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Opinion: Turkey not a regional power.

War will cost aprrx 1$ Billion each and every single day!!

But wait?

Wtf dont you do something arab? Arent they arabs?? You got oil and enough $ go ahead.

If you sum up all Arab countries, you will get only KSA.
Look at KSA actions:
We engaged in Bahrain and Yemen when we had to. We paid the price to the last penny. If we had not done that, we would have been fighting with Iranian proxies in mecca streets right now. THIS IS WHAT A REGIONAL POWER IS.
Look at Russia:
They paid the price and engaged in Georgia. They annexed a big chink of that country. Can you believe it? and now look at Georgia. They came back to their hug just recently! They acted well and got the benefit in a few years. THIS IS WHAT A REGIONAL POWER IS.
Look at Iran: They are fighting in more than 4 fronts (Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Erythrea, Afghanistan). They pay the price. Yes, There is a price for security.
USA said not but KSA went ahead in Bahrain without permission. We never acted like a puppet. We never let down our friends.
Syria is traditional supporter of PKK.
Syria refused to take part in Turkish railway projects in ME.
Iraqi oil sailing from Syrian ports to Mediterranean is not good for Turkey.
Turkey needs land connection for ME oil routes. We are net exporter of oil. We have to do everything what we can.
Turkey hosts Europe's biggest truck fleet. Without Syrian highways, Turkey can't use them.

Turkey has many reasons for supporting FSA in Syria.
once turkey gets in to EU there won't be any question as to whether turkey is a regional power or not. it is definately a military regional power.
Turkey is a very influential country. Definitely among the top three Muslims countries in the world in terms of global influence.
Turkey is a very influential country. Definitely among the top three Muslims countries in the world in terms of global influence.
Yes, They are now.
But if they do not act, you will see them fighting with PKK in Istanbul streets.
Yes, They are now.
But if they do not act, you will see them fighting with PKK in Istanbul streets.

Turkey, cannot do it alone. KSA has the most sophisticated military machine in the middle east, it has its head stuck in the sand. So we have a stalemate.

Turkey has learned from Pakistan, they know doing it all alone has consequences but has long term benefits. This is a golden opportunity for OIC to set up a task force made up of Middle Eastern and Turkish Air forces to knock out Asad's air force and establish a no-fly zone over Syria.

Once you, have a no fly zone, only then the Asad's armor can be taken out effectively, once that is done, FSA has a level playing field even an upper hand because they will have CAS from the Task Force. Peacekeeping forces in the liberated areas, buffer zones, repatriation of internally displaced people and refugees. Only thing keeping Asad on oxygen is its military 85% of which is alawite so they will fight to the very end because otherwise they would have to pay for their crimes.

Turkey is more than willing to set up a no fly zone, its KSA that needs to step up and provide leadership in the middle east. If not then NATO will come in and then they will install a puppet in Damascus that suits their needs and "security of Israel". If you dont want that, then SA should request OIC to form a joint Task Force now!
In a perfect world, nobody would touch Syria and nobody would go near an arab country. Unfortunately Iran is occupied by an "arabesque" theocracy and our money gets wasted on little shits like Hezbollah and other arab affairs.

Benefits of inteference in an Arab conflict: NOTHING

Negatives: a million different sources of headaches and billions upon billions in the trash.

Arabs should care about arabs, everyone else should care about themselves. There is nothing in the arab world for anyone.
In a perfect world, nobody would touch Syria and nobody would go near an arab country. Unfortunately Iran is occupied by an "arabesque" theocracy and our money gets wasted on little shits like Hezbollah and other arab affairs.

Benefits of inteference in an Arab conflict: NOTHING

Negatives: a million different sources of headaches and billions upon billions in the trash.

Arabs should care about arabs, everyone else should care about themselves. There is nothing in the arab world for anyone.

I totally Agree funny though, is the first time we agree on something.
Iran should look after its people and leave the arab world for arabs. Nothing has Iran gained out of it.
Turkey, cannot do it alone. KSA has the most sophisticated military machine in the middle east, it has its head stuck in the sand. So we have a stalemate.

Turkey has learned from Pakistan, they know doing it all alone has consequences but has long term benefits. This is a golden opportunity for OIC to set up a task force made up of Middle Eastern and Turkish Air forces to knock out Asad's air force and establish a no-fly zone over Syria.

Once you, have a no fly zone, only then the Asad's armor can be taken out effectively, once that is done, FSA has a level playing field even an upper hand because they will have CAS from the Task Force. Peacekeeping forces in the liberated areas, buffer zones, repatriation of internally displaced people and refugees. Only thing keeping Asad on oxygen is its military 85% of which is alawite so they will fight to the very end because otherwise they would have to pay for their crimes.

Turkey is more than willing to set up a no fly zone, its KSA that needs to step up and provide leadership in the middle east. If not then NATO will come in and then they will install a puppet in Damascus that suits their needs and "security of Israel". If you dont want that, then SA should request OIC to form a joint Task Force now!
Jordan is not willing to participate and that totally block KSA.
Syria is turkey's backyard.
We already took care of our own backyard in Bahrain and Yemen.
I totally Agree funny though, is the first time we agree on something.
Iran should look after its people and leave the arab world for arabs. Nothing has Iran gained out of it.
Iranians outside Iran are usually very secular and oppose their goverment.
I totally Agree funny though, is the first time we agree on something.
Iran should look after its people and leave the arab world for arabs. Nothing has Iran gained out of it.

Well, you need to be more clear here.

Our mullahs do indeed get smtg out of it. But as you say, Iran doesn't.

Our mullahs are a seperate entity from the Iranian people, they've always been. Islam isn't native to Iran so there has always been this disconnect. The mullahs and other hardcore crazies in Iran find comfort in their close relationship with Iraqi/Lebanese shias. In essense, they're their people. Most people in power in Iran have more in common with a shia arab in Iraq and Lebanon than with an avg Iranian in the street. We just speak somewhat the same language (I say somewhat b/c most of these mullahs are trying to speak arabic half the time, even when they're speaking persian they use so much arabic that nothing makes sense anymore).

The religous fucks gain a lot while Iran loses.
Well, you need to be more clear here.

Our mullahs do indeed get smtg out of it. But as you say, Iran doesn't.

Our mullahs are a seperate entity from the Iranian people, they've always been. Islam isn't native to Iran so there has always been this disconnect. The mullahs and other hardcore crazies in Iran find comfort in their close relationship with Iraqi/Lebanese shias. In essense, they're their people. Most people in power in Iran have more in common with a shia arab in Iraq and Lebanon than with an avg Iranian in the street. We just speak somewhat the same language (I say somewhat b/c most of these mullahs are trying to speak arabic half the time, even when they're speaking persian they use so much arabic that nothing makes sense anymore).

The religous fucks gain a lot while Iran loses.

Khamenei and Khomeini both claim to be descendents of the prophet. maybe they don't consider themselves Persian.
Actually Khamenei is even half Azeri turk, as I know.
Iranians outside Iran are usually very secular and oppose their goverment.

Iranians outside Iran didn't fall off the moon. We come from Iran. Most Iranians outside emigrated in the past 10-15 years, so we're not from the rev period and we represent Iranians inside Iran.

Most Iranians, whether inside or outside, are secular. Of course, the ones living outside are more liberal, but those that are inside would turn into hardcore liberals all the same if Iran becomes a secular country.

Why do you think the regime in Iran bans people from changing religion or every party that is against the shria/velayate faqih and other bull ****? Because they know who we are. They also force the hijab b/c they know we would all walk around half naked if we could.
Jordan is not willing to participate and that totally block KSA.
Syria is turkey's backyard.
We already took care of our own backyard in Bahrain and Yemen.

You, don't need Jordanians on board if they don't wish to. The Jordanian king has a legacy, we all know that. If OIC orders the formation of a task force then firstly Jordan will be forced to comply, if it doesn't it won't make any difference as there is going to be no ground invasion that you need Jordan for secondly they can't shut their air space for RSAF to pass onto strike Asad's forces. If they do, KSA can simply move the air fleet its going to commit to the strike package to Turkey to carry out operations from there.
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