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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

I do not support them I face the reality and I see what happened after 2003 How army entered Tribal area and from that all the problem started so the thing which started the problem is not going to solve it ever

Sir but will you side with them and burn Lahore or instead try to stop them? Very simple question.
Zarvan I am Muslim however I understand this is 2014 and the world has figured out which system works best. You can still practice your deen and be mature enough to lead your own house. Don't worry about the next door house, its not your problem.

Its trial and error, we have gone from theocracies, military dictatorships and religion based states. All have failed. If Shariah is such a brilliant system why did it collapse along with the Islamic empire? When they got overrun by Western military might. It collapsed from within because basing a society on a religion or ethnicity leads to bias, and bias is the destroyer of civilization.

Monarchies don't work because select people are in charge so it leads to BIAS. The society breaks down and revolts like the French revolution. For example Pashtunistan would not work because its based on ethnic lines, introduces bias and would break in months.

TTP system would break down and does not even function, its a mess. They couldn't make Afghanistan work with Sharia because there was bias and Northern Alliance came into existence.

Through all of the above trials the world has come to the conclusion that the individual is the individual. For true synergy the individual decides how his home is run, on what belief system without the state interfering. The state entity itself is 3rd party and only becomes involved when those belief systems become anti-state.

Democracy, be it fake or real AVOIDS bias by giving the individual decide who will be the head of state. People have a channel to express their views. In England 100,000 people signing a petition means the issue must be debated in the Houses of Parliament and has a chance of becoming part of the law. This is how you achieve synergy and a society that can last.

No one is saying that we all must become less religious or "kaffir", its just letting everyone decide what they want to do. Feel free to have Sharia in your own home, don't worry about your next door neighbor.
First ALLAH also knows its 2014 Mr and ALLAH knows what can work best you are not smarter than ALLAH and ALLAH told what works best 1400 years ago to greatest man and leader HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and that will work till day of judgement those who think it will not work and so called humanity has worked out which system by west are biggest fools because Shariah was not implemented completely your idiotic democracy have always collapsed the societies are breaking down in bloody democracies Islam has worked and will keep working yes people become kafirs because ALLAH has said in the Quran those who don't decide according to what ALLAH has revealed are real kafirs and Islam Mr Islam is not just about Salat and Roza only it has laws for everything from government to crime to trade and business and social life each and everything and if governments will not implement them people will keep rising to do it and war will continue and finally either you are on side of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW or you are on side of his enemies stop this hypocrisy and 2014 again ALLAH knows what year it is he knew and he has send the best system long ago don't try to act smarter than ALLAH

you clearly are a wahabi/salafi terrorist sympathizer

Do you think Swat operation was a failure?
Look how he is avoiding my question, he will not mind one bit if ttp burned down his city.

I seriously think the security services need to keep a close eye on him... he is a active member in Jamaat e Shaiytaani and to keep track of him I also happen to have his picture

I believe we should make a list of potential terrorists who may attack or assist in attacking Pakistan's assets.

On my list is: Zarvan and Pakone
I seriously think the security services need to keep a close eye on him...

I believe we should make a list of potential terrorists who may attack or assist in attacking Pakistan's assets.

On my list is: Zarvan and Pakone

Zarvan is nutter, not pak-one.
Zarvan is nutter, not pak-one.
I seriously think the security services need to keep a close eye on him... he is a active member in Jamaat e Shaiytaani and to keep track of him I also happen to have his picture

I believe we should make a list of potential terrorists who may attack or assist in attacking Pakistan's assets.

On my list is: Zarvan and Pakone
This Zarvan and the star wars potrait guy are obviously Salafi/Wahabbi. They are oblivious to the fact that they are a minority in Pakistan, and outside Lahore, Karachi and other major cities, most people are not Wahaabi. In case of some Talib taking over the reigns of the country, I know for a fact that Sindh and Karachi would secede in a minute. Sindhis are staunchly sufis, and MQM is secular. I'm sure they won't hesitate a bit to declare independence. They also have enough manpower in the form of Pir Pagara's hurs, PPP's and MQM's militant wing to fight back any Taliban attack. Balochistan would also declare freedom as the army would mostly break down, and their call for independence would be backed by the world community. An independent Sindh is also potentially the richest state if Balkanisation is to occur.

As for Punjab, the TTP/Afghan Talib would declare a Pashtun as a khalifah. Under the garb of hyper religiousity and Islam, the Taliban is actually a Pashtun supremacist movement as a whole. The pashtun Talib would want to subdue Punjabis, as they are brainwashed from birth that they have been the historical rulers of Punjab. This would be unacceptable to most Punjabis and the barelvis might rise up resulting anarchy and mass bloodshed. This would also bring about a nationalist sentiment in most Punjabis, and most of them/us would seek a re-merger with the Sikh east Punjab. The Americans/UN/Nato would quickly occupy Pakistan nuke sites, which are based in Punjab.

My point is. Enforcing Khilafah by force or a coup is equivalent to breaking Pakistan. I, for one, would never accept a Pashtun khalifah. Sorry for being so blunt. The only ethnic group acceptable to most Pakistanis as a khalifah would be pure blooded Sayyid, and a non-Punjabi and pashto speaking one at that. But in the wahaabi ideology, followed by most caliphate supporting people here, a sayyid is treated worse than a dog. They are the ideological neo-yazidists. They hate sayyids because of the threat they pose to their thirst for power. Yazid tried to destroy the whole Sayyid bloodline for that reason, but he didn't realize that prophet's bloodline is protected by God. And before you think I'm a shiite, then hear this; I'm a Sunni, but I know who the most astrayed sect is.

The only way to enforce a caliphate in this country is via a democratic mass movement, and having a sayyid as a caliph. Not every Tom, Dick and Harry can declare himself a Khalifah of a multi-ethnic state like Pakistan.

I don't mind one bit who is on top, there has been rulers of every ethnic group in Pakistan. As far as khalifa is concerned then no ethnic group will be acceptable. Khalifa mean going further back 100 years and stuck there while rest of the world move forward 100 years.

Afghanistan is perfect exemple of what these khalifas do.
I don't mind one bit who is on top, there has been rulers of every ethnic group in Pakistan. As far as khalifa is concerned then no ethnic group will be acceptable. Khalifa mean going further back 100 years and stuck there while rest of the world move forward 100 years.

Afghanistan is perfect exemple of what these khalifas do.

I don't have any issue with the ethnicity of democratically elected president/prime minister either. But the "khilafat" that they call for is the one that is in Saudi Arabia, i'e son after father(hereditary). I'm 100% sure a country as ethnically polarized as Pakistan cannot exist under such a system. After all, will you accept someone like Fazulullah's family as hereditary rulers of Pakistan? Fazlu was a chair lift operator before he thought of using religion to become the ameer ul momineen.
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I seriously think the security services need to keep a close eye on him... he is a active member in Jamaat e Shaiytaani and to keep track of him I also happen to have his picture

I believe we should make a list of potential terrorists who may attack or assist in attacking Pakistan's assets.

On my list is: Zarvan and Pakone
@Pak-one was trying to change his name to afghan prince.
he finally coming out as an afghan. he started as a afghan i believe and then went under cover, now he coming out.
@Pak-one was trying to change his name to afghan prince.
he finally coming out as an afghan. he started as a afghan i believe and then went under cover, now he coming out.
lol@ afghan prince !
Fazlu was a chair lift operator before he thought of using religion to become the ameer ul momineen.

And there lies the psychosis. Most terrorists in the world were people at the bottom of the barrel searching for status and power. Afghanistan provides opium and black market. Its where all the worlds terrorists congregate. They have gone through lengths of studying Pak history and trying to make history repeat for their own gains. A lot of Pakistanis have been brainwashed and are in 2 minds about what they think is best for themselves like Zarvan.

We need re-education camps set up across the country to teach people what living like a dignified human involves. For decades we have let these criminals serve as role models for people living in FATA and beyond. Its corrupted minds and we have to bring them back to the real world. It starts by destroying every terrorist preaching their rhetoric then educating the masses. Its a slow process and we can see Zarvan one day become that balanced and diplomatic mature man who accepts the differences in men and celebrates them.
I don't have any issue with the ethnicity of democratically elected president/prime minister either. But the "khilafat" that they call for is the one that is in Saudi Arabia, i'e son after father(hereditary). I'm 100% sure a country as ethnically polarized as Pakistan can exist under such a system. After all, will you accept someone like Fazulullah's family as hereditary rulers of Pakistan? Fazlu was a chair lift operator before he thought of using religion to become the ameer ul momineen.

Never, i mean we know ganjas are brothers and next pm from N will be from Sharif family but these politicians are dispensable but not Pakistan. We need to get rid of mindset the likes of Zarvan have, who will not mind one bit if his own city where he lives to be burned down by ttp brethen.

Look at TTP, more then 100 died fighting each other in a month. And why? Just because one group does not accept current leader of ttp. Both are pashtuns but it doesnt matter, because tribe differences come out. And they want to implement sharia in Pakistan?

And playing ethnic card was last attempt of desperation, seem like they know their time is coming to the end and punjabi taliban cant help them. But looking at zarvan posts i don't think punjabi taliban will mind burning down Lahore.
@Pak-one was trying to change his name to afghan prince.
he finally coming out as an afghan. he started as a afghan i believe and then went under cover, now he coming out.

I think he is called "Marwat Khan Lodhi" now. Pakistan army should kill every marwat for giving us such an annoying, heathen troll :D
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