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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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What is going to be the US role in all of this and specially US role related to spares for the Cobras and other necessary equipment which is deemed necessary for the military to launch operations.
On a side note an area such as waziristan, does PA have the capability for real time intelligence gathering and does the US provide assistance in this field?
What is going to be the US role in all of this and specially US role related to spares for the Cobras and other necessary equipment which is deemed necessary for the military to launch operations.
On a side note an area such as waziristan, does PA have the capability for real time intelligence gathering and does the US provide assistance in this field?

the spy drones provide that and it is shared - ground-level intell sharing is working well.
the war is over!! long live the war. pakistannow has all the card sin its hands. the entire western forces are gathered in afghanistan all it has to do i sdro p one bomn to wipe them out, give a bomb to iran, to defend aagisnt israel, saudi arabia to cut of oil and teh entire west will come to its knees.

pakistan now has all the cards as long as it and saudi arabi and iran work togehther there is nothing that can stop them.

the west reponse would be to bomb every muslim country leaving themselves short of electricity and food and the collapse and apocalypse as we call it would have arrived.

pakistan should strnigently refute any us attempt to attack pakistan or control its army, america is in its last days as an empire, the empire has fallen it just doesnt know it yet. long live pakistan and islam.

best a muslim brother
pakistan and america and the rest of the world should work together for a constructive peace, only then will the world live as one, ps can i hjave a job.
The insurgency started when the PA deployed to stop cross border insurgent movement. However, given the ideology of the Taliban, it could be argued that the Taliban would have eventually taken on the state in any case, and tried to expand into the settled districts in a bid to impose their ideology on all of Pakistan. They sincerely believe that Pakistan's judiciary, democracy etc. is 'un-Islamic' and that it must be changed to a system that conforms with the Taliban interpretation of Islam.

There was also a huge spike in violence after the Lal Masjid operation, and while it is your right to criticize the way the operation was handled, it is also the GoP's right to handle such issues as it sees fit. Carrying out suicide bombings, attacking troops etc. is not justified regardless of how much the Taliban disagreed with the Lal Masjid Operation.

Implementation of shariah movement and TTP insurgency started after US drones attacks based on secret deal between Musharaf and US&NATO.

US drones attacks actually failed to target Al Qaeda or Talaban elements inside Pakistan instead hundred of innocient tribel men killed which empowerd TTP and other militant jehadi groups .

Neither tribel law nor Constitution of Pakistan allow drones attackes. How you can justify the clear violation of law of land.No ruler is above law of country.

Better US nd NATO resolve the Afghan problem ,Pakistan should remain neutral as China and Iran.
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Pakistan prepares assault, eyes Taliban infighting | International | Reuters

Pakistan prepares assault, eyes Taliban infighting

Sat Oct 3, 2009 7:19am EDT

By Robert Birsel

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The Pakistani army is keeping up pressure on the Pakistani Taliban as it prepares for an offensive on their South Waziristan stronghold and awaits the outcome of infighting between factions, a army spokesman said on Saturday.

The government ordered the army to launch an offensive against Pakistani Taliban Baitullah Mehsud and his men in South Waziristan near the Afghan border in June.

Mehsud, accused of numerous bomb attacks across the country, was killed in a U.S. missile strike in August.

The security forces have been launching air strikes, while moving in troops, blockading the region and trying to split off factions.

"The operation is continuing through air targeting, squeezing the area -- all the entry and exit routes have been blocked -- and, of course, waiting for the result of the infighting for the succession," military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said.

Mehsud's killing threw the Taliban into disarray with rival factions vying to take control of the al Qaeda-linked Taliban Movement of Pakistan alliance of 13 militant factions.

Confusion surrounds who is in charge.

U.S. intelligence agencies believe the newly named leader of the militant alliance, Hakimullah Mehsud, might have been killed in a firefight with a rival faction soon after Mehsud's death.

Abbas said some Pakistani security agencies had reported that Hakimullah was dead but there was no confirmation.

"It's confusing because the area is sealed, there's no free movement or credible intelligence presence inside," Abbas said.

Abbas said two divisions, or up to 28,000 soldiers, were in place, enough to take on an estimated 10,000 hardcore Taliban.

Winter snow could arrive in late November, hampering military operations but Abbas said the weather was one of many factors that planners were taking into account.

"It's a matter of the time which, of course, the military would not like to disclose or give any hint about," he said.

Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik told Reuters in an interview last month that the government would take whatever action was necessary to flush out the Pakistani Taliban -- who he described as the "front face of al Qaeda" -- from the tribal areas.

U.S. PRESSURE Speculation about an assault on South Waziristan is rising as the United States has been stepping up pressure on Pakistan to go after Afghan Taliban factions based in northwestern enclaves.

With Afghan violence reaching new heights, the United States is weighing options for how to deal with the insurgency eight years after driving the Taliban from power.

The U.S. commander of foreign forces in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, said in an assessment leaked last week Afghan insurgent leaders were based in Pakistan.

Pakistan denies that but many analysts say Pakistan is acting only against militants which are a threat to itself, like the Pakistani Taliban, while leaving alone those focused on fighting in Afghanistan or on targeting India.

Meanwhile, soldiers and equipment have been moving toward the Taliban bastion in South Waziristan.

"There are large convoys passing through Wana almost every day," said Said Wali a resident of Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, where the military has a base.

A senior military official in South Waziristan said his men were ready. "We have made all preparations and are only waiting for an order," said the official, who declined to be identified.

Analysts say the ethnic Pashtun tribes in South Waziristan resent outsiders and a military offensive risks not only heavy casualties but a tribal uprising.

But the military official dismissed such fears saying many people opposed the militants.

"They want the terrorists out of their area," he said.

(Additional reporting by Hafiz Wazir; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)
Dear taimikhan:

Thanks for enlightening us on the distinct status of Bajaur as FATA; and the Technical inaccuracy of listing it as a separate entity. By virtue of job compulsions Bajaur, Swat, Dir are familiar places. At one time I had customers in Khar Bazar and used to commute from Peshawar through Mohmand Agency.

“”their minds are made up & they won't change their thinking that this war on terror has now become a war of Pakistan.””

This never was our war; we got dragged into it by our Masters (USA); for pretty much a pittance. By now the Facts have been created through the mindless slaughter of our Troops and the people of these areas; as well as blasts and destruction in mainstream Pakistan. So, as a nation we are in a fully developed graveyard spiral. Where we differ is the solution:
 You think that Insurgency can be crushed and Taliban mindset can be eliminated.
 I think that Army operations are perpetuating the cycle of self-destruction. If we really have to do it under compulsion by our masters, we should charge the right price forit; and spend the money on an unprecedented development of these areas. When the poor wretched people of these areas have something to lose, the extremist tendencies will wither away.

Right now they got nothing to lose in material terms.
Dear taimikhan:

Thanks for enlightening us on the distinct status of Bajaur as FATA; and the Technical inaccuracy of listing it as a separate entity. By virtue of job compulsions Bajaur, Swat, Dir are familiar places. At one time I had customers in Khar Bazar and used to commute from Peshawar through Mohmand Agency.

“”their minds are made up & they won't change their thinking that this war on terror has now become a war of Pakistan.””

This never was our war; we got dragged into it by our Masters (USA); for pretty much a pittance. By now the Facts have been created through the mindless slaughter of our Troops and the people of these areas; as well as blasts and destruction in mainstream Pakistan. So, as a nation we are in a fully developed graveyard spiral. Where we differ is the solution:
 You think that Insurgency can be crushed and Taliban mindset can be eliminated.
 I think that Army operations are perpetuating the cycle of self-destruction. If we really have to do it under compulsion by our masters, we should charge the right price forit; and spend the money on an unprecedented development of these areas. When the poor wretched people of these areas have something to lose, the extremist tendencies will wither away.

Right now they got nothing to lose in material terms.

That is what i am saying that this war on terror, which wasn't our war has now become our war, thanks to US policies against Muslims & to the backing of anti-pakistan nations supporting such elements.

There is no difference in the solution to what you have suggested,everyone will agree to give development to these people to end this militancy, but do mind that this militancy is not supported whole heart idly by the local people, otherwise no jirga of local elders would be coming to the govt to end this operation. The militants are in thousands not hundred of thousands to suggest its supported by locals.

So when the govt tried peace talks with these groups, would you like to tell me what outcome came out of it ?? Did the militancy went away or did it multiply in numbers & spread to other areas ?? It would be advised to kindly differentiate between the taliban we have & about which we talk, some Taliban are solely against attacking PA or Pakistan until provoked, like the waziri tribe militants, who have just an interest in fighting the occupational forces in Afghanistan not Pakistan. Can you tell me why no Waziri tribe or militant commander takes responsibility of any suicide attack in Pakistan ?? Why they don't call themselves TTP ? Why do they have differences with the TTP ?? The Swat TTP, who had no role in the War on Terror, nor any role in Afghanistan nor were they provoked, they why did they do so much bloodshed ?? Don't give me the Shariah BS here. Every sane person knows they aren't fighting for Shariah nor they were ever. Those who fight for a cause then obey the teaching of that cause too, not do be headings of innocent people going against the same cause they are fighting for. As per your suggestion of development, Swat is one of the most developed areas, it has industries, tourist heaven, medical college, top of the line schools, hospitals, highest literacy rates then why the hell all this bloodshed for ?? And then as per your suggestion peace deal was done, govt talked to them, what was the outcome, did they lessen in numbers or swell to other areas to create bloodshed ?? Why are the local lashkars after them ??

Do you think the officers & soldiers of PA wish to be killed by the hands of a fellow Muslims ?? Did they join Army for this ?? Do they like to leave their newly wedded wifes & days old children like this to the cruel world we have nowadays ?? Army was & is itself against this war on terror, but they are now fighting for Pakistan not on behalf of the Americans.

Just do think sometimes that Pakistan is fighting not the real Taliban, the fight is against people who are trying to destroy Pakistan with the help of nations who wish to see Pakistan destroyed.

America started this war & enforced it onto us & is supporting those too who wish to destroy us, its now our job to defend ourselves by anyway possible.

Kindly have multi-angel view of this whole situation, i am against US as much as you are, may be more becoz i am in the hot zone & see the **** on daily basis, but I do support the army as they are the ones suffering the most with thousands killed & thousands disabled, its our politicians that are to be blamed not Army.
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Operation looms
Dawn Editorial
Sunday, 04 Oct, 2009

REPORT in this newspaper has suggested that the Pakistan Army intends to launch a decisive ground offensive against the Mehsud strongholds in South Waziristan, ‘the mother of all battles’, in the days ahead.

Since the summer, the security forces have been squeezing the Mehsud areas with a blockade and aerial and artillery firepower, but there is a consensus that such measures can only weaken the militants, not defeat them. While it is not clear yet that the army is in fact ready to launch the ground offensive, circumstances have certainly improved the likelihood of such an offensive. The deaths of Baitullah Mehsud and, intelligence sources insist, his ‘successor’, Hakeemullah Mehsud, have created a leadership vacuum and fostered uncertainty; Maulvi Nazir and Gul Bahadur, powerful warlords in South and North Waziristan respectively, have lined up against the Mehsud network; and the state has continued to chip away at support for the Mehsud militants by encouraging rival factions within the tribe. Furthermore, military resources present in the area for years now have been fortified in recent months.

Yet, an offensive, if launched, will almost certainly meet stiff resistance. There is a sizeable contingent of Uzbek and other non-Pakistani militants in the area who are fierce fighters and, perhaps more importantly, have few places they can escape to. The Haqqani network and Al Qaeda may also join the fight. As an official told Dawn: ‘Let’s not assume that the battle will be over in three to four days. It may take us three to four weeks.’ But difficult as the task ahead may be, there is also little doubt that it must be undertaken sooner rather than later. Since the state first sent in troops to fight the Mehsud network nearly six years ago in January 2004, the damage caused to the country by the group has been unprecedented. The militancy ecosystem that has evolved in the Mehsud areas poses a clear and present danger to the state and the threat has long since passed the stage of being ‘manageable’. There is simply no room for such a parallel system within Pakistan and if not defeated now, even at a high cost, it will continue to find ways to extend its reign of terror into other parts of the country.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, militancy apologists like Maulana Fazlur Rehman have become vocal once again in recent days, demanding that the state again give ‘peace deals’ a shot. But that is an increasingly fringe demand in the political spectrum. Peace can and must be had, but it cannot be had through ‘deals’ at present.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Operation looms
Operation in S. Waziristan ‘a matter of time’
By Iftikhar A. Khan
Sunday, 04 Oct, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The security forces have ascertained the presence of around five thousand hardcore religious extremists and armed militants operating in South Waziristan under the banner of Baitullah Mehsud group, as they brace up to launch a major military offensive in the volatile mountainous region known as a stronghold of Taliban.

Major-General Athar Abbas, chief of the ISPR, told reporters that 'it (operation) is a matter of the time which, of course, the military would not like to disclose or give any hint about' (according to Reuters).

Winter snow could arrive in late November, hampering military operations, but Gen. Abbas said the weather was one of many factors that planners were taking into account.

A security official told Dawn that an estimated number of 1000 to 1500 foreigners, dominated by Uzbeks was among these militants.

The official said the escape routes will be plugged to a large extent. 'Though the foot-tracks cannot be completely sealed, but the tracks for vehicles will be blocked and security forces around the area will remain vigilant to kill or apprehend the fleeing terrorists,' he remarked.

Clearly indicating that the decision to launch an operation that would be a combination of aerial strikes and ground offensive was irreversible, the official ruled out talks with the terrorists whatsoever.

He said all those who are pursuing the themes of agreement were against the government policy and were misleading the masses.

The security forces have chosen this time to launch military operation in South Waziristan since they believe that not only Baitullah Mehsud, but his successor Hakimullah was also dead.

He said the character of terrorists stands exposed after the death of Baitullah Mehsud and showed they were only aspiring power and money and even do not hesitate to kill each other for that.

'The rudderless leadership of terrorists provides an ideal opportunity to launch operation and inflict a severe blow to the terrorists.'

He said the South Waziristan Agency was the source of main terrorist activities throughout the country. They are rendering support to other terorists’ operations in Khyber, Bajaur, Orakzai and Mohmand agencies.

There is a solid evidence that Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was receiving arms and financial support from across the border. He quoted former CIA station commander Milt Bearden as saying before a senate committee that 'Pakistan’s concern that Afghanistan was being made a garrison of India are legitimate'.

Answering a question, he said there would be no need to relocate active formations deployed at border with India for the operation in South Waziristan. He said there was a sufficient number of reserve troops.

'Threat from India cannot be overnight and the build up of its troops gives sufficient response time to us,' he remarked.

He rejected the claims of presence of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and existence of Quetta Shoora, pointing out that such rumours were being spread in the aftermath of failure of Helmand operation.

The official warned against drone attacks in Quetta saying that such an action would be counter-productive and can give rise to Talibanisation in the area.

'This could have negative implications and the logistic routes of Nato could be blocked as a reaction. This viewpoint has been conveyed to the United States at highest level,' he disclosed.

He said the United States has been offered to send some of its officials to identify the place where the suspected terrorists were hiding so that an operation could be carried out in their presence, if they are not ready to share their information with Pakistan for the obvious reason of a trust deficit. The official deplored that United States speaks the language of Afghan intelligence.

All set for military operation in SWA

Sunday, October 04, 2009

By Muhammad Anis

ISLAMABAD: Security forces have finalised preparations to launch a major ground military operation in the South Waziristan Agency (SWA), the stronghold of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), official sources told The News on Saturday.

“The decision to launch the offensive soon is final. There will be no talks with terrorists whatsoever,” the sources said, adding the ground forces would be assisted by air force to eliminate the terrorists and all routes had been blocked to prevent their escape. The sources said the ground offensive would be a major part of the military operation.

Official sources said all those who were pursuing themes of an agreement with the terrorists are against the government policy and also misleading the masses. “Some political groups in Pakistan, who are also getting financial and political support from the SWA, are pursuing this theme of agreement,” an official said.

He maintained that the Pakistani forces, as they did in Malakand, were capable of launching and accomplishing the operation in the SWA, saying there was no question of involving the US forces in the offensive or giving any prior information to them.

The official said the paramilitary forces would also take part in the ground offensive.

The official sources said after the killing of the top TTP leadership, including Baitullah Mehsud, Hakimullah Mehsud and Kaleemullah Mehsud, the organisation was in disarray, frustrated and desperate.

In a recent meeting in Mirali, they had pledged to avenge the killing of Baitullah Mehsud by carrying out suicide attacks throughout the country. “They may also kidnap citizens like mass kidnapping of schoolchildren,” the sources said while referring to the report. The official maintained that the recent suicide attacks in Bannu and Peshawar Cantt have been carried out by the Baitullah Mehsud group of the TTP in the SWA.

“Qari Hussain, who is running a suicide training camp in Kotkai, SWA, has already claimed responsibility for the suicide attacks and the persons arrested in connection with the Peshawar blast have revealed that the Baitullah group is behind the Peshawar blast,” an official said.

The official sources said the Baitullah Mehsud group has almost 4,000 to 5,000 hardcore terrorists and the estimated number of foreigners with this group is around 1,000 to 1,500 in SWA.

“The main resistance in these areas is made by Uzbeks who are well-equipped and armed and have made local people hostage. These foreigners have direct connections to al-Qaeda and have attended training camps abroad.”

The source said the South Waziristan Agency was the main source of terrorist activities throughout the country and there was solid evidence that the TTP was receiving arms and financial support from across the border.

“Former CIA station commander Milt Bearden in a Senate Committee hearing on Thursday had said that Pakistan’s concerns that Afghanistan was being made garrison of India were legitimate,” the source said.

They said the terrorists from the SWA were also supporting terrorists’ operations in Khyber, Bajaur, Orakzai and Mohmand Agencies.

He said Razmak, Siplatoi Fort, Jandola Fort, Tanai Fort, Tiarza Fort, Gomal Zam and Saidullah check-posts had been the main targets of rockets fired by the Taliban. These rockets were fired from Makeen, which is the hub of the Baitullah group.

The official said the operation had become vital as South and North Waziristan agencies have become a hub of terrorism.

“During the last one year, as many as 252 bomb blasts have been carried out throughout the country, including 48 suicide attacks in which 677 civilians and security forces personnel were martyred,” he said.

The official told The News that the TTP also targeted people and elders belonging to the Wazir tribe. “So far, 28 Maliks have been killed by the terrorists,” he said.

They mainly include Malik Mirza Alam Wazir, Malik Abdul Rehman, Malik Ahmad Din Wazir, Malik Khandan, Malik Qismat Khan Wazir, Malik Saidullah Wazir, Malik Ghulam Muhammad Mahsud and Malik Noor Akbar.

He said the Quetta Shura of the Taliban did not exist in the Balochistan capital.

“The United States has been offered to send its officials to Quetta to identify places where members of the Taliban Shura could be and Pakistani forces themselves would conduct operation there.”

He said the US had been told that an attack on Quetta, if carried out, could be counter productive and it would result in Talibanisation there.

“The US will open up a new front for them if any attack is launched on Quetta,” he said.

The official maintained that there was also no truth in claims regarding the presence of Osama bin Laden and Mulla Omar in Pakistan.

All set for military operation in SWA
Six killed as jets hit militant positions in South Waziristan

Tuesday, 06 Oct, 2009

WANA: Pakistani fighter jets bombed Taliban hideouts in a northwest tribal region on Tuesday, killing six insurgents and wounding three others, security and intelligence officials said.

The attacks struck in South Waziristan, where the military has vowed to launch an all-out offensive to purge the region of militants blamed for a wave of deadly bomb attacks in Pakistan over the past two years.

‘Makeen and Nawaz Kot areas of South Waziristan were bombed,’ said an intelligence official in the main provincial town Wana. ‘We have reports that six Taliban were killed and an unknown number of them were injured.’

A security official based in neighbouring Dera Ismail Khan district confirmed the death toll and said three insurgents were also wounded.

The attacks come amid increasing speculation that the military is on the brink of a ground offensive into South Waziristan, a hideout of Taliban and al-Qaeda militants fighting in both Pakistan and neighbouring Afghanistan.

Security forces have been launching targeted air strikes in the semi-autonomous region and blocking roads for months, and although the military have vowed to strike with full force, the timing is unclear.

Military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told the private Samaa TV channel that the Pakistani Taliban leadership holed up in the tribal areas were responsible for ‘80 to 90 per cent of the terror activities in Pakistan.’

‘According to our analysis, the root of the terror is in South Waziristan where this group is present. It is a must to root out this terror and curse, and for this purpose an operation in this area is inevitable,’ he said.

‘If we do not launch this operation then the terrorism will become strong and would spread in other areas.’

The offensive would follow similar military assaults against Taliban fighters in northwest Swat valley launched in late April, and another push against militants in nearby Khyber agency in September.

Despite military claims of success in both regions, sporadic attacks continue, with five militants killed and three soldiers injured in Khyber in clashes late Monday, a paramilitary Frontier Corps statement said.
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Our Army is at war. Our People are divided. Our Country is surrounded by hordes of jackels and hyenas. May Allah protect this prescious country of our. Allah is our only hope and saviour. There is no place for the corrupt elite who busy doing there usual thing i.e looting the country while people are suffering and are being humiliated every day. May Allah Help us.:pakistan:
PAF to support army against terrorists: air chief

ISLAMABAD: Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman on Tuesday said the Pakistan Air Force would continue supporting the Pakistan Army against terrorists and work with the military to ensure the success of its operations. Addressing participants at the Air Staff Presentation at Air Headquarters, the air chief appreciated efforts of field commanders in conducting safe and successful operations in Swat and FATA.

staff report
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