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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

We will know who is for Pakistan and who is for Taliban. JI leader Siraj ul Haq has already come out and said that JI will not be part of this operation. But this is not unexpected from a party that was against creation of Pakistan to begin with.
Personally I have never doubted that Imran Khan ; his misdirected love for Taliban aside; is a patriotic Pakistani. This is our war now and Pakistan army is fighting to save Pakistan. PTI leadership must stand up and be counted.
JI is a BS party with no representation of the Pakistani populous and shouldn't even be mentioned, tbh with you i do have problem with our armed forces meddling in affairs they shouldn't but what this scum has done is way beyond. They've lost much and they're gonna alienate themselves even more.
Good luck to boys in green, I hope we are well prepared to deal with IDPs and have few contingencies.
Quite a silly statement.....I don't know when we will learn to respect the diversity of opinion....If he disagrees, let him. Just become someone's stance or point of view doesn't suit you, you have no right to pass judgement....This puts you right alongside talibans as they are not different than what you're doing here.....

Right now unity is required. Him not supporting such an act against the people who have been destroying our country doesnot merit any support and buddy i wont be alone in this thinking. We are in a middle of war and would you support a leader who will openly criticize any action against your enemy that is hell bent on destroying your country. This isnt some stupid rigging event or development project where you can play agree/disagree.
Its an act of war against the enemies that have resulted in over 30000 deaths. If you dont support something like that then you dont support this country especially when right now unity is required above all things. You see i am supporting my country and the armed forces and its decision knowing the complexity of the situation. If he doesnt then i will not support him. simple as that.
JI is a BS party with no representation of the Pakistani populous and shouldn't even be mentioned, tbh with you i do have problem with our armed forces meddling in affairs they shouldn't but what this scum has done is way beyond. They've lost much and they're gonna alienate themselves even more.
But they are sitting both NA as well as KPK government, what does this say?
We know Pakistan Army started ground operation at South Waziristan. After air bombardment ground troops will move for low intensity conflict but important is that what tactic and which weapons will be used against TTP . As we TTP and Uzbik are experts and they know territory and they know how to use and where to use.
Pakistan FC and Pakistan Army troops are also well trained but ambushes, IED, Snipers are big problems and local TTP are use them against Army very well.
Pakistan Army always use established small posts on top of hills/mountains with 10 to 15 troops. So size should be increased with night visions goggles, snipers with round the clock observation and hitting.
Small Posts on roads and on schools/Colleges.
Heavy machine guns very important to suppress enemy fire powers but with true direction with best binoculars.
If you think supply is also important aspects and various times TTP targets supply systems of Pakistan Army too.
What lesson learned from Bajur, Orakzi, Sawat should be implements in this operations. Pakistan Army need MARP strong vehicles to protects FC and troops during movements and operations. As mostly observed TTP always used IED in all road entries, barriers and established snipers on important mountain areas and antiaircraft guns for Cobra on highest peaks with best camouflage ways.
TTP mostly ambushes on very dawn times and late nights on check points with various directions so you can not exit points of incoming rounds.
Pakistan Army need well trained troops on heights and use their common sense during any ambushes. Snipers and mine detectors will important role in this war. I have strongly believed this operation will lead to good ground sweeps as we are fighting this war from years and troops also trained COIN operations.

So: Good luck Pakistan Army for such Good action and Pakistani Peoples believe in you.
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally Operation launched against Talibaboons. May this operation end with the death of every terrorist with evil intentions against Pakistan
Right now unity is required. Him not supporting such an act against the people who have been destroying our country doesnot merit any support and buddy i wont be alone in this thinking. We are in a middle of war and would you support a leader who will openly criticize any action against your enemy that is hell bent on destroying your country. This isnt some stupid rigging event or development project where you can play agree/disagree.
Its an act of war against the enemies that have resulted in over 30000 deaths. If you dont support something like that then you dont support this country especially when right now unity is required above all things. You see i am supporting my country and the armed forces and its decision knowing the complexity of the situation. If he doesnt then i will not support him. simple as that.
Unity to act doesn't necessarily means the unity of thoughts and views.
Just a question...why is that PAF makes wholesale killing of terrorists in air strikes but all the prominent leaders of TTP , AQ and its outfits have been the victims of US drones? Always what I heard is that "Many important leaders of TTP were killed in strikes" but never a name.....How certain we are that we are hitting the right spots at right time?

Human intelligence on the ground. In the past many months targets/areas have already been identified. In the recent airstrikes the IMU planner of Karachi attacks was killed.
Ignore him. He is suffering from a disease that has no cure.
Well you see the Tribals are also to be blamed for all this mess, they could've contributed towards Pakistan a lot more than terrorism, could've studied and made their name or various other positive things but they chose the wrong way and now they have to suffer, this is not Afghanistan where 70% are Pashtuns thus they can't conquer it (weird right? coming from a Pashtun himself). This operation should tell everybody that if you take up arms and your cause is wrong you're dead.

Just a question...why is that PAF makes wholesale killing of terrorists in air strikes but all the prominent leaders of TTP , AQ and its outfits have been the victims of US drones? Always what I heard is that "Many important leaders of TTP were killed in strikes" but never a name.....How certain we are that we are hitting the right spots at right time?
They have good intelligence sorting mechanism.
Human intelligence on the ground. In the past many months targets/areas have already been identified. In the recent airstrikes the IMU planner of Karachi attacks was killed.
And similarly many master planners of previous attacks were killed in previous airstrikes, but never heard even one's name except the same phrase "many important leaders were killed including the master planner of XXX".
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