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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

Are you suggesting that we should kneel down to them accepting their demands? Bring them in the parliament, and become a laughing stock in the world?

Sorry -- we'd rather keep on fighting --- but we believe something else -- we can bring an end to this one -- if we have enough will and unity



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Thant continue to fight for next 1000 years with no end

Aye! They are superhuman and have a superior intellect, eh? It's normal for human eye to detect others faces leftside right in the mirror so I won't blame you but for once try and put your logic other way around and see and analyze the flipped situation. It's said that covert bleeding is more dangerous than overt bleeding for former is often neglected - further negligence of this TTP problem would be more dreadful than what you have assumed (another ISIS in making and stuff, BS though). I say let them come with full force, it's better to bleed profusely for once and die valiantly rather than bleeding in episodes and die cowardly. They are going to raze us to the ground and things like that don't hold any ground my dear friend so please stop exaggerating the things and harping on the same tune again and over again. Karachi's atmosphere contains too much lead so should I stop breathing? We have seen enough of these lunatics, it's time we get rid of them for good. Musalman ho dartay kyo ho backlash see? People who bear ambiguity at this point in time are actually pro Taliban and I am damn sure about this. I don't, do you?

Lets be clear of the fact that clearance of NW isn't at par with getting rid of Taliban completely, we need at least a decade to overcome this cancer. Society that has gone radicalized over the past few decades has to be reverted back, factors that nurse terrorism have to be addressed efficaciously - in short it's a multifaceted task at different levels.
The problem is not they would come once and and will go away than these groups will now keep coming up and you don't have enough money or resources to fight and you will loose the public support if you will use Islamic names when it fulfills your purpose but do nothing to get Islamic laws implemented if this keeps happening these type of groups will gain more support and power and they will keep fighting and they are getting better at war tactics you will need decades and you can't de radicalize people when you are seen as part of kufr system when you are protecting and promoting all un Islamic things from cultural to economic and in all other aspects you will only put more fuel to fire
Thant continue to fight for next 1000 years with no end

Why is India not being attacked? Or Iran?

There is no logic in Pakistan militancy, its artificial and funded by foreign agencies. It relies on the local population to start attacking each other in a civil war. They never got the traction since 2005 because this is SPARTA.

It will die as soon as army has full control over entry routes into Pak on the borders.
Why is India not being attacked? Or Iran?

There is no logic in Pakistan militancy, its artificial and funded by foreign agencies. It relies on the local population to start attacking each other in a civil war. They never got the traction since 2005 because this is SPARTA.

It will die as soon as army has full control over entry routes into Pak on the borders.
Mr sorry but it was under Musharraf U turn was taken and Afghans and Tribal areas were betrayed Sir face the reality
Mr sorry but it was under Musharraf U turn was taken and Afghans and Tribal areas were betrayed Sir face the reality

Because terrorists occupied Lal Masjid. Me personally I knew there are then these people did not mean well and they wanted to harm Pakistan. Zarvan face reality, these people play football with your soldiers heads, have some dignity for God sake. If Pakistan can defend herself from India in 65 at a 3:1 ratio then we can achieve anything.
Because terrorists occupied Lal Masjid. Me personally I knew there are then these people did not mean well and they wanted to harm Pakistan. Zarvan face reality, these people play football with your soldiers heads, have some dignity for God sake. If Pakistan can defend herself from India in 65 at a 3:1 ratio then we can achieve anything.
Yes you also were broken at 1971 your two provinces are burning because of your dumbest policies you are not ready to learn Mr and if you think when it comes to Islam and you just use name and not implement people will tolerate this and support you for long no Sir you will start loosing support so put pressure on government they start implementing Shariah law other wise this problem is not going any where I want peace too but I know peace won't come until and unless we solve the root of the problem which no body is working on
haha, Nawaz sealed his fate with that national assembly address. No longer will Talibs see him as their Ameer on the other side. Coupled with their threat against Nawaz and all of Punjab, he must be shaking in his boots right now.

Air Strikes

On the second day of operation Zarb-e-Azb Pakistan Air Force launched jet strikes and destroyed six militant bases. The air sortie at the west of Miranshah resulted in the death of 27 terrorists, while 13 were killed in the air strikes at Shawal region. PKKH was informed that six Uzbek militants who were trying to hide in the abandoned school in this area were also taken out.

The Shawal area of North Waziristan is mostly inhabited by the militants who use it as their hideouts. The civilians of Miranshah and Mir Ali were instructed in the early hours of the inception of Zab-e-Azb to evict the area.

First Ground Encounter
The first standoff between the security forces and the insurgents happened in Shawal, where seven militants were killed after they unsuccessfully tried to break the cordon in an attempt to flee. The exchange of fire resulted in the martyrdom of two soldiers of Pakistan Army. An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast also resulted in the deaths of six security personnel.

Total of 187 militants have been killed, as yet.

TTP Statement and security high alert in major cities of Pakistan
As retaliation, TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid issued a statement in which he threatened attacks on Lahore and Islamabad. In a strongly worded statement, Shahid also exhorted, “Foreign investors, airlines, and multinational companies should cut off business with Pakistan”. In addition, the spokesman also asserted that the government palaces will be burnt in retaliatory attacks by TTP fighters.

The security in Islamabad and all the major cities has already been beefed up, with the army deployment in sensitive installments. The safety of all the major prisons and airports in Pakistan has been increased.

Political Consensus
Most of the political parties of Pakistan including Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Pakistan People Party, Mutahida Qaumi Movement and Awami National Party issued statements in the support of army operation. The leader of Jamat-e-Islami , Mr. Siraj ul Haq expressed his displeasure

Mr. Tahir ul Qadri, the leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek and Hafiz Saeed, the head of Salafist Jamaat-ud-Dawa also expressed their support for the military operation in two separate statements.

The parliamentarians of National Assembly and Sindh Provincial Assembly also passed resolutions supporting military operation in North Waziristan. In his first speech briefing since the inception of Zarb-e-Azb, the premier Mr. Nawaz Sharif stressed that operation will not end until all terrorists are eliminated.

Contributing Reporter: Atiq Durrani

Note: PKKH will keep its readers updated about the military offensive in NWA. The reports will be issued on daily basis.

Source PKKH.tv
Yes you also were broken at 1971 your two provinces are burning because of your dumbest policies you are not ready to learn Mr and if you think when it comes to Islam and you just use name and not implement people will tolerate this and support you for long no Sir you will start loosing support so put pressure on government they start implementing Shariah law other wise this problem is not going any where I want peace too but I know peace won't come until and unless we solve the root of the problem which no body is working on

Shariah has no place in a modern democratic nation state. It doesn't work.

TTP and ISIS who demand it are liars and are using this for their own gains and control. Even if Pak implemented full Shariah there would be more demands.

There can be no negotiations with anyone that challenges the state regardless of their demands.
Shariah has no place in a modern democratic nation state. It doesn't work.

TTP and ISIS who demand it are liars and are using this for their own gains and control. Even if Pak implemented full Shariah there would be more demands.

There can be no negotiations with anyone that challenges the state regardless of their demands.
Than these states won't work and these groups will keep coming up and Shariah has always worked and will work today and if governments will not implement it they would soon see every second person becoming Taliban and trying to implement on its own
Than these states won't work and these groups will keep coming up and Shariah has always worked and will work today and if governments will not implement it they would soon see every second person becoming Taliban and trying to implement on its own

Only unemployed peasant Afghans become Taliban because they hate Pakistan so much.
Only unemployed peasant Afghans become Taliban because they hate Pakistan so much.
O Mr right now many doctors and engineers are part of Taliban and most were in Jobs they left them to join TTP and same is going on in other parts of the world you can live in denial but reality will keep haunting you either governments will implement Islamic laws or it is going to become all out mess
Than these states won't work and these groups will keep coming up and Shariah has always worked and will work today and if governments will not implement it they would soon see every second person becoming Taliban and trying to implement on its own
Everyone now sees that ttp was never about implementing shria. That was just a facade to carry out their brutality in pursuit of absolute power in Pakistan. Groups within ttp saw that and distanced themselves from them. Ttp now is nothing more but bunch of robbers, kidnappers, extortionists and rapists, yes, for they force marriage on women in the name of jihad.

You wanna remain in that delusion that they are some pious, honorable holy warriors then by all means remain in that sad delusion. The rest of us want these degenerate wiped out. Kapeesh!
O Mr right now many doctors and engineers are part of Taliban and most were in Jobs they left them to join TTP and same is going on in other parts of the world you can live in denial but reality will keep haunting you either governments will implement Islamic laws or it is going to become all out mess

It will become all out mess by allowing these idiots to run our country. My mother and father nearly died making this country, I will not let these fools destroy it.
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