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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Indian currency recovered from Miranshah

Nobody has given evidence about hiding OBL in Pakistan ... Even his dead body wasn't shown publicly ..........

Quite right.

As always the whole world is wrong
Now you're imagining things. Which states have officially accused Pakistan of hiding OBL? Even the US hasn't.

Next, what is the relevance of the point to the thread?


As regards reference to the thread , read previous posts .

Not seeing the accusation from the US state. This is a journalist posting their opinion. So where is, say, a press conference from White House accusing Pakistan of hiding OBL?

Went through the whole thread, not seeing where you explain how this is relevant in any way.
Not seeing the accusation from the US state. This is a journalist posting their opinion. So where is, say, a press conference from White House accusing Pakistan of hiding OBL?

In that case , please accept my sincere apologies .

The fact that US did not even deem it fit to inform Pak of the incursion of US Seal speaks volumes of what it felt and why it felt so.

Meanwhile , you are welcome to the bliss you live in.

Good luck
In that case , please accept my sincere apologies .

The fact that US did not even deem it fit to inform Pak of the incursion of US Seal speaks volumes of what it felt and why it felt so.

Meanwhile , you are welcome to the bliss you live in.

Good luck

Ok so now you agree that your comment isn't even true to begin with. And meanwhile you can continue to come up with deductive fallacies as much as you want. You don't consider why US would have a relationship with Pakistan and provide it with F-16s and other weapons if it thought Pakistan intentionally hid OBL. The real geopolitical games are much more complex than you think, the lack of understanding of which causes you to come up with deductive fallacies like this.
Ok so now you agree that your comment isn't even true to begin with. And meanwhile you can continue to come up with deductive fallacies as much as you want. You don't consider why US would have a relationship with Pakistan and provide it with F-16s and other weapons if it thought Pakistan intentionally hid OBL. The real geopolitical games are much more complex than you think, the lack of understanding of which causes you to come up with deductive fallacies like this.


Its just that I do not have the patience .. " You can wake up a man who is asleep, Nothing on earth can wake a man who pretends to be asleep".

Good luck & welcome to your arguments & theories.

Its just that I do not have the patience .. " You can wake up a man who is asleep, Nothing on earth can wake a man who pretends to be asleep".

Good luck & welcome to your arguments & theories.

Well if you are unable to clearly show that the US state has said what you claim then you're nothing more than a conspiracy theorist. The whole "waking up thing" is so cliched and can be applied to any random thought that one does not agree with so it's not even worth mentioning.
Well if you are unable to clearly show that the US state has said what you claim then you're nothing more than a conspiracy theorist. The whole "waking up thing" is so cliched and can be applied to any random thought that one does not agree with so it's not even worth mentioning.

Whatever sails your boat.. be my guest.
This is what the Zions should understand. Understand before it is too late. Their Torah won't save them. Trust me on that. Nor would the untouchable past 400 years of western hegemony.

The money suppliers go and pump up drama queens. Fortunately for India they are the next destination. So the Indians are at a lot stronger position now. However, you gotta understand that the pumpers can turn against you and you will come crashing down.

Why do you think China is going towards consumption based economy now? They had to someday and that was the plan but why now? You got it right - The pumpers wanted it and they got it.

Coming back to currency topic - It did not take much before Imran Khan was pumped up few years ago. RAW and ISI did not anticipate that until it was too late.

So I fear if God's plan is to take you out of Afghanistan...You won't have much time to think about it....

It is better to understand before something happens.
Pakistan has been source printing Fake Indian currency. May be someone paid those terrorists with same currencies.
Pakistan has been source printing Fake Indian currency. May be someone paid those terrorists with same currencies.
India Gives fake names of Jihadis in International Media and present them as Pakistanis. May be those people are brain washed in india by some one to do such acts of terrorism.
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