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Money for operation: PTI MNA
i have not cursed, but i want to curse this Bas***d Arif alvi now

Supporters and critics weigh in on operation - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

“Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) was not aware of this. We were not informed that a wide scale operation will be launched in North Waziristan,” PTI MNA Dr Arif Alvi said, adding that this is a ‘money for operation’ exchange.

He added that his party has always maintained that an operation of this scale will result in a large influx of refugees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where his party forms government. “The government should have told us so we could have prepared for this.”

He criticised the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) for what he said was a move to appease the US government which has linked aid to an operation of this nature.

“The PML-N government did not tell the public and the opposition why the talks failed. We do not know about the dimension of this operation.”

He also said that groups such as the Haqqani network have no war with Pakistan and are being isolated without reason. “Does the government want to burn all cards for the incoming government in Afghanistan?” He suggested that there should be a surgical and precise operation as a large scale strike would result in the death of innocents.

******* pti, we have taken millions of afghani namak kharam and he is worried about FATA IDP?
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Best of luck. Pakistanis should go all out this time. Don't pull any half punches and don't agree when they offer to surrender. This is one war where I would like to see Pakistanis win .

if you guys don't pull out nuiscence at LOC :enjoy:
So which militant groups will be targated in this operation beside TTP and IMU?. Hafiz gul bahadur and haqqani network, will they be also targated?
Exactly! Wish all the success to PA in this operation. But LEAs need to start a financial operation too (like in US they have dedicated agencies to track terrorist fundings etc).

Freeze their bank accounts, publish the name of their backers and confiscate all their properties and distribute them to their victims in North Waziristan.
Cutting off Saudi funding to the TTP/AQ/LeJ combine is essential. Simply killing TTP/AQ/LeJ militants alone won't address the root of the problem. The funding is what gives the militant network its strength. TTP thugs will keep recruiting and procuring arms so long as the funding is intact. A military officer recently explained that the average annual salary/cash allowance of a TTP militant is three times that of a Pakistani soldier! Cut the funding off and the Salafi-inspired TTP will die a quick death.

Time to bluntly tell the Saudis to stop funding their TTP/AQ puppets or else......
Where u live buddy.
These terrorists of TTP or AQ are not salfies. They are termed as Khawrij.
Saudi Arab is also fighting AQ and other people of having this ideology.
First of all I think this decision was inevitable after Karachi Airport Attack.

But I think government took this decision in a hurry(when there was practically no need to rush to this decision). The way things look now, unlike Swat and SW operations political and public opinion will be divided and it will hurt Pakistan's cause. I hope KPK government can now make necessary arrangements and beef-up security of neighboring districts of KPK. And even a diplomatic statement from IK on the following lines would help the cause:"Though government did not take us into confidence about the decision but in interest of Pakistan we fully support Pakistan Armed forces, and hope they are able to achieve their objectives. "
Sir they also will be killed. There is no good or bad terrorist now, only dead ones.
Are you sure? I doubt that. Targeting haqqani network means declaring war against entire afghan taliban movement. Most probably they are told by ISI to leave the area before operation. But its purely speculation, waiting for official details.
Are you sure? I doubt that. Targeting haqqani network means declaring war against entire afghan taliban movement. Most probably they are told by ISI to leave the area before operation. But its purely speculation, waiting for official details.

So what? Everyone of them will be bombed to hell. Sir time for talks and playing double game is over.
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