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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

why discuss anything when u guys can't think beyond the battle order of the day from above who get it from u know where :usflag:and if someone disagrees u don't listen. have it your way. whats the point of arguing when :suicide:
I consider taliban as feces on the face of pakistan - If a country helps us in removing this filth it should'nt be frowned upon.. after all it's our country which gets cleaned up

And you are thread banned due to offtopic philosophical posting in the main op thread
You will know laugh as much as you can same kind of geniuses were laughing in Iraq and now begging all the world to help them and no body is coming so please you are a great genius keep this policy soon I would not tell you anything INSHALLAH all the these bloody movements will reach you

Cleared Swat
Cleared Buner
Cleared Orakzai
Cleared Kurram
Cleared Bajaur
Cleared Dir
Cleared Mohmand
Cleared South Waziristan

Now moving to North Waziristan whilst you delude yourself with " war for 100 years " , " undefeatable enemy " and " secretly sitting on the mountains ". There will no system " ENFORCED " on Pakistanis unless the Pakistanis want it themselves .
No one is thinking why those bloody Uzbeks travelled 1000 km to attack Karachi airport in such a spectacular fashion. What was the objective? They wanted to scuttle the peace talks and lure the army into NWA and then, they, and the TTP will carry out cross border raids to lure the army
I agree u upto this point. After it, im confused like all Pakistanis. But i do have solid trust on our armed forces that they would have a plan to keep them and us safe but eliminate all insurgents from the region
This is already done. From class 1 to class 12. Islamiyat books, teache hadiths, Islam, Quran with translation, Where are you sleeping, haven't you done your schooling from normal schools ?

I myself have gone through the same educational system in this country , they teach the same Islam in schools , then college FSc and even in University B.E. programs . So , the problem isn't that the religion isn't being taught , actually it is being taught more than is even needed . The problem in reality is that the sinister agenda of a select few and their messed up barbaric , inhumane and incompatible with the world interpretation of the religion isn't being taught at our proper educational institutions and they cant quite accept it for obvious reasons . Hence the emphasis on " more and more Islam " without knowing that it is present already in the same educational system . Now telling you all this , I must make a prediction .

You are dealing with a broken tape here , so he will repeat the same message recorded a long time ago by God-knows-which Mullah . The reply to your post will be the same and this time focusing on specifics " Mr you should teach more Islam more Quran and Hadith and Tafseer and the books by our Mullah and sermons and Jihad cassettes in schools college university " . I have been dealing with this specimen for too long . Now @Zarvan asks our contribution , our contribution is that in school , we aren't producing narrow minded , bigoted , barbaric extremist and at half of the times terrorists who have no idea of the world and ground reality but looking to enforce their way of thinking and life on others , killing people and blowing themselves up .

Lal Masjid operation

was the same as " Grand Mosque Seizure " , is no longer the terrorist camp it used to be , I do not see no girls/boys Mullahs in making carrying weapons and Gas masks , is no longer challenging the writ of state , nor kidnapping people or capturing libraries and is no longer capable of imparting extremism and terrorism into young minds . The people who decided to fight against us were made history and now their names are only present in your mind , what more victory will be there for us ? Has anyone else decided to fight against the state after we made an example out of them ? The capital is safe , so delude yourself for we know better .
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Cleared Swat
Cleared Buner
Cleared Orakzai
Cleared Kurram
Cleared Bajaur
Cleared Dir
Cleared Mohmand
Cleared South Waziristan

Now moving to North Waziristan whilst you delude yourself with " war for 100 years " , " undefeatable enemy " and " secretly sitting on the mountains ". There will no system " ENFORCED " on Pakistanis unless the Pakistanis want it themselves .
None of these places you mentioned are actually cleared. But I get your point, yes, the military operations were a huge success, if thats what you mean.
None of these places you mentioned are actually cleared. But I get your point, yes, the military operations were a huge success, if thats what you mean.

How do you define success ? How many attacks have taken place from there , if you were to compare ?
This Zarvan and the star wars potrait guy are obviously Salafi/Wahabbi. They are oblivious to the fact that they are a minority in Pakistan, and outside Lahore, Karachi and other major cities, most people are not Wahaabi. In case of some Talib taking over the reigns of the country, I know for a fact that Sindh and Karachi would secede in a minute. Sindhis are staunchly sufis, and MQM is secular. I'm sure they won't hesitate a bit to declare independence. They also have enough manpower in the form of Pir Pagara's hurs, PPP's and MQM's militant wing to fight back any Taliban attack. Balochistan would also declare freedom as the army would mostly break down, and their call for independence would be backed by the world community. An independent Sindh is also potentially the richest state if Balkanisation is to occur.

As for Punjab, the TTP/Afghan Talib would declare a Pashtun as a khalifah. Under the garb of hyper religiousity and Islam, the Taliban is actually a Pashtun supremacist movement as a whole. The pashtun Talib would want to subdue Punjabis, as they are brainwashed from birth that they have been the historical rulers of Punjab. This would be unacceptable to most Punjabis and the barelvis might rise up resulting anarchy and mass bloodshed. This would also bring about a nationalist sentiment in most Punjabis, and most of them/us would seek a re-merger with the Sikh east Punjab. The Americans/UN/Nato would quickly occupy Pakistan nuke sites, which are based in Punjab.

My point is. Enforcing Khilafah by force or a coup is equivalent to breaking Pakistan. I, for one, would never accept a Pashtun khalifah. Sorry for being so blunt. The only ethnic group acceptable to most Pakistanis as a khalifah would be pure blooded Sayyid, and a non-Punjabi and pashto speaking one at that. But in the wahaabi ideology, followed by most caliphate supporting people here, a sayyid is treated worse than a dog. They are the ideological neo-yazidists. They hate sayyids because of the threat they pose to their thirst for power. Yazid tried to destroy the whole Sayyid bloodline for that reason, but he didn't realize that prophet's bloodline is protected by God. And before you think I'm a shiite, then hear this; I'm a Sunni, but I know who the most astrayed sect is.

The only way to enforce a caliphate in this country is via a democratic mass movement, and having a sayyid as a caliph. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry can declare himself a Khalifah of a multi-ethnic state like Pakistan.
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I myself have gone through the same educational system in this country , they teach the same Islam in schools , then college FSc and even in University B.E. programs . So , the problem isn't that the religion isn't being taught , actually it is being taught more than is even needed . The problem in reality is that the sinister agenda of a select few and their messed up barbaric , inhumane and incompatible with the world interpretation of the religion isn't being taught at our proper educational institutions and they cant quite accept it for obvious reasons . Hence the emphasis on " more and more Islam " without knowing that it is present already in the same educational system . Now telling you all this , I must make a prediction .

You are dealing with a broken tape here , so he will repeat the same message recorded a long time ago by God-knows-which Mullah . The reply to your post will be the same and this time focusing on specifics " Mr you should teach more Islam more Quran and Hadith and Tafseer and the books by our Mullah and sermons and Jihad cassettes in schools college university " . I have been dealing with this specimen for too long . Now @Zarvan asks our contribution , our contribution is that in school , we aren't producing narrow minded , bigoted , barbaric extremist and at half of the times terrorists who have no idea of the world and ground reality but looking to enforce their way of thinking and life on others , killing people and blowing themselves up .

was the same as " Grand Mosque Seizure " , is no longer the terrorist camp it used to be , I do not see no girls/boys Mullahs in making carrying weapons and Gas masks , is no longer challenging the writ of state , nor kidnapping people or capturing libraries and is no longer capable of imparting extremism and terrorism into young minds . The people who decided to fight against us were made history and now their names are only present in your mind , what more victory will be there for us ? Has anyone else decided to fight against the state after we made an example out of them ? The capital is safe , so delude yourself for we know better .
Yes you produce drug addicts you produce doctors who are busy beating the hell out of each other you produce lawyers who are who are a mafiya you produce thugs and you produce those who are just running after sex and many don't know who thie real daddy is you produce nothing but animals

This is already done. From class 1 to class 12. Islamiyat books, teaches Ahaades with translation and commentary, Islam, Quran with translation, Where are you sleeping, haven't you done your schooling from normal schools ?

University of Punjab already offers B.A M.A in Arabic and islamiyat which cover such teachings. I don't know in which era you are living, but Shariah is not the solution. There were Fitna Fasad in name of Islam during Khulafaye Rasheedeen Period. Shariah or No shariah, There will be violenece, get that in your thick head and expand your "narrow (tang nazar)" vision by learning islamic history..

You replied in another thread that it will take away moral standing from those who spread fitna on earth. Pray tell us, If we implement Shariah of your choice, There will be more fitnah and fasad by other sects, who are in millions in Pakistan. FYI, 70 thousand Shiaah protested in 80's when Zia ul haq tried to implement his own brand of Shariah. Who will fight those hundred of thousands of people after implementing your brand of shariah ? Do you want more anarchy huh? Do you even think about all this? That's why I'm insisting that you learn more about Islamic history to expand your narrow vision
That course is a joke a clear cut joke not enough much more has to be added a lot more Tafseer Hadees and Fiqh a lot more has to be added in course that one small tiny book of Islamyat it is a joke with Islam and people of of Pakistan and than MA Islamiyat againa bigger joke it so called is masters but the course it has is hilarious I have lived all my life in PU a joke is going on in the name of Islam
An over Islamic society byproduct is terrorists much like corruption is the byproduct of democracy.

I will take corruption over terrorism any day.

Everyone in Pak knows enough about Islam, please no more. Time to learn about others things about life.
Yes you produce drug addicts you produce doctors who are busy beating the hell out of each other you produce lawyers who are who are a mafiya you produce thugs and you produce those who are just running after sex and many don't know who thie real daddy is you produce nothing but animals

That course is a joke a clear cut joke not enough much more has to be added a lot more Tafseer Hadees and Fiqh a lot more has to be added in course that one small tiny book of Islamyat it is a joke with Islam and people of of Pakistan and than MA Islamiyat againa bigger joke it so called is masters but the course it has is hilarious I have lived all my life in PU a joke is going on in the name of Islam

Sir why do you think for first time ttp have started to play ethnic card? It mean NW is last save haven for these terrorists and are desperate at this point.
Sir why do you think for first time ttp have started to play ethnic card? It mean NW is last save haven for these terrorists and are desperate at this point.
You end this heaven they would be found else where but they are not going to arrogant these days I know many people here are feeling some hilariously patriotic these days and think they would go in bomb few places kill them all and every think will be okay doki this is not going to happen Sir and they wary media is reporting it seems Army is trying to complete operation in two weeks I seriously can't understand what they would achieve but INSHALLAH after one year you would all start to know you have achieved nothing and the whole thing is still their

An over Islamic society byproduct is terrorists much like corruption is the byproduct of democracy.

I will take corruption over terrorism any day.

Everyone in Pak knows enough about Islam, please no more. Time to learn about others things about life.
Not known other wise laws would have implemented now people are learning and soon either this government will implement Islam or they would be made history along with this system enough is enough not more treason to Islam will be tolerated either governments will implement or they will burn in the fire of anger
Zarvan I am Muslim however I understand this is 2014 and the world has figured out which system works best. You can still practice your deen and be mature enough to lead your own house. Don't worry about the next door house, its not your problem.

Its trial and error, we have gone from theocracies, military dictatorships and religion based states. All have failed. If Shariah is such a brilliant system why did it collapse along with the Islamic empire? When they got overrun by Western military might. It collapsed from within because basing a society on a religion or ethnicity leads to bias, and bias is the destroyer of civilization.

Monarchies don't work because select people are in charge so it leads to BIAS. The society breaks down and revolts like the French revolution. For example Pashtunistan would not work because its based on ethnic lines, introduces bias and would break in months.

TTP system would break down and does not even function, its a mess. They couldn't make Afghanistan work with Sharia because there was bias and Northern Alliance came into existence.

Through all of the above trials the world has come to the conclusion that the individual is the individual. For true synergy the individual decides how his home is run, on what belief system without the state interfering. The state entity itself is 3rd party and only becomes involved when those belief systems become anti-state.

Democracy, be it fake or real AVOIDS bias by giving the individual decide who will be the head of state. People have a channel to express their views. In England 100,000 people signing a petition means the issue must be debated in the Houses of Parliament and has a chance of becoming part of the law. This is how you achieve synergy and a society that can last.

No one is saying that we all must become less religious or "kaffir", its just letting everyone decide what they want to do. Feel free to have Sharia in your own home, don't worry about your next door neighbor.
You end this heaven they would be found else where but they are not going to arrogant these days I know many people here are feeling some hilariously patriotic these days and think they would go in bomb few places kill them all and every think will be okay doki this is not going to happen Sir and they wary media is reporting it seems Army is trying to complete operation in two weeks I seriously can't understand what they would achieve but INSHALLAH after one year you would all start to know you have achieved nothing and the whole thing is still their

Sir they said they will burn down Lahore, you are in Lahore. Lets say they enter Lahore to burn it, will you side with them?
Sir they said they will burn down Lahore, you are in Lahore. Lets say they enter Lahore to burn it, will you side with them?
I do not support them I face the reality and I see what happened after 2003 How army entered Tribal area and from that all the problem started so the thing which started the problem is not going to solve it ever
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