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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

Yes Yes off course wright on your front wall even after NW TTP would be still their and you will have your mouth open now what to do so clear this area too and you would know the issue is still their nothing changed

Yes mr your day dreams of TTP coming and taking over Pakistani cities one by one will remain just that.
I do business
who pays you?

I know that you people have started using abusive language and threats since last night maybe on direct orders from above to stifle people with different views.

Why discuss anything when you people are only concerned with obeying orders. What you get out of these discussions? One says kill them. other says wipe them out, third says bomb them.

You people are more concerned with your salaries and perks than right or wrong. U r mercenaries.

Leave the propaganda to ISPR. Thats what you guys r concerned with. U r not getting promotion by posing as hawks here
Yes Yes Sir off course after one year you will know they are still there sir until than remain happy

They will always stay there. They are natives. But their actions have a cost associated and they too need to understand that just like the rest of Pakistani citizenry has borne the brunt of their terrorist activities. Just because they use holy words around their acts of murder and mayhem do not make them better Muslims than the poor peon who was killed while working at the PIA terminal making ends meet for his entire family of 7.

What is amply clear is that the Army will have to go into NWA and setup shop and garrison the agency. The tribals have brought this upon themselves by hosting foreigners who are actively involved in killing other Pakistanis. Secondly, despite these fear mongering statements of "they cannot be defeated, the acts of badl will continue, there will be blowback etc. etc." one has to look at what has transpired in SWA. The locals in NWA will have to come to terms with the Army being garrisoned there. Just like in SWA, Army and local admin. will bring development to the area with road networks linking NWA to the major population centers. The Army will suffer casualties in the meanwhile because some elements will fight. But its better to fight the TTP in their own bastion and that too proactively rather than getting slaughtered by suicide bombers in the cities.

The foreigners amongst the TTP will have to decide that if they have families in Pakistan then they need to give up this takfiri armed struggle against the majority of Pakistan. Besides some fringe groups, the vast majority of Pakistanis, while in favour of sharia, will never go along with their modus operandi of killing and maiming to achieve the TTP's version of an Islamic state.

Technically speaking, if peace is to be had, then the natives of NWA need to understand that the state can inflict much greater damage to them than they can by their attacks against civilians in the settled areas of Pakistan. TTP's attempts are to tire out the Pakistani nation by their asymmetric warfare. The response to these attempts has to be very robust and damaging for the Mehsuds in the NWA. Talks happened and did not go anywhere because the TTP still consider themselves to be equals to the GoP. This perception has to change somewhat in their calculus and the military operations in NWA will help with it.

One key here is that the operations in NWA have to be followed on by a serious campaign inside of the settled areas to clean up the militancy networks there. The single biggest threat to Pakistan's settles areas come from these networks. Swat was cleaned up, the same happened in SWA and inshallah there is no reason that things cannot be pacified in NWA. The real test will be cleaning up the cities.
The hot spots are around Mir Ali, Shawal and Data Khel and will be tough going. The Army will have to slog through the resistance in these areas. So far so good ah.
Fazlu is a known wahaabi. TNSM is a wahaabi political movement. And Deobandis of Pakistan are fake, confused salafist inspired "hanafis". The original deobandis of India do not accept Pakistani and Afghani deobandis as their fellows. They don't follow spirituality, which is a trait of hanafi sect. And Imam Mahdi would be a pure blooded Sayyid. Throughout Sindh, Punjab, AJK, Hazara and Balochistan, people hold them in high esteem. And I don't care for "my" gaddi nasheens and stuff. Most of them are imposters, but much better than a chair lift operator or sabzi wala(hakimullah mahsud). And there's no way a Taliban shura would choose a non-pashtun as the head of Taliban. The reason why they do not follow hereditary succession is because of the fact that most of their "emirs" did not have young sons. These people are hypocrites of the highest order. Just like Abdali, the hypocrite genes exist within these Talibs still.

Abdali's whole economy was to rob, steal and extort others. He declared a "jihad" on the Khan of Kalat, who were staunch muslims. His people also kidnapped baloch men and women for ransom. His governors in Kashmir were tyrants of the worst order. Some of them lusted after kashmiri girls. Killing a Kashmiri groom on their wedding was a common sight. Heavy extortion of Kashmiri businessmen on the order of Abdali was also very common. They were as cruel to the muslims as to the Pundits. They were hit hard by the Bombas and Khakha rajas of Muzaffarabad though, who raided Kashmir valley quite often. One 18 year old Afghan governor Azad Khan was so frustrated by these raids, that he killed hundreds of Kashmiris in Srinagar to take his anger out. These Talib are just a modern manifestation of Abdali. They use "jihad" as a tool for racio-political domination. The ideology they profess as "islam" is a mixture of wahaabi/deobandism and their pre-islamic animistic, tribalistic beliefs.
Abdali was not a hardliner like taliban, the murders of khwaja sufis in kashghar by Qing so infuriated him that he began preparation for war against china. He was mureed of pir sabir shah of lahore.
Khan of kalat was friend and ally of abdali, balochs participated in abdal's wars in panipat, punjab and persia. The kashmir stories are false propaganda by hindus.
Even this operation will also not work Sir because of your talks you were able to break groups still you can break more groups but with that state also needs to start work on implementation of Islam and than those groups which are left behind use local triblas to wipe them out
there is already Islam in Pakistan, better than KSA atleast
Abdali was not a hardliner like taliban, the murders of khwaja sufis in kashghar by Qing so infuriated him that he began preparation for war against china. He was mureed of pir sabir shah of lahore.
Khan of kalat was friend and ally of abdali, balochs participated in abdal's wars in panipat, punjab and persia. The kashmir stories are false propaganda by hindus.

He was not a hardliner that's why he desecrated the golden temple of Sikhs. He forcibly married Khan of Kalat's daughter and the Khan of Kalat who participated in his raids was the second Khan and not the first Khan whose daughter he married. The second Khan himself was himself attacked before he was forced to sign a treaty with Abdali. The Baloch who participated in his raids called the expeditions "looting expeditions" and not "jihad". Some Baloch nationalists were even hurt by Pakistan's decision to name a missile after Abdali. Read this: The Baloch and Balochistan: A Historical Account from the Beginning to the ... - Naseer Dashti - Google Books

And there are multiple East India Company reports about Afghan rule in Kashmir. They all talk about the sheer brutality. Abdali's army was funded by his looting expeditions into Punjab and Balochistan. He pressed his governors in Kashmir to raise large sums for the treasury. He use to attack the poor farmers of Punjab, Hindhu and Muslim alike, that's why a lot of Punjabi muslims sided with the secular Ranjit Singh.
I know that you people have started using abusive language and threats since last night maybe on direct orders from above to stifle people with different views.

Why discuss anything when you people are only concerned with obeying orders. What you get out of these discussions? One says kill them. other says wipe them out, third says bomb them.

You people are more concerned with your salaries and perks than right or wrong. U r mercenaries.

Leave the propaganda to ISPR. Thats what you guys r concerned with. U r not getting promotion by posing as hawks here

WTF are you talking about?
Yes this is called cultural imperialism, I think it is time to call a spade a spade. You are right I too never ever heard these words "Barelvi" or "Deobandi" eventhough my family was quite religious. All the punjabis that I know of were Sunnis, this filthy UP bihari nomenclature is another attempt to destroy our indigenous social and religious fabric. Both these filthy Barelvi/Deobandi things started in 1850 in filthy UP area but punjabis and other muslims in pakistan are calling themselves sunnis since the time of Mohammad bin Qasam. We must reject this nomeclaure imported from filthy ganga scum area.
What is so filthy about the UP Bihari culture? Either you are very misinformed or bigoted. Over simplification of history is just as bad as over complication. Differences in interpretations are bound to creep up over time. This was the reason that Khawarij went to war with Syedna Ali RA. Muslims need to accept some of these differences as long as they don't impinge on the aqeeda (and most of the differences don't.) This is the only way to get on with it. One thing that is patently clear is that Barelvis and Deobandis will never agree to each other's point of view if the attempts are being made to strong arm. Scholarly discussions with room for disagreement is what will lead to consensus eventually. Having been around curfews imposed during riots and watching the behavior of the adherents of these groups has convinced me that they believe with conviction.
Yes this is called cultural imperialism, I think it is time to call a spade a spade. You are right I too never ever heard these words "Barelvi" or "Deobandi" eventhough my family was quite religious. All the punjabis that I know of were Sunnis, this filthy UP bihari nomenclature is another attempt to destroy our indigenous social and religious fabric. Both these filthy Barelvi/Deobandi things started in 1850 in filthy UP area but punjabis and other muslims in pakistan are calling themselves sunnis since the time of Mohammad bin Qasam. We must reject this nomeclaure imported from filthy ganga scum area.

mashallah, and islam taught you racism?
Lets force the students to learn seven books of Hadiths and whole Tafseer by Ibn-Kathir even those who do no wish to acquire such in-depth knowledge since they aren't there to become Mullah in the first place . I mean , is he for real ? It takes a couple of years merely to teach the commentary I believe , forget the Hadith altogether and nobody knows what further additions of Jihadi literature of sorts would he wish for next , possibly even TTP beheading video to make the little students " courageous " or their videos recorded before they blew up in different places ( let your imagination free ) Lol

P.S The point is that a sorry excuse is being used to justify the actions of extremists and for a solution to control them .

Ask him that if students of Engineering and Medical universities are supposed to study everything about Quran and Hadees and Tafseer, so are the students of Madarsas are also supposed to study Organic chemistry or Calculus or Nuclear Physics along with their major studies. Or this policy only applies to poor "murtad" students of colleges and universities.

The fact is these are all lame and bogus excuses to justify the crimes of TTP and its ilk.
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