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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

I can not just delete these threads either. If Indians can come in and post all sorts of stuff just like that, then I guess we can tolerate this for now.

Well , I have seen Mods delete such threads on sight containing trolling/flaming materials from different members and I personally cant see anything more here . You are the boss , do as you see fit .

So when you're physco-analyzing someone you hold that thing out like a wand and start chanting black magic, right?

Yes , something like that . The exact procedure is confidential of course :D
Anyway i am too busy to argue with "One-bloody-step-ahead-of-the-other-bloody-step" reasoning.
So we should recruit the murderers of 60,000 Pakistanis and the psychopaths Mullah creed killing everyone who doesn't agree with them and blowing themselves into every single goddamn place imaginable and trying to enforce a barbaric and inhuman system into the army ? Before we proceed any further , enlighten me is it the Kandahar's finest you have been smoking all along and then posting here ? Doesn't look like the work of a sane person .

@Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz What exactly is the reason behind allowing every single type of thread to run here seriously ? Anybody can come here and promote whatever f*** up agenda he has in mind ?
I moved about 20 posts from the main thread to make this new thread as these posts were not directly discussing the operation.

If these posters portray a dismal outlook towards the ongoing op & sympathize with terrorists, they will be banned
There's only one major problem with that argument , this operation has been launched by the Present Govt and the Premier himself was there in NA to take the house in confidence .
That's what I quoted in other thread, that Zardari and party was busy in their own and this gave enough time for the militants to settle and make bases inside Pakistan. I don't understand why the Government has not yet imposed Martial Law in FATA,
You are trying to educate someone who knows it all already... How dare you? :-)

Trying to educate Mr. Know-It-Alls is a hobby of mine. :D

Accusing someone of using a Hindu symbol in this case was an attempt at impugning the good character of @Secur and I wished to set the record straight for others who might think that too. That is all. Apologies if you think that is wrong.
Well , I have seen Mods delete such threads on sight containing trolling/flaming materials from different members and I personally cant see anything more here . You are the boss , do as you see fit .

Unfortunately one of the thread I called upon Mod but failed to remove Trolls which I consider failure am I am absolutely blank if that Mod has some personal issue with me or upon someone's behalf probably a female member whom I fixed up some days ago for trolling.

Like I said in other Thread this is one serious brief Operation in N. Waziristan after Kiyani failed to see the problem and gave time to terrorists to gather. There would be good results but that remain to be seen in long term and also that afghans do more on their side of the border instead of protecting/sheltering TTP and like minded groups.
Well , I have seen Mods delete such threads on sight containing trolling/flaming materials from different members and I personally cant see anything more here . You are the boss , do as you see fit .

Yes , something like that . The exact procedure is confidential of course :D

Na Bhai, I am not the boss. I am Khadim. I am still learning moderation.
There's only one major problem with that argument , this operation has been launched by the Present Govt and the Premier himself was there in NA to take the house in confidence .

Makes me wonder then , how Swat is peaceful until now even though the operation has been finished a long time ago . Swatis having experienced Sharia first hand from the purest of all Muslims do not want it anymore and there are rarely any law and order disturbances reported from that area . How exactly did it happen if I were to accept the nonsensical claim of " they are still there " ?
Yes Swat peaceful yes off course you have made it so peaceful than 500 textile factories have shut down your Army is not able to move out any troop and hand it over to local administration people are loosing jobs and still few months back you were again doing search to check Taliban makes wonder how peaceful SWAT is
Trying to educate Mr. Know-It-Alls is a hobby of mine. :D

Accusing someone of using a Hindu symbol in this case was an attempt at impugning the good character of @Secur and I wished to set the record straight for others who might think that too. That is all. Apologies if you think that is wrong.
Why would I think that is wrong? It was just a joke. I appreciate your sharing this info.
Mister you should nto talk against Islam.
taking haram American dollars to kill our brothers is against the Shariah.
we should only accept Riyals.
I agree with that but implementing Islam through creating mutiny in Army is disaster we need this Army and should use it fighting against kufar unfortunately their own leader sent them into trouble and damaged them
Unfortunately one of the thread I called upon Mod but failed to remove Trolls which I consider failure am I am absolutely blank if that Mod has some personal issue with me or upon someone's behalf probably a female member whom I fixed up some days ago for trolling.

Like I said in other Thread this is one serious brief Operation in N. Waziristan after Kiyani failed to see the problem and gave time to terrorists to gather. There would be good results but that remain to be seen in long term and also that afghans do more on their side of the border instead of protecting/sheltering TTP and like minded groups.

I can not have personal issues. I can not have favorites. One may not agree with my judgement call, but it is not right to ascribe motives.
Dear Brother @Zarvan, I can understand about feelings about the innocent people of FATA Area. Every Pakistan supports the Patriotic Pakistanis amongst Fata People. The Operation is not against the Patriotic Pakistanis but against the terrorist who are bent upon the destruction of our Nation and we will not sit idle as they try to carry out their dastardly acts. We will be glad to lay down our lives to defend the Motherland.
Sir even most in TTP are Tribals why they picked up Arms soldiers do yes what ever they are told to do but Musharraf destroyed the Army when he became slave of USA and send the Army in Tribal areas and now same thing which started the problem will never solve it Sir never ever and government will have to start work on implementation of Islam
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