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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Miranshah

If it is fake, then it is even more sinister. It means the TTP have decided to expand their operations into India after being expelled from their location. Perhaps via the Sea, or posing as Afghans they intend to flood India for terror activities.

TTP or any other Islamic militant group will never attack a non muslim country as it attracts a lot of heat. They target Muslim countries where they can get away with their crap shoveling lies and antics.

However India is a big place with a very large Muslim community. It look takes a few thounsand desperate poor Indian Muslims to be corrupted for things to start blowing up.
The grapevine has this rumour of the establishment on this side send the very same message to the Indian side on the outcome of the proxy war.

Well True that there is a proxy war is going on between India and Pakistan, But I dont think India will support any terrorist organisation which kills innocent civilians..... The presence of Indian agencies are to secure Indian interests in afghanistan, nothing else.....

However India is a big place with a very large Muslim community. It look takes a few thounsand desperate poor Indian Muslims to be corrupted for things to start blowing up.

Yes there is a possibility..... I think Indian agencies are now serious on the internal threat (which was not there before)..... and there are lot of underground works going on..... But then when intelligence agencies works, they never goes thru the legal system, and that can invite lot of criticism........
You need to correct it ...US Dollar, Indian, Pakistani and Afghani currency are in fashion for trade in there ...USD is a preferred choice by the traders...since it has less chances of counterfeit !

Indian currency is not like dollar, Pakistani Rupess works in Afghanistan, not the Indian currency. The photo is to feed the Pakistani audience.
The picture in question lacks authenticity for sure - fb is an internet black hole.
But, I wonder why some folks here disregarding speculations when they are under spot light but reserve all rights to deduce similar propositions for the other side of the coin. :unsure:
Well True that there is a proxy war is going on between India and Pakistan, But I dont think India will support any terrorist organisation which kills innocent civilians..... The presence of Indian agencies are to secure Indian interests in afghanistan, nothing else..

Lets not be naive. India defends her interests by any and all means necessary. If that means having innocent Pakistanis killed to further Indian interests then so be it. Its a dirty game and everyone plays it; what matters is how good are you at not getting caught.
Yes there is a possibility..... I think Indian agencies are now serious on the internal threat (which was not there before)..... and there are lot of underground works going on..... But then when intelligence agencies works, they never goes thru the legal system, and that can invite lot of criticism........

It won't happen though and I hope it doesn't.

I am sick of it all and I want the sub continent to be at peace so it can develop.

PA will kill ttp by the end of this operation and the rest is history.
India started the cross border terrorism in Pakistani during 1970s. ISI picked these skills from Indians and used Jihadis groups against India later in Kashmir.
Lets not be naive. India defends her interests by any and all means necessary. If that means having innocent Pakistanis killed to further Indian interests then so be it. Its a dirty game and everyone plays it; what matters is how good are you at not getting caught.

If that is the case then Indian agencies are better than i believed them to be......
India started the cross border terrorism in Pakistani during 1970s. ISI picked these skills from Indians and used Jihadis groups against India later in Kashmir.

Op Gibraltar ?

47 - 48 incursion into J&K ?

Two can play a game .
TTP only operate in two countries, pakistan and afghanistan, so they will have currencies of the two countries.....what were they doing with indian currency? For decoration?. Use your brain, it is planted evidence by army. TTP left the large cash of indian currency notes , for the world to see that look we are indian agents?. Even faujis have told me that they dont believe TTP are RAW agents as they usually propagate
TTP only operate in two countries, pakistan and afghanistan, so they will have currencies of the two countries.....what were they doing with indian currency? For decoration?. Use your brain, it is planted evidence by army. TTP left the large cash of indian currency notes , for the world to see that look we are indian agents?. Even faujis have told me that they dont believe TTP are RAW agents as they usually propagate

Ok forget about hard currency for a moment.

How do TTP fund themselves?
Indians think they are complete innocents and victims but their history shows otherwise. They will try to put back on us by bringing up irrelevant things from the past but it doesn't work.

There is much more currency discovered, this is just one image. The currency is real.

What is the use of Indian currency in FATA, you can't even buy a bidi-cigarette with Indian currency in FATA and Afghanistan. :omghaha::omghaha:
TTP only operate in two countries, pakistan and afghanistan, so they will have currencies of the two countries.....what were they doing with indian currency? For decoration?. Use your brain, it is planted evidence by army. TTP left the large cash of indian currency notes , for the world to see that look we are indian agents?. Even faujis have told me that they dont believe TTP are RAW agents as they usually propagate

If Pak army want to do a fake discovery there are a lot of other things they can discover also like
Indian weapons indian transmitters indian SIM cards etc. is that impossible? now it's currency and I hope there are also strong chances to find other evidences regarding Indians involvement with terrorists.
Op Gibraltar ?

47 - 48 incursion into J&K ?

Two can play a game .

Both invasions by Pak Army supported by tribals. Here we are talking about funding terrorists in Pakistan which India started first by funding and helping mukhti bhaini commit massacre of Urdu Speaking Biharis. Pakistan is just replying to the same Indian game. I think Pakistan should now interfere more in Afghanistan to keep its western border safe from Indian backed terrorists in ANA.
Both invasions by Pak Army supported by tribals. Here we are talking about funding terrorists in Pakistan which India started first by funding and helping mukhti bhaini commit massacre of Urdu Speaking Biharis. Pakistan is just replying to the same Indian game. I think Pakistan should now interfere more in Afghanistan to keep its western border safe from Indian backed terrorists in ANA.

who started massacre of Bangalis ? who was raping bengalis.. who was Tikka Khan.. ?
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