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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Is it the solution?

And there lies the psychosis. Most terrorists in the world were people at the bottom of the barrel searching for status and power. Afghanistan provides opium and black market. Its where all the worlds terrorists congregate. They have gone through lengths of studying Pak history and trying to make history repeat for their own gains. A lot of Pakistanis have been brainwashed and are in 2 minds about what they think is best for themselves like Zarvan.

We need re-education camps set up across the country to teach people what living like a dignified human involves. For decades we have let these criminals serve as role models for people living in FATA and beyond. Its corrupted minds and we have to bring them back to the real world. It starts by destroying every terrorist preaching their rhetoric then educating the masses. Its a slow process and we can see Zarvan one day become that balanced and diplomatic mature man who accepts the differences in men and celebrates them.

He's not that bad. I have seen people way worse than him. At least he respects the Pakistan army, unlike a lot of Deobandis/Wahaabis. These two sects have made Islam appear as a violent and satanic religion to non-muslims. Also, in DG Khan according to Shirin Mazari, almost all Deobandi madrassahs get their funding from Kuwait. We need to cut this funding, but the recent 1.5$ loan means the ganjas won't.
The difference between both is zarvan is always dead serious, lol

Lmao bhai kya baat hai ab shabaz sharif ho. :lol: People will still know it is you, get mod to change your location flag.

He's not that bad. I have seen people way worse than him. At least he respects the Pakistan army, unlike a lot of Deobandis/Wahaabis. These two sects have made Islam appear as a violent and satanic religion to non-muslims. Also, in DG Khan according to Shirin Mazari, almost all Deobandi madrassahs get their funding from Kuwait. We need to cut this funding, but the recent 1.5$ loan means the ganjas won't.

Zarvan is a wahabbi and he is bipolar he will open a thread praising Pak army and then back TTP in another thread. :lol:

Never, i mean we know ganjas are brothers and next pm from N will be from Sharif family but these politicians are dispensable but not Pakistan. We need to get rid of mindset the likes of Zarvan have, who will not mind one bit if his own city where he lives to be burned down by ttp brethen.

Look at TTP, more then 100 died fighting each other in a month. And why? Just because one group does not accept current leader of ttp. Both are pashtuns but it doesnt matter, because tribe differences come out. And they want to implement sharia in Pakistan?

And playing ethnic card was last attempt of desperation, seem like they know their time is coming to the end and punjabi taliban cant help them. But looking at zarvan posts i don't think punjabi taliban will mind burning down Lahore.

Heck he might lead the charge.
Lmao bhai kya baat hai ab shabaz sharif ho. :lol: People will still know it is you, get mod to change your location flag.

Zarvan is a wahabbi and he is bipolar he will open a thread praising Pak army and then back TTP in another thread. :lol:

Just changed id to troll potians ;) Indians will know me as soon as i write. Hell it doesnt even matter now, when ever new user insult them they blame me anyway.
Zarb e AZB (Asif Zardari-Bhutto) adventure failure to be put on Nawaz Sharif just like Kargil adventure was planned for failure by Musharraf's group.

How do you know that it will be a failure? I bet delusional extremist individuals such as yourself thought that Swat, SWA etc operations would be failure.

Reminds me of Operation Taharat to cleanse Heera Mandi by Gen Zia. Result they relocated all over the city. LOL
Yes, that's a very good comparison point.

An easier way out of this mess created by Musharraf having political-insurgent-military dimensions will be formation of Khilafat by the Army (as proposed under Islamic Pakistan thread by someone else). The TTP to be reconciled and recruited as Jennisary division of Army based on Ottoman model. The raison de etre for fighting between the TTP and Army/Governement will end. Objectives resolution to be implemented in letter and spirit. Islamic Constitution developed by Taqiuddin An Nabhani can serve as model. Pashtun areas in Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban will also join such a government voluntarily next year after US moves out. Look at spectacular victories of Taliban in 1996 and ISIS in Iraq this year. But this will require a serious out of the box thinking. Why go for 10 year rule when a better and long term option exists.

@WebMaster Looks like we have an extremist nutbag here.

Yes, the mess was created by Musharraf. You know, it wasn't created by terrorists using our territory to launch operations to kill civilians in our own country and abroad.

These people will continue killing our civilians, our minorities and you want to talk with them. You should know by now that Pakistan will not be enforcing the TTP draconian version of sharia law. You can move to Saudi Arabia if you want that. You can practice your religion all you want but you will not be imposing it on others. And if someone tries to kill our people for not following TTP's sharia law then we will go and kill those nutjobs. You, sir, sound like one of them btw.
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Sir, You are simply following the Pide Piper. If the tune is changed suddenly this evening, you will march towards East, South or North as the case may be, and call everyone with an open mind a nutjob. If you cannot look beyond your orders that's not my problem. :pakistan:Islam and Pakistan. That's sounding like General Zia

sun zu.jpg
And if someone tries to kill our people for not following TTP's sharia law then we will go and kill those nutjobs. You, sir, sound like one of them btw.[/quote]

Should I take it as a death threat :feminist::hitwall:
I don't have any issue with the ethnicity of democratically elected president/prime minister either. But the "khilafat" that they call for is the one that is in Saudi Arabia, i'e son after father(hereditary). I'm 100% sure a country as ethnically polarized as Pakistan cannot exist under such a system. After all, will you accept someone like Fazulullah's family as hereditary rulers of Pakistan? Fazlu was a chair lift operator before he thought of using religion to become the ameer ul momineen.
Taliban, both of Afghanistan and Pakistan, do not have hereditary leaders, unlike your gaddi nasheen pirs. They have shura and shura elects a leader for life time.

I think he is called "Marwat Khan Lodhi" now. Pakistan army should kill every marwat for giving us such an annoying, heathen troll :D
Marwat is considered a pro-establishment tribe along with khattaks


he got banned before it got changed
Hello Hi, its me pak-one. Afghan prince ID was not available so requested for marwat khan lodhi. Marwat khan lodhi was an Afghan prince of Lodhi tribe, marwats are his descendents.
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Multilateral Agreement for a Free Trade Alliance

I propose formation of an economic block MAFTA composed of Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, CARs, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Venezuella, Japan, Cuba, Bolivia, Ireland, Brunei Dar as Salam and Palestinian Authority for free trade without or reduced customs duties.

A MAFTA secretariat should be formed in Istanbul or Kuala Lumpur to coordinate all the activites.

Pakistan and Afghanistan in particular can benefit from adaptation of the advanced technologies from brotherly countries. An example is the recent Metro Bus project in various cities of Punjab with the help of Turkey.

Malaysia and Indonesia are rich in Palm oil and can meet the needs of member countries. Malaysia is also ahead in technology.

Pakistan is a big exporter of Textile and Leather goods.

Brazil is an important member of BRICS group and the biggest exporter in south America.

Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela are major exporters of crude oil. Russia is also a big exporter of gas and can supply Pakistan through its purchased gas from Turkmenistan.

Japan is the technological giant of the East and is already helping Pakistan in various projects.

Cuba is known for its independent policy and is the leading voice of the leftist world and will help us in gaining more space and allies diplomatically. The Cuban doctors performed selflessly during the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan.

Republic of Ireland is known for its independent foreign policy on the European mainland as opposed to Britain which is always toeing the American line.

Iran has patched up its differences with America and is emerging on world stage as a mature power.

Turkey is leading the Muslim world in moderate thought, technology, foreign investment and outreach.
Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa: Allah's Apostle said, "Know that Paradise is under the shades of Swords
Yes you produce drug addicts you produce doctors who are busy beating the hell out of each other you produce lawyers who are who are a mafiya you produce thugs and you produce those who are just running after sex and many don't know who thie real daddy is you produce nothing but animals

Whatever they become afterwards isn't the concern of the proper educational institution , because that isn't the teaching they are imparted with . Our textbooks are clear and transparent and available for everybody to read . Yours on the other hand are teaching and making killers , suicide bombers and extremists , something which is more than obvious . After all , how many students from schools were found killing or maiming or trying to enforce Islam on people ? Speaking of " daddies " which I believe is one of your obsessions for some reason and I wouldn't go into that , do these Madarsa children even know their parents who just bring them in the world and hand them over to Mullah to raise them since the " Mom and Dad " cant ?

No one is saying that we all must become less religious or "kaffir", its just letting everyone decide what they want to do. Feel free to have Sharia in your own home, don't worry about your next door neighbor.

But that isn't acceptable to the radicals and extremists alike , they will shove down their Islam down the throats of all regardless of their choice . The past history is evident of that .
I don't have any issue with the ethnicity of democratically elected president/prime minister either. But the "khilafat" that they call for is the one that is in Saudi Arabia, i'e son after father(hereditary). I'm 100% sure a country as ethnically polarized as Pakistan cannot exist under such a system. After all, will you accept someone like Fazulullah's family as hereditary rulers of Pakistan? Fazlu was a chair lift operator before he thought of using religion to become the ameer ul momineen.
Taliban, both of Afghanistan and Pakistan, do not have hereditary leaders, unlike your gaddi nasheen pirs. They have shura and shura elects a leader for life time.
That course is a joke a clear cut joke not enough much more has to be added a lot more Tafseer Hadees and Fiqh a lot more has to be added in course that one small tiny book of Islamyat it is a joke with Islam and people of of Pakistan and than MA Islamiyat againa bigger joke it so called is masters but the course it has is hilarious I have lived all my life in PU a joke is going on in the name of Islam

@mafiya @Areesh What did I tell you ? O ye believers , will ye then not believe ? :D Suddenly , the Islamiat being taught upto University level (in programs which do not need it) is a joke for this Mullah and terrorist sympathizer . Even though Quran , Tafseer and Hadith are all being taught even now . They need to make a pretext under which to destabilize the country and work for enforcement of their agenda . The problem surely isn't that religion isn't being taught in proper educational institutions .
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