mohsin ? Do you deny that Imran himself forced PTI members to resig from the national assembly and dismiss their own provincial assemblies. Do you dispute that Imran said " only animals are neutral" when the army refused to interfere on his behalf ?

No one disputes that the Pakistani army has a long history of subverting democracy, but it has done so with the help of civilian leaders, going back to Iskandar Mirza to Bhutto to Nawaz Sharif to Imran Khan.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Parliamentarians (PTI-P) Chairman Pervez Khattak has made fresh revelations, accusing his former boss Imran Khan of being a “dictator” and wanting to extend his rule for “a lifetime”.

Addressing a political gathering in Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) on Monday, the former defence minister reprimanded the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman over his “dictatorial” attitude and that he intended to “rule for life”.

“He [Imran Khan] was a dictator who wanted to rule for life.”

The former KP chief minister also said: “The PTI chief had no intention of delivering [to masses], he didn’t care who stays and who leaves [the ruling party].”

At the same time, he also acknowledged and regretted that despite being in power in the Centre as well as in KP, his former party failed to bring any change and fulfil the PTI’s promises and slogan of “Naya Pakistan”.

Khattak parted ways with the former ruling party in July this year after he was served with a show-cause notice followed by the termination of his party membership over his alleged involvement in persuading PTI workers to leave the party. He together with other key PTI leaders, formed the PTI-Parliamentarians in the same month.

The former chief executive succeeded in amassing a significant number of PTI leaders emerging as a notable player in provincial electoral politics.

He also accentuated that it was his personal efforts that led to the establishment of the provincial government in KP.

Imran Khan had nothing to do with the PTI’s government in KP, the PTI-P leader added.

He also accused the deposed prime minister, who was removed from power via a no-confidence motion in April last year, of backing out from his pledges.

Despite Khattak’s fresh revelations, earlier he had also accused Khan of intending to bring a “revolution” against the army.

Meanwhile, expressing his views on the Khan-led party’s future, the former minister said that the PTI may even face a ban following the May 9 incident.

Khattak condemned and is openly critical of the PTI and Khan’s role in the May 9 riots in which army installations including the Lahore Corps Commander’s House and the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi were targeted and vandalised.

When a good man allows haramis to surround him
Yeah this is something very interesting of late.

I wonder why? I wouldn't ever find myself in a Modi thread trying to comment on something I have no clue about.
That is an irrelevant comparison. There are very few Indian members on this website. The ones who are here must have some interest or knowledge about Pakistan that the average Indian internet user does not have. I have been following Pakistani history, politics and culture for years. So I am not as clueless about Pakistan as the average Indian.
So. Khattak is now a traitor and Pervaiz Elahi, who Niazi sahab called biggest daku and who himself publicly announced that Bajwa was his and Imran Khan's mohsin is now a patriot and sadiq and ameen - according to PTI supporters ?
This is not a matter of IK. This is a matter of Pakistan.

IK's call is to develop a self-respecting nation, where people believe in a bigger destiny for the country, bigger than our individual selves. He speaks of a nation that bows to no one but its creator. A self-respecting nation, of laws. A nation where rich and poor stand in balance in front of the law. A nation that uplifts the poor and protects the weak. A nation that develops a core, and ethos, a fiber, a backbone. Anyone against this ideal is a traitor to our country. What the old boomers are failing to understand, is that PTI and IK politics have transcended beyond individualized politics. It is politics of ideals and national ethos. Anyone against these ideals for our country is a traitor to our country. You can disagree with IK the man, and not like him either. But you cannot disagree with his message. You can also disagree with IK's approach, but again , you cannot disagree with his message.
This is not a matter of IK. This is a matter of Pakistan.

IK's call is to develop a self-respecting nation, where people believe in a bigger destiny for the country, bigger than our individual selves. He speaks of a nation that bows to no one but its creator. A self-respecting nation, of laws. A nation where rich and poor stand in balance in front of the law. A nation that uplifts the poor and protects the weak. A nation that develops a core, and ethos, a fiber, a backbone. Anyone against this ideal is a traitor to our country. What the old boomers are failing to understand, is that PTI and IK politics have transcended beyond individualized politics. It is politics of ideals and national ethos. Anyone against these ideals for our country is a traitor to our country. You can disagree with IK the man, and not like him either. But you cannot disagree with his message. You can also disagree with IK's approach, but again , you cannot disagree with his message.
Yes, no one should disagree that Pakistan should be a self-respecting nation and have rule of law. Has any Pakistani politician or general stated that it should not be ? Just because Imran Khan has the loudest or more catchy slogan doesnt make him more patriotic. Actions speak louder than words. Did Imran get rid of politicians like Pervaiz Elahi or promote them ? Did he stop army interference when he was in power or give extension to army chief ? Even now, large numbers of PTI workers are languishing in jails without trial. What did Imran do to help them ? Instead he wants every case against him to be heard directly by the incumbent CJP . Is that rule of law ?
Yes, no one should disagree that Pakistan should be a self-respecting nation and have rule of law. Has any Pakistani politician or general stated that it should not be ? Just because Imran Khan has the loudest or more catchy slogan doesnt make him more patriotic. Actions speak louder than words. Did Imran get rid of politicians like Pervaiz Elahi or promote them ? Did he stop army interference when he was in power or give extension to army chief ? Even now, large numbers of PTI workers are languishing in jails without trial. What did Imran do to help them ? Instead he wants every case against him to be heard directly by the incumbent CJP . Is that rule of law ?
India would always dislike IK because he was building a stronger more nationally cohesive and unified Pakistan.
Pakistan under IK was also effectively driving the narrative of RSS and Modi and India. This was making many people uncomfortable in western capitals and in India. Pakistan was also working towards some structure of co-existence with Afghanistan. Giving space to those who were willing to reconcile with Pakistan while separating and identifying the foreign assets within the TTP movement. Indian plans were in dire trouble. Unfortunately for Pakistan, we squandered that opportunity.
The establishment is a shill for the US Pentagon. It always has been and anyone in the know knows this. For India the best case scenario is to have the Pakistani genie toothless, weak and under US hegemon, thereby giving India the space it needs. This policy alignment is in sync with US and they have been working and solidifying this approach since the Bill Clinton years.

You talk about Generals not saying anything contrary to the principle of a strong Pakistan. True they don't.
Well they don't say much but their actions are pretty loud. Massive corruption, massive embezzlement of monies abroad, allowing a foreign entity to drone it, allowing foreign intel assets access to Pakistan. Allowing an entire economic structure outside of the state of Pakistan that enriches a select few often at the expense of the general population. The direct and indirect suppression of open voices and direct criticism. The subversion of a free press, and the imprisonment of mostly innocent political workers under false charges. So yes they don't say anything contrary but their actions unfortunately are eating the nation from the inside. Something I am certain people from your side of the border are gloating over. So I can understand why India would be supportive of NS, Zardari and the recent establishment.
India would always dislike IK because he was building a stronger more nationally cohesive and unified Pakistan.
Pakistan under IK was also effectively driving the narrative of RSS and Modi and India. This was making many people uncomfortable in western capitals and in India.
The establishment is a shill for the US Pentagon. It always has been and anyone in the know knows this. For India the best case scenario is to have the Pakistani genie toothless, weak and under US hegemon, thereby giving India the space it needs. This policy alignment is in sync with US.

You talk about Generals not saying anything contrary to the principle of a strong Pakistan. True they dont.
Well they don't say much but their actions are pretty loud. Massive corruption, massive embezzlement of monies abroad, allowing a foreign entity to drone it, allowing foreign intel assets access to Pakistan. Allowing an entire economic structure outside of the state of Pakistan that enriches a select few often at the expense of the general population. The direct and indirect suppression of open voices and direct criticism. The subversion of a free press, and the imprisonment of mostly innocent political workers under false charges. So yes they don't say anything contrary but their actions unfortunately are eating the nation from the inside. Something I am certain people from your side of the border are gloating over. So I can understand why India would be supportive of NS, Zardari and the recent establishment.
You are mistaken that the Indian establishment disliked IK. To the contrary, they would have loved it for him to continue and do more damage to Pakistan.

Imran was a loose cannon and had managed to piss off many countries diplomatically. I think he must have been the only Pakistani leader that an American President refused to talk to. He further pissed off the Americans by declaring that the Afghans had broken their shackles when the Amrericans had to abandoan Kabul in humiliation.

He also managed to anger MBS by his undiplomatic behaviour and trying to form a bloc with Iran and gave India an opening to get closer to Saudi.

Even China was unhappy with slow progress and lack of security for Chinese projects.

Most importantly, IK tried everything to completely discredit the Pak armed forces and destroy any appetite for military confrontation with India. What more could RAW ask for ? IK became their best asset ever without ever spending a paisa. On their own, they could not have created so much fitnaa in Pakistani society even after spending tens of billions of dollars.
What's wrong with that considering the Shareefs have this rare honor already as well as the dimwit generals.
پرویز خٹک کے پد پکوڑے کون کھانا چاہتا ہے؟

Who wants to eat "brain-farts" of Perveiz khatak? the desperate who cannot win another seat anymore. The one who left PTI trying to create his own party - and failed there too.
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