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these tin cans are depressing.they wont stand a chance against ambushes and IEDs

Instead we can make these ttp haranis depressing if our vehincles were ied resistance. :(

O Mr right now many doctors and engineers are part of Taliban and most were in Jobs they left them to join TTP and same is going on in other parts of the world you can live in denial but reality will keep haunting you either governments will implement Islamic laws or it is going to become all out mess

Sir look these retards are running and getting killed in process, their best hope is to plant ied. Mr don't you think you are exagerating power of bunch of crimnal terrorists? What can they do a part from killing innocents by blowing themselfes up?
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PA in 1947. Different enemy, different year, it doesn't matter we will always stand together.

Political Consensus
Most of the political parties of Pakistan including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Pakistan People Party, Mutahida Qaumi Movement and Awami National Party issued statements in the support of army operation. The leader of Jamat-e-Islami , Mr. Siraj ul Haq expressed his displeasure

Mr. Tahir ul Qadri, the leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek and Hafiz Saeed, the head of Salafist Jamaat-ud-Dawa also expressed their support for the military operation in two separate statements.

At the time when nation needs unity with armed forces, please refrain from calling parties by the sect you imagine they belong to.

I m not an advocate of Jaamut Dawa but they have done tremendous charity work in the country. Hafiz Saeed being a thorn in Indian side is enough for me to be a hero. This is when politicians who call themselves leader of the people act like na-mard.
I just don't understand one thing. There were so many militants roaming inside Pakistan, what has Pakistani government been doing past so many years? 187 in one day, that means close to 2000 in 10 days. yeh kya hai?
I just don't understand one thing. There were so many militants roaming inside Pakistan, what has Pakistani government been doing past so many years? 187 in one day, that means close to 2000 in 10 days. yeh kya hai?

This is COIN warfare not a conventional war. We have to be very very surgical and extremely politically correct. The next on the target scope are Punjabi Taliban. Once we are done with North Waziristan, we will go after them in urban areas.
You can't fight them for ever do as much fighting you want to and than again in the end you will talk or you will see another ISIS in the making you think you can defeat them go ahead Sir you will clear NW in no time but you will not win the war only win the battle
If Sri Lanka can beat the LTTE (the fathers of suicide bombing), while the SLA was under equipped, I have no doubt that Pakistan will beat the TTP. ISIS is only winning because of the Iraqi military is incompetent, and it's leadership (both political and military) are sectarian in nature; Pakistan Army is far superior to the SLA and IQA, so it can will. It has no choice but to win, and it will win.
Than these states won't work and these groups will keep coming up and Shariah has always worked and will work today and if governments will not implement it they would soon see every second person becoming Taliban and trying to implement on its own

But there was A Shariah in Hazrat Ali (R.A) Caliphate era, why there was still Fitna Fasad than? As per you if we implement full shairah there will be n fitna fasad, Islamic history says, there was fitna fasad even within Sharrai government of Hazrat Usman (R.A) and Hazrat Ali (R.A) ?
At the time when nation needs unity with armed forces, please refrain from calling parties by the sect you imagine they belong to.

I m not an advocate of Jaamut Dawa but they have done tremendous charity work in the country. Hafiz Saeed being a thorn in Indian side is enough for me to be a hero. This is when politicians who call themselves leader of the people act like na-mard.

This exact mindset of Pakistanis, to allow terrorists and extremists to become heros, simply because they use that terrorism against Pakistan's enemies (whether it was Islamic mujahids in Afghanistan against USSR or people like HS against India) has landed Pakistan into the crap-fest it finds itself in. More power to you my friend.
Dont know this didnt happen sooner?

You can't negotiate with these TTP animals. Either they surrender or they die. There is no 3rd option.
This exact mindset of Pakistanis, to allow terrorists and extremists to become heros, simply because they use that terrorism against Pakistan's enemies (whether it was Islamic mujahids in Afghanistan against USSR or people like HS against India) has landed Pakistan into the crap-fest it finds itself in. More power to you my friend.

@Aeronaut sir change this guy flags to India. Its confusing for new comers.
This exact mindset of Pakistanis, to allow terrorists and extremists to become heros, simply because they use that terrorism against Pakistan's enemies (whether it was Islamic mujahids in Afghanistan against USSR or people like HS against India) has landed Pakistan into the crap-fest it finds itself in. More power to you my friend.

Hafiz Saeed challenges India to prove he is a terrorist - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Your govt is mum. The man is willing to be tried in court.
Apparently everyone in the muslim world seems to agree that this might be the perfect time to kill each others.
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