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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

All the best to Pak Army, go kill them all and take no prisoners.
Fundamental mistake made by Pakistan it launches ops in its tribal areas every single time.

It is basic military strategy , a hammer and anvil approach is needed to crush any insurgency.

It is a known fact before any major COIN operation(Blue Star,Black Thunder or numerous COIN ops in Kashmir), the first step Indian army took was to seal the borders with Pakistan. So as to surround the terrorist, give them no opportunity of escape and deny them reinforcements.

Here Pakistan army has launched more than 8 big ops in last 8 yrs in tribal areas, yet every time militants melt into neighboring Afghanistan or neighboring Pakistani provinces to return after a few months later to recapture the area.

Here Pakistan is asking Afghanistan to not allow NWA tribesmen.
Kabul asked not to shelter fleeing NWA tribesmen - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Yet scores are fleeing(including militants) into neighboring Afghanistan.

Fleeing tribesmen consider Afghanistan safer - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
You can not expect another country to do your job...You have to seal your own borders...to act as anvil before you hammer in with big guns and tanks and jets..otherwise it is a futile exercise destined to be repeated again and again.
Nice work & please keep us updated on the operation. I pray & hope these rented terrorist are defeated completely & no mercy is shown to these rented terrorists. Shahid ullah is a jabroni scum who is most probably sitting in Afghanistan in his masters lap like a coward. It is also medias job to show the truth to the people & show what these rented terrorists have been doing in NWA.

Fundamental mistake made by Pakistan it launches ops in its tribal areas every single time.

It is basic military strategy , a hammer and anvil approach is needed to crush any insurgency.

It is a known fact before any major COIN operation(Blue Star,Black Thunder or numerous COIN ops in Kashmir), the first step Indian army took was to seal the borders with Pakistan. So as to surround the terrorist, give them no opportunity of escape and deny them reinforcements.

Here Pakistan army has launched more than 8 big ops in last 8 yrs in tribal areas, yet every time militants melt into neighboring Afghanistan or neighboring Pakistani provinces to return after a few months later to recapture the area.

Here Pakistan is asking Afghanistan to not allow NWA tribesmen.
Kabul asked not to shelter fleeing NWA tribesmen - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Yet scores are fleeing(including militants) into neighboring Afghanistan.

Fleeing tribesmen consider Afghanistan safer - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
You can not expect another country to do your job...You have to seal your own borders...to act as anvil before you hammer in with big guns and tanks and jets..otherwise it is a futile exercise destined to be repeated again and again.

No biggy, some tribesmen are headed to their relatives across the border. Afghani refugees are also headed back. A vast majority is coming to the IDP camps being established by KP govt.
37 militants eliminated in NWA

PESHAWAR/ISLAMABAD - At least 27 militants were killed after fighter jets pounded militants' hideouts in Shawal area on the second day of 'Zarb-e-Azb' operation launched by army in North Waziristan Agency to wipe off foreign and local militants.
A statement released by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said that early morning jet aircrafts hit at least six hideouts of the hardcore militants in Shawal, destroying the targeted positions completely.
"In these precise strikes, at least 27 terrorists were killed. The targeted area has no civilian population and the Zarb-e-Azb operation is going according to the plan," it said, adding that no operation in civil populated areas has been started so far.
In another statement, Pak Army mouthpiece said that as many as seven terrorists were killed in exchange of fire when trying to flee a cordon in Ghulam Khan area after militants targeted a vehicle with an IED device the same day which killed six soldiers. It said two soldiers also embraced shahadat in the exchange of fire.
In a separate sniper action by Special Service Group, at least three terrorists were killed while laying IEDs close to Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan Agency (NWA). The ISPR said the operation is progressing as per plan and NWA has been isolated by deploying troops along its border with neighboring tribal agencies.
"It is to block any move of terrorists in and out of North Waziristan Agency" the release explained. In addition, troops have cordoned off all terrorists bases, including the town of Mirali and Miranshah. Those terrorists fleeing the areas were killed on the outskirts of Mirali last night.
Security has been beefed up all along Pak-Afghan border as well to check terrorists fleeing from area and Afghan National Army and Afghan Border Police have also been requested to seal the border on their side to facilitate elimination of terrorists fleeing across the border. The Afghanis have also been requested to initiate immediate measures to eliminate TTP terrorists and their sanctuaries in Kunar, Nuristan and other areas of Afghanistan.
On the other hand, Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has warned foreigners and multinational companies to suspend their activities in Pakistan or get ready to face consequences of non-compliance. "We are in a state of war and we will target each and every government installation as the army has launched military operation against the will of the nation," TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said this in a statement issued here on Monday.
The spokesman called upon the foreigners to leave the country and not sign any agreement with Pakistani government, which is “ultimately being used against Taliban”. He said they warn foreign companies and airline companies to suspend their services in the country as they are going to launch attacks on government installations. He said that the revenue generated by the government through foreign investment is being used against Taliban and tribal people in this military operation.
Shahidullah said that TTP believes Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Punjab establishment are directly responsible for this military operation, which is aimed to earn sympathies of US and its allied forces. The statement said that the dream of rooting out Taliban militants from the country would not come true and the government would see the consequences of this military operation in Islamabad and Punjab.
To fight out this threat, security has been beefed up in all major cities and towns at sensitive installations across the country by civil administration. ISPR said, "Army troops have been alerted and forward placed to assist law enforcement agencies. They will remain at designated places and whenever asked by civil administration will be employed in case of emergency."
The military action in North Waziristan was launched a week after a brazen insurgent attack on Karachi International Airport in which some 36 people had been killed. The attack was later claimed by Taliban and Uzbek militants. Sources said that troops have not been involved in direct military action, leaving F-16 combat jets to lead the offensive with air strikes. It is unclear how long the operation will continue.
On Sunday last, jet aircrafts started precise strikes in Degan- Boya in NWA in which so far 140 terrorists have been killed. Most of those killed are Uzbeks. Many ETIM terrorists and their affiliates have also been killed in the strikes. At least three soldiers were injured last night in exchange of fire with terrorists around Mirali.
The ISPR statement said that an orderly and dignified evacuation of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from North Waziristan is being carried out and necessary logistics and administrative arrangements for IDPs have been completed by Political Administration and Fata Disaster Management Agency (FDMA). To accommodate IDPs, registration points and camps have been established in Bannu district, it said. The political administration has already clamped curfew in North Waziristan.
37 militants eliminated in NWA
Brig(R) Asad Munir is a defence analyst who has served as a senior intelligence official in FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Following the formal announcement of a military operation in North Waziristan, we asked Mr Munir what this action would be like and what its objectives could be.

Q: Will the operation simply entail more air strikes or will the action involve boots on the ground?
Ans: The operation will be led by ground forces, which are already in place in the area. The military has been moving into North Waziristan since earlier this year.You must remember that the military has been pressing for this operation since 2011, but the only thing holding them back was criticism from political forces opposed to military action in North Waziristan. People like Imran Khan came out in opposition to military action then.

This is not likely to be a conventional operation either, because the Tehreek-i-Taliban does not have a fixed presence here or defined areas, unlike South Waziristan. During the last operation in South Waziristan, Baitullah Mehsud`s forces were bunkered in and had fixed positions. It is not like that in North Waziristan; this is the militants`last stronghold, the only area that they can claim to be `ruling`.

Q: Who will this operation target; will the focus be on local militants or foreign fighters?
Ans:The operation will target TTP and foreign militants both, be they Arabs or central Asians.
There are still areas where fighters can seek refuge; Mamoonzai in the Orakzai Agency is still not under army control. Tirah Valley is another possible hideout for them. I believe the Haqqani presence in North Waziristan is exaggerated. They have influence in parts of Afghanistan and they are likely to move across the border.There have been reports that foreign fighters are leaving the area in large numbers.

Q: Is this going to be a decisive blow to the militants or will this be like other operations in the past?
Ans: There is no option but to conduct this operation. We are getting a bad rep internationally and any major terrorist action in the region can be traced back to this area. Even the homegrown terrorists like Lashkar-i-Jhangvi and others also receive training in North Waziristan, so it is in the interest of the country to root out these elements. Rather than simply scattering them, the operation will continue until the terrorists are eliminated from the area and the army will want to deny them any area where they can dominate.

-Text by Hassan Belal Zaidi
No biggy, some tribesmen are headed to their relatives across the border. Afghani refugees are also headed back. A vast majority is coming to the IDP camps being established by KP govt.

If it is not a biggie, it wouldn't have taken you more than 9 yrs to and 8 major military ops to clear the area of militants.
It is same MO adopted again and again, you roll in with big guns, kill a few remaining militants, declare victory...while majority of militants have already fled across the border or disperse with your local populace into your interiors.

With a hundred thousand troops in your Eastern borders and just hundred and fifty thousand troops on entire western borders, where you are fighting an active insurgency you do not have the numbers required to keep sustained military presence in the area...compare it with India(which has consistently maintained nearly half a million troops in a small state to quell the insurgency..and has been fairly successful in it).

You are simply stretched too thin to hold on to any gains made in your tribal areas.

And voila before you know it these militants are recapturing these areas a few months later and you are back to where you started..
to some of the idiots (including outsiders here who know NOTHING about COIN) on this forum who are yapping as if PAF/PA are blindly going after civilians:

Uzbak embassidors are never going to accept that the terrorists are from thier country. For the segregation and seperation of who is who is so simplified by the forces. Time is given for the innocent people of the surrounded areas to leave the place nd go to the prearranged designated area where all facilities are available for IDPs and another area is specified for the those who want to surrender before the A-hour. Its not collateral damage.

And other than this the negotiation phase has already passed. So now only one way is left. Shut up and let it be done.

Army Soldiers are themselves enjoying sunbaths on the less hot stones of N.Waziristan.

Arrangements for IDP are done from Army side, the rations and tents from their own stores. And this is just temporary anyways they are given notice of when to vacate for safety and when they could return.

I'll like to see the stupids of this forum (just the stupids) condemn the foreign terrorists.

As for Afghan govt. crying crocodile tears and using heroin/aid money to bribe N. Waziristan Pakistanis -- its a failed tactic. They should cover their own arses first and focus on Afghans outside of Kabul - who are suffering due to the policies of their own government. The people of the Agency showed their loyalty to Pakistan by also participating in jirga and agreeing to expel the foreign terrorists - who are the same ones who attacked Karachi airport and other soft targets.

A lot of assholes out there, and plenty of bullets to riddle them and the enemy out there who is providing them with material and moral support (we know who they are and they'll get whats coming to them)
If it is not a biggie, it wouldn't have taken you more than 9 yrs to and 8 major military ops to clear the area of militants.
It is same MO adopted again and again, you roll in with big guns, kill a few remaining militants, declare victory...while majority of militants have already fled across the border or disperse with your local populace into your interiors.

With a hundred thousand troops in your Eastern borders and just hundred and fifty thousand troops on entire western borders, where you are fighting an active insurgency you do not have the numbers required to keep sustained military presence in the area...compare it with India(which has consistently maintained nearly half a million troops in a small state to quell the insurgency..and has been fairly successful in it).

You are simply stretched too thin to hold on to any gains made in your tribal areas.

And voila before you know it these militants are recapturing these areas a few months later and you are back to where you started..

before to post long wishful prophecies about NW, you must have understand that the 'Tribal Area' is different than any settle area.

After the operation threat level will decrease to the level, that civilian law enforcement agency (FC and local tribal volunteer) would be more than enough to deal with it. Army will only act as a backup .....
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If Sri Lanka can beat the LTTE (the fathers of suicide bombing), while the SLA was under equipped, I have no doubt that Pakistan will beat the TTP. ISIS is only winning because of the Iraqi military is incompetent, and it's leadership (both political and military) are sectarian in nature; Pakistan Army is far superior to the SLA and IQA, so it can will. It has no choice but to win, and it will win.

Pakistan helped Sri Lanka defeat the foreign sponsored LTTE and it was our pleasure. Sri Lanka has been diplomatically supportive of Pakistan's efforts - many of them succesful - to destroy terrorist infrastructure outside and within its soil.

ISIS is spreading like wildfire b/c its an all out proxy war and facilitated by the other proxy war in Syria (which has been failing by the way). The govt. elected was stupid to opt for peace talks instead of listening to the Army's repeated calls NOT to do so. But now Pakistan military is taking them head-on and we will succeed God Willing.

Those complaining should either continue to go cry like babies or they should educate themselves a little bit if they genuinely care and to be PROPERLY informed, rather than fall victim to propaganda. Either wont make a difference since operations are underway anyways and I'll trust the Army before I trust anyone else
Over 50 militants killed in North Waziristan air strikes’

June 17, 2014 - Updated 729 PKT
From Web Edition


PESHAWAR: The Pakistan Air Force aircraft pounded militant hideouts early Tuesday morning in parts of North Waziristan, killing more than 50 militants, sources said.

The sources said that the air strikes were conducted in Mir Ali and other areas of the agency as part of Pakistan’s newly launched offensive against the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and other foreign militants in NWA that borders war ravaged Afghanistan.

Official sources said that as many as eight hideouts were targeted in the latest air strikes and death toll might rise.

The operation was launched a week after militants stored Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport,causing many casualties.

Over 50 militants killed in North Waziristan air strikes’ - thenews.com.pk
It would be better, if Russian provide gunship now. Will raise more fire in hell
The so called Talibaan fighters have been advised to even keep their farts in there assholes in case the Army hears them and cuts them to 10,000 little pieces. And where is the BHONKU HEAD TTP DALLA MULLAH FM? He literally must be shitting in his brown shalwar by now!
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