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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

taimi dear, i am really pained to read that you daughter was injured. Being a father i can imagine the pain that you must have felt, but ofcourse one cant to feel it until one goes through it. Really watching and listening to those all who have suffered because of these skunks sometimes becomes terrible and unbearable.

i pray for you and all those who have lost their beloved ones, may Allah keep them strong and grant them strength to bear the loss.

i also wish you baby a fast recovery, really taimi i... dont have words to say more...

Your reply is more then enough to show how you feel, i myself had been watching & listening about peoples ordeals thought i could feel their sorrow, but yesterday going through it has made me realize how it really feels. Thanks for your wishes & prayers, she gave a big smile today :) , so feeling a lot better. Nothing more important then to see your child having a smile.

Allah give peace to the souls departed & courage to the loved ones to bear the loss of their loved ones. Ameen.
:sniper:PAF pounding targets from the air, Pakistan Army using heavy artillery, in my opinion these are the best tactics. Once the place is clear of civilians then shoot everything that moves.

And please PA kill all those Chechen's and Uzbek's that slaughter human beings like animals. They deserve no mercy.

I bet makeen will be a tora bora of these punks. PA please do not spare a single one of them. Use the cluster bombs if you have to bury this evil once and for all.

We have given freedom and respected the autonomy of these tribesman for too long they are now infringing the safety and security of Pakistan and this can never be tolerated.:pakistan:

I, too, am feeling the hurt and pain in your words. I am so sorry that your home was so close to one of these terrible bombings, and that your daughter and other precious family members have been hurt. I can also imagine that after the shock is over and everyone is physically recovered, the hurtful memory will remain on for a very long time. And, too, you have your house windows and walls to repair. Even that must be a very difficult at this moment. During the intercessory prayers at my church tomorrow I will also ask for God's comfort and help for the people of Pakistan and especially, for the families of Peshawar.

My prayers are with you...my daughter is sleeping near me right now and i can only imagine the pain you must be going through...May Allah give her recovery and all of you patience and strength to pass through this testing time.
I am very sorry to hear this....

The father and two daughters who were killed, one was to get married in December...the home was warm with the thoughts about the upcoming marriage and now only the wife is left...i can only imagine what her grief would be...

I wish there was some other way but i know too damn well how these monsters the TTP think and act...there is no other way...they deserve the worse that we can do to them...they brought fire and death to our homes...we should make them an example for centuries to come...

We need to hit them extremely hard before winter and then carry out a more detailed operation in post winter scenario...

As far as southern Punjab is concerned, we need a major intelligence sweep involving police and rangers if need be but not Army...the ones in southern Punjab are very thinly spread and can be neutralized via this mild approach...

Nope am not forgetting the same ...... but remembering the subsequent displacement which had potential of further consolidation of the Talibs within the local populance (IDPs) in terms of difficulty in detection etc.

And now the tempo of attacks is much higher .....

The subsequent displacement in Swat was handled quite well, and the military operation so far has been very successful - a threat from the militants in Swat remains, but it is far lower than it was before the operation.

But my point is that attacks on cities were occurring long before the Swat Operation was initiated and even when peace deals were in place.

In Swat, the threat to Swat and the rest of Pakistan has been largely neutralized because of the Swat operation - the alternative (talks, carrot and stick, tribal jirgas) was tried, and failed, both in Swat and FATA.

Here as well, the SW militants continued to attack both Pakistani forces and civilian targets despite the presence of 'peace deals' in the past. Not only that, they have also been instrumental in exporting resources and expertise to militants in Swat (before they were crushed) as well as Punjab and Karachi, again despite the presence of peace deals.

So the alternative to the military operation is to sit back and just absorb the spread of the Taliban and repeated attacks.

Hakimullah Mehsud's own words were along the lines of, "we will not stop until Pakistan is a true Islamic State, and then we will focus on India". I see no room for compromise here, and I see no alternative to militarily eliminating/reducing the threat they pose - do you, and if you do, what is it?
Pakistan launches risky offensive into Taliban-Al Qaeda stronghold

The military faces fierce militants and a desolate, rocky terrain in South Waziristan. And the Taliban may counter with more attacks in major cities, analysts say.

Pakistani troops prepare to leave for patrolling in Bannu, a town on the edge of Waziristan. (Ijaz Muhammad, Associated Press / October 17, 2009)

Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan - The move by Pakistan's military into the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold of South Waziristan today launched a risky offensive in a rugged expanse of badlands along the Afghan border widely seen as the key to crushing a militancy that has destabilized the nuclear-armed nation.

The challenges are daunting: The military will face unforgiving terrain that has long been viewed as a possible hide-out for Osama bin Laden, as well as a battle-hardened enemy likely to respond by stepping up bloody attacks across the country. The government believes that more than 80% of the terrorism inflicted on Pakistan originates in the region.

As the armed forces embark on their bid to uproot the Taliban, they must also cope with ferocious foreign militants who, unlike their Taliban counterparts, cannot flee and blend into Pakistani society, and therefore will fight to the last man, analysts say.

Moreover, a surge in attacks in the last two weeks has revealed burgeoning collaboration between Taliban fighters and militants from Punjab, Pakistan's heartland and its most populous province.

Analysts foresee the potential for a countermove that relies on Punjab militants to unleash a wave of terrorist strikes in the capital, Islamabad, and Punjab's largest cities, Lahore and the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

"In terms of difficulty, this is high up on the chart," said Khalid Aziz, an Islamabad-based defense analyst and a former chief secretary of the North-West Frontier Province, which oversees the tribal areas. "Punjab is beginning to crop up as a real issue. . . . This could be highly destabilizing."

In recent months, the U.S. has pushed the Pakistani government to forge ahead with an offensive in Waziristan. President Obama now is considering a shift in focus of the war in Afghanistan to emphasize Al Qaeda rather than the Taliban as the biggest threat to American security. However, the Pakistani Taliban has been a major source of destabilization in Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in the war on terrorism.

Today's operation began at 3 a.m., with troops entering into the swath of South Waziristan controlled by the Mahsud tribe, said an army spokesman who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the matter.

The Taliban is based there, and its leader, Hakimullah Mahsud, is a member of the Mahsud tribe. His predecessor, Baitullah Mahsud, killed Aug. 5 in a U.S. drone strike, also belonged to the tribe.

Late Saturday, the military reported that 26 militants and four soldiers were killed in initial fighting. Access to the tribal areas is restricted, and there was no way to verify information supplied by the military.

On Friday, army Chief of Staff Ashfaq Kayani met with the country's top government and political leaders at the residence of Prime Minister Yusaf Raza Gillani and told the group that it was crucial to begin operations in Waziristan given the recent rise in terrorist attacks.

At least 175 people have been killed in the attacks, which have included a series of suicide bombings and commando-style raids on key security installations. Last weekend, a team of militants attacked the army's heavily fortified headquarters in Rawalpindi, a bold strike on what amounts to Pakistan's Pentagon. The attack left 19 dead.

The Taliban has claimed responsibility for those attacks, and has warned that the violence would increase if the government went ahead with the offensive in Waziristan.

For months, the military has been getting ready for the offensive by pounding Taliban hide-outs, training camps and weapons caches with airstrikes from fighter jets and helicopter gunships, and by blocking the militant group's supply and escape routes. It has about 30,000 troops involved in the Waziristan offensive.

The army spokesman said the offensive is expected to take about six to eight weeks. Commanders would like to wrap up the operation before it gets bogged down by the first snows of winter, which come in early December.

The desolate, rocky terrain gives militants a distinct advantage, analysts say. They can use scores of caves and goat paths that scar the region's plateaus and basins. And because Waziristan is largely undeveloped, military convoys transporting troops and supplies are easy marks for ambushes on the few roads that crisscross the region.

The militants' ranks in South Waziristan number about 10,000, of which about 1,200 are hardened Uzbek fighters. Al Qaeda still maintains training camps and hide-outs in the region, and South Waziristan has been regarded as one of the possible lairs of Bin Laden.

The offensive in South Waziristan was preceded by the military's successful campaign in northwest Pakistan's Swat Valley, where troops regained control of much of the region from Taliban militants. Pockets of resistance remain in Swat, however, and the Taliban's leader there, Maulana Qazi Fazlullah, has yet to be caught or killed.

In the weeks following the Swat operation, Pakistani leaders talked about forging ahead with an offensive in Waziristan but never followed through. Analysts say the military's munitions, particularly its stockpile of precision-guided missiles, were depleted and needed to be replenished before a Waziristan offensive could be carried out.

In the meantime, the U.S. sped up drone missile strikes in North and South Waziristan. One of those strikes killed Baitullah Mahsud, dealing a severe blow to the Taliban by taking out a leader who had succeeded in unifying the militancy's disparate factions.

Many experts thought Mahsud's death marked an ideal moment for the Pakistani government and military to mount an offensive in Waziristan, when the Taliban found itself weakened and rudderless.

"That was an opportunity that should have been taken up," Aziz said. "We are not very fast on our feet."

Previous offensives waged by the military against Waziristan's militants sputtered. Operations in 2003 and 2004 were followed by cease-fires that merely allowed Taliban militants to regroup and consolidate their authority in the region.

Analysts say the government has widespread support within the Pakistani population to launch the offensive. However, ensuring support from the tribal groups that live in the Waziristan region will depend on the level of civilian damage created by the offensive, as well as how thousands of Pashtun villagers fleeing Waziristan are treated as they seek refuge.

Amnesty International reported Friday that 90,000 to 150,000 South Waziristan Pakistanis have fled the region since July, when the military began bombarding Taliban hide-outs in the area.

Support for the war could also diminish if militants answer back with a new wave of terrorist strikes in Pakistan's major cities, analysts say.

"If there are more terrorist operations in Punjab," Aziz said, "people will forget about what's happening in Waziristan."

Pakistan launches risky offensive into Taliban-Al Qaeda stronghold -- latimes.com

I, too, am feeling the hurt and pain in your words. I am so sorry that your home was so close to one of these terrible bombings, and that your daughter and other precious family members have been hurt. I can also imagine that after the shock is over and everyone is physically recovered, the hurtful memory will remain on for a very long time. And, too, you have your house windows and walls to repair. Even that must be a very difficult at this moment. During the intercessory prayers at my church tomorrow I will also ask for God's comfort and help for the people of Pakistan and especially, for the families of Peshawar.

Thank u so much for your kind words, i pray no one has to go through such hellish experience. Do pray as Peshawar has lost hundreds of lives. Thanks a lot once again. :)
Better we find any political solution of conflict.:agree:

Didn't we try the 'political solution' already? We enforced Nizam-e-Adl in Swat, and the TTP-S refused to disarm, kept their militias, refused to allow their fighters be held accountable by the very 'Qazi courts' they themselves were 'demanding', and instead they expanded into Buner and Dir!

What more could Pakistan have offered these barbarians and murderers?

Have some shame sir, and do not regurgitate failed solutions time and again.
:sniper:PAF pounding targets from the air, Pakistan Army using heavy artillery, in my opinion these are the best tactics. Once the place is clear of civilians then shoot everything that moves.

And please PA kill all those Chechen's and Uzbek's that slaughter human beings like animals. They deserve no mercy.

I bet makeen will be a tora bora of these punks. PA please do not spare a single one of them. Use the cluster bombs if you have to bury this evil once and for all.

We have given freedom and respected the autonomy of these tribesman for too long they are now infringing the safety and security of Pakistan and this can never be tolerated.:pakistan:

Agreed - PA should do its best to clear the area of civilians and then turn it into a KILL ZONE - shoot and kill anything that moves. The 'battle hardened' TTP scumbags better get ready for the storm that is going to take them to hell.
we pray for Pakistan army and the safety of it's jawans and it's officers. There will be soldier casualty and that's a sad truth but their sacrifices wont go in vein. Their fighting for their nation and rid us from the barbaric terrorism. May Allah protect you Pak army in your mission, crush these enemies of humanity.:pakistan:

My prayers are with you...my daughter is sleeping near me right now and i can only imagine the pain you must be going through...May Allah give her recovery and all of you patience and strength to pass through this testing time.
I am very sorry to hear this....

The father and two daughters who were killed, one was to get married in December...the home was warm with the thoughts about the upcoming marriage and now only the wife is left...i can only imagine what her grief would be...

I wish there was some other way but i know too damn well how these monsters the TTP think and act...there is no other way...they deserve the worse that we can do to them...they brought fire and death to our homes...we should make them an example for centuries to come...

We need to hit them extremely hard before winter and then carry out a more detailed operation in post winter scenario...

As far as southern Punjab is concerned, we need a major intelligence sweep involving police and rangers if need be but not Army...the ones in southern Punjab are very thinly spread and can be neutralized via this mild approach...

Thank U so much for your kind wishes & prayers, May Allah never give such pain to any parents & loved ones. Its terrible.

Yes he was a retired air force official, little girl was in 7th class, the elder was a teacher at the PAF College to be wed in December.

Totally agree with U, they should be given the taste of hell in this life, so that they know what they made people go through.

A simultaneous operation in Punjab should be started too, so that they can't escape or go to their TTP friends aide & captured as much as possible so that they don't bring more grief to people. A simultaneous operation will have much better results.

Once again thanks for your prayers & wishes. :)
Didn't we try the 'political solution' already? We enforced Nizam-e-Adl in Swat, and the TTP-S refused to disarm, kept their militias, refused to allow their fighters be held accountable by the very 'Qazi courts' they themselves were 'demanding', and instead they expanded into Buner and Dir!

What more could Pakistan have offered these barbarians and murderers?

Have some shame sir, and do not regurgitate failed solutions time and again.

Sir, don't waste your precious time on these 2 takfiri TTP sympathizers, they are hopeless cases to argue with.

Hope they go through what the rest of Pakistani's are going through, then they might understand, otherwise don't see any change in their thinking.
Didn't we try the 'political solution' already? We enforced Nizam-e-Adl in Swat, and the TTP-S refused to disarm, kept their militias, refused to allow their fighters be held accountable by the very 'Qazi courts' they themselves were 'demanding', and instead they expanded into Buner and Dir!

What more could Pakistan have offered these barbarians and murderers?

Have some shame sir, and do not regurgitate failed solutions time and again.

True…..how can the nation be modified overnight?......and by force….impossible. We are Muslims and we don’t need any counsel to be a Muslim. Everyone is responsible for it’s own good and bad in front of God.

TTP just need a motive to justify its presence in Pakistan and for this they are demanding everything that is impossible to do overnight. As we all have seen in Swat, once the Sharia Law implemented, the motive of TTP became weak………..I think TTP had learnt the lesson to not demand anything that is possible for GOP to give. Everyone who is thinking that TTP is the protector of Islam is either a moron or enemy.
for those , who thinks that , its a childern's play! no its not& surly the sea of blood will be there.:pakistan:
but this sacriffice is very important to have a bright future of pakistan.:cry::tup:
millitants have no way out, now its up to them, how long they can face, the might of PA, who is ready to flow its sea of blood, to have better future of all of us!
it takes a little understanding, but it have to give more blood!
LOCK& LOAD, COVER THE FACE , ATTACK THE BASE !:pakistan::tup::sniper:
SWA agency needs to be cleared. This is very crucial for every one. These terrorists 10,000 or 12,000 are giving Pakistan's 182,000,000 (one hundred and eighty million people a bad name). Plus half our population are women and we need to educate them, like they were being educated until Talibaan started blowing up girl schools 1.5 years ago.
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