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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

Yes Swat peaceful yes off course you have made it so peaceful than 500 textile factories have shut down your Army is not able to move out any troop and hand it over to local administration people are loosing jobs and still few months back you were again doing search to check Taliban makes wonder how peaceful SWAT is

Which again makes me wonder as to where you get your news from , is the local Mullah tabloid or the TTP bulletins issued from time to time ? @Luftwaffe Have you heard anything similar or we are looking at another of mind's creations ?
Like I said in other Thread this is one serious brief Operation in N. Waziristan after Kiyani failed to see the problem and gave time to terrorists to gather. There would be good results but that remain to be seen in long term and also that afghans do more on their side of the border instead of protecting/sheltering TTP and like minded groups.

Trouble for these psychopaths is that they aren't dealing with Kayani any longer who would have happily let more of PA's boys die whilst sitting idle . The new COAS is a powerful decision maker who knows how to get stuff done , even during negotiations the F16's were regularly pounding terrorists hideouts with impunity , despite all the protest from terrorists sympathizers . What will dictate the success of this operation isn't the operation itself , but how we manage the area and by extension the tribal areas , after the army clears it out . There's no doubt , none at all that the seventh largest armada in the world will emerge victorious , the problem is what do we do to route out radicalization and extremism in the society afterwards once North Waziristan is cleansed free . I believe that difficult decisions will have to made in future whether the Govt of Pakistan is ready for that remains to be seen .
success will be seen on three factors.

1. The destruction of the militants hideouts
2. The death of the militant commanders and heads.
3. The mass reduction of the influence of militants in the area.

You see the thing is insurgency is not a military invasion. Its a hide and seek game between an enemy who blows himself up to kill civilians and soldiers in the shadows. Who fire and run away. To completely eradicate it with one operation is impossible. However if the top three are done then we can slowly with time finish them all.

The BLA at one time had all of the above but with strong and effective operation they are at their knees. They exist. yes. are they active. Yes but they are weak and as time passes by they become more weak and will eventually INSHALLAH cease to exist due to development of infrastructure and education over there by the armed forces not to mention the induction of over 6000 balochis in the ranks.

The same way TTP should be dealt with. Their network and system destroyed and slowly rebuild Fata to remove extremism so that these animals will have no leg to stand on and will eventually die out. It will take time but i am positive that we will achieve this.

We will not bow down to the whims of madmen who take pleasure in killing innocent civlians to justify their cause. Who destroy the name of islam by their actions. We will survive this/.
What exactly is the reason behind allowing every single type of thread to run here seriously ? Anybody can come here and promote whatever f*** up agenda he has in mind ?
thats the beauty of internet......:enjoy:
Which again makes me wonder as to where you get your news from , is the local Mullah tabloid or the TTP bulletins issued from time to time ? @Luftwaffe Have you heard anything similar or we are looking at another of mind's creations ?
I have my sources Mr if not agree open your mind go check yourself 500 factories related to tactile have shut down instead of improving situation under for jobs and other things in Army presence it getting worse people are getting desperate again a lava is getting hotter and may bust sooner or later
Trouble for these psychopaths is that they aren't dealing with Kayani any longer who would have happily let more of PA's boys die whilst sitting idle . The new COAS is a powerful decision maker who knows how to get stuff done , even during negotiations the F16's were regularly pounding terrorists hideouts with impunity , despite all the protest from terrorists sympathizers . What will dictate the success of this operation isn't the operation itself , but how we manage the area and by extension the tribal areas , after the army clears it out . There's no doubt , none at all that the seventh largest armada in the world will emerge victorious , the problem is what do we do to route out radicalization and extremism in the society afterwards once North Waziristan is cleansed free . I believe that difficult decisions will have to made in future whether the Govt of Pakistan is ready for that remains to be seen .

CLOSE MADRASSAS! and similar organizations... turn them into regular school with qualified teachers to teach proper Islamic and worldly education and retirements of Mullahs, let mullahs protest...this is the only long term solution specific to Pakistan no Mullah doctrine, do as Bangladesh is doing.

I can not have personal issues. I can not have favorites. One may not agree with my judgement call, but it is not right to ascribe motives.

It's not you mate, that Mod is a good man like yourself but seems like he is more tilted towards someone, anyway I don't care all I want is when Mods are called upon they should do their Job rather than ignore it.
Dear Brother @Zarvan, I can understand your feelings about the innocent people of FATA Area. Every Pakistan supports the Patriotic Pakistanis amongst the Fata People. The Operation is not against the Patriotic Pakistanis but against the terrorist who are bent upon the destruction of our Nation and we will not sit idle as they try to carry out their dastardly acts. We will be glad to lay down our lives to defend the Motherland.
U boys have your backyard fight in NWA and get bloodied noses. In two/three years time both can come to senses. If you get sucked into Afghanistan then good fighting for longer term. Every operation is supposed to surgical, precise etc. etc. declare victory in 15 days, have tea in Lahore gymkhana, run out of bullets in 17 days etc. but sadly turns into Vietnam-Cambodia quagmire.
I have my sources Mr if not agree open your mind go check yourself 500 factories related to tactile have shut down instead of improving situation under for jobs and other things in Army presence it getting worse people are getting desperate again a lava is getting hotter and may bust sooner or later

Thank you for admitting that its your sources only who are reporting that , most probably a gathering of Mullahs or some Jihadi mouthpiece , we have developed a fairly good idea of that from past interactions with you . Yeah , I believe that we should have left the Swat to Taliban psychopaths , should have let them kill people with impunity , force people to provide them with their children to use as Taliban fighters , treat women as slaves , stop education , enforce their version of Islam and left the Swatis in that hell so to make the Mullahs happy and later watched them march towards Islamabad :azn:

CLOSE MADRASSAS! and similar organizations... turn them into regular school with qualified teachers to teach proper Islamic and worldly education and retirements of Mullahs, let mullahs protest...this is the only long term solution specific to Pakistan no Mullah doctrine, do as Bangladesh is doing.

Whats happening in Madarsas is more than obvious to every person with open eyes . Intelligence confirmed that students from those madarsas provided reconnaissance to terrorists in the recent attacks , add to that producing a constant breed of brainwashed young kids for use by the Jihadis for all purposes and intents . The money donated by hardworking middle class is being used to raise EXTRA children ( result of no latex ) of poor families who think its their Islamic duty to bring them in the world and then left them to most often Mullahs for all their needs , since they cant do it themselves . Its time we control this menace before it controls us .
U boys have your backyard fight in NWA and get bloodied noses. In two/three years time both can come to senses. If you get sucked into Afghanistan then good fighting for longer term. Every operation is supposed to surgical, precise etc. etc. declare victory in 15 days, have tea in Lahore gymkhana, run out of bullets in 17 days etc. but sadly turns into Vietnam-Cambodia quagmire.


What are you trying to say?
Very simple. Pak army goes into NWA clears up the area. Then cross border attacks starts. Army follows into Afghanistan first by bombing then boots on the ground. Afghan Taliban join fight against Pakistan army. Pakistan army retreats, Afghan Taliban follow inside Pakistan. Brings Tet offensive to mind after that.
Very simple. Pak army goes into NWA clears up the area. Then cross border attacks starts. Army follows into Afghanistan first by bombing then boots on the ground. Afghan Taliban join fight against Pakistan army. Pakistan army retreats, Afghan Taliban follow inside Pakistan. Brings Tet offensive to mind after that.

Wrong Assessment......No matter how clever Taliban were PA would remain their Daddy always and no kid wins over its PAPA throughout history.

Secondly, As always like Sawat, The GOP and PA always make sure before going to this type of operations that the popular will of the ordinary populace is behinds them and this time too they first successfully secure that crucial win and only then move to next phase of eliminating Taliban Rats once and for all......!!
Thank you for admitting that its your sources only who are reporting that , most probably a gathering of Mullahs or some Jihadi mouthpiece , we have developed a fairly good idea of that from past interactions with you . Yeah , I believe that we should have left the Swat to Taliban psychopaths , should have let them kill people with impunity , force people to provide them with their children to use as Taliban fighters , treat women as slaves , stop education , enforce their version of Islam and left the Swatis in that hell so to make the Mullahs happy and later watched them march towards Islamabad :azn:

Whats happening in Madarsas is more than obvious to every person with open eyes . Intelligence confirmed that students from those madarsas provided reconnaissance to terrorists in the recent attacks , add to that producing a constant breed of brainwashed young kids for use by the Jihadis for all purposes and intents . The money donated by hardworking middle class is being used to raise EXTRA children ( result of no latex ) of poor families who think its their Islamic duty to bring them in the world and then left them to most often Mullahs for all their needs , since they cant do it themselves . Its time we control this menace before it controls us .

Shutting down Madrassas will also expose those providing millions of dollars of funds and receivers we'll see the panic as soon as Army announces crackdown and ban upon them. Mass crack down directly by Army is needed no police should be involved they are playing double game hand in glove with certain political parties. Conclusion is we've reached the point to take certain steps Ataturk took to cleansed Turkey. Children coming out of Madrassas are completely brainwashed hatefilled and strictly being groomed to follow a sect and not their will, hence unproductive population of the society only good for making more babies. Mullah 500 years ago were Active in community they earned their respects by doing things that literally educated and uplifted the society now a days its halwa, mehfils, producing more baby education, beating women and hate preaching even they preach worldly education is useless when such brains becomes mainstream the only action is to exterminate them by force.
Thank you for admitting that its your sources only who are reporting that , most probably a gathering of Mullahs or some Jihadi mouthpiece , we have developed a fairly good idea of that from past interactions with you . Yeah , I believe that we should have left the Swat to Taliban psychopaths , should have let them kill people with impunity , force people to provide them with their children to use as Taliban fighters , treat women as slaves , stop education , enforce their version of Islam and left the Swatis in that hell so to make the Mullahs happy and later watched them march towards Islamabad :azn:

Whats happening in Madarsas is more than obvious to every person with open eyes . Intelligence confirmed that students from those madarsas provided reconnaissance to terrorists in the recent attacks , add to that producing a constant breed of brainwashed young kids for use by the Jihadis for all purposes and intents . The money donated by hardworking middle class is being used to raise EXTRA children ( result of no latex ) of poor families who think its their Islamic duty to bring them in the world and then left them to most often Mullahs for all their needs , since they cant do it themselves . Its time we control this menace before it controls us .
O Mr denial even few channels reported it some one told me go and check yourself Mr 500 factories have shut down people are loosing jobs and are getting really frustrated now and soon the bubble can burst until than remain in denial soon bloody reality will come to haunt and soon all Swatis will turn into Taliban if things don't approved and live in denial like some ................................ reality is too horrible and you will face it Mr until than :cheers:

Shutting down Madrassas will also expose those providing millions of dollars of funds and receivers we'll see the panic as soon as Army announces crackdown and ban upon them. Mass crack down directly by Army is needed no police should be involved they are playing double game hand in glove with certain political parties. Conclusion is we've reached the point to take certain steps Ataturk took to cleansed Turkey. Children coming out of Madrassas are completely brainwashed hatefilled and strictly being groomed to follow a sect and not their will, hence unproductive population of the society only good for making more babies. Mullah 500 years ago were Active in community they earned their respects by doing things that literally educated and uplifted the society now a days its halwa, mehfils, producing more baby education, beating women and hate preaching even they preach worldly education is useless when such brains becomes mainstream the only action is to exterminate them by force.
Those Madrassas have millions related to them Mr this kind of action may would have been possible at Ataturk time but times have changed and the change has begun in his country too any activity you will have all out civil war Mr go ahead try to close any Madrassah you will know what happens than after Lal Masjid operation that guy is still there what are you able to do Mr please in your arrogance make this mistake Sir you did raid one Madrassah today and you had to back off and you think you will around 40000 institutions and you will survive o really
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