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Flash back from 6 month ago

Imran Khan siad it than and he said it now

PTI will support army in case operation is started in waziristan


Updated Jan 22, 2014 05:45pm

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) chiarman Imran Khan on Wednesday said his party would stand by the army in case a military operation is to be launched to counter the terrorist threat, DawnNews reported.

Speaking to media representatives, Khan said the government had failed in its bid to hold talks with the Taliban, adding that his party should be taken into confidence if a military operation is to be launched.

Khan, whose party has been a longstanding advocate of dialogue with the Taliban, said anti-state elements had triumphed which could have been prevented had the government sought cooperation from the people of the tribal areas.

He said all political parties had given the government the mandate to begin talks with the Taliban, adding that although Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif circled around the world and made international visits, no good came out of these.

Khan said his party would stand by the army when times come to launch a military operation.

The PTI chief’s statement came a day after at least 40 people were killed in air strikes in North Waziristan.

The strikes appeared to be a tit-for-tat response to the militant bombings in Bannu and Rawalpindi. However, security officials have said the strikes were carried out on the basis of intelligence reports.



Imran says would stand by army in case of military operation - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Ultimately you will talk because I know these guys they are not going any where you through this operation may win the battle not war and if you don't believe it you will see and to win major war you have to bring Ulemas in and get them together to form Shariah law to implement it

Talks -- There is nothing to negotiate -- do you think they will calm down even if govt implements the so called 'shariah' -- Don't you know -- they have no idea what shariah really is -- they have their own version of shariah.

We can defeat them in this 'WAR' if we have enough will --- and Yes we will!!
Talks -- There is nothing to negotiate -- do you think they will calm down even if govt implements the so called 'shariah' -- Don't you know -- they have no idea what shariah really is -- they have their own version of shariah.

We can defeat them in this 'WAR' if we have enough will --- and Yes we will!!
You can't fight them for ever do as much fighting you want to and than again in the end you will talk or you will see another ISIS in the making you think you can defeat them go ahead Sir you will clear NW in no time but you will not win the war only win the battle
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf
2 hours ago

"Since the operation has started, we stand by our army and pray that the operation is successful." Chairman Imran Khan said outside Parliament. He added that "I am concerned about the civilians at North Waziristan. This operation was announced by DG ISPR, why not by the Government? I and CM Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pervez Khattak came to know about #ZarbEAzb through TV. Since a lot of displaced people are going to come in KP, we should have been contacted us so we could have suggested plan for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Military operation cannot succeed unless it has a political solution too. We trust our army & support them."



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf | Facebook
You can't fight them for ever do as much fighting you want to and than again in the end you will talk or you will see another ISIS in the making you think you can defeat them go ahead Sir you will clear NW in no time but you will not win the war only win the battle

Are you suggesting that we should kneel down to them accepting their demands? Bring them in the parliament, and become a laughing stock in the world?

Sorry -- we'd rather keep on fighting --- but we believe something else -- we can bring an end to this one -- if we have enough will and unity



After cleanning those tribal areas, Govt must declare them a KPK OR balouchistan PROVINCE rather than SO CALLED FEDERALLY ADMINISTRERED TRIBAL AREAS :undecided:
File photos of Army personnel who embraced martyrdom in IED blast in NWA earlier today.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un ( إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎)

May Allah grant them heaven. Our brave soldiers who went their knowing the threats they will face. For each soldier killed we must kill 10 of them. Their deaths will not be in vain. We will end this threat once and for all. INSHALLAH
File photos of Army personnel who embraced martyrdom in IED blast in NWA earlier today.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un ( إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎)




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You can't fight them for ever do as much fighting you want to and than again in the end you will talk or you will see another ISIS in the making you think you can defeat them go ahead Sir you will clear NW in no time but you will not win the war only win the battle

Aye! They are superhuman and have a superior intellect, eh? It's normal for human eye to detect others faces leftside right in the mirror so I won't blame you but for once try and put your logic other way around and see and analyze the flipped situation. It's said that covert bleeding is more dangerous than overt bleeding for former is often neglected - further negligence of this TTP problem would be more dreadful than what you have assumed (another ISIS in making and stuff, BS though). I say let them come with full force, it's better to bleed profusely for once and die valiantly rather than bleeding in episodes and die cowardly. They are going to raze us to the ground and things like that don't hold any ground my dear friend so please stop exaggerating the things and harping on the same tune again and over again. Karachi's atmosphere contains too much lead so should I stop breathing? We have seen enough of these lunatics, it's time we get rid of them for good. Musalman ho dartay kyo ho backlash see? People who bear ambiguity at this point in time are actually pro Taliban and I am damn sure about this. I don't, do you?

Lets be clear of the fact that clearance of NW isn't at par with getting rid of Taliban completely, we need at least a decade to overcome this cancer. Society that has gone radicalized over the past few decades has to be reverted back, factors that nurse terrorism have to be addressed efficaciously - in short it's a multifaceted task at different levels.
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