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First of all I think this decision was inevitable after Karachi Airport Attack.

But I think government took this decision in a hurry(when there was practically no need to rush to this decision). The way things look now, unlike Swat and SW operations political and public opinion will be divided and it will hurt Pakistan's cause. I hope KPK government can now make necessary arrangements and beef-up security of neighboring districts of KPK. And even a diplomatic statement as follows from IK on the following would help the cause:"Though government did not take us into confidence about the decision but in interest of Pakistan we fully support Pakistan Armed forces, and hope they are able to achieve their objectives. "

  1. If PA announced this operation, then these terrorists would have escaped like they have already started but on a bigger scale. So from security point of view this doesn't make sense. I'd say this operation should have started earlier!!
  2. Hope not just KPK government, but all provinces start working proactively to mitigate the refugee situation
  3. IK's statement, is just an "half ***" attempt. He SHOULD have been more supportive. This is like saying "meh ok if you have started it, well good luck"
Why'd you consider them Muslims, heck.... why'd you consider them humans?
Does the PTI need to worry about IDP's reflect on their vision of "naya" KPK being affected by the operation even at the cost of letting terrorists roam Pakistan free?

Dumb ***** couldnt come up with better excuse, shows their priorties!
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PTI are politically naiive and Imran has made it a not for profit charity organisation rather than a government. They have just shown they are not capable of leading this country.
If PTI opposes this op, it will be the end for them as a major force.

Divided opinions everywhere. But at the end , PTI must realize that this op will only help its efforts to change KPK around.
Very sad to see the KPK govt. not supporting the operation. Unless Imran Khan comes out in clear term to support this operation he is goingt to lose all the respect.
Kudos to PPP, MQM and Federal Defense Minister Khwaja Asif who are supporting the operation very strongly.

Best wishes to all the security forces and to the innocent civilians of Pakistan. May these tribal thugs rot in hell. No mercy. No prisoners. No 're-education'.

Finally, it may sound controversial, but MQM cadre be given prominent powers and role in taking down the tribal thugs in Karachi for next few months. Working with security forces MQM can clear Karachi effectively.
If PTI opposes this op, it will be the end for them as a major force.
Nah i disagree, their government is in KPK, they're not really that supportive of the op. as it will hit them hard, but yeah it'll be a big blow.
People of north waziristan should migrate to comparatively colder Afghanistan. In 40 plus temperature of KPK, life in tents would be azaab
Finally, it may sound controversial, but MQM cadre be given prominent powers and role in taking down the tribal thugs in Karachi for next few months. Working with security forces MQM can clear Karachi effectively.

MQM is a terrorist organisation and you want to empower them?
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