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Imran Khan wanted to rule for life, claims Pervez Khattak

You are mistaken that the Indian establishment disliked IK. To the contrary, they would have loved it for him to continue and do more damage to Pakistan.

Imran was a loose cannon and had managed to piss off many countries diplomatically. I think he must have been the only Pakistani leader that an American President refused to talk to. He further pissed off the Americans by declaring that the Afghans had broken their shackles when the Amrericans had to abandoan Kabul in humiliation.

He also managed to anger MBS by his undiplomatic behaviour and trying to form a bloc with Iran and gave India an opening to get closer to Saudi.

Even China was unhappy with slow progress and lack of security for Chinese projects.

Most importantly, IK tried everything to completely discredit the Pak armed forces and destroy any appetite for military confrontation with India. What more could RAW ask for ? IK became their best asset ever without ever spending a paisa. On their own, they could not have created so much fitnaa in Pakistani society even after spending tens of billions of dollars.
Sorry I am not buying your argument.
IK and a more nationally unified and cohesive Pakistan, economically stable and growing was a far bigger threat to India.

You are mistaken that the Indian establishment disliked IK. To the contrary, they would have loved it for him to continue and do more damage to Pakistan.

Imran was a loose cannon and had managed to piss off many countries diplomatically. I think he must have been the only Pakistani leader that an American President refused to talk to. He further pissed off the Americans by declaring that the Afghans had broken their shackles when the Amrericans had to abandoan Kabul in humiliation.

He also managed to anger MBS by his undiplomatic behaviour and trying to form a bloc with Iran and gave India an opening to get closer to Saudi.

Even China was unhappy with slow progress and lack of security for Chinese projects.

Most importantly, IK tried everything to completely discredit the Pak armed forces and destroy any appetite for military confrontation with India. What more could RAW ask for ? IK became their best asset ever without ever spending a paisa. On their own, they could not have created so much fitnaa in Pakistani society even after spending tens of billions of dollars.
Speaking points of the current military establishment. What strange bedfellows you have. LOL!!!
Sorry I am not buying your argument.
IK and a more nationally unified and cohesive Pakistan, economically stable and growing was a far bigger threat to India.

Speaking points of the current military establishment. What strange bedfellows you have. LOL!!!
The military establishment relies on the perception of India as the existential enemy to justify its perks and funding. If there was peace with India, most of the Pakistani armed forces would be redundant. Why would the Pakistani establishment have the same talking points as India ? What possible reason does India have to support the Pak army which started all wars against us and supported all the insurgencies ? Why would Indians share the same view as the Pakistani military unless maybe because both are stating the facts that many Pakistanis who are blinded by their ideology, ignorance and hatred are unable or unwilling to see.
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Ab pervaiz Khattack be meray abu key Tarah hein

Exactly..assets beyond means is low IQ case

We need high profile case like murders etc like what Ik is under arrest
yar tu rahnayday ,Khattak ka game end hai no glucose bottle will help him
Your rambling posts, regurgitating Fauji propaganda, lies and half truths, are straight out of the Trump playbook - make so many half assed claims that people waste their time just fact checking your rubbish and forget about the actual issue on hand - the fascist crackdown by the Fauj and their continued violations of the constitution going back to Ayub Khan.

So let me save you and everyone else the time - regardless of what you think about Imran Khan or the Sharifs or the Bhuttos/Zardaris, the issue at hand is the restoration of genuine democracy by permanently making the Army subservient to the elected civilian leadership,

The first steps in that direction needs to be an end to the fascist crackdown the Fauj is currently carrying out against the PTI leadership, workers and supporters and an end to their manipulation of State institutions and an end to their control of private media. Those first steps are necessary in order to have free and fair elections where all parties are free to campaign and promote their political platform.

Whatever Imran Khan’s flaws, that will be up to the voter to decide.

So, unless the thread is specifically to discuss/analyze Imran Khan’s decison making while in power, please stop regurgitating Fauji propaganda points everywhere and provide your views (as a self proclaimed third party who is interested in Pakistan’s domestic dynamics) on what can be done to move towards the steps outlined earlier.

FYI - the above advice also applies to the usual Pakistani suspects who get triggered everytime the Fauj is criticized for its fascist policies and constitutional violations.
Allama Iqbal gave all the answers and one was Pakistan:-

Art thou in the stage of "life", "death" or "death-in-life",
Invoke the aid of three witnesses to verify thy station,
The first witness is thine own consciousness see thyself, then with thine own light,
The second witness is the consciousness of another ego- See thyself, then with the light of an ego other than thee,
See thyself then with God’s light- If thou standest unshaken in front of this light,
Consider thyself as living and eternal as He!
That man only is real who dares,
Dares to see God face the face.
No one can stand unshaken in His presence;
And he who can, verily, he is pure gold,
Art thou a mere particle of dust?
Tighten the knot of thy ego;
Rechisel then, thine ancient frame;
And build up a new being.
Such being is real being;
Or else thy ego is mere ring of smokes.

I am glad that he realized it so early in his time with PTI.

Imran Khan has its flaws. No question about it. But he is still way better than pml n and zardari tol.
You are mistaken that the Indian establishment disliked IK. To the contrary, they would have loved it for him to continue and do more damage to Pakistan.

Imran was a loose cannon and had managed to piss off many countries diplomatically. I think he must have been the only Pakistani leader that an American President refused to talk to. He further pissed off the Americans by declaring that the Afghans had broken their shackles when the Amrericans had to abandoan Kabul in humiliation.

He also managed to anger MBS by his undiplomatic behaviour and trying to form a bloc with Iran and gave India an opening to get closer to Saudi.

Even China was unhappy with slow progress and lack of security for Chinese projects.

Most importantly, IK tried everything to completely discredit the Pak armed forces and destroy any appetite for military confrontation with India. What more could RAW ask for ? IK became their best asset ever without ever spending a paisa. On their own, they could not have created so much fitnaa in Pakistani society even after spending tens of billions of dollars.
The relationship status with China, Saudi or whoever is for the people of Pakistan to decide with their votes. It's not the domain of the establishment. This myopic view of the establishment- to completely depend on foreign powers like China, Saudi, or US is precisely what has ruined Pakistan. Instead of cultivating the economic power of the people, they sold their citizens and their resources to countries that would reimburse not even a quarter of the country's GDP.

Bangladesh is an example. It exports far more than Pakistan and is trading partner of both the US & China. Both US & China have some mild competition in making inroads there. Whereas Pakistan has turned into a parasitic burden- there is only one thing to do and that is to beg. In the US, Pakistan isn't even discussed and received only recent attention due to IK imprisonment and lobbying.

The solution is and has always been to look inwards, develop its human capital through education, infrastructure, and enterprise. All these things were being worked on during IK period. Sometimes these policies collided with foreign interests such as purchasing Russian oil due to economic constraints. IK bet on the people of Pakistan and the establishment bet on the good favor of the US. You can see now with the economy, IK was right.
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Imagine being this stupid.

If bagarati was a service Pakistan could sell, it'll be richer than Switzerland thanks to all the Patwaris.

But knowing you patwaris you'd still demand someone else come market it for you.
Ahh yes imrandus are the gold standard for morals since their prophet imran has not a spec of corruption or scandal on him.
PTI is as corrupt if not more than PPP was. But all you hear and believe is your prophet imran.
How do you know i am a patwari? Because I don’t support PTI? Or criticize their stupid decisions in power?
The cases put on Ahsan Iqbal? Khwaja saad rafique? Drugs one on rana?
Don’t be a hypocrite, you know they were mostly baseless BS cases .
You’re the one not living in reality, come out of your prophets beh”nd to see whats really happened.
Phew glad we can all rest now knowing that. There's now just the small problem of why we see the same corrupt families in power now that have been around since the 70's....Imran was playing cricket back then, so what gives?

Sarcasm mode off.
Your rambling posts, regurgitating Fauji propaganda, lies and half truths, are straight out of the Trump playbook - make so many half assed claims that people waste their time just fact checking your rubbish and forget about the actual issue on hand - the fascist crackdown by the Fauj and their continued violations of the constitution going back to Ayub Khan.

So let me save you and everyone else the time - regardless of what you think about Imran Khan or the Sharifs or the Bhuttos/Zardaris, the issue at hand is the restoration of genuine democracy by permanently making the Army subservient to the elected civilian leadership,

The first steps in that direction needs to be an end to the fascist crackdown the Fauj is currently carrying out against the PTI leadership, workers and supporters and an end to their manipulation of State institutions and an end to their control of private media. Those first steps are necessary in order to have free and fair elections where all parties are free to campaign and promote their political platform.

Whatever Imran Khan’s flaws, that will be up to the voter to decide.

So, unless the thread is specifically to discuss/analyze Imran Khan’s decison making while in power, please stop regurgitating Fauji propaganda points everywhere and provide your views (as a self proclaimed third party who is interested in Pakistan’s domestic dynamics) on what can be done to move towards the steps outlined earlier.

FYI - the above advice also applies to the usual Pakistani suspects who get triggered everytime the Fauj is criticized for its fascist policies and constitutional violations.
TLDR. Completely incoherent and doesn't merit a response.

@waz I don't see an option to "ignore" this member. Can it please be added. Thanks.
The relationship status with China, Saudi or whoever is for the people of Pakistan to decide with their votes. It's not the domain of the establishment. This myopic view of the establishment- to completely depend on foreign powers like China, Saudi, or US is precisely what has ruined Pakistan. Instead of cultivating the economic power of the people, they sold their citizens and their resources to countries that would reimburse not even a quarter of the country's GDP.

Bangladesh is an example. It exports far more than Pakistan and is trading partner of both the US & China. Both US & China have some mild competition in making inroads there. Whereas Pakistan has turned into a parasitic burden- there is only one thing to do and that is to beg. In the US, Pakistan isn't even discussed and received only recent attention due to IK imprisonment and lobbying.

The solution is and has always been to look inwards, develop its human capital through education, infrastructure, and enterprise. All these things were being worked on during IK period. Sometimes these policies collided with foreign interests such as purchasing Russian oil due to economic constraints. IK bet on the people of Pakistan and the establishment bet on the good favor of the US. You can see now with the economy, IK was right.
Idealistically speaking, you may be correct, but every country has to live with the burden of its history.

Because of decisions made by Pakistani leaders starting from Mr Jinnah, Pakistan is today financially dependent on the US, Arabs and China. You cannot afford to piss them off. For that matter, no country can. If Modi or Sheikh Hasina had acted like a bull in a china shop, their countries would also have had to pay the diplomatic and economic consequences that Pakistan did.

And frankly what options does Pakistan have ? Before the 2018 elections, Imran had made many tall promises about the economy and had said he would never go to the IMF. What actually happened ?

Ahh yes imrandus are the gold standard for morals since their prophet imran has not a spec of corruption or scandal on him.
PTI is as corrupt if not more than PPP was. But all you hear and believe is your prophet imran.
How do you know i am a patwari? Because I don’t support PTI? Or criticize their stupid decisions in power?
The cases put on Ahsan Iqbal? Khwaja saad rafique? Drugs one on rana?
Don’t be a hypocrite, you know they were mostly baseless BS cases .
You’re the one not living in reality, come out of your prophets beh”nd to see whats really happened.
Well, they have similar scripts for anyone who doesnt agree with them. They can't call me a patwari, since I am a pajeet. So, they have come up with a ridiculous conspiracy theory that the Indian and Pakistani establishments are in cahoots against the Pakistani awaam.
destroy any appetite for military confrontation with India.
You consider that as his flaw? As an Indian? I thought they used to call people like that as statesman/peacemaker.
You consider that as his flaw? As an Indian? I thought they used to call people like that as statesman/peacemaker.
No it is a good thing. For India. That is why the Indian establishment would want him to stay in power for as long as possible.
Idealistically speaking, you may be correct, but every country has to live with the burden of its history.

Because of decisions made by Pakistani leaders starting from Mr Jinnah, Pakistan is today financially dependent on the US, Arabs and China. You cannot afford to piss them off. For that matter, no country can. If Modi or Sheikh Hasina had acted like a bull in a china shop, their countries would also have had to pay the diplomatic and economic consequences that Pakistan did.

And frankly what options does Pakistan have ? Before the 2018 elections, Imran had made many tall promises about the economy and had said he would never go to the IMF. What actually happened ?

Well, they have similar scripts for anyone who doesnt agree with them. They can't call me a patwari, since I am a pajeet. So, they have come up with a ridiculous conspiracy theory that the Indian and Pakistani establishments are in cahoots against the Pakistani awaam.
Historically speaking, most of those decisions that have tied Pakistan to foreign powers, were made by the establishment. Each era, resulting in even more long-term damage than the previous.

While Khan was not able to deliver on all promises, economic conditions had stabilized and improved. The end of his term saw Pakistan's highest exports and remittances, the exact duo needed to pull Pakistan out of its balance of payments crisis.

The factories that had shut down due to PMLN overvalued currency policies, were now open but struggling to find workers. More factories were being constructed, so exports were expected to drastically increase when online.

Then came back PMLN and their obsession with artificially overvalued PKR. They used the foreign exchange reserves to subsidize the PKR, making imports cheaper and exports less competitive. So at least a billion dollars was wasted into thin air for no reason. When the reserves started dropping dangerously low, they restricted imports including raw material, so factories already struggling with decreased demand for overvalued exports, had to shut down again.

Now the country's exports and remittances dropped $7 billion, more than what it's getting from the IMF. You can see the irony here? The establishment scored its own goal. To improve relations with foreign powers, they nuked their own economy.

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