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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Hundreds of civilians were fleeing al-Qaeda and the Taliban's main stronghold in northwest Pakistan after the army and militants asked them to leave, a tribal elder and a witness said Monday, a sign the military could be poised to launch an offensive.

Pakistan has vowed to root out militants in the northwest, many of whom allegedly use the mountainous tribal areas along the border as a base for attacks on American and Nato troops in Afghanistan.

Jets have bombed targets in the stronghold of Waziristan in recent months, but the military has said it would launch full-scale ground operations at the ‘appropriate’ time.

Authorities could not be reached Monday for comment.

Residents said recent days have shown an increase in the number of people leaving the Makeen and Ladha areas of South Waziristan, though many have been fleeing to the relative safety of nearby towns for months.

‘People are leaving the area for their safety,’ tribal elder Maulana Hassamuddin told The Associated Press by phone. He said the military had urged people to leave in the past few days, so he did.

Resident Amirullah said the Taliban had also asked locals to flee. He said he and his friends rented a vehicle to take them to the town of Bannu for more than double the normal price.

Western countries were cheered by a military offensive in the nearby Swat Valley earlier this year. Pakistan's army has moved into the tribal region close to the Afghan border before, however, only to be beaten into a stalemate.

Analysts have questioned whether the army has enough troops, or the will, to take on the militants in Waziristan, where they are well established and heavily armed.

DAWN.COM | Provinces | Civilians fleeing South Waziristan to ?safety?
Army going in too soon will take on some serious casualities. Last time i read the army said it needed months before it could prepare for another operation much bigger in scale and with alot tougher enemy this time. Is it possible that because that lugar bill has been passed, maybe president have given some personal assurances over the start of a military operation as soon as he arrives back?
Its not confirm at this time what kind of operation is being launched.

Most probably they may be small skirmishes & lots of artillery barrage & air strikes to soften up the ground for a future major operation.

But i believe army will be launching a step by step operation approach, meaning target a area, attack it, control it, clear it up & then try to let the local people come back & support them in retaining that area. Just like Swat, where they are targeting areas, taking control of it, clearing it of militants, letting people come back & then support them with lashkar system.

It won't be a guns blazing attack approach like last time, this time the strategy would be a slow one & effective one.
Dear Xeric:

There are a number of viable alternatives to what we are doing to our national fabric. The options are listed as follows:

1. Pakistan Government and Military leadership should commit to Pakistan’s interest and formally disown the so-called Global War against Terror. The US should be told in no uncertain terms that we are under no obligation to support their occupation of Afghanistan and to offer logistics support or to block the infiltration of militants.
2. PAF should be tasked with active defense against drone attacks on Pakistani soil. Drone base in Shamsi AFB to be closed with immediate effect.
3. Pakistan should express its readiness to support US / NATO, but at a reasonable price, not FEE SABILILLAH like now.
4. It the US / NATO wishes to continue engagement of Pakistan Army in flank support operations and logistics they will have to pay the right price for that. Instead of the paltry US$ 1.5 b / year; they will have to allocate at least 15% of their outlays on the Afghan campaign as economic stabilization aid to Pakistan.
5. For the lack of a viable alternate US / NATO will most probably opt for the enhanced aid solution. Other routes through Russia / Central Asia are an order of magnitude more expensive. At least 40% of the aid (almost US$ 6-8 b / year) should be allocated to develop the economy and infrastructure in FATA, Swat, Bajaur. This should essentially dissolve any militant tendencies within about 2 years or less. Let the people from these areas enjoy a quality of life that they cannot even dream of. When people have something to lose, they tend to behave. This will also help curb the infiltration in Afghanistan.
6. Currently about 40% of our Revenues are wasted in Debt servicing (paying for the past sins). A substantial inflow and debt write-offs will free the requisite resources to develop Pakistan’s economy, infrastructure and social services. Our outlays on education and health, now hovering at paltry 3% will most likely shoot up to about 15%.

Historically, being an American ally has been a passport to prosperity. In our case however we have been left CHOOPO GUNNEY (sucking on sugar canes). The problem all along has been that the US found it cheaper to bribe or make deals with our political / military leadership than do make serious investment in Pakistan.

The above route is fraught with some risks; the US instinctive reaction will be to ratchet up the pressure on our leadership and hurt their vested interests. India too will be pumped up to exert pressure on the Eastern border from which they have been restrained by the US so far. But this is where Pakistan Army has to play its role as the protector of National integrity.

Javed i would consider that you have misunderstood may questions.

i was rather more interested in those issues which were not very 'current' and happening/occurring now, instead i was referring to the decisions taken in the very start of the GWoT thingy, somewhere around '99 and onwards, as what i have seen from your posts here in this thread and others is that you are 'actually' against the current 'support' that the Pakistani Military offers to the US and you are also not much happy by the current operations in Swat and surrounding.

Moreover, you also cursed the very decisions of taking a 'U-turn' on Afghan policy, declaring freedom fighters as terrorist, blindly supporting the US on just everything etc etc. So i was more interested in asking about the alternatives that you may have in your mind as regards to those vital decision taken mainly by Gen Musharraf and party. For instance, what would you have done if you had been in place of Gen Musharraf when you were asked to leave the Afghan Taliban alone and support the US in killing them or what would you have done when the military ultimately took the decision to take on these terrorists for once and all etc etc?

So it was with this back ground that i asked you those 2/3 questions, but then you reply was totally out of context.

Anywaz,now as you have replied, so allow me to say something on your reply:

First i would tell you that you have contradicted yourself big time in your answer.

i want to ask you one thing, and please tell me very clearly, that either you are WITH the GWOT/current operations or are you AGAINST it? Because in your reply you have confused me regarding the fact that either you are against the War as you have so vehemently opposed it by saying that we should disown the GWOT and stop the supply to the US forces in Afghanistan etc, but then at the same time also suggested that we should ask for more financial support from the West for this war that we are fighting for it,not only this you have also suggested that we should seek more non-military aid. i wonder how would this materialize?

Send, may be you can answer my question that i am interested in getting answers to in this post of mine. :)
Its not confirm at this time what kind of operation is being launched.

Most probably they may be small skirmishes & lots of artillery barrage & air strikes to soften up the ground for a future major operation.

But i believe army will be launching a step by step operation approach, meaning target a area, attack it, control it, clear it up & then try to let the local people come back & support them in retaining that area. Just like Swat, where they are targeting areas, taking control of it, clearing it of militants, letting people come back & then support them with lashkar system.

It won't be a guns blazing attack approach like last time, this time the strategy would be a slow one & effective one.

with extended logistic and lines of communications, the army IMO is setting up forward staging areas so that when the sector by sector clearing-up ops start, the forces down-range are adequately supplied. further the PAA needs to replenish its munitions and as usual the US is delaying delivery of AGMs, 20mm cannon ammo etc.

the army will not take any "undue" risks even though the pressure from the US to "do more" has started all over again!!!

the army top brass knows exactly what to do - the TTP has been driven into the mountains and all exits are being sealed (atleast on our side of the border) - it is going to get real cold in them thar hills come winter and with food shortages, it will be interesting to see how the militants survive - so the army is just going to hunker down and wait for these militants to come down to fight if they have it in them.
Its not confirm at this time what kind of operation is being launched.

Most probably they may be small skirmishes & lots of artillery barrage & air strikes to soften up the ground for a future major operation.

But i believe army will be launching a step by step operation approach, meaning target a area, attack it, control it, clear it up & then try to let the local people come back & support them in retaining that area. Just like Swat, where they are targeting areas, taking control of it, clearing it of militants, letting people come back & then support them with lashkar system.

It won't be a guns blazing attack approach like last time, this time the strategy would be a slow one & effective one.

PA can push militants towards mountains but could not restore peace and security in area , better we should resolve issues through dialogue with Pushtoon tribes , no army can defeat them ,we should learn lesson from history.
PA can push militants towards mountains but could not restore peace and security in area , better we should resolve issues through dialogue with Pushtoon tribes , no army can defeat them ,we should learn lesson from history.

Pushtun tribes ?? May i ask which tribes r u talking about ?? Over 400+ tribal elders have been killed by the Taliban due to this same thing, to have no elders of these Pushtun tribes to talk to the govt resulting in a free hand to the Taliban. Do you think the Mehsud Tribe is fighting the govt on its own desire ?? IF so why are they crying for the govt to lift the siege of their area?? Why are they shifting to safer places?? If they wanted to fight the govt, then these consequences were known & then should be facing them, rather they are leaving due to the reason that these tribes don't want to fight. They want peace, which the taliban are denying them by killing their elders & killing anyone who raises a voice against them. Why was Mufti Sarfaraz Naeemi killed ?? Why in the last 3 days 10 elders of Janikhel & Bakakhel areas around Bannu were killed, becoz they had talked to the govt & raised their voices against the govt.

Why the hell Wazir tribe starts crying when a curfew is put into effect on their commercial areas, becoz they are more interested in doing business then fighting the govt.

Kindly get your facts & views right & then try to discuss on issues. I do remember how you used to call Swat as SWAT thinking of it as some FATA like thing.

After the killing of thousands of soldiers & thousands of innocent civilians in suicide bombings, what kind of dialogue you expect out of these murderous thugs??
Dear Al-Green:

"" you are away from it all and sitting comfy in UK, asking us Pakistanis to bend over to TTP just to piss US off...""

I have no love lost for the likes of Hezb Al Tahrir or their moronic notions of a "Caliphate". Living in the UK is not such a big crime; our most honorable General Musharraf is also enjoying a "cozy life" around here.

Being a Pakistani we all feel the same pain and the same passion about our beloved country. TTP destructive actions have torn our national cohesion and economic fabric, perhaps irrevocably. How did we end up in this situation? a brief chronologic analysis will reveal that this is owing to the unflinching commitment and resolve of PA to support the US / NATO operations in Afghanistan; and to fight a proxy war on their behalf on its own soil.

PA aims are pretty much noble, to rid the world of the threat of Mullah Raj and extremism. But this has precious little to do with the interests of Pakistan. Its part of a global struggle led by the USA. PA is one amongst a global entourage of allied nations contributing to this noble struggle; but happens to be paying a disproportionate price for it. For instance, how many British troops have been lost waging war against the likes of hezb al Tahrir in London, Birmingham or Manschester? How many extremists have been displaced from their homes in Belgium or Holland?

Dear Javed,

Certainly it is no crime to live abroad but then you should try to understand that emotional mumbo jumbo set aside...what pitiful situation TTP has brought our country to via its outrageous, unjustifiable, unacceptable and unforgivable crimes against the nation....it is a mad dog and needs to be put down with extreme prejudice...
Picked up my family from the airport few days back and i was thinking all the time...i hope security is good here today...
Such is the state of mind we have been driven to and that is certainly not the case in UK or US which are claimed to be enemy number 1 by the TTP like movements but which only slaughter Pakistanis and assail the concept of Pakistan itself...

The love for Pakistan is something we have lost in the glorious Afghan jihad and Zia era, we have become thaikaydaars of the entire Muslim world without first taking care of our country...this is the crime of ignorance for which not only the military junta but the entire political setup and Mullah parties take the blame...not to mention the emotional and danda wielding awaam who are always seduced by the popular slogan of conspiracy against Islam...

I mention Hizb Ut Tehrir because their attack is on nationalism and they hold it responsible for all our troubles, however this is absolutely false and actually serves as a bid to destroy Pakistan's identity and its potential on a permanent basis. Why cannot nationalism serve as a stepping stone towards unification of the Muslim world on a practical level?
Why should we call all boundaries of Muslim countries as unislamic?
does it hurt the cause if Muslim countries become strong individual entities and then come together like EU to do something productive rather than indulge in petty quarrels and useless discussions in the OIC?
The quick fix solution of the Hizb ut Tahrir seems very tempting but actually it will destroy the Muslim world first and then try to rise from the ashes...something seems very fishy to me in this entire concept...i would rather we unify on currency, banking, trade etc...and then move towards the defense pacts etc. after eliminating internal strife which shall automatically be reduced via common economic development measures...via such means we can ensure much better political influence to resolve the crisis all over the Muslim world...

Our own troubles have stemmed from lack of nationalism, we have the Mullahs and the political elite who for the most part have either not looked beyond their constituencies (if even at that) or have only looked outside in Afghanistan, Palestine etc.
We have not worked towards national integration and yes, Zia made it much worse through his projection of Islam which was more political in nature and came at the cost of destroying the national fiber of Pakistan by providing much more strength to the right wing extremists who still serve as apologists for TTP like mentality...

We are crying about the WOT and failure of the state to actually benefit from it in terms of economics...but the point is very simple, in Musharraf's era we were a stable economy...and that in part was due to his ties with the world and his success in keeping Pakistan afloat despite the crisis situation in which we were thrown...I vividly recall the economy before Musharraf and it was in tatters, we Pakistanis gave all of our savings to Nawaz Sharif's Qarz Utaro scheme but nothing came out of it except tales of corruption by the government in diverting the huge amount collected to their personal ventures...we were on the brink...but situation was improved dramatically...

The rupee held out well against the dollar, Lots of roads were built in southern Punjab and Baluchistan, fixing of dangerously weakened floodgates and waterways was undertaken, we did not have the stoppages in power due to IPP payment delays...On top of it the earthquake hit Pakistan and with the tremendous support of all the nation we managed to help our afflicted brothers and sisters with some success...

I have been working in Telecom sector for a decade and the boom in Musharraf's era was phenomenal.
We hear all and sundry cry about lack of focus on education but it was in his government that unprecedented scholarships were given to many thousands of students for masters and PhD s.
Many of my course mates have completed their PhD s from abroad with assistance from GOP...many students i know did their masters with assistance from government...these things were not done before and now the government has completely cut down all such scholarships whilst blaming previous government for corruption in the education policy...pathetic thing to do...
This current government feels a need for its president to work from anywhere but his own country setting a record for days spent abroad and not to mention money spent on traveling, new bullet proof vehicles being purchased, many enhancements in economic packages for the MNAs and MPAs who spend most of their time relaxing in one assembly session a month ...priorities are again wrong but still it is democracy and not a show run by the army...a fact you have to acknowledge in light of the many statements given by GOP which would never have sat well with the Army high command...
the childish statements regarding nuclear non use, inviting UN to hold an inquiry into BB's assassination, publicly considering to send ISI chief to India despite not getting any official data on the attack...etc.

You are wrong to imply that Army is dictating the show nowadays because army is trying its best to avoid meddling in political affairs...the same was evident in the CJ restoration bid whereby Army remained neutral and tried to diffuse the tension from behind the curtain...this is absolutely the least favorable time for Army to risk meddling in political affairs and under COAS Kiyani most agree that Army has just minded its business...

Action against TTP is something we have had to take, the knife held against the throat first merits our utmost attention and the rest follows in order...to detach ourselves from the harsh reality that TTP is extremely anti Pakistan from all angles would be a dangerous self denial...leading to unparalleled destruction...
Keeping TTP on the run by using superior firepower is probably the only short term and mid term solution, with their permanent destruction and disbandment via all military and non military channels being the only final solution...

For the long term solution GOP has to educate its masses, develop the infrastructure and instill a sense of unity and integration in the nation.
Military and Police have to be enhanced to undertake COIN successfully.
The military has learned from its past mistakes in WANA and has used the local support in all areas to flush out TTP...this has proven much more successful...

You are blaming the military, which to me has evolved the most of all the arms of Pakistan in realizing the threat and devising a means to counter it.

The GOP has not yet awakened to the challenge completely and needs to get its act together regarding the economic benefits that our participation in WOT has to ensure...however the reputation of certain individuals in the government has made this more complicated...

You have to agree with the sad fact that a military dictator who had no right to the presidency was much more trustworthy and sincere in the national cause and thus ensured prolonged economic prosperity whereas the present democratically elected government once again has its hands dirty with corruption and is dragging its feet in urgent matters...the economic reimbursement was used well in the previous setup...the onus lies on the current government to come clean here...surely we all want Pakistan to grow and move beyond the survival mode...for that economics play a most vital part and sitting back and letting TTP loose will only work against the economics via direct and indirect investment stoppage...

The current regime's answer to such a comparison of economic situation is classical...they claim that it was all an artificial stability and an act...
My answer to this is very simple...please do a similar drama as alleged and maintain the artificial stability...which was the most real thing i have seen...
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Pushtun tribes ?? May i ask which tribes r u talking about ?? Over 400+ tribal elders have been killed by the Taliban due to this same thing, to have no elders of these Pushtun tribes to talk to the govt resulting in a free hand to the Taliban. Do you think the Mehsud Tribe is fighting the govt on its own desire ?? IF so why are they crying for the govt to lift the siege of their area?? Why are they shifting to safer places?? If they wanted to fight the govt, then these consequences were known & then should be facing them, rather they are leaving due to the reason that these tribes don't want to fight. They want peace, which the taliban are denying them by killing their elders & killing anyone who raises a voice against them. Why was Mufti Sarfaraz Naeemi killed ?? Why in the last 3 days 10 elders of Janikhel & Bakakhel areas around Bannu were killed, becoz they had talked to the govt & raised their voices against the govt.

Why the hell Wazir tribe starts crying when a curfew is put into effect on their commercial areas, becoz they are more interested in doing business then fighting the govt.

Kindly get your facts & views right & then try to discuss on issues. I do remember how you used to call Swat as SWAT thinking of it as some FATA like thing.

After the killing of thousands of soldiers & thousands of innocent civilians in suicide bombings, what kind of dialogue you expect out of these murderous thugs??

Your analysis is baised,

Can you tell us , is their any insurgency in FATA before US attacks on Afghanistan?

Swat is totally different from FATA , FATA is independent area from 1947 , Pushtoon have their own local jirga system which is still active.

Few tribes example Turi always supported foriegn invaders in FATA , those who wanted control in FATA by force are living in fool paradise.
Your analysis is baised,

Can you tell us , is their any insurgency in FATA before US attacks on Afghanistan?

Swat is totally different from FATA , FATA is independent area from 1947 , Pushtoon have their own local jirga system which is still active.

Few tribes example Turi always supported foriegn invaders in FATA , those who wanted control in FATA by force are living in fool paradise.

Dear Fundamentalist,

I have 2 close friends whose tribal agency i will not reveal for their safety, however their families were literally hostages and had to play host to TTP or face their wrath.
And these families were well off and had adequate men to support them but after the carnage and open killings of Tribal leaders and entire Jirgas, they had accepted their fate till Army intervenes and breaks the TTP.

You deliberately want to mix the Tribals and TTP and in it what you want to achieve is beyond me...The Tribals have actually been defeated at the hands of TTP...no need to feel ashamed and think that this is some sort of insult i am throwing...i am more than aware of the valor of our tribals....however the contest was not at all fair... because the TTP employed unprecedented tactics of suicide bombing using children to assassinate scores upon scores of tribal leaders and fighters who could stand against TTP and were not brainwashed by the Religious nonsense...TTP does not fight on the honorable terms so it is only natural that it succeeds where true warriors may find difficulty...

Here is a link to a similar bombing killing an anti TTP tribal elder...

Do not portray that the Army wants to fight the tribals...the Army made a mistake in past of not working as closely with the tribals as it should have...it has been working much harder to ensure that this time, it takes all into confidence and launches a fight for the people...not against the people...the control of Tribal areas is indeed something we need to retain and by We i mean the GOP and the locals...clearly both should be on the same side...don't you agree?

you need to have some faith...
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Your analysis is baised,

Can you tell us , is their any insurgency in FATA before US attacks on Afghanistan?

Swat is totally different from FATA , FATA is independent area from 1947 , Pushtoon have their own local jirga system which is still active.

Few tribes example Turi always supported foriegn invaders in FATA , those who wanted control in FATA by force are living in fool paradise.

Biased ?? You seriously need to do some research & study, told you before & telling you again.

Aahaaaa Atlast, you realized that Swat is different then FATA.

We are talking about SWA & NWA, Turi tribe is based in Kurram Agency, they are involved in the Shia-Sunni clashes in this agency, they have nothing to do with the insurgency. They are the ones who are resisting the Taliban in their area, do hope you know why they are doing that.

Govt is in favor of the Jirga System, but there aren't any tribal leaders left to talk to. When you don't have tribal elders or elders who are afraid to go to a jirga for fear of a reprisal by the Taliban then what Jirga are you gonna do ?? Nobody wants to invade FATA, but when you have anti-pakistan elements in any area of Pakistan, then they have to be eliminated.

Asked you before too, plz provide the names of the Afghan Taliban killed or captured by Pakistan Army inside Pakistan ??

Why the hell is US crying now for the Taliban in Quetta or Balochistan, reason being its opposite to Kandahar area, which is the birth place of the Taliban, their ex-capital, still their strongest place in their fight against the occupational forces.

Get your facts & views right, Pakistan Army is fighting the Talibans who want to destroy Pakistan, they don't fight & kill the Afghan Taliban who are fighting the Afghan Occupational forces.

And as for the Pushtun tribes in SWA or NWA, these are the same people who give asylum to murderers, who after killing someone in the govt controlled areas go to FATA & these tribes give asylum as he is their guest. Where is Islam then ?? Where in Islam does it says to give asylum to a murderer of innocent people. All of Pakistan murderous thugs, kidnappers, car snatchers & snatched cars are taken to tribal areas. Where is Islam for these then ??

Its you who is the biased one, constantly giving excuses & supporting your murderous brothers the Taliban.
Dear Fundamentalist,

I have 2 close friends whose tribal agency i will not reveal for their safety, however their families were literally hostages and had to play host to TTP or face their wrath.
And these families were well off and had adequate men to support them but after the carnage and open killings of Tribal leaders and entire Jirgas, they had accepted their fate till Army intervenes and breaks the TTP.

You deliberately want to mix the Tribals and TTP and in it what you want to achieve is beyond me...The Tribals have actually been defeated at the hands of TTP...no need to feel ashamed and think that this is some sort of insult i am throwing...i am more than aware of the valor of our tribals....however the contest was not at all fair... because the TTP employed unprecedented tactics of suicide bombing using children to assassinate scores upon scores of tribal leaders and fighters who could stand against TTP and were not brainwashed by the Religious nonsense...TTP does not fight on the honorable terms so it is only natural that it succeeds where true warriors may find difficulty...

Here is a link to a similar bombing killing an anti TTP tribal elder...
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Tribal elder killed in Pakistan

Do not portray that the Army wants to fight the tribals...the Army made a mistake in past of not working as closely with the tribals as it should have...it has been working much harder to ensure that this time, it takes all into confidence and launches a fight for the people...not against the people...the control of Tribal areas is indeed something we need to retain and by We i mean the GOP and the locals...clearly both should be on the same side...don't you agree?

you need to have some faith...

Army is just tool of government to implement their policies , main thing is difference in opinion ,which is right of every citizen of Pakistani or not?

FATA Pushtoon tribes always opposed the GOP support of US invasion in Afghanistan and also majority of Pakistanis .

We know US strategy to control Afghanistan is totally failed because local population is supporting talaban .

Basically US not failed due to shortage of arms and amunition but due to wrong understanding of Afghan culture and tradition.

Our government has no roots in FATA area , even local tribe men dont know the names of GOP ministers.

GOP is just try to please the US government to get aid to run the country , they know whole satuation in FATA very well and can resolve issues through talks but they are afraid of US sanctions.

TTP or any militant group have no standing in front of tribes elders , you understanding that tribel elders are weak is totally wrong.

I lived in NWFP for 15 years and have many pushtoon friends , their tradition and culture is totally different from other areas of Pakistan.They are very good friends and same time very bad enemy.

We should not make them our enemy just to please US .You know WOT is not more then topi drama of US nothing more.
Biased ?? You seriously need to do some research & study, told you before & telling you again.

Aahaaaa Atlast, you realized that Swat is different then FATA.

We are talking about SWA & NWA, Turi tribe is based in Kurram Agency, they are involved in the Shia-Sunni clashes in this agency, they have nothing to do with the insurgency. They are the ones who are resisting the Taliban in their area, do hope you know why they are doing that.

Govt is in favor of the Jirga System, but there aren't any tribal leaders left to talk to. When you don't have tribal elders or elders who are afraid to go to a jirga for fear of a reprisal by the Taliban then what Jirga are you gonna do ?? Nobody wants to invade FATA, but when you have anti-pakistan elements in any area of Pakistan, then they have to be eliminated.

Asked you before too, plz provide the names of the Afghan Taliban killed or captured by Pakistan Army inside Pakistan ??

Why the hell is US crying now for the Taliban in Quetta or Balochistan, reason being its opposite to Kandahar area, which is the birth place of the Taliban, their ex-capital, still their strongest place in their fight against the occupational forces.

Get your facts & views right, Pakistan Army is fighting the Talibans who want to destroy Pakistan, they don't fight & kill the Afghan Taliban who are fighting the Afghan Occupational forces.

And as for the Pushtun tribes in SWA or NWA, these are the same people who give asylum to murderers, who after killing someone in the govt controlled areas go to FATA & these tribes give asylum as he is their guest. Where is Islam then ?? Where in Islam does it says to give asylum to a murderer of innocent people. All of Pakistan murderous thugs, kidnappers, car snatchers & snatched cars are taken to tribal areas. Where is Islam for these then ??

Its you who is the biased one, constantly giving excuses & supporting your murderous brothers the Taliban.

My Friend,

This is totally wrong assumption that tribel elders are afarid of TTP or any other group.

Basic problem is local majority more then 99% is against US and GOP support for US in AFGHANISTAN.

I can bet with you the day we stop US support in Afghanistan , same day insurgency in Pakistan will be eliminated.
Army is just tool of government to implement their policies , main thing is difference in opinion ,which is right of every citizen of Pakistani or not?

FATA Pushtoon tribes always opposed the GOP support of US invasion in Afghanistan and also majority of Pakistanis .

We know US strategy to control Afghanistan is totally failed because local population is supporting talaban .

Basically US not failed due to shortage of arms and amunition but due to wrong understanding of Afghan culture and tradition.

Our government has no roots in FATA area , even local tribe men dont know the names of GOP ministers.

GOP is just try to please the US government to get aid to run the country , they know whole satuation in FATA very well and can resolve issues through talks but they are afraid of US sanctions.

TTP or any militant group have no standing in front of tribes elders , you understanding that tribel elders are weak is totally wrong.

I lived in NWFP for 15 years and have many pushtoon friends , their tradition and culture is totally different from other areas of Pakistan.They are very good friends and same time very bad enemy.

We should not make them our enemy just to please US .You know WOT is not more then topi drama of US nothing more.

A very short sighted approach & thinking. Hope you see one day the big picture, then may be your views get a balanced approach, till then it would be useless to discuss with you on such topics, as such discussions need maturity which comes from a thorough study of issues, problems, current affairs, knowing what our enemy (USA) thinks & the strategies of how to counter it & the concept of globalization.

By the way let me clear it to you, Army is no fond of killing its own countrymen, in the start of this WoT, army did not liked to kill the Taliban it once supported nor does it now, but as i said sometimes things are such that cruel decisions are to be taken in favor of long term strategic benefits or objectives. Army still resists & not likes to kill the people who support it, be it local civilian people of FATA or the friendly taliban, but when it comes to destabilizing Pakistan then they will fcuk the sshhiitt out of those who kill innocent people & its soldiers. Pakistan Army has favored the friendly taliban & Afghan Taliban for its own strategic objectives & will continue to. But don't try to justify the actions of TTP & its thugs with your limited knowledge of Islam.

Muslims are divided & its now saving your arse, no one is gonna come & save it for Pakistan, we have to do it our self, which may lead to friendly kills & own kills too.
My Friend,

This is totally wrong assumption that tribel elders are afarid of TTP or any other group.

Basic problem is local majority more then 99% is against US and GOP support for US in AFGHANISTAN.

I can bet with you the day we stop US support in Afghanistan , same day insurgency in Pakistan will be eliminated.

Then why the hell have been 400+ tribal elders killed by the TTP ?? These elders were against US, but they wanted peace for their communities why were they then killed ??

Orakzai Agency suicide attack death toll reaches 110 - GEO.tv

100+ tribals killed in just one suicide bomb. Any justification for that ??

So many other examples of such killing, check out the last 3-4 days news items, more then 10 killed on tribal elders.

Why is TTP not attacking the US forces in Afghanistan ?? Why do they call themselves TTP when the Afghan Taliban call themselves just Taliban.

In which world are u living ?? U seem totally clueless.
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