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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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now 100000000000%,PAKIS support , drone, including N-BOMB IF , ITS POSIBLE ,on these TERRORISTS!:agree::tup::angry::smokin:
now 100000000000%,PAKIS support , drone, including N-BOMB IF , ITS POSIBLE ,on these TERRORISTS!:agree::tup::angry::smokin:

If those are used by PA, also the fact remain same.. USA drone attacks+USA funding is responsible for TTP empowerment.

Your time-line and facts are distorted. Besides, you have to have some foresight when giving quick-fix solutions such as stop supporting the US etc. Realise that we are a Third World country, who needs aid (where it is spent is another debate altogether). You say we need to take a strong stance... exactly how can that be accomplished when the US controls your weapons and air craft supplies.

You mentioned surgical operations, how about we reign in the imagination and try not to get too clinical here ;)
100% Pakistanis are agreed that US drone attackes are root cause of insuregency and terrorism inside Pakistan.

i am not so sure if this holds true!

I am not at least among those 100%, so it means the 100% figures goes to some 99.999999999..............% :)
Realise that we are a Third World country, who needs aid (where it is spent is another debate altogether).

Just one line answer, No country can move up while depending upon Aid.

A Beggar will always remain a bagger, since he lost his degnity.. if you really want to grow then forget about foreign resource, forget about any foreign help.. just work your self... you will find the way.. If you are just F****n around the world just for aid, how can you even for work the development of your own country.. Stop looking at other countries, pakistan is much more then that.. pakistan has top 6 copper, sulfur reserves, pakistan has the world largest reserves of coal, pakistan has uranium .. i don't think pakistan would have any problem with the power.. and those countries which has power can reach easily on the top.. look at UAE, what it was in 1990.. and wht it is now?
Just one line answer, No country can move up while depending upon Aid.

A Beggar will always remain a bagger, since he lost his degnity.. if you really want to grow then forget about foreign resource, forget about any foreign help.. just work your self... you will find the way.. If you are just F****n around the world just for aid, how can you even for work the development of your own country.. Stop looking at other countries, pakistan is much more then that.. pakistan has top 6 copper, sulfur reserves, pakistan has the world largest reserves of coal, pakistan has uranium .. i don't think pakistan would have any problem with the power.. and those countries which has power can reach easily on the top.. look at UAE, what it was in 1990.. and wht it is now?

Okay how about this, the next time you want to reply to me, be it one line or twenty, you don't use the eff word.

Secondly, about Pakistan being a beggar and a beggar never going up. So you have coal, sulphur, copper deposits... but guess what our economy is agriculture driven. Where does our produce go then? If we could run the country on minerals and gas, it would have been done a long time back. You need an infrastructure in place which we don't have, you need people trained and qualified that we don't have in large numbers, you need good relations with your neighbouring countries that we don't enjoy.

Fine, we should let go of our dependency on the US but then what can we fall back on...
If we could run the country on minerals and gas, it would have been done a long time back.

after so many examples in front of you still think minerals and gas can't help you? e.g. KSA, Russia (after so many sanctions still surviving), Iran (after so many sanctions still surviving and also send satellite in space which pakistan actually rented out), Japan has so many sanction, no minerals, no technology look at them where they are now.. China didn't had many minerals, gas, agriculture, just human resource.. look where are they now..

Technology can brought through struggle rather then money.. look at pakistani nuclear technology
If we could run the country on minerals and gas, it would have been done a long time back.

after so many examples in front of you still think minerals and gas can't help you? e.g. KSA, Russia (after so many sanctions still surviving), Iran (after so many sanctions still surviving and also send satellite in space which pakistan actually rented out), Japan has so many sanction, no minerals, no technology look at them where they are now.. China didn't had many minerals, gas, agriculture, just human resource.. look where are they now..

Technology can brought through struggle rather then money.. look at pakistani nuclear technology

Education, infrastructure, extensive road networks, massive mechanisation, political stability, pragmatism... the list is quite long. You have any of these... sad reality, no.

The ground situation is not all hunkum-bunkum. Who wouldn't want to let go of the US but what is there is there.
Education, infrastructure, extensive road networks, massive mechanisation, political stability, pragmatism... the list is quite long. You have any of these... sad reality, no.

The ground situation is not all hunkum-bunkum. Who wouldn't want to let go of the US but what is there is there.

and how you think these things will come? through AID? Loan?
Certainly not without money.

Nope, not without circulation of money.. Loan, Aid could give you some money to work with but their is no circulation of money.. for which you need something to sell, purchase do some business.. like selling your minerals, gas, oil, human resources, and last not the least You actually need to struggle for it, rather then bagging around the world
I am not at least among those 100%, so it means the 100% figures goes to some 99.999999999..............% :)

Our constitution dont allow any interference of any country , those are in favour of US drones attacks should read consitution of Pakistan.
Nope, not without circulation of money.. Loan, Aid could give you some money to work with but their is no circulation of money.. for which you need something to sell, purchase do some business.. like selling your minerals, gas, oil, human resources, and last not the least You actually need to struggle for it, rather then bagging around the world

Yes... the struggle is there. It has always been there be it the creation of Pakistan or the restoration of the judges. And loans and aid do bring in money... countless millions of dollars if only they were not misspent by corrupt politicians. And yeah, money doesn't grow on trees overnight, so you don't stop the wheel and jump start the economy in one go.

If only our country wasn't caught in this quagmire of terrorism... some of its own making, some of others... life would've been different.
Our constitution dont allow any interference of any country , those are in favour of US drones attacks should read consitution of Pakistan.

Kindly go back & read your statement, you said 100% pakistani's agree that the suicide bombings & insurgency is due to drone strikes, which i don't agree with. I did not said i agree with drone strikes.
Allah don't help those who don't help themselves...

The more money will bring more corruption into pakistan (which can be already seen).. and pakistan will remain as so.. thanks to the people like you.. who don't have guts to think of something other then loan and something..

Closing statement
I have a colleague who get around 3 times more then me, he toke loan from the bank and buy a car.. i save some money and buy a small car... now situation is, he is getting 3 times to me yet he come without car, since in the end he couldn't carry on with the loan.. but i still have my small car, and i am proud of my self...
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