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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

No one is thinking why those bloody Uzbeks travelled 1000 km to attack Karachi airport in such a spectacular fashion. What was the objective? They wanted to scuttle the peace talks and lure the army into NWA and then, they, and the TTP will carry out cross border raids to lure the army further into Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban will join the fight they haven't got much to do as the Americans are leaving anyway. So the whole AF-PAK theater of war will erupt into flames at the cost of PA. When the army is tired and exhausted like the Americans and NATO they will take over.
Shutting down Madrassas will also expose those providing millions of dollars of funds and receivers we'll see the panic as soon as Army announces crackdown and ban upon them. Mass crack down directly by Army is needed no police should be involved they are playing double game hand in glove with certain political parties. Conclusion is we've reached the point to take certain steps Ataturk took to cleansed Turkey. Children coming out of Madrassas are completely brainwashed hatefilled and strictly being groomed to follow a sect and not their will, hence unproductive population of the society only good for making more babies. Mullah 500 years ago were Active in community they earned their respects by doing things that literally educated and uplifted the society now a days its halwa, mehfils, producing more baby education, beating women and hate preaching even they preach worldly education is useless when such brains becomes mainstream the only action is to exterminate them by force.

True , this operation is the first step with many other required to follow it , to sustain the victory gained by the army . The Swat operation is the perfect example for this , once a Taliban stronghold supported by the locals , then taken by the military in a daring and brave operation and now the area is extremism and terrorism free . I have a firm idea of the likes coming out of Madarsas , for I live in the same society and have experienced it all first hand . They seriously have outsourced their free and critical thinking skills to the God's viceroy ( the Mullah ) and are reluctant to accept anything apart from what they are told .

soon bloody reality will come to haunt and soon all Swatis will turn into Taliban if things don't approved

Yes Mr Implement Islamic Laws there will be disaster you fight for 100 years and endless years Mr there will be blood Jigsaw told us that soon the zombies are coming to get you Mr they will strike with full force unless the state implements Islam soon people go mad and start killing and there will be no stopping it Mr :rofl: There , I completed your usual post . Now go and predict Disaster somewhere else . Lol
No one is thinking why those bloody Uzbeks travelled 1000 km to attack Karachi airport in such a spectacular fashion. What was the objective? They wanted to scuttle the peace talks and lure the army into NWA and then, they, and the TTP will carry out cross border raids to lure the army further into Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban will join the fight they haven't got much to do as the Americans are leaving anyway. So the whole AF-PAK theater of war will erupt into flames at the cost of PA. When the army is tired and exhausted like the Americans and NATO they will take over.
No one is thinking why those bloody Uzbeks travelled 1000 km to attack Karachi airport in such a spectacular fashion. What was the objective? They wanted to scuttle the peace talks and lure the army into NWA and then, they, and the TTP will carry out cross border raids to lure the army further into Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban will join the fight they haven't got much to do as the Americans are leaving anyway. So the whole AF-PAK theater of war will erupt into flames at the cost of PA. When the army is tired and exhausted like the Americans and NATO they will take over.

which brand do you smoke? or is it locally produced?
No one is thinking why those bloody Uzbeks travelled 1000 km to attack Karachi airport in such a spectacular fashion. What was the objective?

The objective was the same as the TTP's objective to carry out terrorist attacks during peace talks and hope that their Mullah friends will prevent the army from retaliating , didn't happen now ? I do not really think that anybody else here is buying your " surrender and ye shall be saved " idea . The army can take care of the NW just like the rest of the tribal agencies and Swat were taken care of and if necessary , see to it that Afghans are put there in their rightful place .
True , this operation is the first step with many other required to follow it , to sustain the victory gained by the army . The Swat operation is the perfect example for this , once a Taliban stronghold supported by the locals , then taken by the military in a daring and brave operation and now the area is extremism and terrorism free . I have a firm idea of the likes coming out of Madarsas , for I live in the same society and have experienced it all first hand . They seriously have outsourced their free and critical thinking skills to the God's viceroy ( the Mullah ) and are reluctant to accept anything apart from what they are told .

Yes Mr Implement Islamic Laws there will be disaster you fight for 100 years and endless years Mr there will be blood Jigsaw told us that soon the zombies are coming to get you Mr they will strike with full force unless the state implements Islam soon people go mad and start killing and there will be no stopping it Mr :rofl: There , I completed your usual post . Now go and predict Disaster somewhere else . Lol
You will know laugh as much as you can same kind of geniuses were laughing in Iraq and now begging all the world to help them and no body is coming so please you are a great genius keep this policy soon I would not tell you anything INSHALLAH all the these bloody movements will reach you
Shutting down Madrassas will also expose those providing millions of dollars of funds and receivers we'll see the panic as soon as Army announces crackdown and ban upon them. Mass crack down directly by Army is needed no police should be involved they are playing double game hand in glove with certain political parties. Conclusion is we've reached the point to take certain steps Ataturk took to cleansed Turkey. Children coming out of Madrassas are completely brainwashed hatefilled and strictly being groomed to follow a sect and not their will, hence unproductive population of the society only good for making more babies. Mullah 500 years ago were Active in community they earned their respects by doing things that literally educated and uplifted the society now a days its halwa, mehfils, producing more baby education, beating women and hate preaching even they preach worldly education is useless when such brains becomes mainstream the only action is to exterminate them by force.

What happens if you cannot exterminate them, but they become the majority?
Those Madrassas have millions related to them Mr this kind of action may would have been possible at Ataturk time but times have changed and the change has begun in his country too any activity you will have all out civil war Mr go ahead try to close any Madrassah you will know what happens than after Lal Masjid operation that guy is still there what are you able to do Mr please in your arrogance make this mistake Sir you did raid one Madrassah today and you had to back off and you think you will around 40000 institutions and you will survive o really

Hi, many of us would have supported Madrassas had they being productive what we see is opposite just tell me what is their fair contribution to Pakistan right now lets take a look at the last 15 Years shall we? Just tell me how they improved society.

EX-CJ is the one who made hoopla out of Lal Masjid for personal reason, it was a good move on part of Pak Army to eradicate terrorists from the Capital of Pakistan. Involvement of all or certain Madrassas would be like challenging state's writ thus Gov/Army has all the right reasons under the pretext of "foreign funded radical organizations" indoctrinating young and old to incite hate/terrorism which can't be tolerated on any level inside Pakistan.

What happens if you cannot exterminate them, but they become the majority?

We'll make you Ameer upon them:cheers:....Let the first phase start you've to start from somewhere.
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Hi, many of us would have supported Madrassas had they being productive what we see is opposite just tell me what is their fair contribution to Pakistan right now lets take a look at the last 15 Years shall we? Just tell me how they improved society.

EX-CJ is the one who made hoopla out of Lal Masjid for personal reason, it was a good move on part of Pak Army to eradicate terrorists from the Capital of Pakistan. Involvement of all or certain Madrassas would be like challenging state's writ thus Gov/Army has all the right reasons under the pretext of "foreign funded radical organizations" indoctrinating young and old to incite hate/terrorism which can't be tolerated on any level inside Pakistan.

We'll make you Ameer upon them:cheers:....Let the first phase start you've start from somewhere.
First have moral ground implement Islam and teach Islam at your schools teach Tafseer and Hadees and Fiqh and schools and colleges than try to counter that and above all implement Islam other wise you are asking for contribution what our so called state has done for Muslims and Islam please tell me that and you talk about so called doctrination Mr than have a dialouge with Ulemas of these Madrassas like Mufti Rafi Usmani his Brother Mufti Taqi Usmani and many more I am sorry they can ask you lot of questions about your so called contribution

What happens if you cannot exterminate them, but they become the majority?
They are pretty much in majority
The Admins got scared of Khilafa thread in one day, lost their afternoon sleep because of nightmares and put restrictions on it. :closed:
The Admins got scared of Khilafa thread in one day, lost their afternoon sleep because of nightmares and put restrictions on it. :closed:
This is not a religious forum - Ive let one of the threads remain open so that I may see some constructive points raised on the thread - however time will tell if that thread should be closed as well

despite having a slightly different point of view I think this is a good post and deserves a separate thread.. I urge you to expand on it with headers and make a new thread in strategies section..
Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution? | Page 6
This is not a religious forum - Ive let one of the threads remain open so that I may see some constructive points raised on the thread - however time will tell if that thread should be closed as well

Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution? | Page 6

Its not a religious thread. it has political, military, economic, judicial as well as religious angles. if you follow my posts conquests of constantinople which was a great military strategy as well as the war between Salahuddin and Richard the Lion Heart was discussed. As well as strategy of making Taliban Jenissary division was discussed. You allow hindus, jews, christians, buddhists on the defence.pk site but you can't allow Khilafah?

why discuss anything when u guys can't think beyond the battle order of the day from above who get it from u know where :usflag:and if someone disagrees u don't listen. have it your way. whats the point of arguing when :suicide:
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First have moral ground implement Islam and teach Islam at your schools teach Tafseer and Hadees and Fiqh and schools and colleges than try to counter that and above all implement Islam[/B] other wise you are asking for contribution what our so called state has done for Muslims and Islam please tell me that and you talk about so called doctrination Mr than have a dialouge with Ulemas of these Madrassas like Mufti Rafi Usmani his Brother Mufti Taqi Usmani and many more I am sorry they can ask you lot of questions about your so called contribution

They are pretty much in majority

This is already done. From class 1 to class 12. Islamiyat books, teaches Ahaades with translation and commentary, Islam, Quran with translation, Where are you sleeping, haven't you done your schooling from normal schools ?

University of Punjab already offers B.A M.A in Arabic and islamiyat which cover such teachings. I don't know in which era you are living, but Shariah is not the solution. There were Fitna Fasad in name of Islam during Khulafaye Rasheedeen Period. Shariah or No shariah, There will be violenece, get that in your thick head and expand your "narrow (tang nazar)" vision by learning islamic history..

You replied in another thread that it will take away moral standing from those who spread fitna on earth. Pray tell us, If we implement Shariah of your choice, There will be more fitnah and fasad by other sects, who are in millions in Pakistan. FYI, 70 thousand Shiaah protested in 80's when Zia ul haq tried to implement his own brand of Shariah. Who will fight those hundred of thousands of people after implementing your brand of shariah ? Do you want more anarchy huh? Do you even think about all this? That's why I'm insisting that you learn more about Islamic history to expand your narrow vision
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