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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

Most likely, Turkey will improve the steel export to US via British Steel factory that is purchased in recent months. Britain has special privilages for US.
Wait country put weapon sanction is finlan, sweden, french, italy, norway, dutch

And british not right?
SAA wouldn't fight Turkey on its own. i think other Arab countries like Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon would get involved. Northern Cyprus is especially vulnerable to an Egyptian invasion which has Mistral amphibious assault ships armed with Ka-52K combat helicopters.

As per Putin Erdogan agreement, Putin has taken Raqqa, the biggest city in eastern Syria.

They can take all they like but it's not for keeps.

And whichever countries want to get involved, the more the merrier. But those that are talking, can only pay others to fight their wars, they don't have the balls to fight themselves.
Something is odd about the faux outrage shown by the western leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) with respect to to the current Turkish army's operations in Northern Syria. They seem to have so much concern, at least publicly, to the "fate" of Kurds in Syria.

My question is, almost 1 million Syrians were killed, tens of millions were made homeless and refugees, so since when the western leaders and their MSM had any concern for the lives of Syrians? Why are they so obsessed with Syrian Kurds?

Or is the real outrage not about Syrian Kurds but some designs that they have for the border areas (oil rich regions) along the Syria, Iraq, and Turkish borders that somehow being busted by the current operation of the Turkey?

Or is it the understanding between Turkey and Russia that is rattling some nerves in western capitals?

Whatever the case, it seems something has touched the nerves of western capitals that they're adamant on derailing the current Turkish offensive in Northern Syria.
Something is odd about the faux outrage shown by the western leaders and their mainstream media (MSM) with respect to to the current Turkish army's operations in Northern Syria. They seem to have so much concern, at least publicly, to the "fate" of Kurds in Syria.

My question is, almost 1 million Syrians were killed, tens of millions were made homeless and refugees, so since when the western leaders and their MSM had any concern for the lives of Syrians? Why are they so obsessed with Syrian Kurds?

Or is the real outrage not about Syrian Kurds but some designs that they have for the border areas (oil rich regions) along the Syria, Iraq, and Turkish borders that somehow being busted by the current operation of the Turkey?

Or is it the understanding between Turkey and Russia that is rattling some nerves in western capitals?

Whatever the case, it seems something has touched the nerves of western capitals that they're adamant on derailing the current Turkish offensive in Northern Syria.
The zionist plan for a buffer zone to protect them from the north, namely turkey and iran, (their main perceived threat) has been flushed down the toilet. Years of scheming has gone to waste. Their creation isis will now be totally exterminated from the region. And who is responsible, the same Trump that signed over the Golan.
Update on the Turkish offensive. The SAA has already reached many areas where Turkey is planning a safe zone. City like Manbij.
Update on the Turkish offensive. The SAA has already reached many areas where Turkey is planning a safe zone. City like Manbij.View attachment 584004

Russia is shipping thousands of Kornet anti tank missiles to Assad in case Turkey goes to war with Syria. God forbid. Erdogan should not expect to gain the big cities in eastern Syria.
Russia is shipping thousands of Kornet anti tank missiles to Assad in case Turkey goes to war with Syria. God forbid. Erdogan should not expect to gain the big cities in eastern Syria.

I don't understand why Turkey did not make a deal with Russia before hand. They have trapped themselves because if they attack Manbij where Syrian troops are then it will be PYG and SAA v Turkey. The FSA who Turkey supports are not powerful because otherwise they would be holding a huge chunk of Syria.
I don't understand why Turkey did not make a deal with Russia before hand. They have trapped themselves because if they attack Manbij where Syrian troops are then it will be PYG and SAA v Turkey. The FSA who Turkey supports are not powerful because otherwise they would be holding a huge chunk of Syria.

The White Man imperialists like Russia, Britain, France, Germany would never approve Muslim reunification. Erdgoan may spark a very big war. Ottoman was dismembered by The White Man in WW1.

Where have you been getting your info? Muslim Brotherhood in Syria? Too much BBC Propaganda. A Blunder for Turkey to support rebels? Everyone supported the rebels, the US, EU and the GCC but who was directly effected by the conflict in Syria having to take most the refugees? Turkey. Also you expect Turkey to normalise relations with a Regime who has slaughtered 500,000 of their own people. Imprisoning and torturing thousands of women and children to death in many cases. Turkey was a nation that took a moral stand against Assad and I pray that never changes. And GCC and Egypt can go fuc$ themselves.

So are you saying there is no MB as Syrian opposition in Turkey?

Blunder because it has become difficult for Turkey since the Syrian rebellion started, Bashar al Assad was no threat to Turkey and he did not support the Kurdish rebels who fight Turkey because the same rebels would fight him afterwards.
And since the rebellion the YPG has become very powerful so no benefit for Turkey.

Slaughtered 500,000 civilians or does the 500,000 include the 150,000 SAA soldiers and militias killed, and around 150,000 opposition rebels killed. Around 20,000 YPG killed. 100,000+ civilians killed.
Figures are disputed.

Yes Turkey can tell the GCC and Egypt to go hell but it still needs partnership and allies in the region. If it makes Russia, SAA, Iran as enemies. What benefit will this bring to Turkey?

Turkey should be thinking of getting rid of YPG as they are separatist and then make a deal with Syrian government to not let their territory be used against Turkey. Then give the Safe Zone back to Syria and bring the opposition and Syrian government on one page for a unified government.

This way they can have good relations with Syria, Russia and Iran and also keep the PKK and YPG in check. Also send back the 3,000 000 refugees.

What do you think are Turkey plans for Syria because if SAA is enemy and so is YPG then what can Turkey do? Conquer all of Syria?
The offensive is halted it seems.
Turkey already succeeded and won the war with fear factor alone. The main objective was to destroy the Kurdish dream of self rule and drive YPG away from its borders, the goals have been achieved.

I highly doubt Turkey is interested in facing backlash and sanctions from the entire world just to satisfy some mercenaries. Erdogan is smart. He uses Islam to draw the arabs behind him until he achieves what’s best for Turkey. The “Syrian national army” mercenaries are in for a surprise. If they want to face the SAA and it’s allies the Turkish troops won’t be on the frontline with them, which means the Russian Air Force will obliterate them.

Excellent news for Syria though. This step has saved thousands of lives and possibly a year or two of conflict.
Northern Cyprus is especially vulnerable to an Egyptian invasion which has Mistral amphibious assault ships armed with Ka-52K combat helicopters.

2 MISTRAL LHD can carry max 2.000 soldiers
on the other hand there are 40.000 Turkish troops , STINGER MANPADS , Tanks , Howitzers , AFVs , IFVs and MLRS in N.Cyprus

N.Cyprus is only 70km away from Turkey .. Turkish Transport Aircrafts ( A400M , CN-235 , C-160 , C-130s and Helicopters S70 , AS532 , CHINOOKs can carry thousands of Turkish troops to be in N.Cyprus within hours

even Egyptian Navy can not reach to Cyprus because of Turkish Airforce will welcome them
btw Pathetic Egyptian Navy's 2 MISTRAL LHD easly will be destroyed by Turkish Navy within hours

and of course S400 Air Defense System to turn Egyptian Fighter Jets into crap of metal over the Eastern Mediterranean

-- Turkish Navy has more anti ship missiles than Egyptian+Greek Navies combined
-- Turkish Navy has more air defense missiles than Egyptian+Greek Navies combined
-- Turkish Airforce has far more cruise missiles than Egyptian+Greek Airforces combined

better Egypt should worry about upcoming Turkish Ballistic , Cruise Missile and Kamikaze Drone attack capability

-- 280/500 km SOM-SOM-ER air launched Cruise Missiles
-- 800/1400 km GEZGIN land and naval based Cruise Missiles
-- 1000+ km BORA Ballistic Missile
-- 1000/2000 km KARGI Kamikaze Drone
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That is what make them angry. They acknowledge it something like middle finger to their ego.
View attachment 583980
Whatt? Turks tackle french in Paris? That is crazy
The match is draw. Great !! Selama
So are you saying there is no MB as Syrian opposition in Turkey?

Blunder because it has become difficult for Turkey since the Syrian rebellion started, Bashar al Assad was no threat to Turkey and he did not support the Kurdish rebels who fight Turkey because the same rebels would fight him afterwards.
And since the rebellion the YPG has become very powerful so no benefit for Turkey.

Slaughtered 500,000 civilians or does the 500,000 include the 150,000 SAA soldiers and militias killed, and around 150,000 opposition rebels killed. Around 20,000 YPG killed. 100,000+ civilians killed.
Figures are disputed.

Yes Turkey can tell the GCC and Egypt to go hell but it still needs partnership and allies in the region. If it makes Russia, SAA, Iran as enemies. What benefit will this bring to Turkey?

Turkey should be thinking of getting rid of YPG as they are separatist and then make a deal with Syrian government to not let their territory be used against Turkey. Then give the Safe Zone back to Syria and bring the opposition and Syrian government on one page for a unified government.

This way they can have good relations with Syria, Russia and Iran and also keep the PKK and YPG in check. Also send back the 3,000 000 refugees.

What do you think are Turkey plans for Syria because if SAA is enemy and so is YPG then what can Turkey do? Conquer all of Syria?

This is better solution for turkish. First destroy the separatist made peace for a while maybe with assad. And wait until syria more stable

So there are agreement with SDF and SAA
SDF will absorbed under russian control
I have Syrian friends. My colleagues are Syrians and in my neighborhood alone there are two Syrians families are living.
All of them despise Assad while you who I doubt ever met a Syrian in his life supports Assad which is understandable as most of the Indian Muslims are cucks in nature and can't stand for what is right.

You should ask yourself, what kind of Syrian will be comfortable in the place you are living in - Saudia ??

Would he be the secular type who would support the Syrian government ??

Will a Christian Syrian ( like our own member @Syrian Lion ) feel comfortable in Saudia ??

I believe you but are they returned? How many did return then?

That I don't know. Maybe some have returned. I have to do a detailed search for that.

If Assad stays in power i think the most will not return. I hope some serious candidates will emerge in the elections

Well, I would say that Assad is the best hope for now.

After the war, Assad can consult with the Syrian citizens and should step down as President if the Syrians want him to.

What I desire for Syria is for it to become more Socialist by adopted the Direct Democracy Socialism system that governed Libya until 2011.
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