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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

In fact what disappoints me the most is the fact that most of the people do not have any idea about what YPG or PKK realy is? just start with a very simple fact what that red star in their flag stands for? What is their ideology? how this terrorist organiztion makes money? what is their role in drug trafficking? or simply their terrorist acts killing thousands of civilians who are mostly Kurds....... this thing named YPG just emerged during the Syrian civil war? far more earlier than Iraq and Kandil Bekaa valley in Syria was THE stronghold for PKK and its leader...
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Special forces have begun entering from three points. A total of 7 pocket will be created till morning.

After Special forces, Brigade sized (over 5000) Ceysul VATANI troops will enter. 2200 of them belong to the Hamza Brigade which are completly Kurdish fighters. ( Aynel Arab - Resulayn line )

Armored operation has not yet begun.
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In fact what disappoints me the most is the fact that most of the people do not have any idea about what YPG or PKK realy is? just start with a very simple fact what that red star in their flag stands for? What is their ideology? how this terrorist organiztion makes money? what is their role in drug trafficking? or simply their terrorist acts killing thousands of civilians who are mostly Kurds.......
Tried it so many times, speaking against a wall is more productive believe me.
In fact what disappoints me the most is the fact that most of the people do not have any idea about what YPG or PKK realy is

they have clues and ideas and know what pyd pkkreally are and what miserable beings they are..

the proplem is their sick mind! and than yome here and try to shot down the thread because they are such pissed off but when it comes to their hated muslims then they bath in blood rage..

these kuffar just support each other..
Get lost pal - Everyone wakes up and decides to hit against the Kurds; where were the glorious Turkish soldiers when Kurd women were fighting like lions against ISIS; sitting on the other side and watching the show. Turks did not have balls to go against ISIS and now of course it is convinient so let us have a take on them.
Erdogan - when the kurd parties took a fair amount of seats in parliament, he choses to nullify elections; he is a sickman.

There you go, Kurds fought ISIS bravely but got their back stabbed. International community should stand behind Kurds for the atrocities on them
Please take them and give them a strip of land from your South Africa if you want them to be independant so much.
Dude South Africa is one of the most racist countries, the Kurds would probably get killed for their skin color.
For a moderator, I am surprised you are being allowed to enjoy in death of people.

@The Eagle @waz can we shut this thread down. it has degenerated to the gutters and it wont be long before these people start putting up photos of attrocities.

I will make you more surprised when I introduce the thosands of ypg rats to be killed in this operation while you are begging for the success of your "fredom fighters" to smash the ME states into pieces by performing terrorism all around the region by bombing the cities, firing the shells in city centers, planting the bombs under the roads to explode them while buses are passing... etc.
Guys, I will ask you for one thing. Even when you see someone whose opinion you don’t share or who is acting dumb (even if it is on purpose) don’t even bother to insult him or use racist slurs etc.

This is a very important operation and we as Turks should do whatever we can to politely show our point of view to the world. Good words can open many doors so no matter if it is here, or on Facebook or Twitter etc- stay calm and polite and shut the mouths of the enemies with facts.

Tanri Turk’u korusun!
The Commander-in-Chief and the top security council are following the ops live....


Guys, I will ask you for one thing. Even when your see someone whose opinion you don’t share or who is acting dumb (even if it is on purpose) don’t even bother to insult him or use racist slurs etc.

This is a very important operation and we as Turks should do whatever we can to politely show our point of view to the world. Good words can open many doors so no matter if it is here, or on Facebook or Twitter etc- stay calm and polite.

Tanri Turk’u korusun!
Agree, personal insults dont help.
Strange why the West doesn’t support the abused Kashmiri people like they do the supposedly cuddly Kurds.
Correct. Kurds, Kashmiri have same challenges. These are the same people who were letting ISIS fighters flow through their territory and no one stopped them.
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