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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone


The topic is under investigating with moderations and forum administrator (have known him here for 6+ years when Mosab was still a moderator here and we had a sizable Arab community on PDF) and might also contact @WebMaster and give him the opinions of old Arab members who left and the few that remain.

Leaving is letting those trolls "win" (although at the end of the day social media is irrelevant in terms of ground realities) and we will have a bunch of Arab-obsessed foreigners speaking in the name of 500 million of us, 20 + Arab countries and what not.

We can easily attract 100's if not 1000's of Arab users to PDF just from the diaspora alone. All it takes is a few Twitter hashtags and exposure. The problem with the other forum is that it is nowhere near as active and when you have been an PDF member for this long, you tend to stick to the same forum.

Arab forums, while many and extensive, have their weaknesses as well as any other forum and naturally are not international outside of the odd foreigner here and there who is capable of writing in Arabic.

Leaving is the easy way and quite frankly, a tiny number (overall) of anti-Arab users and a few anti-Arab Pakistanis here will never change the ground realities.

The ancient civilizational ties that date back to the IVC, the geographical proximity, the fact that we share religion, Urdu has tons of Arab loanwords (the most of all foreign languages), Arab countries host the largest Pakistani diaspora in the world, many I consider like our own and should/will be given citizenship one day, tons of Arab-Pakistani marriages, cultural, ethnic etc. ties.

The reality is that Arabs are incredibly well-liked in Pakistan. All it takes is to visit social media for a simple confirmation if you are completely ignorant. Same with our African Muslim brothers, South East Asian and everyone else by large. So the trolling on PDF is just that. An echo chamber that has nothing to do with the ground reality.

The reality is that Arab-Pakistani people to people ties are much bigger than any Pakistani relations with Turks, Iranians or what not. That's a fact.

We should not allow for this forum to have no Arab voice. We need to tackle the propaganda and lies and argue our case and the moderation team should help ensure that as in the past.

If completely nothing changes, I will probably follow your example, but it is a shame that we lost so many good Arab users. We should attract some of them back (if they wish to return and have the time for it) and add new ones. I think that we could easily attract 100's of new Arab users just from the diaspora alone very quickly. WebMaster would be happy about the traffic and we might finally get an Arab moderator as well.

I will reconsider for the time being, bro. I too have received ridiculous bans and just in this thread you saw the absolutely ridiculous biased moderation abuse in action. Something that will hopefully be dealt with.
Turks and Pakistani have one thing in common, we don't like Arabs especially the ones that think they can buy us, which is what you are trying to do in this post. Why don't you bugger off to an Arab Forum and continue your nonsense posts there.
The reality is that Arabs are incredibly well-liked in Pakistan.
I can only speak for Turks . But we absolutely dislike Arabs.

The reality is that Arab-Pakistani people to people ties are much bigger than any Pakistani relations with Turks, Iranians or what not. That's a fact.

No one cares pal.

We should not allow for this forum to have no Arab voice.

You are so muc loved by Pakistanis and yet have no voice in this forum. LOL

Something that will hopefully be dealt with.

Please leave this forum now!!
Pakistanis have no problem with arabs except for the khomenists , there are million of them working in arab countries sending billions of dollars remittance back to Pakistan
Where as Iran hire them as mercenaries do fight for the mullahs in Syria for 500$ wage
Turks and Pakistani have one thing in common, we don't like Arabs especially the ones that think they can buy us

Well said!

Pakistanis have no problem with arabs except for the khomenists , there are million of them working in arab countries sending billions of dollars remittance back to Pakistan
Where as Iran hire them as mercenaries do fight for the mullahs in Syria for 500$ wage
Iranians are worst than Arabs. which is quite an achievement. LMAO
Pakistanis have no problem with arabs except for the khomenists , there are million of them working in arab countries sending billions of dollars remittance back to Pakistan
Where as Iran hire them as mercenaries do fight for the mullahs in Syria for 500$ wage
Bro ask any Pakistani working there how they feel about them. Ask any Pakistani who has met a Turk or visited Turkey how they feel about them.
Someone told me once that they witnessed a group from Pakistan going to perform Hajj. The saudi official when he was returning the groups passports emptied them on the ground. If i personally witnessed it I would not be around today. Truth is most Pakistanis would not accept this behaviour but I suppose they did not want to jeopardise their Hajj.
Post on livemap (proppk) denies any presence of government forces in the city.
Bro ask any Pakistani working there how they feel about them. Ask any Pakistani who has met a Turk or visited Turkey how they feel about them.
Someone told me once that they witnessed a group from Pakistan going to perform Hajj. The saudi official when he was returning the groups passports emptied them on the ground. If i personally witnessed it I would not be around today. Truth is most Pakistanis would not accept this behaviour but I suppose they did not want to jeopardise their Hajj.
My father is in saudia for 35 plus and one of my brother is there for 10 years now
I spent 3 years in abu dhabi having my own office
There are all types of arabs u meet
Here is news from August this year :

I believe you but are they returned? How many did return then? If Assad stays in power i think the most will not return. I hope some serious candidates will emerge in the elections

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