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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Miranshah


Not for a moment am I denying ( or accepting ) what you write. All I am saying is that nothing in this world is quite like what it looks.

There are undercurrents & reasons for everything.

No nation other than the Vatican is a saint - everyone does things to further their interests.

In my post I have offered a possible explanation to what the picture says. Tell me , can you buy anything with INR in Pak ? If not then why would I as an Indian 'agent' give INR to someone in Pak ? I'd rather give PKR or USD .

Thats all.


Its true, and i agree with you brother,
and i also agree that intelligence agency never use their own currencies for funding's.
But i also not agree that Pakistani soldier not holding your currency in his hands in the pic.

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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Taliban hideouts in Miranshah

Pak Warriors - Photos from Pak Warriors's post | Facebook
Does NOT make sense .

Its true, and i agree with you brother,
and i also agree that intelligence agency never use their own currencies for funding's.
But i also not agree that **** soldier not holding your currency in his hands in the pic.


All one can say with surety is that the Capt from PA is holding currency that looks like INR .

Its location, vintage & authenticity can not be established.
Please elaborate.....

1. an FB pic i dont trust much.

2. Neither it proves it could be Waziristan

3. The pic could be real but could also be from some other area/ IB with India may be fake currency recovered at some border area with India.

4. The currency could not help terrorists at this side of the border may be in Afghanistan
1. an FB pic i dont trust much.

2. Neither it proves it could be Waziristan

3. The pic could be real but could also be from some other area/ IB with India may be fake currency recovered at some border area with India.

4. The currency could not help terrorists at this side of the border may be in Afghanistan


FB has become a medium to drive propaganda, I have seen so much of them in FB (about local issues and religious issues) and idiots share them without even thinking.....

Today i have seen a picture of IA man, and with a note..... The picture was perfect, but the propaganda for which this picture used was fake.....I could see people praising it... But if you watch the picture closely and observe you could see few things which gives you an idea that this was something else.... ( I do not want to share it here for obvious reasons)

FB has become a medium to drive propaganda, I have seen so much of them in FB (about local issues and religious issues) and idiots share them without even thinking.....

Today i have seen a picture of IA man, and with a note..... The picture was perfect, but the propaganda for which this picture used was fake.....I could see people praising it... But if you watch the picture closely and observe you could see few things which gives you an idea that this was something else.... ( I do not want to share it here for obvious reasons)
Don't share it for obvious reasons ...we don't want to waste our time reading your baseless and pathetic comments pampering the schemes of India ...let the time decide it !
1. an FB pic i dont trust much.

2. Neither it proves it could be Waziristan

3. The pic could be real but could also be from some other area/ IB with India may be fake currency recovered at some border area with India.

4. The currency could not help terrorists at this side of the border may be in Afghanistan

Jana jee, terrorists regularly flock around the border from Pak to Afghanistan. Are you saying this money cannot be exchanged with traders and currency exchange markets?
Don't share it for obvious reasons ...we don't want to waste our time reading your baseless and pathetic comments pampering the schemes of India ...let the time decide it !

Hope you read the entire post (or let me say the conversation), or you just read the last line and decided to reply?????

Jana jee, terrorists regularly flock around the border from Pak to Afghanistan. Are you saying this money cannot be exchanged with traders and currency exchange markets?

You seriously think Indian agencies are that stupid to give away Indian currency?????
I didn't know that Pakistani shops accepts Indian currency.
Hope you read the entire post (or let me say the conversation), or you just read the last line and decided to reply?????

You seriously think Indian agencies are that stupid to give away Indian currency?????
I have read each and every comment ...and have found out that no matter what, you never can be on the side of truth ...!

What is the use of keeping Indian currency in FATA, what can you buy out of it. :girl_wacko:
Indian currency is heavier than the Pakistani one ....It is popular in Afghanistan ...TTP guys regularly cross the border and trade in whatever they need ....!
I have read each and every comment ...and have found out that no matter what, you never can be on the side of truth ...!

Ok.... Now You be on the side of truth and explain the 3 or 4 legitimate question raised in this thread????? May be when you try to find an answer to those question, you may realise you are on wrong side of the truth..... Just give it a try .....
Ok.... Now You be on the side of truth and explain the 3 or 4 legitimate question raised in this thread????? May be when you try to find an answer to those question, you may realise you are on wrong side of the truth..... Just give it a try .....
A truth is what told by an Indian always :rofl:
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