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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

@mafiya @Areesh What did I tell you ? O ye believers , will ye then not believe ? :D Suddenly , the Islamiat being taught upto University level (in programs which do not need it) is a joke for this Mullah and terrorist sympathizer . Even though Quran , Tafseer and Hadith are all being taught even now . They need to make a pretext under which to destabilize the country and work for enforcement of their agenda . The problem surely isn't that religion isn't being taught in proper educational institutions .
O Mr at masters level even on tafseer is not completely taught not any Hadees book have you ever bothered to know what course they teach in MA Islamiyat you would not they hardly teach few surahs in MA with tafseer and not a single Hadees book and also not much Fiqh even A level Islamiyat has more course than MA go do some search before laughing like a ..................

Whatever they become afterwards isn't the concern of the proper educational institution , because that isn't the teaching they are imparted with . Our textbooks are clear and transparent and available for everybody to read . Yours on the other hand are teaching and making killers , suicide bombers and extremists , something which is more than obvious . After all , how many students from schools were found killing or maiming or trying to enforce Islam on people ? Speaking of " daddies " which I believe is one of your obsessions for some reason and I wouldn't go into that , do these Madarsa children even know their parents who just bring them in the world and hand them over to Mullah to raise them since the " Mom and Dad " cant ?

But that isn't acceptable to the radicals and extremists alike , they will shove down their Islam down the throats of all regardless of their choice . The past history is evident of that .
No one is producing suicide bombers and other things Mr its your false imagination and go bother to check their books every body can know what they teach genius yes school students kill because they are running after girls they kill because they are going after drugs they are becoming robbers and every other crime
No one is producing suicide bombers and other things Mr its your false imagination and go bother to check their books every body can know what they teach genius yes school students kill because they are running after girls they kill because they are going after drugs they are becoming robbers and every other crime

Then I believe murderers , suicide bombers and all other kinds of extremists are coming from America / Israel / India / Britain or use the general term West , right since well Madarsas are free from blame ? 60K+ Pakistanis dead at the hand of Madarsas people a.k.a God's viceroy and his little angels isn't my imagination , kiddo , it is a fact supported by overwhelming evidence .

O Mr at masters level even on tafseer is not completely taught not any Hadees book have you ever bothered to know what course they teach in MA Islamiyat you would not they hardly teach few surahs in MA with tafseer and not a single Hadees book and also not much Fiqh even A level Islamiyat has more course than MA go do some search before laughing like a ..................

Why should anyone teach you complete tafseer and Hadith which isn't even possible in the time-frame ? A basic knowledge is more than enough for students , for those who want to study further can opt for other courses . Next you will ask for Quran memorization to be made compulsory . A school , college or university isn't for producing Mullahs to teach them Hadith books and commentaries or sermons . I have studied it till University for my B.E. program , Mullah bot . I know what is being taught .
He's not that bad. I have seen people way worse than him. At least he respects the Pakistan army, unlike a lot of Deobandis/Wahaabis. These two sects have made Islam appear as a violent and satanic religion to non-muslims. Also, in DG Khan according to Shirin Mazari, almost all Deobandi madrassahs get their funding from Kuwait. We need to cut this funding, but the recent 1.5$ loan means the ganjas won't.
Deobandis/hanafis are not wahabis/ahle-hadith. The only ahle-hadith/wahabi militant outfit, lashkar e taiba, led by hafiz saeed, works for ISI/Army and they are the ones recieving heavy funds from saudi.
@mafiya @Areesh What did I tell you ? O ye believers , will ye then not believe ? :D Suddenly , the Islamiat being taught upto University level (in programs which do not need it) is a joke for this Mullah and terrorist sympathizer . Even though Quran , Tafseer and Hadith are all being taught even now . They need to make a pretext under which to destabilize the country and work for enforcement of their agenda . The problem surely isn't that religion isn't being taught in proper educational institutions .

Yes much more is needed to be added. Like sawab of blowing yourself in a market or killing women polio workers. :)
Taliban, both of Afghanistan and Pakistan, do not have hereditary leaders, unlike your gaddi nasheen pirs. They have shura and shura elects a leader for life time.

That democratic system was on display for a month, over 100 killed and despite operation they are still killing each other. And pirs in Punjab have 0% political power let alone being leaders.
Yes you produce drug addicts you produce doctors who are busy beating the hell out of each other you produce lawyers who are who are a mafiya you produce thugs and you produce those who are just running after sex and many don't know who thie real daddy is you produce nothing but animals

That course is a joke a clear cut joke not enough much more has to be added a lot more Tafseer Hadees and Fiqh a lot more has to be added in course that one small tiny book of Islamyat it is a joke with Islam and people of of Pakistan and than MA Islamiyat againa bigger joke it so called is masters but the course it has is hilarious I have lived all my life in PU a joke is going on in the name of Islam

If you want such system, then how Pakistan can produce nuclear scientists, missile scientists,physicists, economists, financial experts, economists, Soldiers, software engineers, IT experts, Chemical engineers, businessman who run factories, Chartered accountants? Give me one example of Islamic golden era scientist who followed such routine, Jabir bin hayyan? Bu Ali sina? Ibn Al Haitham? Compare flaws in your thinking by reading Islamic golden era scientists, their lives, their education, their code of conduct.

It's either you want to become an AALIM or a Technical person, you can't have both. That's where free will come. A person can choose whatever he wants to become.

It's a personal choice for someone, If he wants to delve deeper into Islamic studies, he can join some specialized Islamic institution like Jamia Al Azhar to become specialized in Islamic fiqh and ahaades . You can not force somebody to read Islam all through his educational life. What is use of Islamic education in Technical field? Would it let us produce Nuclear bombs? Ballistic or cruise missiles? Tanks, weapons, armoured or anything else ?

I do not support them I face the reality and I see what happened after 2003 How army entered Tribal area and from that all the problem started so the thing which started the problem is not going to solve it ever

The problem is it hasn't been solved for last 1400 years. Jayyad Saahaba couldn't solve it, Khulafaaye Rasheedeen couldn't solve it, They fought this menace and sacrificed their lives and we are just following in their footsteps. To fight them and sacrifice our lives.
If you want such system, then how Pakistan can produce nuclear scientists, missile scientists,physicists, economists, financial experts, economists, Soldiers, software engineers, IT experts, Chemical engineers, businessman who run factories, Chartered accountants? Give me one example of Islamic golden era scientist who followed such routine, Jabir bin hayyan? Bu Ali sina? Ibn Al Haitham? Compare flaws in your thinking by reading Islamic golden era scientists, their lives, their education, their code of conduct.

It's either you want to become an AALIM or a Technical person, you can't have both. That's where free will come. A person can choose whatever he wants to become.

It's a personal choice for someone, If he wants to delve deeper into Islamic studies, he can join some specialized Islamic institution like Jamia Al Azhar to become specialized in Islamic fiqh and ahaades . You can not force somebody to read Islam all through his educational life. What is use of Islamic education in Technical field? Would it let us produce Nuclear bombs? Ballistic or cruise missiles? Tanks, weapons, armoured or anything else ?

Bhai, Zarvan seems to be confused. I agree with what you say, that you can either be an aalim or a scientist. That's the problem we have. Either we have very good academics or very good aalims, in both cases one doesn't know the other. We need to get out of this confused mindset. Science teaches us to believe and reason in things that we can only prove and understand. With religion, it is not always that easy.
Yes much more is needed to be added. Like sawab of blowing yourself in a market or killing women polio workers. :)

Lets force the students to learn seven books of Hadiths and whole Tafseer by Ibn-Kathir even those who do no wish to acquire such in-depth knowledge since they aren't there to become Mullah in the first place . I mean , is he for real ? It takes a couple of years merely to teach the commentary I believe , forget the Hadith altogether and nobody knows what further additions of Jihadi literature of sorts would he wish for next , possibly even TTP beheading video to make the little students " courageous " or their videos recorded before they blew up in different places ( let your imagination free ) Lol

P.S The point is that a sorry excuse is being used to justify the actions of extremists and for a solution to control them .
Sir even most in TTP are Tribals why they picked up Arms soldiers do yes what ever they are told to do but Musharraf destroyed the Army when he became slave of USA and send the Army in Tribal areas and now same thing which started the problem will never solve it Sir never ever and government will have to start work on implementation of Islam
Your comments always made me laugh :D :D According to u , we should surrender ourselves in front of talibans . by the way no one is authorized in islam to convert even non-muslims to muslim by force, and u are talking about impelementing personalized version of Taliban shariah on their order in a MUSLIM STATE. No sir it is never gonna happen because now a significant numbers of Pakistanis are Educated enough!
So what is your solution? Continue to let these animals kill innocent Pakistanis in airports and others places?

the peace scam obviously didn't work

Army action is the solution, Army action was the solution and Army action will remain the solution for this issue. Remember that Pakistani talibans are working on foreign agenda and they have no concern with the people of Pakistan. They are animals and animals should be given the right treatment.
SUN ZU said that the best strategy is to take over the enemy's forces without a fight.
This is Pakistan not China. The only and only option to clean this mess is an ARMY operation which is going on,,,no other way, and no theories or hypotheses will work on these beasts.
Deobandis/hanafis are not wahabis/ahle-hadith. The only ahle-hadith/wahabi militant outfit, lashkar e taiba, led by hafiz saeed, works for ISI/Army and they are the ones recieving heavy funds from saudi.

Fazlu is a known wahaabi. TNSM is a wahaabi political movement. And Deobandis of Pakistan are fake, confused salafist inspired "hanafis". The original deobandis of India do not accept Pakistani and Afghani deobandis as their fellows. They don't follow spirituality, which is a trait of hanafi sect. And Imam Mahdi would be a pure blooded Sayyid. Throughout Sindh, Punjab, AJK, Hazara and Balochistan, people hold them in high esteem. And I don't care for "my" gaddi nasheens and stuff. Most of them are imposters, but much better than a chair lift operator or sabzi wala(hakimullah mahsud). And there's no way a Taliban shura would choose a non-pashtun as the head of Taliban. The reason why they do not follow hereditary succession is because of the fact that most of their "emirs" did not have young sons. These people are hypocrites of the highest order. Just like Abdali, the hypocrite genes exist within these Talibs still.

Abdali's whole economy was to rob, steal and extort others. He declared a "jihad" on the Khan of Kalat, who were staunch muslims. His people also kidnapped baloch men and women for ransom. His governors in Kashmir were tyrants of the worst order. Some of them lusted after kashmiri girls. Killing a Kashmiri groom on their wedding was a common sight. Heavy extortion of Kashmiri businessmen on the order of Abdali was also very common. They were as cruel to the muslims as to the Pundits. They were hit hard by the Bombas and Khakha rajas of Muzaffarabad though, who raided Kashmir valley quite often. One 18 year old Afghan governor Azad Khan was so frustrated by these raids, that he killed hundreds of Kashmiris in Srinagar to take his anger out. These Talib are just a modern manifestation of Abdali. They use "jihad" as a tool for racio-political domination. The ideology they profess as "islam" is a mixture of wahaabi/deobandism and their pre-islamic animistic, tribalistic beliefs.
Fazlu is a known wahaabi. TNSM is a wahaabi political movement. And Deobandis of Pakistan are fake, confused salafist inspired "hanafis". The original deobandis of India do not accept Pakistani and Afghani deobandis as their fellows. They don't follow spirituality, which is a trait of hanafi sect. And Imam Mahdi would be a pure blooded Sayyid. Throughout Sindh, Punjab, AJK, Hazara and Balochistan, people hold them in high esteem. And I don't care for "my" gaddi nasheens and stuff. Most of them are imposters, but much better than a chair lift operator or sabzi wala(hakimullah mahsud). And there's no way a Taliban shura would choose a non-pashtun as the head of Taliban. The reason why they do not follow hereditary succession is because of the fact that most of their "emirs" did not have young sons. These people are hypocrites of the highest order. Just like Abdali, the hypocrite genes exist within these Talibs still.

Abdali's whole economy was to rob, steal and extort others. He declared a "jihad" on the Khan of Kalat, who were staunch muslims. His people also kidnapped baloch men and women for ransom. His governors in Kashmir were tyrants of the worst order. Some of them lusted after kashmiri girls. Killing a Kashmiri groom on their wedding was a common sight. Heavy extortion of Kashmiri businessmen on the order of Abdali was also very common. They were as cruel to the muslims as to the Pundits. They were hit hard by the Bombas and Khakha rajas of Muzaffarabad though, who raided Kashmir valley quite often. One 18 year old Afghan governor Azad Khan was so frustrated by these raids, that he killed hundreds of Kashmiris in Srinagar to take his anger out. These Talib are just a modern manifestation of Abdali. They use "jihad" as a tool for racio-political domination. The ideology they profess as "islam" is a mixture of wahaabi/deobandism and their pre-islamic animistic, tribalistic beliefs.

If talibunis take over then Pakistan will be divided in 50 little countries. Punjabi taliban will want their on khalifa while sindhi/pashtuns their own. Everyone will fight each other till stalemate and divide country. Then even with in smaller countries tribes/biraderi differences will come out and they will continue to fight each other. Basically this savage system is not fit for one village let alone country.
If talibunis take over then Pakistan will be divided in 50 little countries. Punjabi taliban will want their on khalifa while sindhi/pashtuns their own. Everyone will fight each other till stalemate and divide country. Then even with in smaller countries tribes/biraderi differences will come out and they will continue to fight each other. Basically this savage system is not fit for one village let alone country.

Just like what is happening in Syria and Iraq. It is heading this way too.
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