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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

If talibunis take over then Pakistan will be divided in 50 little countries. Punjabi taliban will want their on khalifa while sindhi/pashtuns their own. Everyone will fight each other till stalemate and divide country. Then even with in smaller countries tribes/biraderi differences will come out and they will continue to fight each other. Basically this savage system is not fit for one village let alone country.

That's the thing. They try to sell their heathenish ideology as "hanafi islam", yet their ulterior motives are much more sinister. The islam that they profess is litered with heathenish beliefs. That's what people of Pakistan fail to see because of a lack of historical knowledge.
If you want such system, then how Pakistan can produce nuclear scientists, missile scientists,physicists, economists, financial experts, economists, Soldiers, software engineers, IT experts, Chemical engineers, businessman who run factories, Chartered accountants? Give me one example of Islamic golden era scientist who followed such routine, Jabir bin hayyan? Bu Ali sina? Ibn Al Haitham? Compare flaws in your thinking by reading Islamic golden era scientists, their lives, their education, their code of conduct.

It's either you want to become an AALIM or a Technical person, you can't have both. That's where free will come. A person can choose whatever he wants to become.

It's a personal choice for someone, If he wants to delve deeper into Islamic studies, he can join some specialized Islamic institution like Jamia Al Azhar to become specialized in Islamic fiqh and ahaades . You can not force somebody to read Islam all through his educational life. What is use of Islamic education in Technical field? Would it let us produce Nuclear bombs? Ballistic or cruise missiles? Tanks, weapons, armoured or anything else ?

The problem is it hasn't been solved for last 1400 years. Jayyad Saahaba couldn't solve it, Khulafaaye Rasheedeen couldn't solve it, They fought this menace and sacrificed their lives and we are just following in their footsteps. To fight them and sacrifice our lives.
MASHALLAH you posts show your you don't have any idea of what I am saying Mr O really you go and study their lives many of the scientists you mentioned were soldiers too many of them were teachers of Hadees and Fiqh too Mr yes in BSC and MSC you can't teach all Tafseers and Hadees and Fiqh but you can teach a lot more than you are doing currently yes update and fund a lot of science resarch but for sure you can teach one complete tafseer in 4 years of BSC honors and also two major books of Hadees or at least their summarized version and also Fiqh the current is nothing but a serious kind of joke with Islam even a technical person can have lore more knowledge of Islam than he currently has if increase the education of Islam from class one that will not burden children much and slowly they will have more knowledge of Islam and also knowledge of science and other thing Jamia Azhar teaches lot of Tafseers and all hadees books I am not saying you do that but you can at least teach one volume Tafseer and Summarized books of Hadees of two major books till FSC if you do that you will have a child who is quite good knowledge of both to make it easy for I give you some example of books


And you can teach one book of fiqh you can start from 9th class till FSC and if we start teaching Arabic as a language from 3rd class it would make it more easier for students to learn Sir that is what I am saying I am not saying every engineer should be complete expert of all Tafseers and Hadees and Fiqh issues he can't obviously but by the time time he completes BSC we if use brain can teach him one Tafseer at least and summarized Sahih Bukahri and Muslim take his viva on Seerat and Islamic history that is quite easy @Donatello
The pashtuns are victims of UP and bihari filthy Deoband sect, we are lucky in punjab because we have only simple traditional sunnis or a small minority of radical salafi hafiz saeed types who still remain loyal to pakistan and are not swayed away by stupid emotions.
Your comments always made me laugh :D :D According to u , we should surrender ourselves in front of talibans . by the way no one is authorized in islam to convert even non-muslims to muslim by force, and u are talking about impelementing personalized version of Taliban shariah on their order in a MUSLIM STATE. No sir it is never gonna happen because now a significant numbers of Pakistanis are Educated enough!
Yes Iraqis you used to laugh the same way now they are the ones who are crying the most
Bhai, Zarvan seems to be confused. I agree with what you say, that you can either be an aalim or a scientist. That's the problem we have. Either we have very good academics or very good aalims, in both cases one doesn't know the other. We need to get out of this confused mindset. Science teaches us to believe and reason in things that we can only prove and understand. With religion, it is not always that easy.
Before calling me confused at least know what I am saying Mr
The pashtuns are victims of UP and bihari filthy Deoband sect, we are lucky in punjab because we have only simple traditional sunnis or radical salafi hafiz saeed type who still remain loyal to pakistan and are not swayed away by stupid jahil molvis.

Yes that filthy ganga idiology should have never come to indus valley.
The pashtuns are victims of UP and bihari filthy Deoband sect, we are lucky in punjab because we have only simple traditional sunnis or a small minority of radical salafi hafiz saeed types who still remain loyal to pakistan and are not swayed away by stupid emotions.

Are you nuts? Go to South Punjab to see the whole region, its full of deobandi militant organisations operating with the help of Noora brothers.
Are you nuts? Go to South Punjab to see the whole region, its full of deobandi militant organisations operating with the help of Noora brothers.

Their days are numbred and soon will be exterminated after last save haven of terrorists is cleared in this operation.
Yes Iraqis you used to laugh the same way now they are the ones who are crying the most
get a life man, dont compare Iraq with Pakistan. I will not argue with you, as i don't care if u understand or not!
Yes that filthy ganga idiology should have never come to indus valley.

I was quite religious person in my teenage back in 90s , I have watched the activities of all the three sects Sunnis, Deobandis and Salafi ahle hadith very closely. Let me say that the most trouble making potentiall anti-pakistan ideology I found was always Deobandis and their jahil tableeghi molvis. I found deobandis more prone to become terrorists or join millitant organizations than Sunnis or Salafis in punjab. Eventhough Salafis are known as hardcore fundamentalists eleswhere but Salafis (Ahl e hadith) {Hafiz Saeed type} are 100 times more civilised than Deobandi retardos in punjab. Both Sunnis and Salafis have never ever attacked pakistani state assets, all the attacks on pakistani state assets (kamra, mehran, karachi airport etc. ) have been facilitated by Deobani scum terrorists.
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Mark my words, no one can start any military operation in Punjab.

It will start mark my words. Even despite so called sectarian violence in Punjab.

In punjab there is least per capita killing on sectarian basis.

Secterian killings per province in last 5 years.

Fata 867
Balochistan 737
Sindh 252
Punjab 104
G-B 103
K-P 22

Sectarian violence: Over 2,000 people killed in 5 years, Interior Ministry tells Senate

G-B with few million have almost the same number of sectarian killings as Punjab with over 100 million people.
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get a life man, dont compare Iraq with Pakistan. I will not argue with you, as i don't care if u understand or not!
Yes the issue will reach every where Sir not compare this with that is a joke you want to keep your eyes shut and put your head in sand as ostrich and think problem would go away no sir that is not gonna happen
I was quite religious person in my teenage back in 90s , I have watched all the three sects Sunnis, Deobandis and Salafi ahle hadith. Let me say that the most trouble making potentiall anti-pakistan ideology I found was always Deobandis and their jahil tableeghi molvis. I found deobandis more prone to become terrorists or join millitant organizations than Sunnis or Salafis in punjab. Eventhough Salafis are known as hardcore fundamentalists eleswhere but Salafis (Ahl e hadith) {Hafiz Saeed type} are 100 times more civilised than Deobandi retardos in punjab. Both Sunnis and Salafis have never ever attacked pakistani state assets, all the attacks on pakistani state assets (kamra, mehran, karachi airport etc. ) have been facilitated by Deobani scum millitants.

I don't know if zarvan is deobandi, from his posts it seem he will not mind if ttp burn down lahore to teach us a lesson. He have been avoiding my simple question. Will he side with them or not when they come to burn.
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