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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

It will start mark my words. Even despite so called sectarian violence in Punjab.

In punjab there is least per capita killing on sectarian basis.

Secterian killings per province in last 5 years.

Fata 867
Balochistan 737
indh 252
Punjab 104
G-B 103
K-P 22

Sectarian violence: Over 2,000 people killed in 5 years, Interior Ministry tells Senate

G-B with few million have almost the same number of sectarian killings as Punjab with over 100 million people.

We will have to wait and see I guess. But the problem in South Punjab seems to have been ignored largely, there is also a lot of poverty there which the extremist organisation exploit.

I don't know if zarvan is deobandi, from his posts it seem he will not mind if ttp burn down lahore to teach us a lesson. He have been avoiding my simple question. Will he side with them or not when they come to burn.

@Zarvan used to support Taliban a lot but since the operations against them he seems to have been quite on that issue.
We will have to wait and see I guess. But the problem in South Punjab seems to have been ignored largely, there is also a lot of poverty there which the extremist organisation exploit.

Shabaz Sharif is taking care of development.
Shabaz Sharif is taking care of development.

I don't know if zarvan is deobandi, from his posts it seem he will not mind if ttp burn down lahore to teach us a lesson. He have been avoiding my simple question. Will he side with them or not when they come to burn.

Yes the filthy ganga land ideology as you call it has the potential to turn a reasonable person into a mad terrorist or terrorist sympathizer. Only two religious parties have opposed operation against Deobandi TTP and guess what both JUI-F and Jamat e islami are custodians of filthy ganga land ideology in pakistan.
We will have to wait and see I guess. But the problem in South Punjab seems to have been ignored largely, there is also a lot of poverty there which the extremist organisation exploit.

@Zarvan used to support Taliban a lot but since the operations against them he seems to have been quite on that issue.
I never supported them but the thing which started and created TTP was Army going in Tribal areas and Muhsarraf destroyed Pakistan and Army by sending troops in and operation in NW will also not solve the problem not even by 40 %
I never supported them but the thing which started and created TTP was Army going in Tribal areas and Muhsarraf destroyed Pakistan and Army by sending troops in and operation in NW will also not solve the problem not even by 40 %

You being Lahori will side with them when they come to burn your city or not? This time answer this question which you have been avoiding.
I never supported them but the thing which started and created TTP was Army going in Tribal areas and Muhsarraf destroyed Pakistan and Army by sending troops in and operation in NW will also not solve the problem not even by 40 %

Musharaf mostly used FC to counter the threat, military was later used after it turned out they were enemy of Pakistan after all. Pakistan Army should have helped the Tribal Maliks, many of them lost their lives from Taliban and Al Qaida attacks.
Musharaf mostly used FC to counter the threat, military was later used after it turned out they were enemy of Pakistan after all. Pakistan Army should have helped the Tribal Maliks, many of them lost their lives from Taliban and Al Qaida attacks.
Musharraf used everything he used Fighter Jets and Tanks and Artillery and that led to disastrous results and creation of TTP and than sectarian and every body started joining them and we lost thousands of Pakistanis on both sides
but the thing which started and created TTP was Army going in Tribal areas and
Do you think Tribal areas are jagir of filthy TTP deobandis, it comes under pakistani state and pakistani state had the right to rule over every inch of tribal areas just like any other place in pakistan.

Aren't majority of Pakistani Punjabis Barelvi, also a product of "filthy Ganga ideology" :what::what:

We are only Sunnis, both this shtts words "Barelvi" and "Deobandi" are alien to our land, this nomenclature has come from filthy UP bihar dirty scum areas.
Do you think Tribal areas are jagir of filthy TTP deobandis, it comes under pakistani state and pakistani state had the right to rule over every inch of tribal areas just like any other place in pakistan.
For your kind information yes they belong majority to Deoband sect as for as your rule it was our Founding father that gave them assurance that neither any Pakistani troop will enter nor law will be applied they can solve their issues through Jirga and on this condition they became your part so please know what your founding father did and he was a genius
Aren't majority of Pakistani Punjabis Barelvi, also a product of "filthy Ganga ideology" :what::what:

Punjabis are simply muslims, this barelwi word i heard first time on this forum. From growing up i either knew wahabi which was my mother side and sunni my father side.

We are only Sunnis, both this shtts words "Barelvi" and "Deobandi" are alien to our land, this nomenclature has come from filthy UP bihar dirty scum areas.

They also think punjabi muslims had concept of Ashraf-Ajlaf just like UP walas.
We are only Sunnis, both this shtts words "Barelvi" and "Deobandi" are alien to our land, this nomenclature has come from filthy UP bihar dirty scum areas.

Yeah right, wonder why there are separate Barelvi and Deobandi mosques in Punjab then. Wonder why Pakistani Punjabis never came up with their own sect.
Yeah right, wonder why there are separate Barelvi and Deobandi mosques in Punjab then. Wonder why Pakistani Punjabis never came up with their own sect.

Yeah right, and you know this how? Let me guess bhaiya know more about us then we do. Separate barelvi mosque? lol
Punjabis are simply muslims, this barelwi word i heard first time on this forum. From growing up i either knew wahabi which was my mother side and sunni my father side.

Yes this is called cultural imperialism, I think it is time to call a spade a spade. You are right I too never ever heard these words "Barelvi" or "Deobandi" eventhough my family was quite religious. All the punjabis that I know of were Sunnis, this filthy UP bihari nomenclature is another attempt to destroy our indigenous social and religious fabric. Both these filthy Barelvi/Deobandi things started in 1850 in filthy UP area but punjabis and other muslims in pakistan are calling themselves sunnis since the time of Mohammad bin Qasam. We must reject this nomeclaure imported from filthy ganga scum area.
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